Whatcha Watchin'?

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Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Isgrimnur »

With all the options available these days, I think a good number of us are watching stuff that's off the beaten path, been forgotten with time, or just a bit more niche than most of the world at large would consider. So I thought that I'd put up a catch-all thread.

What are you watching / have you recently watched that you would like to share with the group?

At the moment, the gf and I are working our way through the new Doctor Who serials, and just finished up Series 3. We'll need to discuss if we want to move over to a season of Torchwood with Captain Jack before hitting the Christmas episode.

My bike time at the gym has been Season 1 of Stargate: Atlantis, but I'll likely be splitting that with Burn Notice now that it's arrived on Netflix View Instantly.

And tonight, because I like everything I've seen her in, I rented the first disc of Less than Perfect with Sara Rue. Andy Dick notwithstanding, I'll get to see some exposure to her, Patrick Warburton (if I stick with it), Zachary Levi as an entitled douchebag, and Andrea Parker, probably more famous from her work on The Pretender.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Jaymon »

Warehouse 13 and Top Gear is what i am watching now.

Torchwood is a different kind of show, i really enjoyed it, some of my friends did not. I feel that Torchwood season 3 was some of the best TV I have ever seen, and I was truly saddened by the events at the end of Season 2.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by dbt1949 »

We're watching the Firefly series again.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Hamlet3145 »

The BBC series Merlin via Netflix streaming. It's pretty lightweight fare, but I'm finding it enjoyable. Also, Giles from Buffy plays King Uther.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Odin »

I had been watching Jeremiah on Netflix Instant Watch and enjoying it very much (I like J. Michael Straczynski's work, and this had his fingerprints all over it). Of course, they yanked it on January 1st, so I'm left with the 1/3 or so of the series that I was able to watch before that happened.

I still need to finish the final half-season of Stargate: Universe before I terminate Netflix.

My wife and I just discovered Bully Beatdown a couple of months ago, so I've been TiVoing those and watching them when we have time. Funny stuff.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Skinypupy »

I recently finished watching all 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the first time, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had always written Buffy off as a cheesy teen show, and was amazed at how great it actually was. I jumped right into Angel and am about midway through Season 2. While I don't like it nearly as much (mainly because the supporting cast is pretty dull, while Buffy's was simply stellar), it's still decent and certainly shows some potential.

Tried getting into Breaking Bad recently as well, but the first 2 episodes really did nothing for me. Maybe I need to give them another look.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Archinerd »

Since most of the James Bond movies are on netflix insta-view, I started watching them in order from the beginning. I'm halfway through The Spy Who Loved Me (9th movie). Before this project, the only Bond films I had ever seen were Golden Eye, The World Is Not Enough and Casino Royale. So far I'm having a lot of fun with it, even though there are some pretty terrible movies in the bunch. It's kind of like a pop culture time capsule spanning the last 50 years.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Kurth »

Downton Abby (Season 1) - I'm not one for period pieces, and this really isn't much more than a period piece soap opera, but I have to admit I'm into it. It's really, really well done. Great acting. Great writing. Highly recommended.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by YellowKing »

I've been watching all the Star Trek movies, in order, since I've never seen any of them. I've never been a big Trek fan, but figured as a geek I should probably brush up on it.

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Archinerd »

YellowKing wrote:I've been watching all the Star Trek movies, in order, since I've never seen any of them. I've never been a big Trek fan, but figured as a geek I should probably brush up on it.

They are rather painful... :D
I will consider this for my next project.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Kraken »

Also watching Dr Who, almost done with Season 5. S6 only has four disks, so we will be caught up by the time S7 airs in the fall.

Might start Torchwood in the meantime, or might take a break from sf for awhile. I've been wanting to see the Rome HBO series.

Everything that I DVR is currently on hiatus.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by rrmorton »

Kurth wrote:Downton Abby (Season 1) - I'm not one for period pieces, and this really isn't much more than a period piece soap opera, but I have to admit I'm into it. It's really, really well done. Great acting. Great writing. Highly recommended.
Ditto. I'm about halfway through season one. I thought the first two episodes were brilliant but then it started drifting into soap-operaville with what abruptly happened to the visiting Turk. I'm still enjoying it but I've heard season 2 (which just premiered in America two days ago) was a letdown for many fans and I can sort of sense that coming already.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Peep Show on Netflix.

Stars Mitchell and Webb, is freaking hilarious. I cannot stress enough that you should watch this show.

One-line summary: The Odd Couple and Coupling get completely done on booze, drugs, World of Warcraft, dead end jobs, and failure and end up as Jeremy and Mark living in a flat in South London.

Got there from Black Books, which is sweet and funny. Also recommended but not nearly as good as Peep Show.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Anonymous Bosch »

Just finished Showtime's Homeland. Next up, season one of Steven Moffat's Sherlock:

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Scuzz »

We just re-watched the 6-7b Harry Potter movies.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by miltonite »

If you have time check out "The Lost Room". It was a SyFy miniseries. It is like 6 episodes and I really enjoyed it.

Wikipedia says
The miniseries received two Emmy Award nominations, for Outstanding Main Title Design and Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Miniseries or a Movie. It was nominated for Best Presentation on Television at the 33rd Saturn Awards. Writers Laura Harkcom, Christopher Leone, and Paul Workman were nominated for a 2008 Writers Guild of America Award.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by The Evil Dead »

Just last week, I finally started watching Breaking Bad via Netflix streaming. Yes, it took me this long.
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Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Isgrimnur »

I still haven't started it. Between all the OP stuff, I'm stalled in the middle of Farscape as well. And I have a bunch of stuff that I have on my DVD shelf that hasn't been watched.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by LordMortis »

Not much. One of the stations is playing Benny Hill reruns on Sunday nights and PBS are airing an old special series on a history/timeline of great comedians.

I'll probably watch Are you there, Chelsea when it starts. Some of her social commentary can be really good (even if I don't care for Chelsea Lately. We'll see if any of that really good translates to a sitcom.

Aside from that I'm waiting for the new seasons to start popping up. I've mostly cut out my bartime sports watching, so I'm not even watching the Wings much.

If I were smart I'd take this lull in TV time and hiatus from bar time to actually do work around the house, study professional stuff, or read but I think what I'm doing is mainly just going into hibernation.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Freezer-TPF- »

Recently finished watching Terriers on Netflix streaming. A fantastic show that only lived one season. Really, really good.

Also recently finished the entire run of A Bit of Fry and Laurie on Netflix streaming and Dexter: Season 3 on Amazon Instant (paid).

My next series will probably be The Wire: Season 1 (finally became available to buy via Amazon Instant) and maybe Burn Notice: Season 1 (Netflix streaming) for lighter fare.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Fretmute »

Skinypupy wrote: I jumped right into Angel and am about midway through Season 2. While I don't like it nearly as much (mainly because the supporting cast is pretty dull, while Buffy's was simply stellar), it's still decent and certainly shows some potential.
Angel gets quite a bit better towards the end. It really hits its stride in Season 3.

I never watched the Office, so I'm working my way through that on Netflix at the moment. That's too mainstream for the spirit of this thread, so I'll mention that I watched Tin Man (which was a miniseries, I gather). It was pretty decent, although anything with Zooey Deschanel in it gets points from me.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Rumpy »

Ice Pilots. It's a reality/documentary style show set in the Canadian north with an airline that flies old WWII planes such as the DC-3 and Elektra. It's a real airline and they're one of the few still flying these planes regularly. It's now in its 3rd season and is available on the National Geographic Channel in the US. A bit like Ice-Road Truckers, but more exciting.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6elwdyx4GU" target="_blank

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSjERZF1zfA" target="_blank

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYbxbXZGOI8" target="_blank
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Trent Steel »

Just finished season 3 of Breaking Bad and am now going through withdrawl waiting for season 4 to become available.

To sum up the show so far... HOLY SHIT! :shock:
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by SpaceLord »

Right now, I'm watching this big glowing box.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by disarm »

I'm finally through season 6 of Dexter (awesome!), so now I'm going to finish up season 2 of Carnivale on DVD from Netflix. After that, I'm hoping the HBO Go app will be out soon for the 360 so I can start streaming The Wire and watch it on my tv rather than sitting at my desk 8-)
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Exodor »

The Evil Dead wrote:Just last week, I finally started watching Breaking Bad via Netflix streaming. Yes, it took me this long.
I can beat that.

I'm working my way through The Sopranos.

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Blackhawk »

Bones (the only crime show I can stomach)

Of course, Mythbusters and Big Bang Theory are constants.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Isgrimnur »

Tonight was Sherlock Holmes in preparation for a trip to the cinema to watch the new one followed by the Titanic Christmas episode of Doctor Who.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Kraken »

I confess that I am still watching The New Girl. It's formulaic sitcommie and the cast ranges from irritating to offensive. It's a stupid show that I recommend to nobody because Zooey is mine. I could watch Zooey brush her teeth for 20 minutes. :wub:
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Fretmute »

Kraken wrote:It's a stupid show that I recommend to nobody because Zooey is mine. I could watch Zooey brush her teeth for 20 minutes. :wub:
Pfft. I called dibs 8 posts ago.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Hipolito »

I tried to get into The Wire. The first season is great. The second season is not. (Shipping containers? Really??) I watched a bit of the third season, and maybe it gets good again, but I stopped watching before that happened. Love Omar, though.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Captain Caveman »

Right now, we're watching the second season of Nurse Jackie, which is alright, and we're just about to start the 5th season of Big Love.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Baroquen »

I'm trying out a couple (free Amazon Prime) episodes of Sons of Anarchy, mainly because they're free & some friends watch the show. I'm not sold on it, but did watch a second episode. I currently put in a category with Dexter where other people like it probably more than I do. Halfway through season 2 I think (or maybe I finished it up?). Tells you how much I got into that series I guess, though I have additional seasons of it ready on DVD. I also have Super 8 to watch sometime in the next few weeks because it was 99 cents.

Might try Mad Men. Might try some Dr. Who. Might just keep seeing what's out there.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by SlapBone »

Freezer-TPF- wrote:Recently finished watching Terriers on Netflix streaming. A fantastic show that only lived one season. Really, really good.
My wife and I absolutely loved this show and watched the episodes near live (in the hour after they aired on DVR). The Logue siblings are definitely on my list of actors to watch in the future. I was pretty bummed when they didn't renew it.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Torfish »

We are working through all the Star Trek TV shows and movies in order. Very fun! And there is lots to get through. Just about ready for season 5 of next generation. My 13 year girls love next generation, who would of thought that!

My wife and I are finishing 24. We are on the last few episodes of season 8, which is an awesome season.. wow! Can't wait for the movie.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Isgrimnur »

Torfish wrote:We are working through all the Star Trek TV shows and movies in order. Very fun! And there is lots to get through. Just about ready for season 5 of next generation. My 13 year girls love next generation, who would of thought that!
Are they crushing on Wesley?
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Zaxxon »

How I Met Your Mother and finishing up Farscape, both via Netflix streaming
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Torfish »

Isgrimnur wrote:
Torfish wrote:We are working through all the Star Trek TV shows and movies in order. Very fun! And there is lots to get through. Just about ready for season 5 of next generation. My 13 year girls love next generation, who would of thought that!
Are they crushing on Wesley?
LOL. They do like him, but they like Data and Q more. They LOVE the Q episodes. Deja Q being their favorite. I must admit that episode is pretty darn funny. There are some great one liners in that one. If you don't remember it, I highly recommend to re-watch it. Next Generation is on Netflix's streaming.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by LordMortis »

Torfish wrote:LOL. They do like him, but they like Data and Q more. They LOVE the Q episodes. Deja Q being their favorite. I must admit that episode is pretty darn funny. There are some great one liners in that one. If you don't remember it, I highly recommend to re-watch it. Next Generation is on Netflix's streaming.
After the first season Q reappearances were the highlight of each season. Flowers for John Luck Pickard was some of the best Next Gen stuff. Right up there where There are four lights.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Zaxxon »

LordMortis wrote:
Torfish wrote:LOL. They do like him, but they like Data and Q more. They LOVE the Q episodes. Deja Q being their favorite. I must admit that episode is pretty darn funny. There are some great one liners in that one. If you don't remember it, I highly recommend to re-watch it. Next Generation is on Netflix's streaming.
After the first season Q reappearances were the highlight of each season. Flowers for John Luck Pickard was some of the best Next Gen stuff. Right up there where There are four lights.
Also The Inner Light, probably my favorite episode across all of Trek.
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