So the gaming night on Friday, turned into a gaming weekend. My wife went to see a friend of hers in southern Ohio, and left me with the kids on Saturday and Sunday. So what did I do? I called the guys and we played boardgames while I watched the kids.
So here is a run down of the games we played:
The Walking Dead board game
Smash up [With Expansion] (3 or 4 times)
Battleship Galaxies (an older game by Hasbro)
BattleStar Galactica
Catan Histories: Settlers of America Trails to Rails
The Catan game was very good. I was surprised, as we agreed to play it because one of the group loves train games, and he kept bringing it and we kept not playing it.

So we all grudgingly agreed to play, and it was very fun. A ton of strategic choices, and the Catan mechanic of materials and trading, and everything Catan. I will have to look into more of these Catan spin offs.
The walking dead board game, was okay. It is a zombie game, where the goal is to find 3 safe havens. You do this by acquiring followers and materials(Gas,food, and ammo). You can play coop, which we did not, and that might make it better. I am not a fan of zombie games, but this one suffered from poor rules, and some very weird mechanics.
BSG was fun, and we played this with my friends new 'girlfriend' more on that later. I love BSG, and we had 7 playing, so there was a cylon leader, and 2 cylons in against 4 players. However, the good guys started rough, and we found a cylon fairly quickly due to an event card and gaius's ability. But it took everything we had to airlock the cylon, and that led to some tense encounters where we had to lose encounters as we had no cards. <sigh> And then the 'girlfriend' dynamic. She was very nice, and showed up and we dealt her into the game, but she had to leave early, so left us with one fewer player. She was human, and it killed us not to have her cards. It also was very weird playing with someone that no one knew, and had to be on the best behavior with. She did not really talk, and I tried to engage her in conversation several times, but only got a few words back. Not rude, exactly, but certainly not comfortable, especially with a game like BSG where you are trying to get information from everyone. I talked to my friend on Saturday, and it looks like his great love has dumped him one night after meeting his gaming buddies. He's a moron for bringing her, and he is not blaming us, but I can't help but feel he made a bad choice for date night.
Smash up was terrific fun. All the guys loved the game, and we kept playing it between other games. Saturday we started playing around 2ish, and played until 2am. We finished the night with 2 games of smash up. This game has a lot going for it, and there is a Cthulhu expansion coming out soon, so that should make the game even better.
Battleship Galaxies sucks. I have a friend who is convinced it is the best game ever. I hate it. I should like it because it has little plastic ships, and some cool mechanics, but I just hate it. Maybe it is the scenarios we have played, but I have played it like 3 or 4 times, and even won most of those, and I still hate it. It feels like the game is uncompleted. There are powers that make no sense, and the ability to have 7 heroes attached to a ship is great, but you only have 3 unique heroes that can be played. <shrug> But my friend loves it. I keep suggesting he try Star Wars Minatures, for his space ship fix, but as that was not his idea he will not try it. (This is also the guy that brought his date to game night).
And other than being tired, as my RPG group got together on Sunday and played until 11 pm, way later than we usually play till. So I played board games Friday, and Saturday and then an RPG day from Noon until 11 pm. So this weekend was like being a teenager again, except I have to work on Monday, and I am exhausted.
But only a three day week this week. Well, I have to come into work on the 5th, but I'll be gone by noon.

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won. - Winston Churchill
Sheesh, this is one small box. Thankfully, everything's packed in nicely this time. Not too tight nor too loose (someone's sig in 3, 2, ...). - Hepcat