hepcat wrote:On seeing his Twitter handle, I briefly wondered when he had joined OO.
Oh, and Rip, stairs are a device used to help people ascend structural heights easily. They've been in use for a really long time. Not sure why your confusion over what they are is considered an R&P item though.
How we care for our invalids is very much R&P. Just sad that some people want to make the feeble old lady work. She belongs in a home.
"Tis a noble cause, saving the country from Fascism.
Oh, and by the way she is 68 and Drumpf is 70.
What can I say, some people don't age well. One of my clients is 90 and he chooses the stairs over the elevator for 4 flights of stairs every day. He doesn't need a spotter. He also drives himself between Louisiana and NC several times a year. Something Hillary has apparently not done in decades.
Pretty sad that she get circles run around her by a WW2 vet.
Looks like we have another "icy stair" truther on OO.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
GreenGoo wrote:Personally I'd like to see Rip in heels (1-2" will do) while he tries to climb a set of stairs a few times. Might be time to put him in a home.
Ask my son who I race on the stairs. I can make it from the 4th floor to the lobby in under 10 seconds. I only hit every other step and don't touch the handrails. I've also got a mean crossover and given the chance would break Obama's ankles and show him to be the scrub he is.
Needing someone to help me up and down some porch steps icy or not is something I would never need, even in heels.
Just looking at the 2 pics, they're clearly 2 separate pics, not one photoshopped of the other.
I assume they were taken at 2 different times.
One is taken from behind the second fencing, and the other is taken from behind the first fencing. I'm not seeing any repeated elements in the crowd that exists in both pictures.
Is there evidence that anything in these pics has been photoshopped or are we just assuming? I'm not a photoshop expert by any means, so if I'm wrong, tell me what I missed.
GreenGoo wrote:Just looking at the 2 pics, they're clearly 2 separate pics, not one photoshopped of the other.
I assume they were taken at 2 different times.
One is taken from behind the second fencing, and the other is taken from behind the first fencing. I'm not seeing any repeated elements in the crowd that exists in both pictures.
Is there evidence that anything in these pics has been photoshopped or are we just assuming? I'm not a photoshop expert by any means, so if I'm wrong, tell me what I missed.
Rip's version is a different lie of something that was actually photoshopped. Details here.
It's amazing that people think they can get away with these type of obvious shenanigans especially with high profile candidates.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Maybe I don't understand, so I'm gonna lay out what I think is true and you guys correct me, ok?
1. The Hill put out a "promo" pic of an upcoming rally that was photoshopped (presumably because they can't time travel). For the record, I think this was beyond stupid.
2. Pics of actual rally don't match promo pic. People note promo pic is photoshopped, hilarity ensues.
3. Rip's pics are...meaningless? He's implying that 2 different pics are in fact evidence of photoshopping because they look similar, but different? And based on the Hill being dumb, he expects us to just eat it up?
I guess I'm still confused about why Rip posted his 2 pics, and what he expected the take away to be.
Maybe I don't understand, so I'm gonna lay out what I think is true and you guys correct me, ok?
1. The Hill put out a "promo" pic of an upcoming rally that was photoshopped (presumably because they can't time travel). For the record, I think this was beyond stupid.
2. Pics of actual rally don't match promo pic. People note promo pic is photoshopped, hilarity ensues.
3. Rip's pics are...meaningless? He's implying that 2 different pics are in fact evidence of photoshopping because they look similar, but different? And based on the Hill being dumb, he expects us to just eat it up?
I guess I'm still confused about why Rip posted his 2 pics, and what he expected the take away to be.
The take-away is that Rip took a few seconds to hot-link a couple of images from a well-known conspiracy site (infowars) and that caused you to waste a bunch of your time trying to figure out what he was going on about. Expending a tiny effort to cause other people to waste significantly more time by reacting is something I like to call "successful trolling."
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
Max Peck wrote: Expending a tiny effort to cause other people to waste significantly more time by reacting is something I like to call "successful trolling."
Shrug. If I wanted to ignore Rip there are forum mechanisms for doing so.
Max Peck wrote: Expending a tiny effort to cause other people to waste significantly more time by reacting is something I like to call "successful trolling."
Shrug. If I wanted to ignore Rip there are forum mechanisms for doing so.
I still don't know what he thought he was saying.
From where I'm sitting, he usually doesn't seem to be trying to say anything. He's just trying to get a reaction while expending the minimal possible effort, and he's kind of good at it.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
Max Peck wrote:
From where I'm sitting, he usually doesn't seem to be trying to say anything. He's just trying to get a reaction while expending the minimal possible effort, and he's kind of good at it.
Shrug again. What he wants is people to get upset (react, as you said). I can't get upset if I don't understand what he's saying.
There were 171 people who signed into the event. Much effort went into making it appear as though there were more. The only exception to this tactic is inviting the father of the Orlando shooter.
Who they invited a rally in Kissimmee, Florida and then said he just showed up and wasn't invited. Even though he was put on the stage behind her. Something that I am sure would require at least some amount of screening. I guess if you need bodies bad enough.
Maybe they could get the local jail to send over the work detail to fill the seats?
Max Peck wrote:
From where I'm sitting, he usually doesn't seem to be trying to say anything. He's just trying to get a reaction while expending the minimal possible effort, and he's kind of good at it.
Shrug again. What he wants is people to get upset (react, as you said). I can't get upset if I don't understand what he's saying.
Shrug. You may not be upset, but you're definitely reacting. And so by association are we reacting to you. I like to call it Ripple trolling.
Last edited by Alefroth on Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
So Rip's idea is that Clinton is frail and unable to support herself even though hundreds of hours of television and reporting from just the past few months clearly shows otherwise?
The magic of pictures! What will they think of next?
Last edited by Holman on Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Max Peck wrote:
From where I'm sitting, he usually doesn't seem to be trying to say anything. He's just trying to get a reaction while expending the minimal possible effort, and he's kind of good at it.
Shrug again. What he wants is people to get upset (react, as you said). I can't get upset if I don't understand what he's saying.
Shrug. You may not be upset, but you're definitely reacting.
I'm trying to understand what Rip is saying. Being told I'm being trolled is like telling me the sun rises and sets. I already know and I don't care.
edit: Since He seems to have explained himself by saying the two pictures show some nefariousness that I don't see in them, I guess that's that.
tjg_marantz wrote:Then stop trying to figure him out because there is nothing to figure out. He's a troll and being idiotic.
No thanks.
I've known Rip for years and despite his obvious trolling I do try to understand where he's coming from, even if I don't like where that is.
I pretty much extend everyone here that courtesy, except maybe Emwhatever, because he's not as interesting and I haven't known him for years.
I (try to) listen to everyone here, even when I don't like their ideas or politics. That goes for pretty much everyone, especially those with greatly differing opinions than my own. This place would be a pretty dry forum if everyone spent all day agreeing the guy who just preceded them.
Last edited by GreenGoo on Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.