DMCA safe harbor

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DMCA safe harbor

Post by stessier »

I think this would effect us and I just want to make sure the Powers That Be are aware of it (via TechDirt).

Copyright Office F***s Over Thousands Of Sites With Plans To Remove Their DMCA Safe Harbors
If you run any kind of website it's super important that you file with the Copyright Office to officially register a DMCA agent. This is a key part of the DMCA. If you want to make use of the DMCA's safe harbors -- which create a clear safe harbor for websites to avoid liability of infringing material posted by users -- then you have to first register with the Copyright Office. Larger corporate sites already know this, but many, many smaller sites do not. This is why for years we've posted messages reminding anyone who has a blog to just go and register with the Copyright Office to get basic DMCA protections (especially after a copyright troll went after some smaller blogs who had not done so).

A few months back, we noted, with alarm, that the Copyright Office was considering a plan to revamp how it handled DMCA registrations, which had some good -- mainly making the registration process cheaper -- but a really horrific idea of requiring sites to re-register every three years or lose their safe harbor protections. Despite many people warning the Copyright Office how this would be a disaster, on Monday the Office announced it was going ahead with the plan anyway, not even acknowledging that thousands of sites are likely to get fucked over by this move:
The United States Copyright Office has completed development of a new electronic system to designate and search for agents to receive notifications of claimed infringement, as required under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Accordingly, the Office is publishing a final rule in the Federal Register tomorrow to implement that system, replacing an interim rule that the Office had adopted after the DMCA’s enactment. A prepublication version of the rule is available for public inspection here. The rule is effective on December 1, 2016, the date that the new online registration system and directory will be launched. In the meantime, users can begin to acquaint themselves with the new system by watching the video tutorials available here. Any service provider that has previously designated an agent with the Office will have until December 31, 2017, to submit a new designation electronically through the new online registration system.
Got that? Even if you followed the law and registered before, if you don't re-register (and pay another fee), then you will be kicked off the list of registered DMCA agents, meaning that you will lose your DMCA safe harbors. Basically, the Copyright Office is announcing that it is kicking EVERY SINGLE site that registered for DMCA safe harbor protection OFF THE SAFE HARBOR LIST.. That's horrendous. You have until the end of 2017, but really, how many sites (especially smaller sites or one person blogs) who don't follow copyright law are going to realize they need to do this? This is a recipe for disaster, and is basically the Copyright Office giving a giant middle finger to the DMCA's safe harbors for the sites that need them the most: smaller blogs and forum sites.
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