Had a gamenight on Friday;
Started with some Zombie Dice games. Managed to win one and ended second in the second game. Always a good game to get the night started. After Zombie Dice we went over to...
Kingsburg! This seems to be a winner to everyone who plays it ^^. Everyone seems to like this game. It was a very tight affair in the end as the difference between the first and fourth player was only 6 points! After Kingsburg we then went over to...
Atlantis! First time I played it and I really like it. It has some strategy and luck to it and it's one of the few games that I know of where you dan end with a minus score ^^. It was a close game again and I think this game might find its way to my collection one day. After Atlantis we moved on to...
Dragon's Gold! I'm really starting to love this. In short, everyone has 4 characters: a male knight, a female knight, a thief and a mage. In the middle of the board there are 3 dragons that players try to defeat. On these dragons there's a certain amount of treasure and hidden treasure. The hidden treasure gets added when a dragon is killed. The dragons are often killed by two-three or four players, once the dragon is killed, those players have 60 seconds to divide the treasure. If they can't reach an agreement, no one gets any treasure. This can lead to hilarious situations ^^. In the end I ended last in a very fun game! We then ended the night with...
Air King! A very clear review by Tom Vasel:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_ewj3141g0" target="_blank The review is also the reason why I bought it.
All in all a very fun night ~