Mr. Fed wrote:noxiousdog wrote:Obama will win easily. Probably more easily than last time.
Now, hold on a second. The economy is still shitty.
The question is where it will be in a year and a half.
We're still fighting all over the place,
This is true. OTOH, especially with Libya, Obama is showing differences from his predecessor - less involvement, but also more muddled articulation of why we're fighting and what our goal is.
spending money like drunken sailors.
Yes. While I approved the original spending to help the economy recover under Bush, IIRC, the problem was less critical when Obama entered office, and IIRC a lot of spending didn't go to what was promised (eg, infrastructure). Though, IIRC, some of the money spent was paid back.
OTOH, I trust the Republicans even less with the purse strings.
Obamacare is highly unpopular.
IIRC, when you took apart those who didn't support Obamacare because it didn't go far enough, with the people who supported it, there was a slight edge for those who supported it and those who didn't think it went far enough to those who opposed it.
Personally, as someone who wasn't very supportive of healthcare reform, I'm currently in an undecided wait-and-see state, myself.
Most of his domestic agenda has been incoherent or stalled. He's broken most of his promises about transparency, about civil liberties, about the War on Terror, etc.
Yes I've got a number of issues with him (some where he's too far to the left for my tastes, and others where he's too far to the right.)
He's increasingly unpopular.
Eh? His approval rating has been steady at about 50/50 for the last year or so (which is higher than some two termers and lower than some one termers according to an article I linked a while back)