Star Wars WW - Game Over - Rebel Victory

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by LordMortis »

pr0ner wrote:
LordMortis wrote:
Remus West wrote:
LordMortis wrote:
Remus West wrote:I find Lordmortis more questionable currently due to his "look, I'm following player X's advice" method of voting right now. It reminds me way to much of the game he was the Sorcerer and told everyone to keep following me.
Find it suspicious all you want, I didn't start the day following anyone but maybe coop and that's to get a better feel for how he is playing. Would you prefer me to leave my vote on Grund at this juncture because that's where I'd prefer to leave it? Without knowing how many shoot people in the streets we have left nor how many the rebels have nor which other ugly tricks they have, I'd prefer not to go a day without lynching. Would that make you feel better how the day will turn out? Quite frankly, I find it fearful that you don't move when you see the direction things are going, so I'll make you happy for now.

See, why would you be at all concern about my being happy with the place you vote? You and I are almost equal in our knowledge of the game. You actually have a slight edge on me by being able to have only a small window of possible Rebel for me while I know nothing of you.
LordMortis wrote:]Assuming 7 to start and three are dead. 2 are probably Leia and R2. Guap tells us that Han is the third.
This is interesting. So you are saying that Qantaga was R2D2?

Actually I'm screwing and thinking R2 got killed as part of of an outing and you are using that as an excuse.

I'm concerned with the way worry about my vote going the direction the game is going because you seem to be looking for fall guys.
You've made multiple slips this game. Why should we suddenly choose to ignore them now?

As for your second line, I'm so utterly confused.
You can believe what you choose to believe. I don't memorize rules shifts or forty pages of posting. Once I read the rules I never had much hope for the empire anyway. If things go my way I just get to check checking into the this thread off my to do list.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

There are a number of things that point to LM being a rebel. So many that I seriously have trouble thinking he would have performed them all as a bad-guy.... In plain sight of Remus. I've got LM on my list, but there is time to test him later (IMO).

He suggested that Greedo's shot was best used on Scoop. Turns out Scoop was Solo.
He put that vote down on Chaosraven that got him within reach of R2.
And there were a couple other vote shifts that looked shifty, perhaps - but additionally, he did maintain heat on Scoop, and others, if I recall... (that's easy to fake...)

Anyhow, there was a number of things... but it was all, well, fairly un-slick, and again, I dunno - I suppose I rely on Remus' read here, as I feel LM wouldn't play like that as a wolf. (Could be Lando, spose...)

All of that can be explained away innocently, as well...

Right now, the case against him is that he said R2 was likely dead.... he clarifies that he was mistakenly thinking loosely that R2 was maybe forced out earlier (*I think we all hypothesized that Scoop was R2 for a while there). (so, I actually find the defense plausable, and the fact that he explains it - almost helps me get over the 'lando' odds.)... Frankly, just him agreeing to that CR vote is the most compelling thing against him, IMO. But we know that wasn't just Rebels... so... there.

But the Imperial Argument / Vote against him is that LM knows Qantaga as "R2" and let it out that R2 is dead? (is that what the votes are for?)
I'm asking.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

No, I'm voting for him because he's continually misconstrued the rules to cast doubt on proven good guys. The R2 slip is just icing on the cake, and his last post to me is the cherry on top.
You can believe what you choose to believe. I don't memorize rules shifts or forty pages of posting. Once I read the rules I never had much hope for the empire anyway. If things go my way I just get to check checking into the this thread off my to do list.
I mean, really now. That's his excuse for constantly screwing up the rules on multiple roles?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by El Guapo »

Random notes from re-reading the thread. Mostly for my own use, but hey, if you can make sense of them have at it.

Grund -

Good: Put Scoop at 9 votes (n-2), twice; Newcastle expressed interest in lynching; Scoop read him as rebel
Bad: Post day 1 disappearing act (Mara Jade early convert?)


Good: Voted for Scoop, 5th vote; Scoop floated lynching him;
Bad: CR participation, silence

Coop -

Good: Put Scoop at n-1; attacked by Qantaga for that; defended Trig against possible day 1 train; rejoined Scoop train late in the day
Bad: Weirdly advertised the Scoop n-1 thing; defended by Newcastle; jumped on CR train (2nd vote)


Bad: Jumped on CR train right away (2nd vote); Scoop read him as Empire; never joined Scoop train or indicated willingness to vote for him; silence

Mortis -

Good: resisted moving off of Scoop for CR even when both trains were active
Bad: Weird rules farts to make imperials look bad; switching votes without rationale

Bubbles -

Bad: Didn't vote for Scoop; defended Scoop; left lonely vote on Semaj on day 1; weird page deletion and possible deception about it; weird Remus stun 'mistake'


Good: Newcastle expressed interest in lynching; Qantaga voted for him and stuck with it;

Semaj -

Good: moved Scoop to n-2
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by El Guapo »

Re-read is mostly confirming RMC and Bubbles as my top two suspects - a lot of silence intermixed with suspicious posts. Coop and Mortis are both on my list, but beneath RMC and Bubbles, since they've done redeeming non-suspicious things (Coop was early and active on the Scoop train, for example, and went back to voting for him fairly late on day 1 when Scoop vs. CR was competitive).

So unless something changes right now I'm planning on sticking with RMC or Bubbles. I'm fine with my RMC vote for now, though I could go Bubbles.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

El Guapo wrote:Re-read is mostly confirming RMC and Bubbles as my top two suspects - a lot of silence intermixed with suspicious posts. Coop and Mortis are both on my list, but beneath RMC and Bubbles, since they've done redeeming non-suspicious things (Coop was early and active on the Scoop train, for example, and went back to voting for him fairly late on day 1 when Scoop vs. CR was competitive).

So unless something changes right now I'm planning on sticking with RMC or Bubbles. I'm fine with my RMC vote for now, though I could go Bubbles.
I could gladly go back to RMC or move to Mr. Bubbles for the first time. But all those rule farts and the R2 slip by Mortis made me have to pull the trigger on a vote for him. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any momentum going there beyond myself and Remus. Further, the utter lack of participation and votes by, currently, five players, puts us in a precarious spot with the deadline approaching on Wednesday.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

To add to that, how long are we going to continue to reward those players for their play by leaving them in the game? At this point, it's becoming more likely that the Rebels have a chance at winning by sheer lack of participation - why would the Rebels kill non-playing Imperial? As the number needed for a majority vote gets lower and lower, and with so many people refusing to participate, we could wind up having end game days go by with no one getting lynched. Such a scary proposition.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I have failed you people. Vote me off if you want, but you are barking up the wrong tree. I am sorry that I am such a distraction,but I eat rebel scum for breakfast. I don't know many more ways to say it, but the longer you don't vote me off the better.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by tru1cy »

I would much rather vote off a silent player than a active player. If push comes to shove I can vote for RMC
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by LordMortis »

It's been a long dinner and bath.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by El Guapo »

pr0ner wrote:To add to that, how long are we going to continue to reward those players for their play by leaving them in the game? At this point, it's becoming more likely that the Rebels have a chance at winning by sheer lack of participation - why would the Rebels kill non-playing Imperial? As the number needed for a majority vote gets lower and lower, and with so many people refusing to participate, we could wind up having end game days go by with no one getting lynched. Such a scary proposition.
That's a fair point. And one of the reasons that I've cast my vote for RMC at the moment is that he is basically one of the silent - as Unagi detailed, he piped up somewhat on day 1 in fairly content-free ways, and piped up a little around the Newcastle lynch and today when his name started circulating as a possible lynch target. But no real analysis on who is a rebel, and (currently) no vote. Indeed, in his most recent post he said he was silent, though purportedly as some kind of strategy.

Beyond RMC, our other no votes are tru1cy, Semaj, KK, and Grund. I'm not sure I see any of them as more likely rebel than RMC. Grund's radio silence has gone on long enough that I could see running him up the flagpole at least to n-2 to see if that attracts his attention, though; maybe with two promising targets that I am reasonably confident in getting the votes on (RMC / Bubbles), we might have time to do that today.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

El Guapo wrote:
pr0ner wrote:To add to that, how long are we going to continue to reward those players for their play by leaving them in the game? At this point, it's becoming more likely that the Rebels have a chance at winning by sheer lack of participation - why would the Rebels kill non-playing Imperial? As the number needed for a majority vote gets lower and lower, and with so many people refusing to participate, we could wind up having end game days go by with no one getting lynched. Such a scary proposition.
That's a fair point. And one of the reasons that I've cast my vote for RMC at the moment is that he is basically one of the silent - as Unagi detailed, he piped up somewhat on day 1 in fairly content-free ways, and piped up a little around the Newcastle lynch and today when his name started circulating as a possible lynch target. But no real analysis on who is a rebel, and (currently) no vote. Indeed, in his most recent post he said he was silent, though purportedly as some kind of strategy.

Beyond RMC, our other no votes are tru1cy, Semaj, KK, and Grund. I'm not sure I see any of them as more likely rebel than RMC. Grund's radio silence has gone on long enough that I could see running him up the flagpole at least to n-2 to see if that attracts his attention, though; maybe with two promising targets that I am reasonably confident in getting the votes on (RMC / Bubbles), we might have time to do that today.
The issue with Grund is that, while looking through his post history to get that post count, I've noticed that he's still posting elsewhere in the forum. His silence is deliberate, not a result of happenstance or life interfering.

I'd much rather vote RMC than Bubbles today. Is everyone else already on Bubbles willing to go along with that?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by El Guapo »

That's a fair point, and I'd be fine with poking Grund today too.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

Alright, let's see what happens.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

Just chiming in here.

El Guapo, your re-read analysis basically reads just like mine (that's a good sign, I think)
RMC and Bubbles very much stand out, LM and coop do as well, but have those other moments that help to exonerate them to a degree...

Regarding our vote today, I think we need to be realistic and also not flirt with Missing a Lynch. Let's get RMC tested, tomorrow - who ever is alive can argue for Mr Bubbles (I hope) and then the rest of the playes can have fun with the beds they have made.

Really, with a Player Showing as we have seen on this Game Day, what level of participation do you think we will have for today and tomorrow...

We learn from every lynch, running people up to N-2, 'with the goal not to lynch them, but to move to RMC or Bubbles later', servers very little - IMO.

Lord Vader wants RMC extinguished.

pr0ner, your points are valid - but I see absolutely no reason not to rid ourselves of RMC (and Bubbles) before we start checking in the silent corners. If we didn't have two such perfect Rebels sitting here - I would be perfectly fine lookiong under the quiet rocks with you.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

pr0ner wrote:Alright, let's see what happens.


There is a small little part of me that worries you are Mara Jade converted, and that you know Grund is a glorious miss (of a number of possible varieties)
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by LordMortis »

If you insist RMC then RMC it will be, especially as time for the day is running down. The worst thing is that I'm not even sure a lynch will happen on anybody today.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

Unagi wrote:
pr0ner wrote:Alright, let's see what happens.


There is a small little part of me that worries you are Mara Jade converted, and that you know Grund is a glorious miss (of a number of possible varieties)
Nope. Not Mara Jade.

Though, answer me this - why would a good Grund be so quiet?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by coopasonic »

RMC (6)<---------------El Guapo, Unagi, Coopasonic, Mr. Bubbles,Theohall, Lord Mortis
Mr. Bubbles <------ Isgrimnur
Grund<------ Pr0ner
LordMortis<------ Remus West

This is where I have it right now. RMC back to N-2. Remus and pr0ner can close it out.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by El Guapo »

Yeah, why not.  Grundbegriff 

Honestly, we have plenty of time - the deadline is tomorrow at 9 pm EST. RMC got up to 6 votes (n-2) pretty readily. Pretty easy to imagine Remus voting RMC, then it's just one more. I'd like to use the time we have to get as much information as possible, both from Grund and from observing other people vis-a-vis Grund.

The question that's unsettled in my mind is if the Grund train gets going and Grund remains silent, do we go through with the lynch? Pr0ner's right in that it seems more-and-more difficult to square Grund's silence with goodness.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by LordMortis »

When I was going off on that, I was informed that he was probably a wookie and it was best to let him lay. I'm wondering if y'all are just screwing with me.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Semaj »

I'd much rather see someone else tested over rmc atm...

Lord Mortis for example.

Pr0ner is also pinging my possible baddun radar (but then again, he's the one I am least sure on... has he come out somewhere and I missed it? He's playing a skoch reckless imho).

If I had to guess 3 right now... Pr0ner, LM and Bubbles.

I could go grund, his silence is deafening.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by coopasonic »

No vote (hint):
2 RMC ------------------>
3 Tru1cy --------------- >
17 Semaj ----------------->
18 Kenetickid ------------>
21 Grundbegriff --------->
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by tru1cy »

I really could vote for Grund, but I would like to know why Unagi thinks this is a bad play. He's been too silent along with KK. Why have the dead weight for end game?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

pr0ner wrote:Though, answer me this - why would a good Grund be so quiet?
I can think of absolutely no good reason, other than just RL crap... but even that, would normally come with more 'sorry, just can't give this the time it needs' type posts.

Sadly, "why would an Evil Grund be so quiet" is also a good question....
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

Semaj wrote:I'd much rather see someone else tested over rmc atm...

Lord Mortis for example.

Pr0ner is also pinging my possible baddun radar (but then again, he's the one I am least sure on... has he come out somewhere and I missed it? He's playing a skoch reckless imho).

If I had to guess 3 right now... Pr0ner, LM and Bubbles.

I could go grund, his silence is deafening.
Wow. Thanks for this post Semaj.

I really can't figure out why anyone would feel comfy-cozy leaving RMC in the mix. But there ya have it folks, Semaj isn't diggin the RMC vote.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

tru1cy wrote:I really could vote for Grund, but I would like to know why Unagi thinks this is a bad play. He's been too silent along with KK. Why have the dead weight for end game?
I'm just 1 vote. and I am very satisfied testing RMC. today.

What is the big need to get Grund tested TODAY, instead of 'end game', where you know it will be even MORE obvious that he's still alive and silent.

I'm OK with the Silent Imperials needing to deal with the Silent Rebels.

For instance, I don't personally have any strong desire to test Coop or LM. If a bunch of Silent Imperials are left at the end game with them, then the Rebels deserve to win.

Semaj has gone up my list of suspects a great deal. Hell, I'd almost test Semaj today, before I'd want to put a vote on Grund. (and this is NOT to say that I think Grund is a good guy....)
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by El Guapo »

Semaj's post is interesting. If RMC is lynched and comes back rebel, that won't look particularly good for him (and consequently, Bubbles would move down on my suspect list).
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Remus West »

While I'm not really sold that the speed he jumped on CR does not express Empire more than Rebel (I have a hard time believing they would want folks on the opposing train that early) I do think we can get some good reads off folks by lynching him which we won't get by lynching the (even more) silent folks.

It is either him, LordMortis, or Grund IMO and I think he tells us the most.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I agree unless someone is chewie, in which case we'd know. Otherwise, since many people feel strongly about RMC I'd go for him.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Isgrimnur »

Since the Bubbles train has stalled, and in the interest of moving things forward:


I certainly don't want to see the deadline pass without some action. We're walking a fine line, and wasting opportunities is not conducive to a good resolution.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by LordMortis »

Any reason to keep from post the final vote? Are we still waiting for the end of what must be an incredibly pruney bath?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Unagi »

El Guapo wrote:Semaj's post is interesting. If RMC is lynched and comes back rebel, that won't look particularly good for him
Not particularly. :)
El Guapo wrote:(and consequently, Bubbles would move down on my suspect list).
Let this old veteran-you-can-trust tell ya, that would be a mistake.

IF Mr.Bubbles is a Rebel - He would be OK putting a vote on his fellow Rebel, especially since it looked like this day was either One or the Other... If they are both Rebels, they both wanted to come out 'tomorrow' looking more imperial.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by tru1cy »

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by pr0ner »

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by coopasonic »

RMC (7)<---------------
Mr. Bubbles,
Remus West

Grund (3)<------
El Guapo,
Lord Mortis

No vote (hint):
2 RMC ------------------>
17 Semaj ----------------->
18 Kenetickid ------------>
21 Grundbegriff --------->
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Isgrimnur »

By my extremely unofficial read, I believe that's seven votes, n-1.

I believe the current voters are:

Unagi, Coopasonic, Mr. Bubbles, theohall, Remus West, Isgrimnur, tru1cy
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by coopasonic »

pr0ner should make 8 on RMC
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 4

Post by Isgrimnur »

Yup, should be.
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