Red Dead Redemption

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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Smoove_B »

That is odd as I also thought it autosaved your game when you complete a challenge. Regardless, I did have a similar thing happen to me in town so now I save early and safe often. The only bad thing about that is that it advances the clock 6 hours, though sometimes that can help.

I haven't seen any bugs, though I've really only been at the starting ranch and the first town. I would hate to think they polished the hell out of those two areas and let the rest of the game fall apart.

I did the same thing with the lasso -- I was riding back to town and a bandit tried to kill me. I quickly pulled my...rope and lassoed him...but I didn't know what to do and ended up dying. I suppose following up and learning how to hogtie would make sense.

I'm not sure if it's a bug but it is annoying that after you complete a bounty (dead or alive) you're repeatedly attacked by wave after wave of outlaws until you return to the town. I could understand an attack or two if you're taking the guy back alive, but why bother me when he's dead? And the waves just don't stop - should you be inclined to loot their corpses.

There are definitely some strange UI decisions. The one that was bothering me last night was trying to get feedback on whether or not I was doing a good job trying to break a bucking horse. I was definitely getting frustrated trying to understand if what I was doing was right.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Brian »

I sometimes have a hard time with the weapon selection wheel. Last night I was working a multi-stage quest where the final task was to capture the bad guy. I was positive that I had selected the lasso but when I caught up to him and tried to rope him I instead pulled my rifle and killed him with a single shot. Quest failed.

Well there's an hours worth of work that I'm gonna have to do over again.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Smoove_B »

I'm like the OCD Cowboy now - constantly checking to see what I'm armed with. And now I am kind of nervous about accidentally equipping the laser lasso like Lawbeef did.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Octavious »

I wandered up to a lady getting lynched and decided to help her. I shot out the rope in dead eye mode and then started fighting off the bandits. The jerks shot my trusty horse Rusty and paid with their lives. I take back what I thought about there being too many random encounters. Once you get away from the main town it does seem to drop down a ton and doesn't seem overdone at all.

I found the first treasure after looking it up online as I didn't understand the map at all. I was running around in circles looking for the darn tree. :(
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Peacedog »

Doomboy wrote:GTA did this much better.
I think it's kind of a mixed bag. GTA would dump you at a hospital for an "open world" death. But mission death usually required you to taxi back to the freaking mission. At least here you can restart from checkpoints.

The lesson, as always, is that Crackdown is best. Why we aren't going for that model, I don't know.
Smoove wrote: I'm not sure if it's a bug but it is annoying that after you complete a bounty (dead or alive) you're repeatedly attacked by wave after wave of outlaws until you return to the town. I could understand an attack or two if you're taking the guy back alive, but why bother me when he's dead? And the waves just don't stop - should you be inclined to loot their corpses.
I'm of a mixed mind here. I like the idea that you have heat to deal with. But I found the constant respawning silly. I fought 4 waves; I didn't figure out until 3 that stopping to loot was costing me valuable time. I was a long way from where I needed to turn in, though, so 4 eventually appeared.
There are definitely some strange UI decisions. The one that was bothering me last night was trying to get feedback on whether or not I was doing a good job trying to break a bucking horse. I was definitely getting frustrated trying to understand if what I was doing was right.
Hahah. As near as I can tell, it's just audio queues from Marsten or whatever his name is. Listen for "I've almost got you" or something similar. One thing I do like about horse taming is that it's not a traditional QTE. QTEs are fucking abominations.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Smoove_B »

I'm back and forth on the game. There are really awesome moments punctuated with moments of total frustration. Case in point - trying to lasso a horse was a combination of luck and finger jujitsu. While I can appreciate that it's difficult in real life, it doesn't have to be nearly as ponderous while playing a game. It's pretty much:

Chase wild horse
Hold stead and then QUICKLY dismount your horse
Continue to hold and then mount wild horse
Hang on for dear life

Spent a lot of time doing that last night. Frustrating as all hell.

Then I have a moment where I'm creeping up on a bounty, trying to assess the situation from behind some rocks. He's with a bunch of friends so I'm slowly creeping around looking for the best spot to start taking shots. I find the best place and start unloading my rifle. Then the screen spins and there's a got-damn COUGAR on my back, pulling me to the ground. Damn thing was stalking me as I was stalking them. While I'm dazed on the ground it runs off to kill the enemies horses, causing all kinds of additional confusion. It was crazy, but it added a surprise element I wasn't at all expecting on a routine bounty.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying the HELL out of the game...but damn are there some frustrating moments.
One thing I do like about horse taming is that it's not a traditional QTE. QTEs are fucking abominations.
They can be. Sometimes they work well, most of the time they frustrate me too.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Terrified »

MULTIPLAYER is a hoot.

Last night just happened to have a few friends on who suggested we just try out the multiplayer. We started a multiplayer game (easy) and found ourselves with a bunch of level 1 desperados on donkeys. :) So we decided to go after a local bandit gang. Turns out they have a lookout on top of a building with a rifle. So he's picking us off nicely while we're flinging prayers with a rusty pistols to try and take him down. After a bit, we realize this is just a losing proposition, so we decide I'll sneak around behind while my buddies provide cover fire.

This actually works! They keep pinging shots off his cover on the roof while I sneak around back unnoticed. I wind up climbing the ladder to his spot and killing him from behind with a knife! Woot! Now I have a nice shiny rifle, and from my vantage point, I'm behind the rest of the gang. Now I start picking guys off from behind. When they turn around to face me, I duck and my buddies rush up and shoot them from behind. It was glorious. :)

Flush with victory, we decide to help a town that has some bandits holed up in the local church. While we are getting into position, one of my buddies gets sniped. We have no idea where it came from, so we quickly set up all of us covering a different area, and then another guy sticks his head up. I saw a flash from a darkened 2nd story window! My buddy dives back behind cover, and I just blind shoot at the gun flash... And I get a kill shot! (Kinda cheap that I have no idea if I even hit anyone until I get the "+$10" message, telling me I got a kill. A little bit of an illusion breaker. :) )

So now we're trying to figure out how to assault the church. There's a huge main door and a small back door. So we all cluster at the main door, and send the only one of us with a shotgun to the back door. The plan is he'll kick open the door, blast away with the shotgun then dive to safety. Meanwhile, we'll all take advantage of the distraction and burst in, pistols flashing. We do the 1, 2, 3... and shotgun says "GO!". We fling open the main door... Only to find all the bandits under cover and looking right at us. We get massacred under a hail of bullets. Soon the chat is full of "WTF?". And shotgun guy says "Uh, which button opens the door?" LOL.

So, long story short, we finished the night all lvls 5-7 and vowing we were going to get the posse back together this weekend. Multiplayer has some bugs (at one point, one of our gang wound up in a different world than ours so he was standing next to us but couldn't see us and we couldn't see him. Easily fixed by having him drop out and rejoin.) but I'm sure they'll work it out. In the meantime, it was a hoot. You can choose from different body types, so I took a Mexican fellow with a big sombrero. I then latched onto one of the other players and got into character. "What do we do now, Cisco?" or " 'Let's went, before we are dancing at the end of a rope, without music.'" (said with thick Mexican accents)

(I should mention, I'm not old enough to actually be familiar with The Cisco Kid & Pauncho, but I discovered them after reading the Stephen King story "The Raft")
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Peacedog »

Smoove_B wrote: Hold stead and then QUICKLY dismount your horse
FWIW, you might find that if you lose the horse in this time (I did last night in one instance), you can quickly re-lasso it. The lasso seems to have some good range (in addition to death dealing capabilities).

I find aiming from horseback, while on the move (which you are doing when trying to tame a wild horse), difficult. It's less difficult when just shooting. I'm not quite sure why. There are alot of UI things I have issue with, actually. The "move ponderously by default, hold A to run, tap A top sprint" mechanic. The fact that I have to hold A to stay at a certain speed on horseback. The fact that the map is one level deep in the menu (I know they wanted to have quick item access on the back button, or start button, whichever is which. But I really want one button to bring up the map, I do it a lot).
They can be. Sometimes they work well, most of the time they frustrate me too.
They really don't ever work well, and yes God of War I am looking closely at you, and I don't care what anybody says. They are the worst mechanic to creep into gaming in the last however many years. I quite like Just Cause 2's "hop around the car/chopper and deal with the denizens" mechanic (an organic QTE like the horse taming, if you will), but I hate that you then have to follow it up with a traditional, lame, button-mashing QTE.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Octavious230 wrote:
I found the first treasure after looking it up online as I didn't understand the map at all. I was running around in circles looking for the darn tree. :(
Question: Did you start with Treasure Hunter rank I? I found my first map but it starts Treasure Hunter rank II. I found the spot but not the treasure. Before I pixel hunt, I wonder if I need to start with rank 1?

I didn't find breaking horses that difficult. The lasso part was the hardest, I still can't master shooting from a moving horse (they always seem to stop moving), but the bucking part was easy. Just tap (don't hold) left or right based on how far your guy is sliding off the horse. It's very forgiving. I'm pretty sure it's just timed. Stay on long enough and you break it. You can't speed the process up by staying on better.

Poker is a lot of fun. It seems there's always a big bluffer in the group. I had one guy go all in with 150 chips in a $25 game with 4 clubs showing, no strait (flop/river/whatever it's called). I had the ace of clubs. I almost bailed because of the size of the bet but said, "screw it." I won, of course, with a flush, ace high. Him? He had a 10 in the hole to match the 10 of clubs showing. It seemed every game has had one of those so far. There also seems to be a coward in every group. A guy you can scare off with a small raise unless he has a really strong hand. Maybe it's because I've just been playing at the ranch ($10) and in Armadillo ($25). Considering that I have an outfit that I need to wear just to get into a high stakes game in some big town makes me think the difficulty also ramps up. Hopefully.

As an aside, if you hog tie someone and put them on the railroad tracks, they disappear after a short time. :cry:

I'm pretty sure the autosaves save your quest progress but not your items. So you'll lose skins, ammo, items, etc. if you don't hit the bed but you'll keep quest progress that the autosave saved.

Finally, I did the golden guns DLC. Hopefully it's not overpowering, it doesn't seem like fame does as much as honor.
Last edited by LawBeefaroni on Thu May 20, 2010 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Booner »

LawBeefaroni wrote:I'm pretty sure the autosaves save your quest progress but not your items. So you'll lose skins, ammo, items, etc. if you don't hit the bed but you'll keep quest progress that the autosave saved.
Yeah...this is the reason I've gotten fairly anal about setting up a campsite and saving before tackling anything big.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by hepcat »

Octavious230 wrote: I've been pretending I'm Timothy Olyphant in Justified. :mrgreen:

After a few hours I wish I could pretend I was anything but "Bill Paxton lite"...
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Octavious »

LawBeefaroni wrote:
Octavious230 wrote:
I found the first treasure after looking it up online as I didn't understand the map at all. I was running around in circles looking for the darn tree. :(
Question: Did you start with Treasure Hunter rank I? I found my first map but it starts Treasure Hunter rank II. I found the spot but not the treasure. Before I pixel hunt, I wonder if I need to start with rank 1?
Pretty sure I started with Rank 1 but I have no clue if you need to go in any particular order. Once I got the first treasure I got a map to the next one..
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Octavious »

The gun fights are amazing in this game. I did one of the main storyline missions which has a few big gunfights and wow they really nailed the feel. Shooting people off their horses and busting into houses is just so much damn fun. I really need to try out MP tonight. I saw a ton of people online but everyone was playing single player and I didn't want to bother anyone. I'll be on around 9ish if anybody wants to set something up.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Brian »

Frontier justice is harsh.

I came across a disabled paddy wagon with two escaped prisoners running away and an injured and limping sherrif asking me to chase them down.

I shot the first escapee and then ran down the 2nd on horseback. I was able to lasso and hogtie him.

I brought him back to the sherrif who thanked and payed me for bringing him back.

I set the prisoner on the ground (still hogtied) and the sherrif pulled his pistol and shot him then walked away.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Octavious »

Brian wrote:Frontier justice is harsh.

I came across a disabled paddy wagon with two escaped prisoners running away and an injured and limping sherrif asking me to chase them down.

I shot the first escapee and then ran down the 2nd on horseback. I was able to lasso and hogtie him.

I brought him back to the sherrif who thanked and payed me for bringing him back.

I set the prisoner on the ground (still hogtied) and the sherrif pulled his pistol and shot him then walked away.
I had the same thing happen except I didn't hogtie the guy I dragged him behind my horse back to the sherrif and he just shot the guy. :shock:
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by hentzau »

Octavious230 wrote:
LawBeefaroni wrote:
Octavious230 wrote:
I found the first treasure after looking it up online as I didn't understand the map at all. I was running around in circles looking for the darn tree. :(
Question: Did you start with Treasure Hunter rank I? I found my first map but it starts Treasure Hunter rank II. I found the spot but not the treasure. Before I pixel hunt, I wonder if I need to start with rank 1?
Pretty sure I started with Rank 1 but I have no clue if you need to go in any particular order. Once I got the first treasure I got a map to the next one..
I started with Rank 2 as well. I spent a good 10-15 minutes trying to figure out where it was, but once I did get it figured out it was one of those head slapping "Duh!" moments. And it's not a pixel hunt, once you figure out the clues on the map.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by hentzau »

I haven't gotten the lasso yet. I need to work on that. Sounds like fun!
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Smoove_B »

I think the MacFarlane Farm is your unofficial tutorial. I skipped out early on to do stuff in Armadillo, but I'm back there now and getting stuff I probably should have had access to earlier (i.e. the lasso). Hang out there for a while and don't forget to look for missions on the night watch with the crime-fighting dog.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

hentzau wrote:
I started with Rank 2 as well. I spent a good 10-15 minutes trying to figure out where it was, but once I did get it figured out it was one of those head slapping "Duh!" moments. And it's not a pixel hunt, once you figure out the clues on the map.
Cool, as long as I know it's there, I'll look. I tried one spot and it wasn't there, I wasn't sure if I had to get rank 1 first or not.

Also, I have pretty sharp vision and I was having some blur issues. I spent about 10 minutes adjusting my TV settings. It seems it's the game. Too bad my 360 doesn't play games.

PS3 vs. 360 AA and sub HD issues. But I can live with it, now that I know it's not me.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by hentzau »

A bit more of a hint on treasure 2 if you want it, LB...
You have to think of the map as 2 separate drawings, 1 and 2. I missed that the first 15 minutes, so I spent a lot of time looking in the wrong spot
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

hentzau wrote:A bit more of a hint on treasure 2 if you want it, LB...
You have to think of the map as 2 separate drawings, 1 and 2. I missed that the first 15 minutes, so I spent a lot of time looking in the wrong spot
Thanks, I think I figured that out, with the first one showing the place at a distance and the second showing your orientation once you get there. I just gave it a cursory check, since I had a feeling that I needed rank 1 first, which I'm glad to know I don't. I was thinking, "Do I need a shovel? Do I get that with rank 1?" I guess there's such a thing as overthinking/overanticipating it. :oops:
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Doomboy »

I hear people saying they are having trouble aiming the lasso in here. You can auto target it just like guns. Just get that little dot near the horse or bad guy, and hold in the left trigger to lock on. Then lassoing him isn't going to be nearly as hard.

I did notice that the dot turns red on bad guys and green on lawmen when I was in a fight. But then I saw a guy walking away from the fight after it was over, and when I targeted him, it lit up red. So my Marsten said "Hello mister!" as I shot him dead and lost 50 honor. Nobody came after me, so I don't have any idea who he was or why he cost me honor after lighting up red.

I'd still prefer something bigger. Like a huge dot over their head, or a red or green glow around their body.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by hepcat »

Day is sucking so far. I think it's prudent that I pick up a six pack on the way home and just drink myself silly while exploring the west and drunkenly shooting my laser lasso at friendly passerbyers.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Make it whisky and that'll probably be me.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by YellowKing »

The best compliment I can pay this game is that I played for 2 1/2 hours last night and never touched a storyline mission. That's just insane for a person like me who typically enjoys linearity.

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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Ninyu »

I'm 4-0 in poker. I need to find some high stakes games because winning $100 at a time isn't good time management :)
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Any horseshoes tips? I sucked at that. My first throw ever was a ringer and after that, never even got one in the box.
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"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass

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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by YellowKing »

Horseshoe tips:

Make sure you aim every time. I noticed the first toss automatically put me in a fairly close position, but on the second toss the computer started me looking waaaay right of the target. In other words, it doesn't remember which position you were in on your last throw so you have to aim before each toss.

Other than that it's a little like the golf swing in Tiger Woods, pull back with a smooth motion, push forward, then the trigger (RT? LT? can't remember) to release. At first I was trying to go by those little marks on the swing meter to the left but I couldn't find the sweet spot. I found it easier to just watch my guy's arm instead of the meter.

The hard habit to break is releasing at the top of the swing (like you would a golf game). You have to release really early to avoid overshooting the target, but not so early you roll it across the ground (although ironically that's how I got my first ringer). The sweet spot is *extremely* small.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by MythicalMino »

anyone have any tips on getting my voice chat working on the PS3?

I have been trying, but I cannot seem to get it set up correctly for some reason....

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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by WYBaugh »

Just bought the game and played through the first hour and am wondering if I should start over? I completed the first mission with the sherrif and shot the guy in the leg and then somewhere else that killed him. The game mentioned a bounty so I retry the level and succeed in capturing him but no bounty? If once you fail a mission are all rewards off on retries?

Also I couldn't save the hooker being beaten by the drunk guy...didn't get the shot off fast enough.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by MythicalMino »

ok....exactly how do I unlock the "Duster" outfit? I read that you need "Peacemaker" honor level, but if I am reading it right, that is only a level 2 or 3 honor I correct? Does it just automatically unlock?

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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Doomboy »

MythicalMino wrote:ok....exactly how do I unlock the "Duster" outfit? I read that you need "Peacemaker" honor level, but if I am reading it right, that is only a level 2 or 3 honor I correct? Does it just automatically unlock?

I got that outfit after helping Bonnie
save the herd for the second time.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by ydejin »

Smoove_B wrote: I'm not sure if it's a bug but it is annoying that after you complete a bounty (dead or alive) you're repeatedly attacked by wave after wave of outlaws until you return to the town. I could understand an attack or two if you're taking the guy back alive, but why bother me when he's dead? And the waves just don't stop - should you be inclined to loot their corpses.
Yeah, that pisses me off. One or two waves, okay. Endless waves = annoying.
Peacedog wrote: I'm of a mixed mind here. I like the idea that you have heat to deal with. But I found the constant respawning silly. I fought 4 waves; I didn't figure out until 3 that stopping to loot was costing me valuable time. I was a long way from where I needed to turn in, though, so 4 eventually appeared
Does this mean they stop after wave 4, or that you left after wave 4?
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by YellowKing »

They don't stop after wave 4. I ran into the same thing and because I was looking for a treasure while I was out there I stayed quite awhile. I encountered more than 4 waves.

The only thing I genuinely dislike about the game at the moment is the map access. The world is so large and easy to get lost in (considering the wide open spaces and limited landmarks) that is completely kills the immersion to have to back out to the menu to look at the map. If any game screams for a quick map, this is it.

I got my golden Amazon guns from my pre-order code last night, but haven't really seen any difference other than the fact they look like something Donald Trump would have hanging above his fireplace. Ironically I ended up finding a better rifle than my gold one about 20 minutes after I logged into the game.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Daehawk »

Qiestion: Do you find new guns randomly or only at certain times? 2 days ago it said"You have looted a new gun" or something like that. It was a Volcano gun. But since then nothing. Will I find more soon or do I have to get to a certain rank / area before it happens again?

The store has nothing new.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by Octavious »

Oddly enough Amazon sent me a code for the guns in a email and the game came with a code in it. I used the code in the box and it worked so I guess I have a extra code weird... Pretty pointless and it looks kind of dumb but whatever..

After about 10 hours played I can say without a doubt this is the Western game I have been hoping would be made since Outlaws. The attention to detail and variety of missions is just outstanding. Every town I've gone into looks like it's own town. I don't get that cookie cutter feeling of things just being thrown into the game to take up space. If this carries on through the entire game I'd say it's probably one the most impressive feats I've seen. It really feels like a mix of a Rockstar game and a Bethesda game. :shock:

I tried to figure out how to join other peoples games last night but couldn't. I saw two or three people playing and wanted to give it a shot. Hopefully I can get into something this weekend.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Octavious230 wrote:Oddly enough Amazon sent me a code for the guns in a email and the game came with a code in it. I used the code in the box and it worked so I guess I have a extra code weird... Pretty pointless and it looks kind of dumb but whatever..
Amazon pre-orders had the code in the box. They sold more than the original shipment in pre-orders and the second shipment didn't have the code in the box. Since they can't tell who got it and who didn't very easily, they emailed a code to everyone.

The codes are going for ~$10 on eBay if you want to lower the cost of the game even more.

I had one of those "They're lynching my friend, help!" strangers last night. So I followed him. To the bottom of a cliff. There was no one around and he just stopped there. I used rifle zoom and couldn't see anyone, couldn't hear anyone. After a minute or so, I got the Mission Fail message. Annoying bug in an otherwise fun night.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by MythicalMino »

the only thing I wish I had (I am not begging here, though) is the Assassin's outfit, which was via a pre-order code.

I still have not unlocked the Duster. My honor title is "Drifter", which, according to the manual, is AFTER the Peacemaker title....

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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by ydejin »

YellowKing wrote:The only thing I genuinely dislike about the game at the moment is the map access. The world is so large and easy to get lost in (considering the wide open spaces and limited landmarks) that is completely kills the immersion to have to back out to the menu to look at the map. If any game screams for a quick map, this is it.
I agree. Definitely wish I could get to the map with one click.
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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Post by LawBeefaroni »

ydejin wrote:
YellowKing wrote:The only thing I genuinely dislike about the game at the moment is the map access. The world is so large and easy to get lost in (considering the wide open spaces and limited landmarks) that is completely kills the immersion to have to back out to the menu to look at the map. If any game screams for a quick map, this is it.
I agree. Definitely wish I could get to the map with one click.
I was annoyed by this too, but you can hit start and then X (PS3) right away in one motion. You don't have to wait for the menu. It's pretty much instant.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
"“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump.
"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass

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