baelthazar wrote:I was interested in Yomi, but that $70-90 price tag is daunting for the whole set. And buying the two packs seems to be relatively inefficient if you like the game. I've played the online version (although the beta is very laggy) and I can't tell if my wife (my second player) would like this at all or if the gameplay is too simple to have long term replay value. I mean it is basically a juiced up version of War.
"fortunately" for me it isn't unreasonably priced compared to the average price of boardgames in *.au :/ I haven't played it with my wife yet but my two older kids like it well enough and we've already got more use out of it than many of the games I've bought recently..
baelthazar wrote:My copy of Conquest of the Planet Earth shipped and I am anxious to get it. I am selling my copy of the 1999 Avalon Hill's Acquire to bank roll some future boardgame purchases. I'm certainly getting Wrath of Ashardalon (partially for the D&D minis) but I was considering getting Merchants of the Middle Ages (the remake by Z-man games of Die Handler) as well. Anyone played either version and can comment on how it plays 2-player? I realize it is an auction game, so that might be problematic, but I am a medievalist who studies merchants and the game looks like me all over. Otherwise I had my eye on several other games: Grand Cru, but it is getting mixed reviews; Luna, but it seems to be a standard worker placement like Macao without the awesome special ability cards; Earth Reborn, but it might be hard to convince the wife to play such a heavy tactical combat sim; Glen More, but the dummy player might not be fun; or the Dragon expansion of Defenders of the realm, but it seems high priced for what you get.
Anyone play any of these (outside of Glen More)?
we've played
Conquest of Planet Earth three times - it is basically
Last Night On Earth reskinned with a couple of new mechanisms, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I wish there's been an option for the Martian figures to come with their cool helmets factory-attached since I'm never gonna paint mine and they don't fit together well enough for me to feel happy gluing them.
and I was totally psyched for
Earth Reborn but my copy has component issues - one of the sheets of tiles is so poorly cut that I irreparably damaged half the tiles I pressed from it before quitting (and I'm pretty good at safely pressing tiles) - I can't get replacements from the local retailer I purchased it from and I'm currently waiting on a response from Zev at Z-Man, but I expect any replacement sheets (another of my sheets has minor problems and I've asked for it to be replaced also) to take months to get here and to be severely battered when they arrive - individual cardboard sheets don't travel well by international post

I fear ER is going to be a $100+ write-off for me, much too expensive to buy a second box for spare parts.