GreenGoo wrote:lol, jesus christ guys. I just asked what Rip meant because 2 pictures side by side weren't intuitively obvious what he was communicating.
Don't put yourselves out though. If I can't figure it out then that's my problem.
The kicker is that he did explain why he posted the pictures, right at the end of the original post.
Rip wrote:If you can't draw a crowd just photoshop them in.
I'm giving him a bonus point for the pun -- draw a crowd, get it?
I thought you were looking for something deeper when that's all there was.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
But those pictures aren't photoshopped as far as I can tell.
It would be like if he posted a picture of an infirm woman being helped up some steps only to realize it's the Queen of England. Then you're just left scratching your head.
I realize you're getting all sorts of enjoyment out of this Max, but I don't feel like I was asking too much for an explanation. When someone doesn't understand something and asks for an explanation, the answer isn't "man he got you good, haha". Well not unless you're 12 I guess.
In any case, it looks like Rip screwed up in that he thought he was producing evidence of skullduggery when in fact there doesn't appear to be any. I'm still open to the idea that I'm just not very good at detecting photoshopped images, but it seems like we're past that.
This morning, Hillary Clinton was about to levitate off the ground and speak to the crowd while flying dozens of feet in the air above them.
Luckily a sharp eyed handler stepped in and held her down, before she could actually cause any alarm.
GreenGoo wrote:But those pictures aren't photoshopped as far as I can tell.
It would be like if he posted a picture of an infirm woman being helped up some steps only to realize it's the Queen of England. Then you're just left scratching your head.
I realize you're getting all sorts of enjoyment out of this Max, but I don't feel like I was asking too much for an explanation. When someone doesn't understand something and asks for an explanation, the answer isn't "man he got you good, haha". Well not unless you're 12 I guess.
In any case, it looks like Rip screwed up in that he thought he was producing evidence of skullduggery when in fact there doesn't appear to be any. I'm still open to the idea that I'm just not very good at detecting photoshopped images, but it seems like we're past that.
To be fair, I'm well known for being the most experienced 12-year-old this side of Jackson, Missouri. Oh, wait, were you trying to insult me?
At any rate, my point wasn't "He got you good" but rather that you weren't going to get anything like a deep and insightful answer. It was what it was -- a cheap allegation of liberal media bias, plucked wholesale from a well-known right-wing conspiracy factory.
But I did like the pun.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
The other thing I've found with Rip is that he almost never responds to requests for clarification. Which may also have been driving people's comments. I'm surprised that he actually came back this time to address your question.
Black Lives Matter
Isgrimnur - Facebook makes you hate your friends and family. LinkedIn makes you hate you co-workers. NextDoor makes you hate your neighbors.
That would be easier to accept if the second tweet had't also been lying. There are clearly WAY more than 50 people there. And did I miss where the first tweet said there were thousands? If you want to disagree with the definition of "big", that's fine. But, actually, the first one isn't lying. The second one clearly is.
Oh... (Wouldn't want to forget your inappropriate trademark.)
Black Lives Matter
Isgrimnur - Facebook makes you hate your friends and family. LinkedIn makes you hate you co-workers. NextDoor makes you hate your neighbors.
I'm shocked to see potentially biased info coming from an account named "TPPisTreason".
I can't imagine, even at my most inebriated, hearing a bouncer offering me an hour with a stripper for only $1,400 and thinking That sounds like a reasonable idea.-Two Sheds
That would be easier to accept if the second tweet had't also been lying. There are clearly WAY more than 50 people there. And did I miss where the first tweet said there were thousands? If you want to disagree with the definition of "big", that's fine. But, actually, the first one isn't lying. The second one clearly is.
Oh... (Wouldn't want to forget your inappropriate trademark.)
Fifty of them don't count since they're armed security for the gun grabber protecting her from us 2nd amendment people, oh and one is father of a dead terrorist who backs Killary of course. LMAO Does he count? So that leaves about fifty. Sometimes, I like this one too.
I think five are there in case Hillary's medical problem, whatever it is exactly, rears its ugly head also.
So you think that there are only ~100 people in the second picture? I'd suggest that you get your vision checked, but I'm sure that in your "reality" there are that few people...
Black Lives Matter
Isgrimnur - Facebook makes you hate your friends and family. LinkedIn makes you hate you co-workers. NextDoor makes you hate your neighbors.
TheMix wrote:So you think that there are only ~100 people in the second picture? I'd suggest that you get your vision checked, but I'm sure that in your "reality" there are that few people...
In my reality we might not even have man made global warming due to the number of people that would be absent. If they didn't straighten up, and fly right that is.
That would be easier to accept if the second tweet had't also been lying. There are clearly WAY more than 50 people there. And did I miss where the first tweet said there were thousands? If you want to disagree with the definition of "big", that's fine. But, actually, the first one isn't lying. The second one clearly is.
Oh... (Wouldn't want to forget your inappropriate trademark.)
Fifty of them don't count since they're armed security for the gun grabber protecting her from us 2nd amendment people, oh and one is father of a dead terrorist who backs Killary of course. LMAO Does he count? So that leaves about fifty. Sometimes, I like this one too.
I think five are there in case Hillary's medical problem, whatever it is exactly, rears its ugly head also.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
lol at South Dakota raking #46 out of 50 for "personal freedoms", but because it's #3 on "fiscal freedom" and #7 on "regulatory freedom" it thus makes the top 5 overall.
This is great by the way, was really wishing to find one like this for Hillary while she was under that intense sniper fire. My favorite Steven King movie by far.
I liked the one with the clown, myself. Although I thought Stanley Kubrick's adaptation of The Shining actually transcended the source material in terms of narrative.
This is great by the way, was really wishing to find one like this for Hillary while she was under that intense sniper fire. My favorite Steven King movie by far.
This was clearly rebutted by Snopes. Wait, I am mistaken. It wasn't. Maybe it was the Washington Post. Oh, no, it wasn't. In fact, it was the opposite.
Well, it's okay because after the articles helpfully pointed out the error in her statements, she admitted that she mis-spoke! All is explained, so nothing to see here.