2012 Elections

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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Eightball »

YellowKing wrote:I don't find it funny, I find it frightening. We have a sitting President with some of the worst approval ratings in years (yes, he's even LESS popular than W was at this point in the election), and our alternative is a bunch of SNL characters. :grund:
Just think. While 44% approval is pathetic, it's almost 5x the approval rating of Congress...
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2012 Elections

Post by Canuck »

Pyperkub wrote:
YellowKing wrote:We need an inspirational leader right now in this country, and Obama definitely ain't it. Heck, if not for the occasional shot of him frolicking in Hawaii I wouldn't even know we had a president.

The problem is I don't think any of the Republican candidates are inspirational either. So this election will all come down to policy. Perhaps that is a good thing. I voted for the inspirational guy last time and look where it got me.
I just can't fathom a McCain-Palin as inspirational, much less any better, even from your more conservative perspective than mine, and I'm pretty sure you don't think a wet slimy turd would have gotten bin-laden and the other terrorists that Obama has gotten.

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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Isgrimnur »

Barney Frank is out:
Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, a quick-witted and outspoken voice of the liberal House caucus for more three decades who helped write the most sweeping overhaul of the nation’s financial systems since the Great Depression, announced Monday he wouldn’t seek re-election next year.
Mr. Frank, 71, who is considered the most prominent openly gay politician in the country, said during a press conference in Newton, Mass., that he initially planned to seek a 17th and final two-year term before retiring. But he said he changed his mind in part because redistricting would leave him with a significantly different constituent base.

“To go into a new district - 325,000 people new - and ask them to trust me with being their advocate on their problems, and then say, by the way, that expires in two years. … I would have a hard time telling people that,” he said.
Mr. Frank, who is as deft discussing fishing rights issues vital to his coastal district as he is Wall Street-related matters, said he plans to spend his post-congressional career indulging in two passions - writing and advocating public policy issues.

“I expect to be saying the exact same things as a private citizen … a year and a month from now that I’ve been saying as an elected official, but I think I will find my motives less impugned, and I will be able to talk more about the merits,” he said.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Pyperkub »

Canuck wrote:
Pyperkub wrote:
YellowKing wrote:We need an inspirational leader right now in this country, and Obama definitely ain't it. Heck, if not for the occasional shot of him frolicking in Hawaii I wouldn't even know we had a president.

The problem is I don't think any of the Republican candidates are inspirational either. So this election will all come down to policy. Perhaps that is a good thing. I voted for the inspirational guy last time and look where it got me.
I just can't fathom a McCain-Palin as inspirational, much less any better, even from your more conservative perspective than mine, and I'm pretty sure you don't think a wet slimy turd would have gotten bin-laden and the other terrorists that Obama has gotten.

Epic 4g/Tapatalk
How in the fack do you do a double post on Tapatalk??
Super crappy signal while on vacation -also I can't delete a post from tapatalk curiously enough.

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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Kraken »

MA will miss Barney Frank. Can't blame a 71-year-old man for wanting to retire, though.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Exodor »

Cain "reassessing his campaign".

Oh God, it's going to be Newt vs. Mitt, isn't it?

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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Rip »

Exodor wrote:Cain "reassessing his campaign".

Oh God, it's going to be Newt vs. Mitt, isn't it?

Looks like. I wasn't expecting to vote for Newt. :shock:
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Kraken »

Nobody expects a Newt! Wait. I'm mashing up my Python. :?
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by GreenGoo »

I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Rip »

GreenGoo wrote:I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
They want spending cuts bad enough to vote for Nixon if they thought that would make it happen.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Enough »

GreenGoo wrote:I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
I'm guessing you didn't have the post-Thanksgiving dinner conversation that I did with my more conservative family members. :D

In fairness, one of them said no way no how for Newt. But when it's Newt vs. Obama, oh well of course I would vote for Newt.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Kraken »

GreenGoo wrote:I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
They're dating Newt today, but they'll marry Mitt tomorrow. They're just having one last fling with the bad boy.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Carpet_pissr »

LOL....excellent! I am a big fan of who looks like who...and that one is just subtle enough to be brilliant.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by noxiousdog »

Little Raven wrote:
msduncan wrote:I think I'll speak for YK here when I reply that we could pick a slimy wet TURD and it would be better than what is in office right now.
Heh. I am reminded of Frum's recent thoughts on this subject.
But the thought leaders on talk radio and Fox do more than shape opinion. Backed by their own wing of the book-publishing industry and supported by think tanks that increasingly function as public-relations agencies, conservatives have built a whole alternative knowledge system, with its own facts, its own history, its own laws of economics. Outside this alternative reality, the United States is a country dominated by a strong Christian religiosity. Within it, Christians are a persecuted minority. Outside the system, President Obama—whatever his policy ­errors—is a figure of imposing intellect and dignity. Within the system, he’s a pitiful nothing, unable to speak without a teleprompter, an affirmative-action ­phony doomed to inevitable defeat. Outside the system, social scientists worry that the U.S. is hardening into one of the most rigid class societies in the Western world, in which the children of the poor have less chance of escape than in France, Germany, or even England. Inside the system, the U.S. remains (to borrow the words of Senator Marco Rubio) “the only place in the world where it doesn’t matter who your parents were or where you came from.”
Of course, if an alternate reality gets big enough, it becomes the dominant one. We'll see how it goes.
Imposing intellect?

The most rigid class societies in the Western world? (estimates from "The Millionaire Next Door" is that 80% of millionaires are first generation.)

I can see his point, but it's hard to find in the irony.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Little Raven »

noxiousdog wrote:Imposing intellect?

Look, Obama has had his share of brain farts, and we can all point to a multitude of what we would consider mistakes. But he's still a scary smart dude.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Grundbegriff »

Little Raven wrote:Look, Obama has had his share of brain farts, and we can all point to a multitude of what we would consider mistakes. But he's still a scary smart dude.
Because he reads eloquently?
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by GreenGoo »

Grundbegriff wrote:
Little Raven wrote:Look, Obama has had his share of brain farts, and we can all point to a multitude of what we would consider mistakes. But he's still a scary smart dude.
Because he reads eloquently?
You've got the cart before the horse on that one.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by GreenGoo »

Rip wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
They want spending cuts bad enough to vote for Nixon if they thought that would make it happen.
The man in office has offered them enormous cuts already. It's not spending cuts they're after.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Alefroth »

Grundbegriff wrote:Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image

Am I wrong?
I don't know, I haven't heard Newt sing.

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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by silverjon »

Enlarge Image Enlarge Image

To be fair, adolescent power fantasy tripe is way easier to write than absurd existential horror, and every community has got to start somewhere... right?

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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by El Guapo »

noxiousdog wrote:
Little Raven wrote:
msduncan wrote:I think I'll speak for YK here when I reply that we could pick a slimy wet TURD and it would be better than what is in office right now.
Heh. I am reminded of Frum's recent thoughts on this subject.
But the thought leaders on talk radio and Fox do more than shape opinion. Backed by their own wing of the book-publishing industry and supported by think tanks that increasingly function as public-relations agencies, conservatives have built a whole alternative knowledge system, with its own facts, its own history, its own laws of economics. Outside this alternative reality, the United States is a country dominated by a strong Christian religiosity. Within it, Christians are a persecuted minority. Outside the system, President Obama—whatever his policy ­errors—is a figure of imposing intellect and dignity. Within the system, he’s a pitiful nothing, unable to speak without a teleprompter, an affirmative-action ­phony doomed to inevitable defeat. Outside the system, social scientists worry that the U.S. is hardening into one of the most rigid class societies in the Western world, in which the children of the poor have less chance of escape than in France, Germany, or even England. Inside the system, the U.S. remains (to borrow the words of Senator Marco Rubio) “the only place in the world where it doesn’t matter who your parents were or where you came from.”
Of course, if an alternate reality gets big enough, it becomes the dominant one. We'll see how it goes.
The most rigid class societies in the Western world? (estimates from "The Millionaire Next Door" is that 80% of millionaires are first generation.)
Yeah, but there aren't that many millionaires, so they're more than made up for by all of the poor people who don't become millionaires. By most measures the U.S. is behind most European countries in terms of class mobility.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Rip »

GreenGoo wrote:
Rip wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
They want spending cuts bad enough to vote for Nixon if they thought that would make it happen.
The man in office has offered them enormous cuts already. It's not spending cuts they're after.
I don't call reductions in increases cuts or general numbers we will expect some committee to actually figure out specifics on as cuts either.

They want there cuts done, figured out, and enacted before they are asked to pay increased taxes. They have become very skeptical given how seldom spending cuts actually ever happen.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Zarathud »

I prefer to view budgetary policy in real rather than nominal terms.

If you're willing to treat $1 in 10 years the same as $1 today, I'd like to see you put your money on that principle. Maybe you won't mind a bad deal as long as you don't get cut by a "loss."
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Zarathud »

Last edited by Zarathud on Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Zarathud »

post inflation! ;)
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by GreenGoo »

Rip wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:
Rip wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:I can't even imagine a conservative population so desperate that they would vote for Newt.

Good lord.
They want spending cuts bad enough to vote for Nixon if they thought that would make it happen.
The man in office has offered them enormous cuts already. It's not spending cuts they're after.
I don't call reductions in increases cuts or general numbers we will expect some committee to actually figure out specifics on as cuts either.
Neither does he. But the spin keeps on spinning. You're not alone in your opinion. It's just that your opinion is wrong. This fiasco would be already taken care of if the Right didn't keep moving the goal line. Eventually Obama stopped playing. Which was about time.

I'm surprised I'm the one mentioning this. Someone with a stake in the matter should take over.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Isgrimnur »

Cain: Stupid people are ruining America

Finally! A sentiment I can get behind (if not the candidate). :D
Cain asked voters to be skeptical of campaign "disinformation" as he continues his quest for the White House.

"Here's what I need you to do to help me get there: Stay informed," he said. "Stupid people are ruining America."
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Grundbegriff »

GreenGoo wrote:
Grundbegriff wrote:
Little Raven wrote:Look, Obama has had his share of brain farts, and we can all point to a multitude of what we would consider mistakes. But he's still a scary smart dude.
Because he reads eloquently?
You've got the cart before the horse on that one.
Eloquent reading is done by him?
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by GreenGoo »

Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Chrisoc13 »

GreenGoo wrote:Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
Pretty sure he had it right both times...
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Little Raven »

Will Newt take it after all?
We’ve frequently noted the boom-and-bust cycle of would-be Romney slayers in the GOP primary race. And Newt is currently in his ‘Angry-Birds-like’ arc across the polling chart. But like some others, I now have my doubts whether Newt’s really going to tank like the others. Look at the data from the various primary states in this article.

Gingrich is now significantly ahead of Romney in Iowa and South Carolina. And even in New Hampshire, which has always been the lynchpin and backstop of Romney’s primary strategy, Romney appears to be moving into a genuine race with Newt.
If Newt DOES end up taking it, pencil me in among the honestly surprised. I really thought his personal history alone would sink him.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Arcanis »

Chrisoc13 wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
Pretty sure he had it right both times...
[yoda] Read eloquent does he. [/yoda]
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Zarathud »

Little Raven wrote: If Newt DOES end up taking it, pencil me in among the honestly surprised. I really thought his personal history alone would sink him.
It will in the Presidential election. I practice tax law because of Newt's Reagan-era ideas and think he's the best of the bunch, but he's unelectable once the primaries end. Except for his immigration stance, Newt completely plays into the Democratic re-election plan.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Zarathud »

TapaTalk Hiccup.
Last edited by Zarathud on Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by YellowKing »

If Newt DOES end up taking it, pencil me in among the honestly surprised. I really thought his personal history alone would sink him.
Yeah, but his personal history is old news. The public only cares about fresh scandal.
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Exodor »

YellowKing wrote:
If Newt DOES end up taking it, pencil me in among the honestly surprised. I really thought his personal history alone would sink him.
Yeah, but his personal history is old news. The public only cares about fresh scandal.
The public also has a very short memory. How many people do you think really know about Newt's habit of leaving a wife whenever she gets too sick?
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by GreenGoo »

Chrisoc13 wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
Pretty sure he had it right both times...
I disagree. Now what?
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Re: 2012 Elections

Post by Anonymous Bosch »

GreenGoo wrote:
Chrisoc13 wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:Keep at it, you'll get it eventually.
Pretty sure he had it right both times...
I disagree. Now what?
No need to strain yourself, but perhaps you could expound your reasoning?
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