ALL BSG WW Roles - Roles for future BSG games.

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ALL BSG WW Roles - Roles for future BSG games.

Post by Lassr »

Thought I'd throw these roles out here in the forum so we could have a template for developing future games (BSG or otherwise).

Saul Tigh (good Cylon) replaces Athena. Each day he may investigate a live player and learn their exact role. As soon as scan is submitted an answer will be given as soon as the moderator gets the PM.

Felix Gaeta -The only good Cylon is a dead Cylon is his philosophy. Gaeta has the ability to manipulate the vote and cast a secret vote (by PM to MOD) against a player when he feels they must be a Cylon. He may only use this ability twice. (It is considered "used" when the vote is cast and not withdrawn at the end of a lynch vote). If his vote or secret vote is part of a successful lynch of a Cylon then he may submit a list of 3 players and ask the mod if the list contains a Cylon. His answer back would be Yes or No.
Gaeta is also determined to find out everything he can about the Cylons. Know your enemy. He may research a dead player each night. If they are human, that is the only info he will receive but if he researches a Cylon he will learn the role of the Cylon.

Athena (good Cylon) –Each night she can scan to find Cylons.
Athena would submit a name to scan. The answer to her question will be Cylon or Human. If Athena is lynched the autopsy will show Cylon. If she finds Galen before D'Anna she will be told that she has found Galen. If she finds Galen after D'anna she will only be told she has found a Cylon.

She has the one time power to get an extra scan during the day when a Cylon target is found; to determine which Cylon was detected (may be used anytime as long as that Cylon is alive). Cylons will know they were scanned when used.

Boomer (good Cylon)-scans for Athena. If found then she is linked and knows who Athena has scanned and results.

Adama –scans for traitors. Found traitors are turned back into citizens. No limits on who he scans. Scanning Zarek returns "Not Traitor" as Zarek is the mastermind behind the plot and thus much better at hiding his allegiance.
Once a day he may lock someone in the brig. He may release them at any time during that day if he chooses. His last chance to release the prisoner is immediately after the day’s termination before bedtime. Imprisoned players can still talk but they cannot use any special powers or vote. If he chooses not to release the player during the day of imprisonment then they are automatically released at the start of the next day turn. If he imprisons a good player and the winning conditions for the Cylons is at X-1 then Cylons win. (e.g. 3 good team members remaining vs 2 Bad Cylons, imprison good guy then it is 2 vs 2.). If he imprisons the last Cylon during the night phase then there is no night kill and the prisoner is NOT released.

Helo-He has a onetime ability to kill during the day cycle (no gun involved). His identity will be revealed.

Starbuck – She can protect one person per night. If she protects a bad cylon (not Athena), She’s dead and that will override any kill selection of the Cylons. She can protect the same player more than once but NOT on consecutive nights. She may choose to protect herself or no one. Her protection carries over into the day against Doral's suicide bombing.

Starbuck each night may search for the player with the gun. If she finds the player with the gun she may interrupt that player on any day if they draw the weapon to fire. If the weapon has been passed to another person at night then Starbuck cannot disarm until she finds the new player with the weapon (She may continuously check the same person if she wishes). If the weapon is passed during the day and Starbuck has identified the gun holder on a previous night, she will notice the exchange and know the identity of the new gun holder. (If the option to interrupt is available then the Moderator will e-mail Starbuck and ask if she wishes to interrupt, as the player with the gun is about to shoot, but not who he will shoot). Her identity will not be revealed.

Doc Cottle –May revive a night kill the following day or a day kill the following night. One time power. His identity will not be revealed when power is used. Revived players cannot use any specials powers until the next cycle. (i.e. Revive at night, cannot use power until the day time or next night).
Doc may send one PM and get one reply from either the most recent night or day kill. May PM with the night kill at any time before the next death occurs. After any death during the day (including lynch victim) Doc may request the PM immediately and get an immediate reply; no waiting period. May be used on any kill no matter the method of death but it has to be the most recent kill. One usage per day cycle.

Anders (good cylon) If he is scanned by D’Anna he will maintain a connection and will know who she has scanned up to that point and who she scans henceforth. If Anders is lynched the autopsy will show cylon.

–If he is scanned by Athena/Tigh he will maintain a connection and will know who she/he has scanned up to that point and who she/he scans henceforth. If Anders is lynched the autopsy will show cylon. Athena/Tigh will only know they have found a Cylon.

Apollo –He can ask the role of a deceased player each night.
“What was the role of dead player X?” He may ask about a cylon lynched also to determine if one was Athena but he will not learn the roles of the bad cylons.. May escape #7's bomb (See Cylon #7)

Tory Foster - can find Baltar when having a conversation with him. Tory has a chance each day of identifying Baltar through casual conversation. Tory will PM the moderator her target for conversation and moderator will let Tory know if she learned anything. Tory does not PM her target, she PMs the moderator only. (First 2 days she gets 2 scans each).

Specialists - as long as one is alive you will be able to tell who was a cylon and who was not when lynched (or killed by Helo). If all the specialists are killed and Baltar is dead or joined the cylons then you will be lynching blind. May PM each other at any time.

Also has a one time ability to try and detect a cylon during the day before a lynch but will be revealed as a specialist. One time power can be used by only one specialist. Results of scan will be released immediately to the public.

Admiral Cain –If she is involved in the lynching of a cylon then she will get one free scan that night. If she is involved with the lynch of Baltar his identity will be revealed upon lynch.

–may kill one player during the day, after a secretive event happens known only to her. Her identity is revealed. . Cannot reveal, talk about or answer questions about her secret event or it is like therapy and she loses the ability. Secret event may include other abilities beside killing. But killing will be one of the powers.

may kill two players during a day cycle. She may use both kills on the same day or split the kills between 2 days (do not have to be consecutive days). Cannot be the player with the majority of lynch votes against them, Her identity is revealed. Cannot reveal, talk about or answer questions about her secret event or it is like therapy and she loses the ability.

Roslin & Billy-(Masons) Know each other and are in continuous communication. Also either may send one anonymous PM each night to a player of their chose. PM is sent to moderator, Mod forwards it to target player.

Anastasia She can learn if a player has scanned another player (day or night). At the start of the night phase she submits her watch order. She watches that player (that night and following day)to see if they are paying particular attention to another. If the player she watches scans someone she will know which player was scanned and she will learn what the scan revealed. Cannot scan the same player more than 2 times and cannot be 2 days in a row.

Romo Lampkin - Each night he can submit 5 players for scanning. His scan will reveal if there is at least 1 cylon in the group. The number of Cylons in his grouping will not be given. He may do this each night with any set of 5 players (rescanning of a particular player each night is allowed). Once the living player pool reaches 5 players remaining in the game or at a time he chooses before then, he may request the final number of Cylons in his pool of 5 (day or night). At that time the number of Cylons in the pool he submits will be given. He may not scan anymore after that point. (Number of players scanned at a time will be reduced for games with fewer players)
-He gets a free scan if he is involved in the lynch of a Cylon (or some other event).

Good guy/potential bad guy

Galen Tyrol
–He is unsure of his loyalty after discovering he is a Cylon but continues to assist the humans. If he is found by Athena he will give his sidearm to another player of his choice at anytime during the game (day or night after the night found), that player then will have the ability to kill during the day cycle (does not replace the lynch). Galen will give the player the gun and they will exchange info (allowed one PM to each other). The player with the gun then may use it at anytime during the day cycle. (As a good Cylon, he will not use the sidearm, and yes he could accidentally pass it to a bad Cylon).

If found by D’Anna, he will then have the one time ability to kill during the day. He will count toward the Cylons side and have access to the forum. (If D'Anna finds him after Athena, she will just be told his role and he will not switch sides to the Cylons at this point).

If not found he counts for the human side but will not use the gun or pass the gun.

If the gun is fired, the ID of the shooter will be revealed (not their role).

Baltar –Each night he may ask if a particular player is Six.
“Is player X six?” He will receive a yes or no answer.
If he finds Six then he will defect to the cylon side and be able to PM with Six only for the remainder of the game as long as Six is still alive.
Baltar CANNOT PM the other cylons. (So if the bad guys choose to set up their own forum Baltar cannot have access to it). If the 3 specialists die and Baltar is still on the good side he will take over the identification of Cylons.(There will be one night of no autopsies between the specialists death and Baltar taking over).

It is not Baltar’s nature to announce who he is but the role may be played as the player chooses.

Cylon #10 - 1 crew is a hidden Cylon (does not know they are cylon) if in the search for Baltar they find hidden cylon#10 then cylon is activated and have access to other cylons (#7 if contacted) and the search for Baltar stops. But Baltar may continue to search for six. If six is dead then the other cylons may continue the search for #10. Cylon #10 will scan as cylon by Athena at all times. Cylon #10 counts as good as long as unconverted. (Athena and Baltar cannot be #10). #10 loses any special abilities of the character he/she was before activation.


Citizens – Citizens have no power other than voting.

Bad Guys

Cylon #7 –Daniel-The cylons do not know you are a cylon. You know the other cylons. If cylons attack #7 at night, cylons will be informed they found Cylon #7 and will be able to PM with #7 for the remainder of the game. #7 may also plant a bomb in one crew members cabin on any day. (May only be done once). He may detonate it any night after the night he plants the bomb.
If bomb is planted in Starbucks cabin she will not be killed if she is out protecting someone else that night. If planted in Apollo's cabin, he will not be killed if he is out investigating a dead players role.(Starbuck or Apollo will know it was their room that was targeted)

If the bomb detonates against the same player the Cylons are trying to kill there will be only one death. The Cylons will kill the player and #7 will then blow up the corpse.

If Six, Cavil and Leoben and #10 (if converted) are killed before finding Cylon #7 then Cylon #7 takes over the role of choosing the nightly targets (scanning for #10 and the kill). #7 would get access to any Cylon forum and/or results from all the Cylons previous moves through a memory dump from the resurrection ship. If Baltar has switched sides and is still alive #7 still gets to choose the nightly victim. Baltar only chooses if he is the only one remaining.

Cylon #12 –The cylons do not know you are a cylon. You know the other cylons. If lynched you detonate and take out anyone of your choosing.
If cylons attack #12 at night, cylons will be informed they found Cylon #12 and will be able to PM with #12 for the remainder of the game.

If Six and Cavil are killed before finding Cylon #12 then Cylon #12 takes over the role of choosing the nightly target. If Baltar has switched sides and is still alive #12 still gets to choose the nightly victim. Baltar only chooses if he is the only one remaining.

Brother Cavil – He can ask the role of a dead human each night (same powers as Apollo).

D’Anna-each night she may research the background of a living player to determine their role If she finds Galen Tyrol before Athena, he will switch to the Cylon side.

Aaron Doral – May at anytime during the day cycle use explosives to kill himself and a player of his choice but only if there is a least one lynch vote against him (votes by bad Cylons, including self, do not count) If Starbuck protected Doral's target the previous night then Doral will explode but his target will be saved. Starbuck's identity will not be revealed.

-once during the game he may secretly administer a sedative to one of the players during the day cycle. That player is unconscious for the remainder of the day cycle and may not post, vote or use any special ability during that time. Player wakes at the start of the night cycle. If he administers the sedative at a time when the winning condition for the Cylons is at X-1 then Cylons win. (e.g. 3 good team members remaining vs 2 Bad Cylons, administer sedative then it is 2 vs 2.)

Leoben - has a mysterious psychic connection to Starbuck but does not know her identity. Each night he may scan a human and ask if the human is Starbuck. If Starbuck is found he may once during the game psychically interrupt Starbucks protection (prevent her from protecting one night).

Ellen - she sleeps with a player of her choice each night. That player, if he has a special role, cannot perform any special functions that night. Cannot sleep with the same player more than once. Ellen can be denied her nightly adventure by a Starbuck protection of that person.

Twice during the game she may search the players room she is sleeping with to determine if they have a special role, but not what role they play. Results of scan would be special or not special. She may slip her victim a drug so that they do not remember what happened (but if a special is blocked they will know something happened). She only has 3 doses to use.

–Each night she will be able to ask if a particular player is Baltar. “Is player X Baltar?” She will receive a yes or no answer. She gets 3 scans on the first night. 2 scans on the second night and one scan thereafter.
If she finds Baltar then Baltar defects to the cylon side and they are able to PM each other only for the remainder game as long as they live.


If she is involved in the lynch of Tigh/Cain/Athena then she gets two free scans that night; One scan of a dead player and one scan of a living player. She will learn their role. She will receive 1 free scan of any living or dead player if the Cylons kill Tigh/Athena during the night.
May kill once during the game after a game event is triggered to allow the shot. Identity is revealed.
May manipulate one player during the game to accidentally reveal his role to everyone.
Can block one night scan by Athena at any time or may scan for Athena, if found she can block up to 2 scans by Athena.

Zarek can recruit only citizens & bad Cylons (although they will not be traitors and he will not know they are Cylons), all other specials will not become a traitor. Specials will not know an attempt to turn them was initiated. When traitor numbers (minus bad Cylons) equal remaining Cylons & humans, traitors win. Traitors will not know identities of other traitors or Zarek.

For each traitor Zarek recruits he gets the equal amount of secret over votes. (i.e Zarek has 3 traitors converted, Zarek would get his public vote plus 3 secrets votes he may cast anywhere. Once cast he cannot withdraw. Traitors may still cast their one vote.

If a Cylon dies by lynch then no traitor can be recruited the following night.

Zarek gets a report each morning of number of traitors remaining (this will include bad Cylons).

If Zarek dies then mutiny cannot happen and the traitors revert back to citizens. Bad Cylons continue on.

Possible ROLES
Last edited by Lassr on Wed Jul 13, 2016 11:27 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: ALL BSG WW Roles - Roles for future BSG games.

Post by Lassr »

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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