tru1cy wrote:Wondering why Remus wasn't dropped since he stunned
Ditto. This lends credence to El Guapo not being rebellious (which was already doubtful). And it shows a panic move. Why prove someone as Empire and then not kill them? Even if you feared them being protected. I can't think of a single reason.
I assume that the overvote pissed the rebellion off. Given that, I prefer to go after those not playing ball.
So for now at least
RMC . But I'm happy to go with Unagi or Remus and to a lesser extent El Guapo.
And for those of us who get lost in the sheer numbers of this game and likely to let people slip by unnoticed, realistically,
2 RMC ------------------>
3 Tru1cy --------------- >
7 Mr. Bubbles ---------->
8 Theohall -------------->
11 Coopasonic ----------->
12 El Guapo --------------> Most probably not
13 Lord Mortis ----------->
16 Pr0ner ----------------->
17 Semaj ----------------->
18 Kenetickid ------------>
20 Isgrimnur ------------->
21 Grundbegriff --------->
The playing field is still deep but things have been looking up. Probably 4 bad guys out of 14 with Mara being a question and luke being an add on question.
Again my feeling is that we go after the people not playing ball to this point and that will be direction I push. Sadly that field is big but RMC is right up there at the top in more ways than one. And if RMC proves to be rebellious, I'll feel better about coop. Of course if he doesn't I'll feel worse about coop.
Also I'm hoping we'll see more opinions laid before Unagi and Remus lay out theirs but that's me.