OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaosraven »

Chaz wrote:
Chaosraven wrote: The hidden ending had us setting the board on fire,
Man, Talisman: Legacy is not kidding around about making permanent changes to the game.
I actually went and looked that up until I caught the RISK joke.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

The 49 games I plan to put up for sale at BGGcon, most for very little money because I value the space more than the money:
Airlines Europe
All Things Zombie: The Boardgame
Android: Netrunner - Includes two base sets, all of Genesis cycle and Spin Cycle, Broken Token box organizer and custom playmat - That's $320 MSRP, excluding the organizer and playmat.
Beowulf: The Legend
Castle Keep
Castle Panic
Catan Card Game
Court of the Medici
Cranium Turbo Edition
Cranium WOW
Crazy Creatures of Dr. Doom
Dead Panic
A Dog's Life
Drakon (third edition)
Dungeon Roll
Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game
Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
Forbidden Island
Formula D
Game of Thrones: The Card Game
Go Away Monster!
Gopher It!
JAB: Realtime Boxing
The Kids of Catan
Little Devils
Lost Cities: The Board Game
Monkey Memory
Mr. Jack in New York
Myth - kickstarter edition, played once
Pants on Fire!
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game - all decks/character expansion and several promos
Puzzle Me!
Puzzle Strike
The Rivals for Catan
Sentinels of the Multiverse - includes infernal relics, rook city and shattered timeline - all in one box
Take Stock
Worm Up!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Ænima »

Damn, sure you don't want to sell some of them on OO...? :whistle:
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

Ænima wrote:Damn, sure you don't want to sell some of them on OO...? :whistle:
I hate shipping stuff. BGGcon gives me 2500 local board gamers to sell to without dealing with packing, insuring or shipping. If there is stuff you'd really like to get your hands on, I'm listening. I'm not looking for trades (unless you have a copy of Tash-Kalar or Battlelore 2nd edition to part with) as I want to cull the collection.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Blackhawk »

Today I had a couple of friends come over, one of whom I haven't seen in quite a while. We played:

Ticket to Ride
King of Tokyo (x2)
Qwirkle (x2)
Small World

It was the first time any of us had played Small World, so we learned as we played. It was a blast, but ended up taking several hours with all the rule-checking.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

Met some new gamers recently and we met up for the third time to do some gaming. Very close to home, which is good.

Völuspá - it's a tile laying game with some interesting tile interplay, quick and fun.
Cosmic Encounter - this was the first time for 3 of the 5 of us, but we figured it out fairly quick. It was much lighter than I expected based on the look of it, but I would definitely be up for playing it again.
Letters from Whitechapel - I was playing Jack and most of the others had never played before. I got cocky in the first game and was arrested on the first night. It was a great bit of intuition by one of the players. On the second game, I let the loss affect my strategy and ran home too quickly and they were able to narrow down home pretty quick. I still managed to make it to the 4th night and then they got me on a dumb move on my part and solid strategy on theirs.
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space - This is a game I bought and then sold unplayed. I enjoyed it, but did not do very well and I'm not sure I would want to own it. Those two facts are not as related as they look in that sentence.

Best part of the night was working out a trade with the host. I'm getting my hands on Battlelore second edition (without spending money). Yay.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Smoove_B »

Friday night was a test to see how many games we could fit in where the idea is to irritate the other people playing.

After warming up with a few rounds of Love Letter, we hammered out two rounds of Cutthroat Caverns. I decided to keep the game quick (5 encounters instead of 10) as a way to shorten the game and learn the rules, and I think it worked. The rules themselves are mostly ok to understand, though a lot of the sequences and timing isn't intuitive and goes against what you'd normally think (playing potions, initiative). It was still fun even though every single hand was an exercise in seeing who would get irritated. My one friend never ever plays aggressively and I literally almost flipped the table in anger when he completely blocked me from killing a monster and earning prestige.

Next was a few rounds of BANG! -- the dice game. I don't have any experience with the card game, but the dice version was highly recommended so I figured we'd give it a try. There is strategy, but luck is also a big part. It' plays quick enough that I'd definitely recommend it, but I think four players is the minimum amount to really get the experience. There are rules for three players but I didn't care for them.

Another round of Love Letter finished the evening, and magically no one was stabbed. I do think these types of games are ideal for my monthly gaming nights to break up the time-heavy games like Spartacus (which we also enjoy).
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by SpaceLord »

This weekend I visited Estes Park, CO with some out-of-state friends, and we played:

Greed, Donald Vaccarino(Dominion designer)’s new game. I got my Kickstarter copy on Thursday. It’s a short drafting game where players are playing gang leaders, trying to collect the most money in 12 rounds. You hire thugs, own properties, and take actions(like Suicide Mission and Street Walkers). It has some light screw-you elements. Fortunately for me, but unfortunate for everyone else, the Kickstarter copy comes with these awesome, thick wooden dollar signs for investment markers. In the box, however, there’s really flimsy, puke-green cardboard markers. Blech. I liked it quite a bit, and we played 5 games of it. It’s 20 minutes or less once everyone has played once.

Kemet was also brought out, it’s still my favorite light wargame, beating out the 1812/1776 games. It was a four-player game, and was, as, always, very tight. At some point during the last turn, all 4 players were going to be at the 8VP required to win.

Star Realms is a recent addiction. It’s a 20-minute deckbuilding game, similar to Ascension, but faster. It’s better, I think, that Ascension’s basis set. We played this twice. I love the different game modes: Teams, 2 Cooperative scenarios, and 6-player Emperor games.

Lords Of Waterdeep, 5 players, with the Scoundrels expansion. This was also a great time. The expansion makes a good game great. It was also the first time I’ve ever seen the corruption track completely emptied. I did horribly: Rarely saw any quests that matched my Lord, and those quests I did see didn’t give much benefit besides VP. Still a fun time, although it took 3 hours.

Coup was also played 4 times, and is always fun: It’s my favorite bluffing game that isn’t poker, although I never won.

Great weekend!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Lordnine »

We played a 5 player game of Eclipse this weekend for the first time and everyone loved it. I would say the #7 best game ever ranking on Boardgamegeek is justified. I have actually owned it for the better part of a year but never dared to get people to play because the amount of components is daunting. That said, despite how many things are going on in the game it’s remarkably easy to understand once you know the basics.

Eclipse is basically a 4X game in a box. Each player controls an alien race and slowly explores the universe by revealing random tiles that make up the board. Players compete over technology tiles that are randomly drawn every turn. The technologies give you new weapon types, shields and armor for your ships or unlock things like star base construction and advanced mining.

Eventually you will come into combat with each other or with native life forms but what makes combat really interesting is you decide what types of things you have on your ships. Want the ultimate glass cannon? Then overload your ships with missiles that give you first strike and don’t even bother with armor. Your ships may only have 1 HP but it won’t matter if the enemy never gets to fire! Alternately, you can counter the missiles by getting really good shields that make it so the person with the first strike missiles has to roll perfect 6’s to hit you. I’m just really impressed with the amount of options given to combat.

All in all I don’t have much to complain about with the game. The only thing that really springs to mind is that it takes up a huge amount of space. I have a pretty large dining room table and there was no space left on the table after the board had been assembled. Also, this is not a short game. If you play with 5-6 people expect to spend at least 3 hours playing and another hour setting up/tearing down.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

Eclipse and Seasons are my favorite games from last year. The balance with exploration, research, economy and combat is amazing. There is a tech option out of any dead end -- if the tech comes out, and you buy it first. Aggression is rewarded but only to a limit. I have even seen a standoff where a tech player and expansion player were competing for the lead against an aggressive combat player. 30 minutes per player is right, but that's MUCH shorter than the other genre options. 4 players is the sweet spot.

Very good game and I hope to get it out again now I have the Ship Pack One and Broken Token box insert to organize everything. The cube trays make setup much easier and avoids a mess if you bump the table.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

Played Star Realm with my wife's 16 year old cousin this weekend. This may be the king of fast fun deck builders.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Lordnine »

Zarathud wrote: Very good game and I hope to get it out again now I have the Ship Pack One and Broken Token box insert to organize everything. The cube trays make setup much easier and avoids a mess if you bump the table.
Yeah, I actually ordered a set of 6 cube trays immediately after our first game. My game board was hanging about 2 inches off the table by the end of the game because the map had grown towards me as the game progressed. I was terrified of knocking my cubes on the floor.

I also ordered the Rise of the Ancients expansion which adds new races, technology and the option for permanent alliances.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

Lordnine wrote:
Zarathud wrote: Very good game and I hope to get it out again now I have the Ship Pack One and Broken Token box insert to organize everything. The cube trays make setup much easier and avoids a mess if you bump the table.
Yeah, I actually ordered a set of 6 cube trays immediately after our first game. My game board was hanging about 2 inches off the table by the end of the game because the map had grown towards me as the game progressed. I was terrified of knocking my cubes on the floor.

I also ordered the Rise of the Ancients expansion which adds new races, technology and the option for permanent alliances.
The trays are awesome. Zarathud gave me the address for a storage divider thingy, but I have not bought that yet. But it sounds like it is a needed component.

I have played some epic games of Eclipse, and it rocks. We played an eight player game once with my gaming group, and WOW, it was a lot more militaristic then smaller player centric games.

Recommend this to everyone!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

Finally got to play Cardline: Animals with my 8 year old yesterday. I wasn't able to beat him until I totally removed any handicap.

If you haven't seen the Timeline games, you really ought to check them out. They are cheap, takes seconds to explain, minutes to play and make for good discussions. Timeline: Inventions is a good starting point for adults. Cardline: Animals seems like it would be the best for kids. There are 9 freaking titles in the line all together and for the most part they can be combined for more variety.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

Ended up meeting hepcat for a few games this weekend.

Freedom - The Underground Railroad. Who knew history could make such a good board game? Hepcat had played a few times before, and warned me that it's rougher than it looks. You can lose the game (1) if you fail to get enough slaves to freedom in Canada, (2) if you fail to buy enough support to abolish slavery, (3) if you can't get the slaves away from the plantation fast enough, or (4) after 8 turns when the timer runs out. Your obstacles include slave catchers which move along tracks to intercept escaped slaves, cutting off your escape routes and sending slaves back to the plantation.

We decided at first to rush as many slaves along the Westernmost route as possible. While this ended up being pretty effective at the start, the route quickly became blocked. Then we rushed slaves up along the edge of the Eastern seaboard. That ended up costing us money in transit until the slaves there became blocked, too. We ended up with a narrow path up the center that then quickly became blocked. Fortunately, we bought up a few event cards to jump through the blockades to Canada.

By then, we had dangerously spent our funds. That quick route to the West earned us little cash, and the Eastern seaboard route cost cash. We floundered in the mid-game without funds and didn't have enough support to let us raise enough funds. So we had to risk getting the last few slaves through the slave catchers, driven mostly by the need to get them to Northern cities where their plight would raise much-needed revenue. But that forced us to neglect getting slaves away from the plantations to the South. On the last turn, we weren't going to have enough cash to buy the last support token, the slave pens would fill up and the end game timer was going to hit. We had a fundraiser, but it wouldn't happen in time to raise support or get enough slaves moving.

Luckily, the Abraham Lincoln event card came up and hepcat immediately realized its potential to turn the game around. Lincoln allows a player to buy an extra movement token AND an extra support token during the turn. Hepcat had used his cash to buy movement tokens to get slaves out of the plantations. I sat on my cash and raised the last few dollars to buy Abraham Lincoln by moving a few slaves into the Northern cities, which let me buy movement to the last few slaves out of the plantations and earn the final support token. What a close, epic game! And thematically appropriate for Lincoln to save us on the last turn! Looking forward to trying again. The balance between the objectives and the timer forces some painful choices.

Mage Wars. Every time I play, I see more combinations and want to play again...but in a week after my brain recovers.

I played an Earth Wizard, facing a Flame Warlock. My go-to monster was the Iron Golem, which is just an amazing card. They turned out to be SLOW, but brutally efficient in combat and flame resistant. Unfortunately, I wasn't and found myself lit up with two fireballs to the face while still setting up my channeling engine/battle forge. I missed a chance to retaliate because of the Warlock's Obscuring cloak, which forced me into range 1 to counter-attack while the Warlock could hit me at range 2 with his flaming whip. An Imp quickly followed by teleporting into my square, but I had my engine up and the second Iron Golem.

The Warlock saw an opportunity to finish me off with damage over time. He got in close to drop an enchantment to make sure I couldn't throw off the flames, and rolled poorly on the follow-up fireball. That allowed me to destroy the Warlock's Cloak, and the Iron Golems were threatening to return the pain. After kiting my Golems into a corner, the Warlock teleported to the other side of the board. Another fireball would have finished me off, but I had initiative. My battle forge equipped me with regeneration to offset the 2 flame damage, then I dropped a stone wall to block line of sight and cast a Cheetah Speed on an Iron Golem. He then penned hepcat in behind the wall. A Gorgon Archer then encouraged the Warlock to stand in place to build up his army, but the Iron Golems were too much. A very close game that could have turned out differently if I didn't have the dissolve and imitative, the wall or the iron golem army.

Star Realms. This is now definitely my favorite deck builder. It plays quickly once you have a few combos in play. The healing power of the Federation can be decisive, and it pairs up beautifully with the offensive power of the Blob. If you draw well. The Machine Cult really trims the deck for constant combos, and the Star Empire can get you a pretty efficient, balanced deck. The iOS version is imminent, and the Android version has already hit the web.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

My biggest regret in showing Eclipse to RMC is that he plays more than me. And that time at Origins when I couldn't invade him. I wanted to be the traitor, it's just that RMC didn't have anything worthwhile to take! Ok, those aren't really regrets. Eclipse is a great game if you're willing to add some Euro economics to your Space Conquest.

Still, I still have this cool Eclipse box organizer.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by RMC »

Zarathud wrote:My biggest regret in showing Eclipse to RMC is that he plays more than me. And that time at Origins when I couldn't invade him. I wanted to be the traitor, it's just that RMC didn't have anything worthwhile to take! Ok, those aren't really regrets. Eclipse is a great game if you're willing to add some Euro economics to your Space Conquest.

Still, I still have this cool Eclipse box organizer.
Man.. I can not wait until we play again, so I can get you back. :)

Yeah, I felt bad that last game, I should have wiped up the guy to my right, but I just felt so bad for him, as I really was rolling all 6's for the independents against him.

But I got nothing decent in any of the draws for systems. <sigh>
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Sheesh, this is one small box. Thankfully, everything's packed in nicely this time. Not too tight nor too loose (someone's sig in 3, 2, ...). - Hepcat
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

It turns out that I misread the rules that Origins game. An all-Missile ship in Eclipse can't kill planet population...unless you buy the Antimatter Bombs. That was the first time I failed to buy the Bombs as a defensive move. All my systems were well protected.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Harkonis »

Just received Legendary Villains and now need to come up with another 500 + sleeves for it and a few hundred for the other Legendary expansions. Looking forward to playing them though
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by wonderpug »

Ertic was kind enough to invite me to join his gaming group over the weekend, so I not only got to add another forumer to my "met in real life" collection, but got to have a great time and play two games I've never been able to try (Avalon) or fully try (Camelot).

Played two 10-person games of Avalon, followed by 5-player Shadows Over Camelot with the possibility of one traitor.

Avalon #1, I turned out to be evil, with the assassin special ability. It was interesting trying to read the crowd since I had just met everyone, but I used the "oh I'm new and naive!" angle to be able to get evil onto my team suggestions and to get away with suspicious voting. Evil prevailed! Yay!

Avalon #2, I turned out to be evil, and against the odds I again got the assassin special ability. This time, I knew personalities enough to make better guesses (which I was wrong about) and to see more clues about who my assassination target was (which I was wrong about). Despite my poor guessing, evil prevailed! Yay!

Shadows Over Camelot, whattaya know, I drew the traitor card. This was my first time playing the game with the traitor mechanic enacted, so it was tricky figuring out how much I could ride the line of failure. Luckily, the good guys were failing plenty on their own :wink: so there was lots of cover. Wil Wheaton taught me that the Excalibur quest was a great place to secretly discard good cards, so I tried that for a bit. I spent an excessive amount of time back at the castle drawing cards, hoping nobody noticed I wasn't actually playing cards that often. I also managed to waste a good amount of time on quests that never finished. In the post-game analysis, looks like I could have been even more aggressive with trickery, especially toward the end. But despite that, evil prevailed! Yay!

Ertic, you and all your crew were super friendly, welcoming, and fun. I had a blast, so thanks again for the invite!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

I taught a couple how to play Letters from Whitechapel. It wasn't really a fair fight, but they know how to play the game now. Of course now they can't imagine how Jack could ever lose, but I tried to convince them otherwise.

We started a game of Arctic Scavengers, but didn't get very far before we had to call it quits. I still have some hope for the game, but it seems pretty dry.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

wonderpug wrote:Avalon #1, I turned out to be evil...

Avalon #2, I turned out to be evil...

Shadows Over Camelot, whattaya know, I drew the traitor card...
wonderpug = Remus???
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Isgrimnur »

coopasonic wrote:I taught a couple how to play Letters from Whitechapel. It wasn't really a fair fight, but they know how to play the game now. Of course now they can't imagine how Jack could ever lose, but I tried to convince them otherwise.
Between the two of us, we've certainly played enough games where Jack lost, even with new players, for it to be decidedly weighted in favor of the investigators.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Isgrimnur »

This American Life - 531: Got Your Back

The first half of this week's podcast is devoted to the exploration of the Diplomacy board game.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Ertic »

wonderpug wrote:Ertic, you and all your crew were super friendly, welcoming, and fun. I had a blast, so thanks again for the invite!

Thanks for coming and joining us for our game night adventures. Everyone had a good time, and enjoyed gaming with you. You played your role extremely well, and after you left Anthony said "we shouldn't have treated him like the new guy, he knew what he was doing!" LOL

You have an open invitation for Saturdays, and we all expect to see you down the road!
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by wonderpug »

Ertic wrote:
wonderpug wrote:Ertic, you and all your crew were super friendly, welcoming, and fun. I had a blast, so thanks again for the invite!

Thanks for coming and joining us for our game night adventures. Everyone had a good time, and enjoyed gaming with you. You played your role extremely well, and after you left Anthony said "we shouldn't have treated him like the new guy, he knew what he was doing!" LOL

You have an open invitation for Saturdays, and we all expect to see you down the road!
Hoping to make it again soon! Was there anything in my list of games besides Shadows Over Camelot Defenders of the Realm you think your crew would want me to bring?

edit: Woops, wrote the wrong game
Last edited by wonderpug on Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

coopasonic wrote:The 49 games I plan to put up for sale at BGGcon, most for very little money because I value the space more than the money:
{list redacted}
I went through putting in condition comments on my game to liquidate spreadsheet and there was a recurring theme, let me see if you can detect it:
opened/punched, never played
played once
opened/punched, never played
Includes two base sets, all of Genesis cycle and Spin Cycle, Broken Token box organizer and custom playmat - That's $320 MSRP, excluding the organizer and playmat. Cards were sleeved as they were put into decks.
opened/punched, never played
played 2-3 times
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
played once
may still be in shrink?
played once
played once
played once
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
played 5-6 times, box lid may be torn a bit (Kickstarter edition)
played 4-5 times
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
Includes two track expansions, Sebring/Chicago and Hockenheim/Valencia
This is NOT the LCG. opened/punched, never played
played many times with young kids, tear in the box, game pieces are all good
played many times with young kids, game pieces are all good
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
one building needs to be reglued
opened/punched, never played
includes the first cycle of expansions
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
played a few times
played once
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
kickstarter edition, played once
played once
may still be in shrink?
opened/punched, never played
played once
first edition
opened/punched, never played
includes infernal relics, rook city and shattered timeline - all in one box
played once
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
opened/punched, never played
played once
need to inventory pieces
opened/punched, never played
played many times with young kids, game pieces are all good
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

I am familiar with that condition list.

Yesterday was my birthday, and I scored good. I got copies of Letters from Whitechapel and Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, plus my wife told me she ordered me a copy of Fire in the Lake. Finally, I'll own a COIN game!

What's funny is that I still didn't get a copy of Robinson Crusoe, despite sending a link to my wife along with Fire in the Lake saying "these are the ones I'm most interested in." Maybe I'll get it for Christmas? Nah, who am I kidding, it'll be sold out again by then! I could buy it, but at this point, that feels like cheating, and it's more fun to hope I get it gifted to me. So I might never get a copy. :D
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by wonderpug »

Clearly someone needs to come up with a game where the opening and punching process is the game.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

Have you played Letters before?

I have Sherlock Holmes on the way, held up by the Shadowrun preorder, so maybe September.

Robinson Crusoe is a fiddly, annoying, difficult, awesome game. That's one I am not selling. I wouldn't worry too much about finding a copy. It isn't hard to find these days. I suspect it will still be on shelves by Christmas.

My goal is to clear out all of those "never played" and "still in shrink" games. I want some nicely organized shelves of games I get to play rather than my previous goal of having all the games I have ever heard of.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LordMortis »

wonderpug wrote:Clearly someone needs to come up with a game where the opening and punching process is the game.
That was Magic: The Gathering.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

coopasonic wrote:Have you played Letters before?

I have Sherlock Holmes on the way, held up by the Shadowrun preorder, so maybe September.

Robinson Crusoe is a fiddly, annoying, difficult, awesome game. That's one I am not selling. I wouldn't worry too much about finding a copy. It isn't hard to find these days. I suspect it will still be on shelves by Christmas.
I haven't played Letters, but it sounds like Fury of Dracula-light, which I'm down for, and my wife likes the "find the killer" theme.

Yeah, it's likely that Crusoe will still be around come Christmas, but my history with it is "it goes out of stock just as I'm about to buy it". If it keeps up that practice, it'll vanish just before December, or right around when the expansion hits the shelves, whichever comes first.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

LordMortis wrote:
wonderpug wrote:Clearly someone needs to come up with a game where the opening and punching process is the game.
That was Magic: The Gathering.
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Chaz wrote:I haven't played Letters, but it sounds like Fury of Dracula-light, which I'm down for, and my wife likes the "find the killer" theme.
That's funny, I prefer the "kill the wretched" theme.

I'd like to try Fury. I've heard Letters is Fury without the combat. I want to see the combat.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaz »

I used to own Fury, and I didn't like the combat. The non-combat stuff was cool, with Dracula dropping traps as he goes, but yeah, the combat when you found him was kinda lackluster, I thought. Fury minus the combat sounds better. I just haven't read the rules, so I'm not sure how the "write moves on a notepad" compares to the card trail from Fury, which I always thought was pretty slick.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by El Guapo »

Fury's combat is a little rock-paper-scissor-y. It's fine, but not exactly the highlight of the game.

The main combat strategy really takes place before the combat itself, as the hunters try to set it up so that they meet Dracula during the day and with plenty of weapons / support available.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Zarathud »

Loved Fury until I played 6 times with a friend who played poker and could count cards/read people. He could reliably guess where I was going based on my hand movement choosing cards and other tells. Even then, it was fun to turn the tables at night when Dracula had the upper hand in combat.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Smoove_B »

In the last week I've played six rounds of the Lord of the Rings card game base set - a game I hadn't touched since the Fall of last year. As a way to quickly re-learn the basics, we played through the starting scenario (difficulty 1 out of 7) and once again found the only way we could beat it was with a Tactics and Lore co-op. Tactics and Spirit failed nearly as badly as Tactics and Leadership. After two defeats, we switched back to the winning combo and beat it easily. Feeling confident, we tried the second scenario (difficulty 4 out of 7) with a Tactics and mixed 40 card Leadership/Lore deck that I found online. I think we lasted 7 rounds before the threat level catapulted over 50, in part thanks to the Hill Giant you start with in the staging area. A second attempt ended similarly. I then went back to using the core Lore deck and we made some progress over the next two attempts, but never actually completing the first quest.

This is easily one of the most punishing games I've played that doesn't have Old Gods in it -- somehow it seems to know exactly what to throw at you to completely send you into a tailspin. I feel like we know the rules and flow well enough now and that it's really coming down to the luck of our hands and the draw of the event deck. I'm feeling rather mixed about it, quite frankly as it feels like the balance is still firmly against the player. I have no interest in creating my own decks (which I guess is part of the attraction) and the deck I found online was seemingly useless. I really don't know how I feel about this game anymore as it's turning out to be mostly frustrating. In particular for this second scenario where my opening hand pretty much has to include a Sneak Attack card, Gandalf and the Forest Snare to try and deal with the initial threat of the Hill Giant. But even then, everything went crazy with a few Wargs and Goblin Archers that were able to attack and run without ever being counter-attacked.

It just feels like unless you have the right cards in your hand AND the right cards come up in the staging area there's just no way to recover.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

I didn't have any difficulty with the first couple of scenarios in the LOTR card game. I found the game kind of boring and I think Isg has a similar opinion. We played the first scenario together.

You are making me want to play again just so I can discuss it.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Isgrimnur »

I had to consciously think back to remember it. Yeah, it didn't grab me, but then, I probably have too many Middle Earth: The Wizards rules rattling around in my head to make an easy replacement of them with a new card game in the same setting.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Smoove_B »

coopasonic wrote:I didn't have any difficulty with the first couple of scenarios in the LOTR card game.
Then you're a savant and/or you understand deck building mechanics better than we do. Or maybe you have incredible luck with respect to card draws. In reading around online, there are people suggesting that only the first scenario (Passage Through Mirkwood) is designed for the core set. The other two (Journey Down the Anduin and Escape from Escape from Dol Goldur, difficultly 4 and 7, respectively) are extremely difficult with only the core cards and really designed for the expansions to be mixed in. That seems tainto.
You are making me want to play again just so I can discuss it.
I've been reading up on Beorn's Path to try and get some help. I'm mostly "meh" on the whole LotR story, but I'm enjoying the artwork, characters and general theme of the game.
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