OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Tonight got in games of Settlers of the Stone Age, Carcassone, and a partial game of Fleet Captains.

Settlers went really quickly. The other guys struggled getting the right numbers together and I ran away with it. Stone Age is probably still my favorite of the Settlers games.

Carcassone: I exchanged the lead with one of the two other players for most of the game with the third player lagging 10-15 points behind throughout. However, the player I was jousting with got too aggressive trying to block out a really lucrative city and instead helped the straggler complete the damn thing, to the tune of about 35 points. Up until that happened I had the game locked up but after that city scored even the 32-point net I got from farm couldn't catch me up quite enough. She ended up winning by 6 points. Blargh.

Fleet Captains: This was our first game of this. We quit after about four turns. So far I'm feeling decidedly undecided about the whole experience. :) I'd read there is a lot of luck in the game but I was not prepared for how much really depends on the luck of the draw. There are an amazing number of variables from the combinations of encounter cards, map creation, command cards, fleet composition, and dice rolls that I can imagine no two games ever playing exactly the same. However, everything is so heavily luck-driven that I could see you losing games outright just because some of those variables come together to screw you over in one way or another (ex. your side of the map doesn't jive well with your fleet composition, your encounters consistently sucked, etc). In our game, by the end of turn 4 my opponent led 7-1 and we hadn't had a single combat. Up until that point I'd drawn two encounters, one which caused me to disable a ship's subsystem until it could be repaired and the other which caused another ship I had nearly at the map's midpoint to be thrown back to the starting area. Meanwhile, my opponent drew two encounters, both positive. Additionally, my buddy was able to complete two big sensor test missions back-to-back, one for 30 and the other for 20, scoring 5 vp without ever having to venture beyond the hexes two spaces from his starting point. What allowed this: map and fleet composition were aligned perfectly, with two nebulae in his first two rows and two sensor-dedicated ships in his fleet. Meanwhile I was hitting the engines hard just trying to get him my ships into close enough range that I MIGHT pull off a combat attack or two before the game ended. At least the ability to discard mission and command cards gives you a chance to somewhat mitigate the luck of the draw. I'm hoping future plays will give us a better idea of how to manipulate the luck factor a bit as games of this weight that are also heavily luck-dependent don't usually hold my interest for long.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I have to agree that luck is a much bigger factor in Fleet Captains than I expected it to be. I've noted it in a couple of my earlier posts.

I think part of the fun for some folks is figuring out just how to deal with bad luck when it appears. It can be frustrating when it happens during your initial games, but give it a few more tries. You'll start to see where hand management and direct conflict come into play as vital game mechanics. This game really is about theme first then game second, but that's not a bad thing, imho. If you approach it with the mindset that you can't control everything, it helps. Bad things happen unexpectedly in Star Trek all the time.

Here's a couple of suggestions that Seppe came up with that were good ideas in my opinion:

1) Set the non-secret mission cards off to your side of the game board so they can be inspected at any time by any player. If you pay attention, you can see when your opponent is going to score big and you can act accordingly (especially if you're Klingon...cloak and go for your knife...and most likely score some VP for fulfilling a combat mission at the same time).

2) Keep a couple of dice with the current score displayed on them at the head of your command post so opponents can easily see where you're at. Switch to combat missions by cycling through your mission cards and then attack, attack, attack to keep them from completing missions.

Couple of things from the (pretty poorly written) rules that folks forget:

1) If you discard one or more crew members committed to a ship during a system test or combat, you can STILL play one card from your hand.

2) You can play a card from your hand against an opponent on their turn during any test (system, opposed, etc.). Unfortunately, there's not too many that specify you can play it on an opponent's ship, but there are a few. I imagine the Romulans will have a lot of screw you cards if they make it into an expansion (fingers crossed).

My first few plays I was in the same boat as you. It wasn't until I watched a better player (Seppe) grasp the core concept of the game and trash my ass that I began to understand what the game's all about. Give it a few games and see if it clicks. If it doesn't, then it's probably not your bag...and considering how many games we all go through, there's no shame in putting it up for trade or on ebay. :D

On the topic of poorly written rules, I took a glance at the Star Trek Deck Building Game rulebook last night. Whoo...am I ever glad I was taught the game by the owners of my FLGS. Talk about crappy rules! It reads as if it were written in another language then parsed through Google translate. Bad is an understatement. They use Diplomacy as a verb throughout the entire manual. I really enjoyed my initial game, but I'll get in a few games this week to see if that holds true.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

hep, didya get a game of Eaten by Zombies! in yet?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

SpaceLord wrote:hep, didya get a game of Eaten by Zombies! in yet?
Yup. Came in last week. I'm hoping to get in a game on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, the rules that come with the game are crap (seems to be an epidemic of that lately). Thankfully though, they have an updated 2.0 version on BGG.

The concept of the game seems interesting. You basically play to win and play to screw over others each turn. And when you die, you stay in the game as a zombie attacking your fellow players. I'll get a better opinion of the game after I play as it's a tough concept to wrap my mind around.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Speaking of bad rules, whoa nelly is the Fleet Captains book one of the worst organized I've ever read. I laugh at myself when I say I've been spoiled by Fantasy Flight rulebooks, but it's true. Good tips on making it easier for both players to see missions and current score. Even without those aids I paid close attention. Falling behind so far was mostly due to 5 VP worth of sensor test missions that I was just nowhere near close enough to do anything about.
hepcat wrote:My first few plays I was in the same boat as you. It wasn't until I watched a better player (Seppe) grasp the core concept of the game and trash my ass that I began to understand what the game's all about. Give it a few games and see if it clicks. If it doesn't, then it's probably not your bag...and considering how many games we all go through, there's no shame in putting it up for trade or on ebay. :D
After seeing the game played as it's supposed to do what do you think of it? Has it gotten better with more plays? Either way, this is my friend's game, so it's no skin off my back either way. :) He's a huge Trek fanboy so chances are good it'll be hitting the table again soon.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I definitely feel that the game gets better with more plays. It has so many mechanics embedded in its system that it takes a few plays to see them at work. Is it my favorite game? Right now it is, but I'm fickle so who knows what's around the corner. All I can say is that I don't regret buying it...even with the subpar game components.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

I sold several hundred bucks worth of old MtG cards, so I now have "extra" money for board games! :wub:

So this week I've ordered:

Eminent Domain
Panic Station
Urban Sprawl

However, it looks like Eaten by Zombies won't be available again until after Christmas. :x
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Boudreaux »

I sold off some miscellaneous gaming stuff too, and am debating whether to order both Alien Frontiers and Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War. It's been so long since I've bought anything, I think I just want to have some new shrink-wrapped games to crack open.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

SpaceLord wrote:hep, didya get a game of Eaten by Zombies! in yet?
Okay, I got a game of EBZ in last night. Like the title of one review I read noted, "If you can figure it out, you'll probably enjoy it."

In short, it's a very interesting take on the Deck Building genre. Unfortunately, the rule books (there are now two versions out there) are just awful and so badly written that you really need to refer to boardgamegeek.com (especially the videos folks have uploaded) to grasp the nuances (and sometimes what should be obvious portions) of the game.

However, after a very brief tutorial attempt, we were off to the races. Once it got going, I really enjoyed it. It's all about managing your losses. You choose each turn whether you're going to fight or flee the zombie horde, which is simply a card drawn from a zombie deck of variable strength zombies that have to be faced each turn. Other players can add zombie cards in their hand to the horde at the beginning of each player's turn as long as they meet the value requirement to do so.

If you fight and defeat all the zombies in the horde, you can buy "swag" (guns, ammo, stuff to help you win); if you fight and fail, you lose cards equal to the attrition value of the horde you lost to. If you flee and win the struggle, you can buy swag, but then lose cards equal to half the attrition value of the horde you escaped; if you flee and lose you lose cards equal to the entire attrition value.

The game starts slowly with folks easily winning struggles, but then turns into a bloodbath around the 5th or 6th turn as the horde just grows ridiculously large and other players add to it to screw you. You start losing ginormous amounts of cards and you soon find yourself...well...a zombie. At that point you can still play cards to the horde against the other players but you also have a zombie threat pool that causes unique effects to occur depending on the value.

I loved the game. I can't wrap my mind around the strategy, but that's because it's such a different take on deck builders that it requires a whole new way of thinking.

We also got in a game of Star Trek the deck building game. Another game with horribly written rules, but fun game play. It took us about 4 or 5 turns to start seeing how it's played, but once it got going I think we all enjoyed it. It plays a bit more like a standard dbg, but includes a lot more chance for direct confrontation as well as upgrading cards/ships.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

good news and bad news.

good: Days of Wonder now has a free-to-play rendition of Memoir '44 available on Steam. Looks great.
bad: It's not really free-to-play - it's "free to try". Essentially, you have to keep paying to play. No thanks.

Edit: more info on the pricing scheme from someone at BGG:

-The games I played costed me three gold ingots (GIs) each.
-I can buy 125 GIs for US$5.00 ($0.04 each), so each game was $0.12.
-Buying larger bundles of GIs lowers the unit price. I think I saw a bundle of 1,000 for $30, so $0.03 each.

That's fairly reasonable, but from someone who owns a ton of games (including C&C Ancients and Battlelore, games that share the card-driven system in Memoir) and gets more than my share of face-to-face gaming time, having to pay anything for a virtual version is not really a viable option.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaosraven »

Went to RevHempus' place to play edh Magic with him and kenetickids wife (as kk has a dayjob and had to get some sleep). Eight games played from 1am to 7am, at which point chaosfaerie began the 'where are you' phone calls. Won and lost one each with my Rayne deck and my Kresh the BloodBraided, then went 3 of 4 with Ghave. RevH playing Vish Kal (vampire, black/white) took the third game and the last game, which should have been kk's wife moment, but she didn't press her advantage in time to pull it out, so her only win was the first game. Sorting thru cards at work tonight, I found about a dozen tweaks for my three decks and some old combos I need to build around for my sons birthday next week, as he wants a night out gaming with the old man.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Daveman »

I've been playing Memoir 44 Online off and on since it was in beta testing. I think the pay-to-play model is a good one. You're not paying a monthly fee for a game you might not wind up playing very much, and as you've noted the cost per game is pretty cheap. The trial version gives you I belive 50 free ingots... with battles costing 2 or 3 ingots each.

I love Memoir 44, but for me the opportunities to play the board game version are few and far between. I can sit down to M44Online, find a game pretty quickly and not have to break out the boards, hexes, minis, etc. The game handles all of the rules very well, and all the terrain/unit info is a right-click away. Depending on the scenario, how the game goes, and my opponent, a game usually takes 15-30 minutes. That makes it very easy to play the game again while reversing the teams the way the game should be played... especially on many of the maps that are heavily skewed in favor of one side.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

hepcat wrote: We also got in a game of Star Trek the deck building game. Another game with horribly written rules, but fun game play. It took us about 4 or 5 turns to start seeing how it's played, but once it got going I think we all enjoyed it. It plays a bit more like a standard dbg, but includes a lot more chance for direct confrontation as well as upgrading cards/ships.
I liked it well enough that I just ordered a copy for myself, and I'm not a big fan of deck builders.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Next time we play, we need to be aware that war events are meant to be opportunities to attack each other individually...ideally the person who's vying for the victory points from the card that kicked off the war event. Playing cards from your hand to the bridge one or two at a time becomes more important during these events as you don't want to tip your hand to your ship's actual power right away.

We'll have to do some Star Trek Fleet Captains and then this for the perfect theme gaming event.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

Eminent Domain arrived today. I'll give impressions when I play it this weekend. :horse:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

SpaceLord wrote:Eminent Domain arrived today. I'll give impressions when I play it this weekend. :horse:
Enjoy! I'm really really digging my copy. The wife likes it a lot as well (which is a good thing). To me, this may be the Dominions killer - it has more strategy to it, it purer in rules, and less random (given you can take whatever role card you want during your turn with no need to spend capricious resources). We certainly like it a lot better than Race for the Galaxy, which was just plan confusing.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Out of curiosity, has anyone here had the chance to check out Labyrinth: The War on Terror? Gameplay very reminiscent of Twilight Struggle but quite different and I'm intrigued.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Jow wrote:Out of curiosity, has anyone here had the chance to check out Labyrinth: The War on Terror? Gameplay very reminiscent of Twilight Struggle but quite different and I'm intrigued.
I have it, but haven't played it yet. The VERY asymmetrical gameplay seems too daunting to teach others. It's won a few awards and folks swear by it, but I've yet to work up the courage to tackle it. It does come with a solitaire engine and I keep telling myself I'm going to try it.

...hmmm....I take a week off at thanksgiving. perhaps i should give it a go at that point.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

Jow wrote:Out of curiosity, has anyone here had the chance to check out Labyrinth: The War on Terror? Gameplay very reminiscent of Twilight Struggle but quite different and I'm intrigued.
I disliked it greatly. If you don't mind a little self-aggrandizement, I wrote this review for Labyrinth on Armchair General:

http://www.armchairgeneral.com/labyrint ... review.htm

The crux of what I said was that the game's rules are like some sort of engineering manual. I tried to play solo and got bored half-way through after realizing that I'd screwed up key rules several times. The tense dynamic of Twilight Struggle just wasn't there either.

As a side note, do people mind me posting a review I wrote on another site here? Is that a problem? I figure it saves me time retyping and provides information quickly. But I posted links to my articles over at Quarter to Three and Tom Chick told me to stop doing that and that they "had let this get out of hand before." I'm not sure I understand what the problem was, other than Chick wanted to be the only voice of authority on a public forum. Of course, I had personal quibbles against the forum atmosphere that the management of Qto3 fostered and haven't posted there due to blatantly allowing hostile trolling and mocking - bigger problems IMHO than people posting links to articles they wrote.

But if people here are annoyed by this practice, let me know.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

The only issue I could see with posting a link to another site is if the other site didn't want the added traffic/had a policy against it. Other than that, I can't understand why someone would be against it. :? Especially if it's a link to something you wrote on a subject that is relevant to the thread you posted in. Personally, I'm glad you do as I like reading reviews before I buy a game or after the fact to see what others think.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

Not allowing links to a review by a respected forum member is kinda douchey. :?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

Bael: Wow, no kidding. no, have no problem at all with you linking the review. Moseying on over there now to check it out.

Edit: from your review:

L:WoT is, like TS, a long game, around 3-4 hours or more if one of the players is particularly prone to analysis paralysis (and the TS-based games are some of the worst inducers of AP).

Ugh. The guy I play TS with is sometimes prone to outrageous AP.

So was your biggest complaint that it was significantly more complex (complicated) than TS? Did you ever get a chance to play 2-player?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

To be honest, ANY game can result in AP. I've seen games of Cutthroat Caverns (a game that definitely doesn't give you a lot of choices) take ages because one player has to carefully study every single scenario that could play out. I sometimes wonder how well received a timer would be for turns. But I'm pretty certain it would result in some pretty angry words.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Remus West »

We have a remedy for anytime someone gaming in our circle begins to show signs of AP. We simply mock them for being "JimDave" and they move more quickly due to peer pressure, pride, and desire not be be designated that slow.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

I did sort of a simulated 2-player game. But again there was a lot of confusion over the rules.

Yes, my biggest complaint was that the rules were very difficult. This doesn't mean that they were poorly written - I mean the actual game-design was highly complicated to the point I felt I was playing an algorithm sim and not a game. Part of this has to do with the highly asymmetric game design - the Jihadists are VERY different that the US. So, with it being hard enough to learn the rules for the side you are playing, it is even harder to keep track of what your opponent is doing and how to counter his or her strategy. This would get better with time, but it might lead to specialization - you know the rules for the US, so you keep playing them.

Also, I really disliked how they added too many per-requisites for card play that it mitigated some of the negatives of being forced to play an opponent's card. That is a big part of TS, dealing with a hand that has some of your opponent's best cards and deciding how to either dump them or to play them and limit their impact. I didn't feel this was a big aspect of Labyrinth. Perhaps is was that I am such a fan of TS's use of slowly growing influence that Labyrinth - which operates in a different manner via government strengths and dispositions - that I couldn't get into how Labyrinth had players putting their weight into countries.

All that being said, there is a rather brilliant asymmetric strategy game in that box. It is chesslike in it's execution, and both sides have a bevy of options for slyly digging at the other side. I would say that I think the US player has a slight disadvantage and that person will feel like he or she is putting out fires everywhere while the Jihadist will be trying to play a game of distraction or bait and switch.

Part of it was that the theme left me cold - TS has such a rich an interesting theme, while Labyrinth has a theme that is almost too close for comfort.

Regarding AP - I've always found that the TS style games are inordinately locked by AP. Part of it is the 2-player downtime. The majority part is the sheer number of options (what card to play, what actions to take with the card's points, where to take the actions). Unlike Descent, Runewars, and similar games, you don't have a limited action choice. Even more, with the TS style games, you have to plan future plays according to your hand - so that adds to the AP.

Anyway, lots of people rightfully like the game. But I found that, since TS gets limited play at my house, it was better to pull out TS than push for teaching and learning Labyrinth. Both are better than 1960: The Making of a President.
Not allowing links to a review by a respected forum member is kinda douchey.
Those two words are my feeling about the entire Quarter to Three forum atmosphere. You have to expect to be flamed for any comment you make. And the management clearly want to be the only voice of authority (i.e. the Journalists). But I've groused enough about that place.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

hepcat wrote:To be honest, ANY game can result in AP. I've seen games of Cutthroat Caverns (a game that definitely doesn't give you a lot of choices) take ages because one player has to carefully study every single scenario that could play out. I sometimes wonder how well received a timer would be for turns. But I'm pretty certain it would result in some pretty angry words.
For something like Cutthroat Caverns, I think giving each player a one minute sandglass to make their move would just add to the overall chaos of the game. Of course, I've never actually played, just observed, so I may be talking out of my ass. But that hasn't stopped me before...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

It's your turn to play me in Star Trek FC, by the way. Let me know if you're free any time this week.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

So I got to not only play a 4-player game of Eminent Domain over the weekend, I also taught another group of four. It was great. Imagine a cross between San Juan and Race for the Galaxy, but with less luck involved than RftG, because you can always conquer every planet via peaceful means or warfare, and all technologies are available to purchase.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Jow »

baelthazar wrote:Yes, my biggest complaint was that the rules were very difficult. This doesn't mean that they were poorly written - I mean the actual game-design was highly complicated to the point I felt I was playing an algorithm sim and not a game. Part of this has to do with the highly asymmetric game design - the Jihadists are VERY different that the US. So, with it being hard enough to learn the rules for the side you are playing, it is even harder to keep track of what your opponent is doing and how to counter his or her strategy. This would get better with time, but it might lead to specialization - you know the rules for the US, so you keep playing them.
It sounds like this is one game that would benefit from players picking a side beforehand and giving the rules a thorough once-over before sitting down at the table. I personally don't mind playing the same side over and over, at least for the first handful of games, as familiarity seems to lead to better games.
baelthazar wrote:Also, I really disliked how they added too many per-requisites for card play that it mitigated some of the negatives of being forced to play an opponent's card. That is a big part of TS, dealing with a hand that has some of your opponent's best cards and deciding how to either dump them or to play them and limit their impact. I didn't feel this was a big aspect of Labyrinth. Perhaps is was that I am such a fan of TS's use of slowly growing influence that Labyrinth - which operates in a different manner via government strengths and dispositions - that I couldn't get into how Labyrinth had players putting their weight into countries.
Agreed - most of TS's tension comes from the feeling of having to fight off crap in your hand like you're holding on for dear life. I think I might try to track down some detailed AARs of the game to get an idea of the flow before I seriously consider picking it up.
baelthazar wrote:Part of it was that the theme left me cold - TS has such a rich an interesting theme, while Labyrinth has a theme that is almost too close for comfort.
I'm actually intrigued by the theme specifically BECAUSE it hits so close to home. Hoping it gets me thinking about the subject matter in ways I haven't before.
baelthazar wrote:Regarding AP - I've always found that the TS style games are inordinately locked by AP. Part of it is the 2-player downtime. The majority part is the sheer number of options (what card to play, what actions to take with the card's points, where to take the actions). Unlike Descent, Runewars, and similar games, you don't have a limited action choice. Even more, with the TS style games, you have to plan future plays according to your hand - so that adds to the AP.
I actually think AP is necessary to some extent on for your first couple of plays of a complex game. Our first couple of games of TS were time monstrosities that we never finished, but for good reason because we were really trying to wrap our heads around a new system. However, that should lessen quite a bit as players gain more experience and so far for my gaming buddy it has not. I'm mostly okay with it because I'd rather play than not, but am much less patient when it's going on 3 am and I have to work the next morning. :?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

hepcat wrote:It's your turn to play me in Star Trek FC, by the way. Let me know if you're free any time this week.
This week kinda sucks. Next week?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

hepcat wrote:It's your turn to play me in Star Trek FC, by the way. Let me know if you're free any time this week.

I wish I lived closer to you guys. I have only been able to play this twice, and both times was with someone who never played before.

I do have a gaming group, but too many in the group for that game (usually 4-6 of us).

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

MythicalMino wrote:
hepcat wrote:It's your turn to play me in Star Trek FC, by the way. Let me know if you're free any time this week.

I wish I lived closer to you guys. I have only been able to play this twice, and both times was with someone who never played before.

I do have a gaming group, but too many in the group for that game (usually 4-6 of us).

Since I cut back on my drinking during game nights, I've been getting invited to play more often. I think not falling facedown onto the board at the one hour mark has proven beneficial for me.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Remus West »

hepcat wrote:Since I cut back on my drinking during game nights, I've been getting invited to play more often. I think not falling facedown onto the board at the one hour mark has proven beneficial for me.
My understanding is that it has absolutely killed your ability to strategize though so there is a balance.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Remus West wrote:
hepcat wrote:Since I cut back on my drinking during game nights, I've been getting invited to play more often. I think not falling facedown onto the board at the one hour mark has proven beneficial for me.
My understanding is that it has absolutely killed your ability to strategize though so there is a balance.
You've played games with me before. When have I ever displayed even a rudimentary knowledge of strategy?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Remus West »

hepcat wrote:
Remus West wrote:
hepcat wrote:Since I cut back on my drinking during game nights, I've been getting invited to play more often. I think not falling facedown onto the board at the one hour mark has proven beneficial for me.
My understanding is that it has absolutely killed your ability to strategize though so there is a balance.
You've played games with me before. When have I ever displayed even a rudimentary knowledge of strategy?
I didn't realize there was strategy to dwarf pr0........errrr....the games you play with Chaosraven.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

Talk about analysis paralysis. ;-)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

Elder Sign for iOS and Android?

Yes please.

(Available in the next few weeks, they're saying...)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by T »

hentzau wrote:Elder Sign for iOS and Android?

Yes please.

(Available in the next few weeks, they're saying...)
Also, Cyclades is due out this month and Summoner Wars and Tigris and Euphrates soon. Not that I've played any of them, but I'm trying to get into board games through my iPad.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by El Guapo »

hentzau wrote:Elder Sign for iOS and Android?

Yes please.

(Available in the next few weeks, they're saying...)
Nice. I don't have a tablet, but I do have an Android phone. I hope this would work well on it.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

T wrote:
hentzau wrote:Elder Sign for iOS and Android?

Yes please.

(Available in the next few weeks, they're saying...)
Also, Cyclades is due out this month and Summoner Wars and Tigris and Euphrates soon. Not that I've played any of them, but I'm trying to get into board games through my iPad.

Through the Ages(Top 5 game on on BGG)
Le Havre
Alien Frontiers

Are all coming by February as well. :wub:
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