OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

"link to a solo app for the game so he could play on his own to try things out."

And what is this app you speak of?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by $iljanus »

MythicalMino wrote:"link to a solo app for the game so he could play on his own to try things out."

And what is this app you speak of?
At your service, sir. It's discussed here:

http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/875898/ ... -x-wing-ai" target="_blank

And from that thread I used this link for the app itself. Works well on the iPad.

http://xwing.runbam.com.s3-website-us-e ... onaws.com/" target="_blank

I'm using version 1.5.0 beta 2
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

thanks...will need to look into it.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Boudreaux »

$iljanus wrote:Any OOers who have this game want to share what ships they have, impressions, tips, etc.?
I bought the core set and extra X-Wing, TIE, TIE Advanced, and Y-Wing. I've mostly played with my kids. Once you get the hang of the rules and flow of the game, it's pretty smooth. I always end up feeling like games take a lot longer than they should, though. If one side or the other gets a lucky shot that results in a significant numerical advantage, success almost seems inevitable. We've had numerous games called before one side or the other was eliminated just because it seemed like a foregone conclusion.

It's also easy to get tired of the basic skirmish game. I'd really like to see scenarios or objective-based games added to it instead of just "blow the other side out of space". Would make it much more interesting. This is what ultimately led Memoir '44 to fall a little flat with me at times.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by $iljanus »

MythicalMino wrote:thanks...will need to look into it.
You're welcome. It was the perfect thing for me since I wouldn't be able to play with others all the time. My 6 yr old plays Dungeon and Flashpoint: Fire Rescue with me so I'll have to slowly introduce her to this, biding my time as she improves her skills...or not if she's not interested.

Boudreaux: There are some custom missions on BGG and you've probably seen the missions in the back of the core rulebook. The Slave I expansion has a mission as well I think and I wonder if the Falcon expansion has one as well?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Boudreaux »

$iljanus wrote:Boudreaux: There are some custom missions on BGG and you've probably seen the missions in the back of the core rulebook. The Slave I expansion has a mission as well I think and I wonder if the Falcon expansion has one as well?
It was something I was almost certain the BGG community would come up with in time. I just haven't gone back to look and see what's new.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

If you end up in Chicago for the Octocon, I can get a 7-8 player game of X-Wing on the table again. Or more likely 2 4-player games.

I have 2 base sets + 2 each small ship + Falcon + Slave 1. I'll probably cave and buy Wave 3 at GenCon.

Tried to play Jungle Brunch with the kids. A game about herbivores and carnivores eating wasn't easy for the kids to understand. I'll have to make a variant to get them started.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

Hepcat and Baelthazar...

have either of you played DoA2 solo? I just finished a 5-platter solo game....using the regular labyrinths, Lith, both bases, and the alliance labyrinth...filling in the rest with random Dome keys.

8 characters per side, 12 rounds...with Team White getting the win, 4 achievements to 3...with the combat achievement giving him the 4th one. Interesting game, as Team White came out strong, but Team Black took a strong lead during the middle rounds. Team White finally took the lead, but barely...so many crucial adventures. Only 2 characters were killed, with one (El Cid) actually being rezzed (he was on Team White, another team member had an elite item that let her raise someone in the space that they died in).

Fun, though...even in solo play.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

RMC wrote:
I actually will buy whatever Hep suggests, so this game just went onto my must have list, but I want to see the pretty pieces.
We'll play at Octocon if you come up. I'll most likely run a 6 man game at my father's over the holidays too. So you'll have ample opportunity to try it out first, if you want to wait.

I did notice that the game is sold out on CSI and Miniature Market now. Glad I pulled the trigger when I did.
MythicalMino wrote:Hepcat and Baelthazar...

have either of you played DoA2 solo?
It's not one of those games I think I would enjoy solo. I've played it with Seppe about 3 times since last Wednesday and I'm hoping for another game or two on Saturday. I've got a couple of other friends who really want to play too, so I'm finding it easy enough to round up players anyway.

Mage Knight, Dawn of the Zeds, Darkest Night, Thunderstone Advanced...those are my go to games when I want a solo experience.

Just discovered that my mother bought me Mage Wars for my birthday (along with a fantastic blu ray collection of all the Lone Wolf and Cub films). I'm looking forward to giving that a go soon.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

hepcat wrote:
RMC wrote:
I actually will buy whatever Hep suggests, so this game just went onto my must have list, but I want to see the pretty pieces.
We'll play at Octocon if you come up. I'll most likely run a 6 man game at my father's over the holidays too. So you'll have ample opportunity to try it out first, if you want to wait.

I did notice that the game is sold out on CSI and Miniature Market now. Glad I pulled the trigger when I did.
MythicalMino wrote:Hepcat and Baelthazar...

have either of you played DoA2 solo?
It's not one of those games I think I would enjoy solo. I've played it with Seppe about 3 times since last Wednesday and I'm hoping for another game or two on Saturday. I've got a couple of other friends who really want to play too, so I'm finding it easy enough to round up players anyway.

Mage Knight, Dawn of the Zeds, Darkest Night, Thunderstone Advanced...those are my go to games when I want a solo experience.

Just discovered that my mother bought me Mage Wars for my birthday (along with a fantastic blu ray collection of all the Lone Wolf and Cub films). I'm looking forward to giving that a go soon.
Oh, will wait for the Heptocon then, if I can not make it to Octocon. :)

It will also give me time to set aside the funds that I need for the game, and hopefully it gets back in stock. :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

By the way, I just noticed that the Coolstuffinc.com daily deal is centered around Star Wars X-Wing. 20.99 for the core set.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

Out of curiosity, I decided to see what other online stores were charging for DoA2. I started with Thoughthammer, which was the store I mostly used before switching over to CSI. Turns out they closed up shop on July 1. That's kind of too bad.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by AWS260 »

hepcat wrote:By the way, I just noticed that the Coolstuffinc.com daily deal is centered around Star Wars X-Wing. 20.99 for the core set.
So tempted by the Millennium Falcon for $16.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

CSI has the base DoA2 set back in stock. Now I'm questioning the purchase again. The smart move would be to just get the base game for $40. The SMARTEST move is to get neither, since I'm pretty sure the wife won't be into it, and I don't get much solo game time, and SMT4 comes out next week...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I'm betting the game will be around for a while, so waiting won't hurt. But if you really want it, and are hesitant because of the price, the base game has enough for numerous plays before you start to repeat the content in any significant way.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

I think the thing that's making my lizard brain say "buy EVERYTHING" is that I like having a ton of options, and fear that the master set will vanish.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Well, I do believe that there will be a period of waiting for the master set after this run of 2000 units is gone. They were halfway there as of last week, so unless sales reached their zenith at that point and are now declining, they probably won't be in stock much longer.

But I'm sure there will be another printing not too far in the future if it does sell out.

p.s. looks like they restocked the master set at CSI too.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

Lorini wrote:Hey baelthazar, mind putting your YouTube channel in your sig so we don't have to keep asking? :)
I'll try to remember to do that, thanks!

I haven't done a review on DOA:II yet, because it really is a massive game and a bit daunting. I was just being silly. We tend to go to Undead Viking and Tom Vassel for advice and thoughts, but I've actually gotten my best advice/impressions here, to be honest. Tom is great, but he reviews too many games and some without playing too many times (some argue at all). Undead Viking is more reliable for me, but he and I have some disagreements on certain genres.

I wanted to play a game this weekend, but no dice (pun intended). I might consider a solo play of DOAII, just to learn it, but - like Hep - I've got a lot of dedicated solo games that are likely better choices.

Krosmaster Arena was supposed to ship this week, but they seem to have pushed it back. I'm excited to get those minis!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Yeah I'm bummed about krosmaster not shipping this week. Hopefully early next week. Really looking forward to it. I dumped quite a bit of money into it...

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

That's the chibi wargame? My sister wanted that and Super Dungeon Explore. I'll probably get her SDE for her birthday.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

baelthazar wrote:
Lorini wrote:Hey baelthazar, mind putting your YouTube channel in your sig so we don't have to keep asking? :)
I'll try to remember to do that, thanks!

I haven't done a review on DOA:II yet, because it really is a massive game and a bit daunting. I was just being silly. We tend to go to Undead Viking and Tom Vassel for advice and thoughts, but I've actually gotten my best advice/impressions here, to be honest. Tom is great, but he reviews too many games and some without playing too many times (some argue at all). Undead Viking is more reliable for me, but he and I have some disagreements on certain genres.

I wanted to play a game this weekend, but no dice (pun intended). I might consider a solo play of DOAII, just to learn it, but - like Hep - I've got a lot of dedicated solo games that are likely better choices.

Krosmaster Arena was supposed to ship this week, but they seem to have pushed it back. I'm excited to get those minis!
Thanks for the link to your you tube channel. :)

And I agree I have played games with a few on here, I went to one Octocon, and one Heptocon (Hep invited me to his father's house for a day of awesome games and chicken.:) )

I think I purchased almost all the games that I played at both events. I still have a few on my must acquire list. :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

Zarathud wrote:That's the chibi wargame? My sister wanted that and Super Dungeon Explore. I'll probably get her SDE for her birthday.
Get her Krosmaster instead, unless she is a huge minis fan. SDE requires that you assemble each of the minis (exactly like Space Hulk or any other WH40K figures) and has, IMHO, a byzantine rules structure. Krosmaster is supposed to be very streamlined, easy to play, easy to teach, and quicker (I have heard people say that some of their SDE games take 3 hours, which is long for what it is).

According to the developers and the shipper, Krosmaster is all in, except for some crates of Kickstarter promo extras that have been held up at the dock in Customs. That could be bad news, as those crates could be stuck there for even a week or more (I guess the same thing happened to Reaper? Held them back for two month?). I'm hoping that it comes in pretty fast. I didn't go too crazy (actually I did, but then I chickened out and took off the extras, like the resin trees and monster figurines). I'm glad I chickened out, given that I put down WAY too much money on Cthulhu Wars.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chrisoc13 »

I shouldn't have gone crazy on krosmaster but I ended up going all in... Resin terrain and tokens, plastic coins, every promo... It was an impulse buy. I don't regret it yet... Hopefully I won't.

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

My willpower is weak. Ordered DoA2 and master set.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Trust me, you won't be sorry. It's a fantastic game that I just cannot get enough of. Planning on playing again this weekend.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

A weird part of me is trying to justify the purchase by saying that this is a game I'll hang on to and play with hypothetical future kids who will think it's SO COOL.

More than likely, hypothetical future kids will turn out to be huge jocks, and spend all their time at practices and games, leaving no time to play a nerdy game with their dad the nerd.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

On the bright side, that means they won't be like some of us.

Go to the DoAII site on BGG and read through the forums. There's one guy on there who, although he's quite pleasant, is thoroughly obsessed with the game to a degree I cannot fathom. He posts videos of himself just looking at the cards, he creates long threads about his love of the game that sometimes turn contentious if he thinks someone is disagreeing with him, etc.. I asked a question in one of his threads and immediately received about 3 or 4 private messages wanting to talk about the game.

Like I said, nice kid...but not one you'd want your children to emulate. So thank your lucky stars about that. :wink:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

The solution is to become a geek father to someone else's kids. My wife's cousin is the typical school teacher soccer mom who has a kid into Star Trek:TOS and is watching Dr. Who from the beginning. It never occurred to his parents they could buy him Minecraft and get a trivia break for months.

We rescued him from the family and took him to Origins for a day. I'm pretty sure he'd stalk Uncle Hepcat if I forwarded his info.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

It'd be far less awkward than the coworker who had his son friend me on facebook. The father's a heavy, heavy tea party member and his son is of course taking on the same traits. Everything he posts is virulently anti-dem/anti-liberal to the point of violence. Quite frankly, the kids scares the crap out of me.

Your cousin, on the other hand, was a great kid. I wouldn't have promised to get him my 10 foot Tom Baker scarf when next I'm at my folk's place otherwise.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

I love having a color printer at work. Makes printing off the Master Rules for DoA2 SO much easier. Now, if only it did automatic double-sided printing...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MonkeyFinger »

Chaz wrote:I love having a color printer at work. Makes printing off the Master Rules for DoA2 SO much easier. Now, if only it did automatic double-sided printing...
I have one available at work but man, printing personal stuff is SO not allowed... and yet so tempting. :|
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Smoove_B »


My buddy somehow sneaks printings of all kinds of crazy stuff on a color laser printer...and a giant plotter. He comes over to my house with printed gaming mats that are 2'x3' sometimes. It's hilarious. He's trying to convince someone in another department to buy equipment to laminate stuff...pretty much for gaming supplies. Awesome.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

It's kind of nice to get into the office about two hours before most people show up. Nobody really notices what one is printing... :D
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by The Rocketman »

I printed the entire Falcon 4 manual at work, which is basically a book. I was quite nervous the entire time, because my boss has a tendency to walk to the printer and read whatever's being printed. And printed pictures of cockpit dials and F16 maneuvers aren't really all that common when your job has to do with chemical analysis of soil excavation in Flanders. Got away with it though! And never played the game that much either actually...
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

I use to work late, so I was the only one at work to print out manuals in color. :)

Then I worked from home with a printer that my company provided the ink and everything. I use to print everything in color, just to have it.

And when worked asked once, I just told them I printed out some of the work manuals we had so I could read them on planes. :)
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

I got a great deal from TimeWellSpent on Duel of Ages II, and after opening the box, all I have to say is that I'm glad to finally have a game with a bacon token as a reward. :wub:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Lorini »

You guys ALMOST make me want to live in Chicago. ALMOST.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

Lorini wrote:You guys ALMOST make me want to live in Chicago. ALMOST.
Hepcat lives here. That's enough of an incentive for anyone!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

Lorini wrote:You guys ALMOST make me want to live in Chicago. ALMOST.
Hepcat lives here. That's enough of an incentive for anyone!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

Come for the gaming, stay for the food. Leave for the winter. ;)
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