Each night the Seer can ask about a player, and is told if that player is a Villager or a Werewolf. No other roles will be disclosed to the Seer about that person, with 1 exception: If the Seer scans the Beserker Werewolf, he will be told that the player is, in fact, the Beserker Werewolf.
Werewolf Hunter
At night, the Werewolf Hunter can choose to secretly protect one other player. The Werewolf Hunter can also choose to not protect someone during the night cycle. The Werewolf Hunter cannot choose himself to protect, or the previously protected player from the previous night, if any.
If the Werewolf Hunter decides to protect one other player and the Werewolves choose to kill that same person that the Werewolf Hunter has chosen to protect that night, the player chosen will not be killed. It will be announced to the village that no one was killed that night. The Werewolf Hunter will be informed that he prevented that person’s death.
In addition, during the day cycle, the Werewolf Hunter can choose to shoot a currently living villager with a silver bullet. This power can only be used once during the game. The villager selected will be killed instantly, and it will be announced to the village if that player was a Werewolf or not. If the villager killed by the bullet was the Beserker Werewolf, the Beserker Werewolf will be killed before he has the chance to use his "instant kill" ability. In addition, the moderator will announce to the village the identity of the Werewolf Hunter.
Three of the villagers are members of a Cabal. Since they are together at night, they know each other are not Werewolves. The Cabalists can secretly speak with each other at night, and are the only villagers allowed to speak with each other via personal message during the night period. (except for the Mentalist when he is using his power) In addition, at night the Cabalists can discover the true role of one player who was previously killed. As long as one Cabalist is still alive, this power can be used, once per night.
The Medium can, once a game, hold a séance. In order for a séance to occur, a majority of the village has to vote for it for a particular player, and the player being voted on has to be dead, obviously. In addition, the Medium must also vote for the séance to occur for that player. The moderator will announce to the village who the Medium is when the séance occurs. When holding a séance, the dead player can make one post in the thread, revealing what he knew up to the point in time of his death. The player is not forced to tell the truth, they can say whatever they wish, but the information has to be presented in the actual thread only, no PMs are allowed. Thus, it is very important for any dead person from this game to not look at any spoilers or get any other information about the game until the game ends.
The Mentalist can, once per night, establish a mental link with any other living villager. Once this link is established (via the Mentalist telling the moderator whom he wishes to speak with), the Mentalist and the person selected can exchange PMs for that night cycle. Once the night cycle is concluded, the PMs must stop immediately. In addition, if the werewolves happen to attack either the Mentalist or his subject during that night cycle, the moderator will PM the 2 participants to inform them that the link was broken, which means that all PMs between the 2 would have to stop immediately. Due to the great mental strain on the subject, the Mentalist cannot contact the same person 2 nights in a row.