Moliere wrote:
Taking advantage of their Super Bowl on air time.
I'm a little surprised there has been no Beyonce side bar in the Superbowl thread. Sports radio decided that today was the day become all hot and bothered by it and that has now expanded to my FB feed... But then until this morning the only thing that struck me as interesting was it seemed like Cold Play was live while Bruno Mars and Beyonce were obviously recorded choreography.
Even this picture rolled off of me as an almost

when I saw it but then I was reminded of it this morning.
After it was explained to me by radio and social media feed that I am supposed be hot and bothered over all of the symbolism that I totally missed, all I can think of is, "Holy shit, that must have been cool to appreciate live if you saw it and I missed every last piece of it." That took some serious artistry and I am unusually dense when it comes to art.
I don't think I care for taking and making a political statement out of being a paid Superbowl guest but, wow, what a cool way to do it.
I apparently also missed that Cold Play was also looking making a civil rights statement for the gay community. Same critique, I guess only Coldplay was just rainbows whereas there was this whole thing Beyonce had going on.
I guess if you are to take a political message and specifically one about civil rights, "Believe in Love" is the proper conclusion.