msduncan wrote:Translation: law breaking is ok if my guy or gal does it.
Not at all. I'm not the one demanding an inquisition at every imaginary offense of the "other side," the Republican party's
modus operandi for the last 20 years.
People didn't really care much when Snowden leaked national security documents. Polls show most people don't seem to care about Hillary's goddamn e-mails. At minimum, they don't care to the extent the Republicans want to make it an election issue. Even here, there are only a handful who care.
msduncan wrote:It's a matter of whether we are going to let people in government positions abuse the law in this country without consequences just because it bores you or you want them to be elected. Any other small time government employee or citizen that doesn't have power would be tossed in the lockup.
Jaywalking and speeding are also crimes that few care about. E-mail security policy isn't something that most people bother about -- or they wouldn't have stupid passwords like 1234 and 12345.
Abuse the law? Hillary wanted to circumvent a rule she didn't understand that inconvenienced her. The boss getting around IT security for their own convenience plays out in most corporate offices all the time. Does it show poor judgment and lack of understanding of IT? Absolutely, but most Baby Boomers also have a terrible understanding of IT issues unless they work in IT.
The only scandal is that no one inside the administration reported Hillary or forced her to comply with policy.