El Guapo wrote:going to punish it, then I think day 1 is the ideal day to do it, as the village is probably going to miss on day 1 anyways. Each successive day the village gets more info, so voting based solely on silence is giving up a progressively more informed village vote each day.
rr wrote:why is Grund's manner of play suddenly so important? It seems to be that it became a quiet issue after he posted - until Lagom's move, and now suddenly we've got a couple of folks saying we should again make it a priority.
It's always been "important" IMO. I don't think it was quiet at all and largely responsible for my vote on Theo and a big part of "grrrrr" on LL and Lassr (I think) Reading through, it looked to me LL's move from my perspective was to protect himself and Grund than to protect you. He got special treatment. He was the only absent player in LLs list to get a pass. But then from where I sit the only absent players who would ultimately get a pass
are members of the cabal, so that's my bias. OTOH, if I second guess myself, I would wonder why it's Grund who would come out as cabal. But we get a lot good games out of this.
If I read correctly the mentalist can contact LL tonight while the hunter protects him. Keeping LL as a beacon and opening the way for a trust group of 4.
They'd like to ensure that they have a good chance to kill a special tonight.
As far as I can tell their goal in kills should be 1) to improve their lot among whom to hide in. 2) Kill the circle of people whom can't be denied. Assuming LL is put is brothers in his "good" group, wolf kills should come from his good group, still leaving them with the potential problem of any wolves in his good group eventually sticking out.
Which I think is also potentially interesting. Is it better for the seer so see people in "good" group or in the not good group?
grund wrote:Too long a night to linger and wonder
And that just sound like a taunt from the guy who still does nothing.
Other assumptions on my part. LL has put some sort of code speak with brothers. That will be made apparent by LLs own words upon his death and the cipher of his bothers. RR implies that he's seen is somewhere. I'm too dense to find codes if they aren't spelled out for me. If LL hasn't set up some sort of impossible to decipher code made apparent by his comrades, I think it may be wise to start doing so now, but that's me.
tru1cy wrote:This I agree with redrun
And this I don't understand. When the only concrete(ish) things we have to go on today are
1) LL is Cabal
2) While I don't think he's been explicit about it, it's been fairly well implied that 2 of these are Cabal:
Remus West
Lagom Lite
3) Remus is not Cabal
Which is to say the there is more weight to being wolves in the remaining players and that votes in this group are dead weight. If we are to ignore LL's guidance then I am jumping right back on Theo and I think we are going to end up in a bad way today. LL has given us a narrowed field. A gift we rarely get on day one.