Seriously, a great job moderating (a complicated one at that, and your first). And the balance in the game was interesting (in a good way), seemed designed to sway. It's good enough to play again as is (and I bet it would play out Masssively different), but with some tweaks and such - I bet it will be even better.
When the game started, we certainly felt this was hugely weighed against us. One advantage to the huge job ahead of us was simply that we could likely hide for a while... That while wasn't quite as productive as we needed it to be, in regards to specials being removed. The conversion (being a blind event that was butressed by second chances and death-bed choices) was mighty powerful, but ultimately worked like many conversion; I fear that was just my poor implimentation of it. (to my defense,
my god you all seemed so worthy of being lynched - how does one choose
) I've said it many times - I really don't think I like games with conversions as much as games without em... just personal preference I guess. I do still have fun with em, they just seem to break the concentration of the 'main hunt', I suppose.
I'd maybe give pr0ner MVP for his protections, I think without them, this wouldn't have been a Good guy win.
Lagom did pretty well too, and I hope you do gather from the evil-forums, etc - We didn't at all do this to try and 'pin it on you' and all that, so much as it constantly was something that we sorta just needed to have happen.... I'd have loved to have been rid of you.
So many forks in the road in this game.
I nearly killed Mr Bubbles the first night.
stessier wanted me to kill Mr Bubbles the night we wiffed on killing Lagom.
(still, Lagom would have found me that night/next morning, but stessier would have lived with his vial intact)
Chaos would have lived and rezzed a player (perhaps Lagom
) if we didn't see his 'look at me' for what it was.
tru1cy, that was just handed to us.
We really did have a hard win to earn in this game, IMO - if you consider how many things actually went our way somewhat randomly.
And, let that be a lesson to you Lassr, you nail me in a game with a conversion - you are going down With Me !!