CNN wrote:MCCAUL: Were you aware of this cable -- this August 16th cable?
CLINTON: Congressman, that cable did not come to my attention. I have made it very clear that the security cables did not come to my attention or above the assistant secretary level where the ARB placed responsibility. Where, as I think Ambassador Pickering said, "the rubber hit the road."
Now, I think...
MCCAUL: Can I ask the question: When -- when were you aware of this cable?
CLINTON: After the ARB began to, you know, gather information and material, which, of course, we cooperated with.
MCCAUL: Who within your office -- who within your office did see this cable?
CLINTON: I'm not aware of anyone within my office, within the secretary's office, having seen the cable.
MCCAUL: Within the National Security Council?
CLINTON: I have no information or awareness of anyone in the National Security Council having seen that cable.
MCCAUL: Was this cable a surprise to you?
CLINTON: You know, Congressman, it was very disappointing to me that the ARB Concluded there were inadequacies and problems in the responsiveness of our team here in Washington to the security requests that were made by our team in Libya.
And I was not aware of that going on, it was not brought to my attention, but obviously it's something we're fixing and intend to put into place protocols and systems to make sure it doesn't happen again.
MCCAUL: I certainly hope so. I think when you have a United States ambassador personally warning about the situation over there, sending this cable to your office...
CLINTON: Well if I could -- 1.43 million cables a year come to the State Department. They are all addressed to me. They do not all come to me. There are reported through the bureaucracy.
MCCAUL: Well certainly somebody within your office should have seen this cable, is my -- in my judgment.
Can I ask one last question?
CLINTON: Also, I just want to clarify. You know, as -- with regard to the security requests subsequent to the August 16th cable, our personnel in Libya had not submitted any additional security requests to Washington at the time of the September 11th attack. Now, there was an ongoing dialogue, as you know, between Libya and Washington. I think it is...
MCCAUL: Reclaim my time is very limited -- an emergency meeting was held and a cable sent out on August 16th by the ambassador himself. Warning of what could happen. And this meant this cable went unnoticed by your office. That's the bottom line.
CLINTON: Well the facts -- the facts as we have them, Congressman, and I will be happy to have people give you this in detail. The August 16th cable stated the security requests for Benghazi would be forthcoming. The RSO in Benghazi submitted to Tripoli a preliminary list of proposed security recommendations on August 23rd, but no requests were submitted to Washington before the attacks.
Now, this sound -- this sounds very complicated and to some extent it is, we're trying to simplify it and avoid the kind of problems that are identified.
MCCAUL: I hope we can fix that.