Paingod wrote:
I really have no idea where she was going with that. I expect I came across as a rude jerk somehow though. It felt like she was ramping up to start attacking an article on erectile dysfunction because it didn't give equal read time to women's sexual issues. Unfortunately, I didn't have 20 minutes to draw it out and see.
Given everything else you have written, it sounds like that was exactly what she was doing. Only you know whether she deserves the benefit of the doubt.
There are a couple of approaches here. Ask her if people standing around a Black Lives Matter protest with All Lives Matter is appropriate. If so, you've got your answer. If not, ask why not. Then ask how a woman's inability to climax should be covered in an article about limp dicks (no offense intended to anyone).
You could mention that ED is not related to orgasms at all. Having a hardon does not guarantee it's possible to orgasm, and having a flacid penis does not mean it's impossible to orgasm. ED is only tertiarily related to MEN's orgasms. If it's not really related to men's orgasms, it's hard to understand what it would have to do with women's.
Your wife is a piece of work.
Geezus. Yeah, sure men have been subjugating women for years and still are, but if she is so hostile to men why bother getting married? To torture you?