1. tichu, which I started out not knowing the rules, and only partly understand them now. The other side called tichu, but the two other people on my team got out first and second so the other team lost 100 points. I was out last, because I had both of the doggy cards which you can't ever play except in one certain situation. I'm kind of suprised it's rated so highly on board game geek. It seemed similar to other trick taking games where you have to follow the patterns others put down, but not that much better then them (especially given that I got into an unplayable state with cards that couldnt be played).
2. Another game of Acquire. This time, I only managed to have a ton of stock in the last hotel that was built up (and it wassmaller than the other two, but it had size 11 instead of 20 and 30, so it was only worth 100 and 200 less then them per stock). I also managed to have a lot of money on hand because my hotels were taken over with my having majority and minority stock in them. I got second place. The first place winner was someone who had minorities in two of the three hotel chains, plus lots of money onhand. The person who had the majority of the two largest hotels ended up spending all of his money early and we made sure to prevent him from getting more money by buying out the other hotel he had money in.
3. A couple of games of Sumeria. I got fourth place in the first game, but I managed to be king maker, which was fun. And in the second game I got second place. It's an interesting quick game.
4. We played Betrayal on the House on the Hill. We explored a lot of the house (almost al the ground floor and some other the others), when the haunt finally happened. We had haunt 42 ("Comes the hero")