OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

CMON created a label for my Zombicide Black Plague shipment on Thursday. The shipment has not been handed over to fedex yet. There is a game meetup this Saturday. Why do they have to tease me like this?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chaosraven »

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

Last night cleared March in Pandemic Legacy on the first try. April I have a feeling will be a challenge since we're going to be down to only two event cards.

Then we got a trial game of TIny Epic Western in...I was sent a review copy to try out.

So far, sadly, I'm kind of underwhelmed. I think I was expecting more. Going to get a 2 player game in tomorrow over lunch, and I'm trying to round up a posse to get a 4 player game in before the holidays.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by TheMix »

Ignoring the ton of Sentinels of the Multiverse that I've been playing on Steam (both solo and co-op), I did get in a couple sessions of Shadows of Brimstone (via Tabletop Simulator). Friday night was bad. The dice were not friendly. Pulled my (so far) least favorite Encounter, the submerged room. Took us ages to cross it. By the time we were done, the Darkness was only 7 away from escaping. I'm pretty sure that the only times it didn't advance was when we rolled doubles (though twice they caused it to actually advance two steps).

At least the mission we were on didn't have particularly bad penalties for losing.

We picked it up on Saturday. Totally different game. Managed to stop the Darkness in it's tracks. Additionally, we needed two clues in the frozen world to win. Second card flipped was a room with a clue and an encounter. Won the skill check on the encounter and guaranteed the next room was a clue. Probably the shortest dungeon ever. We only pulled four room tiles total. For the final fight we pulled a Goliath. And proceeded to destroy him. We had a couple characters get low on health/sanity, but were never really in jeopardy. And nabbed some really nice loot.

One of these days I do need to put the figures together on the second set. But it sure is easier to manage on TTS.

Also had some friends come over Saturday night. Started with a game of Sentinels of the Multiverse (they had never played). We won that pretty cleanly. Then ran through the starting scenario of Zombicide: S3. It was also pretty easy. Hopefully they will want to play some more, sooner rather than later.

Today gilraen and I played a couple games of Ticket to Ride: America. She really likes it. We each won one. The second game was only about 5 points apart (and if I hadn't made a tactical error, I might have won it).

Last night I also put in an order for Star Trek: Fleet Captains - Dominion expansion. Half price. Grabbed Sentinel Tactics: The Flame of Freedom (also half price) too. I believe people mentioned it being pretty fun. And finally gave in and got the two big expansions for Sentinels of the Multiverse.

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

I played two solo games of Zombicide: Black Plague. It is still Zombicide but plaguier. There are really only a couple of minor changes between this and the prior games. One that addresses the most common complaint (ranged targeting) and enchantments.

In classic Zombicide (can I call a three year old game classic?) If you shoot a ranged weapon into a tile with survivors, the survivors were always hit unless you had a sniper rifle or a specific skill. In Black Plague, only your misses hit survivors. Don't miss! In one of my two games, this new rule saved the game when I took a 50% shot that dropped a walker allowing my torch carrier to move away from the abomination and throw the torch which lit the dragon bile, killing the abomination and clearing the way to win the game.

Enchantments are spells that give you some additional tactical options. Repulse pushes zombies in sight range one zone away. Haste gives a survivor a free two zone move. Those are the ones I found and used in my learning games.

Oh, I forgot about necromancers. There are necromancer cards in the zombie spawn deck, when you draw one you place a necro spawn zone and a necro and then draw a spawn card for the new spawn zone. The necro makes his way to the nearest spawn zone and if he makes it out the necro spawn zone becomes a permanent spawn zone. If you have 6 spawn zones on the board you lose. That means killing necros is a priority which adds some needed urgency to the game. When you kill a necro you actually get to choose any spawn zone to get rid of... which could be an interesting choice as well.

One other minor change that I forgot is double spawns. There are double spawn cards in the zombie spawn deck which mean nothing spawns in the current spawn zone, but you draw two cards for the next one. It adds a little variety to things.

I was already a Zombicide fan and I think this all helps the game. About the only downside for me is having no options on survivors. That will be solved when the rest of my pledge arrives, but for people buying retail.. I guess they won't know the difference. :P
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by ChaoZ »

A bit late, but last weekend my group tried two new (to them) games: Chinatown and Tiny Epic Galaxies.

Chinatown is actually a very engaging game with the right group. With minimal rules and free-for-all type negotiation, the wheeling and dealing became quite inventive and the end game was quite close for all. In the future though, we may instigate a timer for each round though, as the game took quite a while to complete. Shy people may be at a disadvantage as well. I'd like to see a group of sales-types play this one.

Tiny Epic Galaxies took a while to warm up. Its biggest selling point (the size) also became a bit of a problem as it was a little finicky to move the little bits around. The iconography also took a little to get used to. The game mechanisms seem sound, though we felt that the "Follow" aspect is a tad unbalanced. A second play-through should be better.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Just got my copies of Neanderthal and Pax Pamir from Sierra Madre Games. Last week I got Greenland and Pax Porfiriana Collector's Edition (I know, I doubled dipped on that last one...but I'll give my original copy to someone else). Looking forward to playing at least one of them. Preferably Greenland or Neanderthal as they look amazingly deep for such a small box game.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by TheMix »

Over the break...

Got in a game of Sentinels of the Multiverse with gilraen. I'd just gotten a bunch of the expansions. We tried a new villain, new environment, and four new heroes. We got crushed. It was ugly.

In an effort to justify prior purchases, I'm putting older games on the table and leaving them there until I play several games at least. First up was Castle Ravenloft. Played through the first two team adventures. Actually won both of them. But damn is that game brutal. It can be very demoralizing. Always seems like everyone is hovering on dying. In the first game the wizard went last. This allowed my cleric to heal her twice when she dropped to zero health. Very hard. Sounds like the next adventure will probably break us if we don't get lucky.

Spent a LOT of hours playing Shadows of Brimstone on TTS. That game can take a ridiculous amount of time. You really need to be able to spread it over extra days... if your luck is bad. We had phenomenal luck with the Hold Back the Darkness rolls. At the end it had only advanced 3 places. We, on the other hand, had explored 16 tiles. We won pretty easily in the end, but it took a long time.

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Some awesome gaming this week.

First the two new maps for ticket to ride. United kingdom and Pennsylvania. These might be my favorite expansions yet. Pennsylvania adds stocks you collect as you lay routes. It may be even better two players than with more because you also give a dummy player routes every time giving you more strategy against your opponent. It feels a bit like ticket to ride mixed with airlines Europe, which is a good thing. Still very different though from airlines Europe.

The United kingdom version requires you to invest in technologies before expanding. So if you want to lay track that is 3 long you upgrade your engine. You want to build a ferry you invest in propellers. It's an interesting twist, and the art work is a unique watercolor type. Very cool.

I also managed to get a game of zombicide black plague in. I liked most of the new mechanics, and generally enjoyed it, but the double alarm cards made it far too swingy. At one point due to drawing the in a row a span point was getting 8 spans. That's silly and takes the fun out. The necromancer is a cool mechanic though. I don't know maybe I'm a bit zombicied out after 4 base games. It's starting to bore me a bit.

Played a few games of codenames. Not sure how many people here have tried this but it's a word party game. It's a bit more "thinky" that's most party games but everyone has loved it every time it comes out.

My wife got the Manhattan project with expansions for Christmas. We've played it once before but we played it twice this week and it's a game I can tell is going to remain a big hit. It's a race to build nuclear bombs. Worker placement mechanic. Very good game with some conflict thrown in too. I especially am a fan of the nations expansions. They add some real flavor.

Lastly I got a game of x wing in. Fittingly the theme was all force awakens ships. My gozanti cruiser arrives today so can't wait to get a look at it.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by YellowKing »

Even though I got XCOM for Christmas I've been a little intimidated by it so I haven't opened it yet. Still watching tutorial videos to see if it's something I want to keep.

So instead, you get a couple of kid game reviews!

First up, SHARK MANIA! Now I confess, I bought this for the kids because it just looked cool. It's basically a long plastic pier that your pirates have to get across while collecting gold and running from a "shark," which is a fin on a pull string that proceeds to bust up the pier as it chases you. The components, though plastic, are pretty cool and the design of the pier with pieces that flip up and out of the way as the fin proceeds through them is pretty neat.

At the start of the game, all the pirates are on a shipwrecked boat. Random gold pieces are scattered around the game board face down - the flip side has a number on it that tells you the amount of gold you grabbed with that token. On your turn, you roll a die and either: move the number of spaces indicated on the die, or remain in place and pick up a number of gold pieces equal to the number on the die. The pirate who gets to the end of the dock and on to the island and safety with the most number of gold pieces wins. If the shark hits you, however, you're out of the game.

The risk/reward mechanism is pretty obvious. Each turn you're deciding whether to move forward and put distance between you and the shark, or grab gold piece tokens so that you can win the game with the most gold. My problem with the game is that it is FAR too fast-paced for young kids (at least mine) to be able to make those kinds of decisions quickly. My daughter takes 10 minutes deciding what to eat at McDonald's - she became utterly paralyzed at having to make a decision in literal seconds. Because the shark moves fast - I'd say even at the easiest setting, in which the shark fin is pulled all the way back, it traverses the pier in a minute, minute and a half tops. So you have to roll, move, or pick up pieces and pass the die to the next person in a space of probably 5-10 seconds.

It quickly became apparent that the optimal strategy was to just move move move, and then wait to collect gold when you're at the far end of the pier and have plenty of time before the shark catches up. Now that strategy could be counter-acted by a brave player who is willing to grab gold early, but all this was far too abstract for my 6-year old. Ultimately, she wound up discarding the rules altogether and just playing "shark chase" - pulling the fin back and pretending to run away. I think this makes for a better play set than an actual game, but like most kid games, I could see it being quite fun if I was drunk.

Next up was JENGA QUAKE! This is basically just regular Jenga, except the blocks are plastic and sit upon a foundation that randomly vibrates. I instantly disliked the plastic blocks, because this is Jenga and they're supposed to be wood, dammit. However, after feeling the "quake" I realized that wooden blocks wouldn't have budged on this thing. The supposed quake is more like the force that comes from your cell phone when it's on vibrate.

Now, I get that they can't just have the base shake the whole tower down, because then what's the point? But I was hoping the vibration would be a little more disruptive to the stability of the tower. As it turned out, it didn't mess me up much at all, and every time we had a collapse it was because of normal Jenga user error and not the vibration.

Still, it's Jenga and it was fun to play with the kids. The plastic blocks aren't as good as the wood, but they still work fine. My daughter is exceptionally good at the game - she was pulling off some crazy moves and easily holding her own against me.

My daughter's favorite game for Christmas was the kid version of Hedbandz, which is basically just 20 Questions with really, really easy subjects. I found it an interminable bore, but apparently she plays it at school all the time so she was ecstatic to have her own copy.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

YellowKing wrote:Even though I got XCOM for Christmas I've been a little intimidated by it so I haven't opened it yet. Still watching tutorial videos to see if it's something I want to keep.
Play the first few games with the tutorial mode in the app. That removes the timer from the equation and makes the game much easier to grasp. Then, after a few plays, introduce the timer.

There's a neat little game in there, but I've come to realize that I'm just not a fan of timed games. I tried it a few times and ended up selling it at Gencon last year. But that's entirely my own point of view.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

I got the Magic: The Gathering board game and also Mistfall for Christmas. Haven't played the Magic game yet, but I have played mistfall 5 times.

Really like Mistfall, even though I feel I am doing something wrong. I get so overwhelmed by enemies. With only one regular action per hero phase, I am not able to kill the 2-4 enemies that show up each turn.

Hep, perhaps I am screwing things up with the game play?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

MythicalMino wrote:I got the Magic: The Gathering board game and also Mistfall for Christmas. Haven't played the Magic game yet, but I have played mistfall 5 times.

Really like Mistfall, even though I feel I am doing something wrong. I get so overwhelmed by enemies. With only one regular action per hero phase, I am not able to kill the 2-4 enemies that show up each turn.

Hep, perhaps I am screwing things up with the game play?
Don't forget that you reset the reinforcement track to zero if the reinforcement section of the encounter card is blank. Also, any time you bring in reinforcements thanks to the reinforcement track, it resets too.

The first tutorial encounter (Into the Wilds) is kind of tough for less than 3 players. It took me about 4 times to beat it. The subsequent scenarios have been a bit easier, but still challenging. I'm looking forward to playing the campaign system that I just got.

Oh, and print this out and never play without it. The rulebook they give you is atrocious. But that little guide covers all you need.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

You think I should keep at the Into the Wilds quest? Or move on to a different one?
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by YellowKing »

hepcat wrote:There's a neat little game in there, but I've come to realize that I'm just not a fan of timed games. I tried it a few times and ended up selling it at Gencon last year. But that's entirely my own point of view.
I haven't opened it yet, and the more videos I watch, the more I think I'm just going to sell/return it. I hate time limits in video games, so I think this would drive me insane. It looks bad enough with four players, but I'd most likely only be playing it with 2 which sounds like a colossal pain in the ass. Normally when I watch a gameplay video I can tell pretty quickly whether it fits my style, and there's nothing about this game I've seen so far that actually looks fun.

Pandemic Legacy is finally in stock at my LGS so I'll probably pick that up tomorrow instead.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

MythicalMino wrote:You think I should keep at the Into the Wilds quest? Or move on to a different one?
Move on if you want and then try it again when you have 3 or more players to tackle it. Or just play 3 or 4 characters on your own.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Archinerd »

I'm 6 games into a Risk Legacy game with 3 of my nephews (ages 17,15,13).

After I won the first three games they finally decided they needed to work together to keep me in check.
It worked for the next two, then I met requirements for 30+ troops and a missile. :twisted:

The world will never be the same.

I still lost the game but only because I decided to honor my alliance (for once) and try to build up some trust for future games.

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We also had a fun stand off with some
WMD's we found in a different packet. Threats and promises were made and kept.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Last Wednesday we held our annual Ohio Holiday Gaming Get Together. This year we had 4 players as RMC ditched us, and RedWarLord's wife had to stay back in Indiana.

First up was two games of Mysterium. The first play through was just to get our bearings with the game. The second play through we actually won (barely. I like it, and it's a fantastic party game, but I think there's a big con in that at some point, folks just associate one or more of the clue cards with one particular suspect, location or object. I've heard that some players are adding in cards from Dixit to make up for this though. Although I doubt I want to make any extra effort for the game. I have a feeling it will appear as a party game with 5 or more players from now on. But I doubt I'll be whipping it out more than a couple of times a year...at most.

Next up was two games of Sentinels of the Multiverse. A couple of the players are old City of Heroes veterans, so they saw superheroes on the box cover and started yelling to play it. I forgot how much fun this one can be with the right group. We were laughing it up and enjoying ourselves throughout both games.

Finally, we ended the evening with some Smash Up. I love this game because it's a fantastic palate cleanser that doesn't take extensive rules explanations.

Tomorrow night I'm hoping to get in games of Greenland and Pax Pamir! Both are incredibly deep Phil Eklund games. So I expect to stumble away from the table feeling like I just tried to cram a full semester of history and physics into 4 hours or less.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Isgrimnur »

hepcat wrote:First up was two games of Mysterium. The first play through was just to get our bearings with the game. The second play through we actually won (barely. I like it, and it's a fantastic party game, but I think there's a big con in that at some point, folks just associate one or more of the clue cards with one particular suspect, location or object. I've heard that some players are adding in cards from Dixit to make up for this though. Although I doubt I want to make any extra effort for the game. I have a feeling it will appear as a party game with 5 or more players from now on. But I doubt I'll be whipping it out more than a couple of times a year...at most.
coop and I got a pitch from a French (possibly Canadian) gentleman at BGGCon. It became quickly evident that I would have no interest in playing this unless there was no other alternative short of rocking and mumbling in a corner. The subjectivity of it zeroed out my interest meter with a quickness.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Yeah, it's a game that art students and other visual-centric players, or people who really enjoy the social science of gaming, are going to enjoy. It has it's place though. And it does have quite a few fans. Enough to merit it selling out in many places when it first hit U.S. shores.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

hepcat wrote:Last Wednesday we held our annual Ohio Holiday Gaming Get Together. This year we had 4 players as RMC ditched us, and RedWarLord's wife had to stay back in Indiana.
I was waiting, with my thumb sticking out, by the side of the interstate for you to pick me up as you drove past (well, I expected you to take a few hour detour south, at any rate)!

My wife and I are trying out 504. So far, the system is simple but fun. She loves having a different experience every time she games, so this may be perfect for her. I still have yet to try Zombicide BP, but I hope to at least get a solo game in during the next few days.

And I am dying to get someone here to play Cthulhu Wars with me! I have so many boxes to try!

My BIL and I played Imperial Assault (the skirmish mode) and several rounds of Star Wars Risk. Star Wars Risk is Risk in name only, and a heck of a lot of fun! Unlike regular Risk, it is fast paced, dynamic, and only takes about an hour. A lot hinged on some final rolls, but the game was tense and close both times we played. I felt like the Skirmish mode of Imperial Assault was lacking something, but it could have been that I was not fully familiar with the rules and strategy of the game. I did learn one thing - do not try to take on Vader toe-to-toe. Just dumb.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Stopped by a really great store in South Bend called Griffon Bookstore. Highly recommended if you're ever in the area.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by TheMix »

baelthazar wrote:And I am dying to get someone here to play Cthulhu Wars with me! I have so many boxes to try!
Do you have Tabletop Simulator? Someone put up the 3 player map version. I'd be willing to give it a try.

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

TheMix wrote:
baelthazar wrote:And I am dying to get someone here to play Cthulhu Wars with me! I have so many boxes to try!
Do you have Tabletop Simulator? Someone put up the 3 player map version. I'd be willing to give it a try.
You know, I do! I bet someone else here would be game as well.

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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

Got in another playtest of Tiny Epic Western yesterday, and then followed up with about five hands of The Great Dalmuti with the family last night.

Last week got in a good session of the Star Wars RPG with my buddy Joe and my kids. Just ran the intro scenario in Age of Rebellion, but it was a lot of fun.

Today, I hope to get close to finishing my saloon for Zenda. But I need some wood putty, and I'm afraid all of the stores that I might be able to get it in will be closed.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by paulbaxter »

The only notable Christmas presents I got from family this year were two board games: Camel Up, and Colt Express.

Haven't tried Colt Express yet, but played Camel Up with my kids and then with grownups at a NYE party last night. It's a game centered on betting on a camel race. The strategy isn't super deep, but the theme is lots of fun. Has a unique dice rolling mechanism where you put all the dice into a cardboard pyramid and empty them out one at a time to determine the movement of each camel. Could be a good gateway game.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

Really like both of these games, Colt Express more than Camel Up though. I just got the horses and stagecoach set for Colt Express, and I'm really hoping that they release the DeLorean add on in the BGG store sometime soon.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by AWS260 »

I played Christmas-present Fury of Dracula last night -- me as the hunters, and my better half as the titular creature of darkness. I ended up losing by a fair margin -- thought I had Drac cornered in Germany fairly early in the game, but he slipped my net and I couldn't track down again in time. The game ended when the Count sunk his fangs into the neck of Dr. John Seward, but even if I had survived that battle I would have lost in a couple of rounds. We had a good time, but it was definitely a learning game, with more time spent worrying about getting the rules right than actual strategy.

Today, I played X-Wing with my son for the first time in quite a while -- maybe 7-8 months. It was entirely his idea, probably because he's on a genuine Star Wars kick for the first time in his life. He's almost six now, and for the first time, we played with all of the rules, which made for much more fun.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by MythicalMino »

Received Mistfall (kickstarter version) for Christmas. Been playing that, learning the rules. Pretty good game, but is a brain-burner. Can be pretty epic, though.

It is a co-op adventure card game. Kinda a mix of Mage Knight (boardgame), Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and even a little bit of Darkest Night.

We have still been playing quite a bit of Bood Rage. But on the table for today? Fallen. One of my all-time favorites that I really don't get the chance to play very often.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

Fallen has ultimately proven to have no legs for me. I wish I liked it more, but the end game makes everything prior to that almost pointless. It comes down to a dice roll and the theme just drops away from the game for me.

I'm hoping the expansions address that. If he ever releases them, that is.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

My family came for a short visit, so we played the card game Rage (basically a cleaned-up version of Oh Hell! by FunDex). Despite being fairly good at complex games, I suck terribly at Rage. Like, everyone had 40+ points and I had 15-20 points at the end level of sucking. We had fun though, and my wife ended up winning both rounds we played.

This week I am getting Clockwork Wars and Five Tribes (and possibly Castles of Mad King Ludwig or Orleans, depending on my whim). We are still working through 504 and, although our second game had some issues (largely due to our improper tactics), we still like the idea. I look forward to exploring it some more.

Totally off-topic, Hep - I named my Wildstar MMORPG character, which was a Doctor class character, Theopolis. I was certain only a handful of people got it.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »


When I was playing a necromancer villain in City of Villains, I named my three zombie pets and my zombie knight Father, Son, Holy Ghost...and Larry.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by paulbaxter »

We broke out Colt Express tonight. I think it might have been the most fun my kids have ever had with a board game. Highly recommended for boisterous groups.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hentzau »

paulbaxter wrote:We broke out Colt Express tonight. I think it might have been the most fun my kids have ever had with a board game. Highly recommended for boisterous groups.
Play it with a full six players, it's pure chaos.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by paulbaxter »

hentzau wrote:
paulbaxter wrote:We broke out Colt Express tonight. I think it might have been the most fun my kids have ever had with a board game. Highly recommended for boisterous groups.
Play it with a full six players, it's pure chaos.
I'm vaguely amused that the game comes with quite a few pieces which are there solely for decorative purposes.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Pandemic legacy purchased... January under the belt with a flawless victory... Things could get interesting though. Love the idea of this game... I will say though tearing up a card was hard to do, so counter intuitive ad a gamer.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

Over the holidays Pandemic Legacy Season 1 took the #1 spot from Twilight Struggle on BGG.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by baelthazar »

coopasonic wrote:Over the holidays Pandemic Legacy Season 1 took the #1 spot from Twilight Struggle on BGG.
It really is a hell of a game. It has all the co-op fun of that genre but also the storytelling capabilities of something like Runebound or Talisman (in a better package IMHO). The story for season 1 is also very good (and fairly dark).

Hopefully season 2 can be as compelling.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by hepcat »

I got it for a friend for Christmas and he's been regaling me with (non spoiler, thankfully) tales of its greatness. I may have to break down and get a copy myself.

On New Year's Eve I played a game of Greenland. What an odd beast that is. Like most Phil Eklund games, it packs an enormous amount of depth into a deceptively small box. At one point I held a massive witch burning to get my culture to monotheism. The next turn, I was raiding a new continent and fighting my opponent's tribe. It's just a really great experience all around. Highly recommended!

Then we got in a game of Warhammer Quest Adventure Card Game. We won...but barely. I still think it captures its namesake quite well.
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Re: OO Boardgamers, what did you play this weekend?

Post by coopasonic »

Not a damn thing, yet again... but that doesn't stop me from looking at CSI. My entire wishlist is in stock, but only adds up to $71.47. Do I just randomly pick another game to get free shipping? I don't know what to do?
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