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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

El Guapo wrote:What's the difference between "full dust" and, uh, not full dust?

It's still confusing to me that it needed a nerf, given that (for example) I've seen it played I think four times (by me or my opponent) in the past week, and in each case the caster lost. Seems like ~ 30% of the time Yogg winds up killing itself. The last time I cast Yogg, it was a novelty in that Yogg just killed me directly, by casting two damage spells at me.

But the nerf seems fine. If Yogg destroys all minions that's probably fine - that's what you're hoping for like 80% of the time anyway. Of course, every now and again it's going to like naturalize itself on the first spell, and then you're extra hosed. Oh well.
They didn't want it played in tournaments and it was being played in tournaments because basically there's a 75% chance of it helping you come back from a losing position and that's a problem when you have gotten to the regional finals and lose because of that. What makes it prohibitive in tourneys is that you have to set up for it, ie use spells instead of minions in your deck, but now if the first spell Yogg plays kills/silences it, the rest of your deck was a waste. I don't think it'll be played in next week's tourneys.

Any card that costs dust that gets nerfed gets a full refund on the dust it would take to create it again. So you'll be able to get 1600 dust from Yogg once the nerf goes through. Only for awhile though, like a week or so.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by El Guapo »

There's no way the odds of it helping you come back from a losing position are 75%.

But that aside, I can see how frustrating it would be to lose a tournament game due to a lucky RNG effect.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

How can we find out which cards are soon to be removed from Standard? And how soon is "soon"?

I'm getting close to 1600 dust and don't want to craft a legendary that may soon be obsolete.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

Ralph-Wiggum wrote:How can we find out which cards are soon to be removed from Standard? And how soon is "soon"?

I'm getting close to 1600 dust and don't want to craft a legendary that may soon be obsolete.
So the exact wording is
Standard is a new format in Play mode that allows players to go head-to-head using only the most recently released Hearthstone cards. You’ll play Standard using a deck built solely from a pool of cards that were released in the current and previous calendar year, along with a core foundation of the Basic and Classic card sets (which will always be valid for Standard).
That would mean that League of Explorers and The Grand Tournament would rotate out on January 1, 2017.

I'll post here if I get any updates on that.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Sudy »

Blackrock Mountain will leave Standard, as well. I don't believe it's necessarily 01/01/2017, but whenever the first expansion of the new year launches.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

Sudy Nym wrote:Blackrock Mountain will leave Standard, as well. I don't believe it's necessarily 01/01/2017, but whenever the first expansion of the new year launches.
What I quoted said the calendar year. I'll be looking for some clarification on that as Blizzcon approaches.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

Thanks for the info. I guess I can just sort by card set in My Collection to figure out which cards will be around long term.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

The update is live!

https://goo.gl/uuqb8k Bye Yogg!!
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

So apparently this week's Tavern Brawl costs $10 (or 1000 coins). And it more or less seems like Arena except you use your own deck rather than random cards. Considering I rarely win more than three or four games in a row, I think I'll pass...
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by El Guapo »

Ralph-Wiggum wrote:So apparently this week's Tavern Brawl costs $10 (or 1000 coins). And it more or less seems like Arena except you use your own deck rather than random cards. Considering I rarely win more than three or four games in a row, I think I'll pass...
Yup. From the description they seem to be pitching it towards expert players as well, so I would assume that I wouldn't make it to more than 2 wins.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

The rewards are not even that great unless you manage to win 12 games. You have to win 7+ games to break even and even then you only get seven ToG packs + some gold/dust. Definite no go for me, especially with the new expansion around the corner. Got to save up my gold!
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Sudy »

Hmm, yeah, I have a hard time not seeing this as a ploy to separate people from their gold in advance of the next expansion. Maybe if it rewarded the next expansion's cards instead I'd participate... but I have all Old Gods cards I care for. And it's basically just a constructed tournament.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

They said they were going to do this about a month ago. It's really to support the top streamers.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Sudy »

I'm aware, but I still don't see it any differently. I'm also not sure the top streamers need support? Regardless, that doesn't mean I don't find it fun to watch. I'm just disappointed there's no incentive to participate. That said I'd gladly pay gold/real money for a well done tournament mode.
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Re: Hearthstone

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The streamers don't, but Blizz wants people to watch them of course. It doesn't bother me, there's plenty of brawls I don't do anyway.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

Upcoming Hearthstone rotation timing

'New year' means new Hearthstone year :).
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

What are rogues going to do without Reno Jackson??? :wink:

The upcoming expansion looks pretty interesting. I've started saving up my gold and have been saving dust for a while in case any must-have Legendaries drop.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Torfish »

The new expansion just came out today. I went ahead and pre-purchased since it gets you an extra 10 packs. Should be fun to open and play tonight after work.

Many of the popular hearthstone players on Twitch are opening their packs.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

I bought 12 packs with the gold I saved over the last two weeks. Only got one epic and no legendaries. However, there are three quests that will net you an extra six packs, so I still have hope!
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

There's a problem with the new packs. The ratios for the new tri cards apparently aren't right. Blizzard is 'looking into it'. Wish they'd hurry up, as I'm waiting until this is resolved before buying packs.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

I didn't notice anything odd about the cards I was receiving in the packs, although I wasn't really paying that much attention.

I just faced a druid running a full-on Jade golem deck (with the legendary and everything). By turn 6 or 7, they were already putting down multiple 6/6+ jade golems a turn. It's of course super early, but I'm not sure how that can be beat other than complete aggro.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

I only started playing a few days ago so it won't affect me much, as I still don't have much of a clue :) It is interesting seeing howmuch people drop on this game (eg purchasing 50-200 packs)!!!
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

The fix is in. If you opened packs before 2:30 PST, you'll get an extra 33% of those packs back. No timeline specified for the extra packs yet.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

Streaming the opening of 157 packs on Facebook at 4:45 pm PST as Jennifer King Schlickbernd if anyone wants to watch. (Sorry about FB but it's the only place I know how to stream atm).
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Sudy »

Opened 25 or so packs. Got one legendary, Aya Blackpaw. w00t. Have 8 packs waiting as compensation from the thing, too.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

Got 5 packs as compensation. I got one legendary in 23 packs - the guy that refreshes your hero power after you cast a spell. Doesn't seem like the greatest...
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Re: Hearthstone

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I still want my third quest back that the Gadgetzan launch quests overwrote. :evil:
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

The quests are in queue so nothing was actually lost.
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Re: Hearthstone

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I believe my third quest was overwritten by the Gadgetzan ones, and it never reappeared after I cleared them.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Skinypupy »

So...I tried Hearthstone back when it very first came out. It didn't really grab me, but I'm interested in giving it another look. I've never really spent much time with CCG before, but the ones I did play (Ascension, mainly) I quite enjoyed.

The sheer amount of information out there is kinda overwhelming, especially being mostly a CCG noob. Any beginner guides you veterans could maybe point me towards? Or some "need to know" tips?
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Sudy »

The Trump Basic Teachings YouTube series. Each episode demonstrates a core concept with one of the nine classes and features a deck using only the basic cards each new account starts with.

Other than that, don't get overwhelmed just because you can't afford to field a competitive deck in Ranked yet. Look up some more recent budget deck builds, or stick to Arena outside of finishing your daily quests (the most fun mode IMO, anyway).
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

Here's an article on how to get gold and packs http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-tips-get ... arthstone/

Try not to get too discouraged/frustrated at first. You are going to lose a lot because you don't know the game. You gotta play to see how things work. Be sure to use the deck recipes when creating a deck!! At least until you can handle one of the popular decks out there.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by gilraen »

Also, if you haven't unlocked all classes yet, keep playing the AI until you do. You get gold rewards for completing the unlocks, plus you really want to see every class in action (even just minimal) before you start playing other people.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

Any thoughts on if there's a must-have legendary from the new expansion? I've got ~1700 dust but can't decide what to do with it...
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by gilraen »

Depends on what class/deck you are playing...none of the neutral legendaries are particularly good this time around.
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

I currently only have one jade lotus deck, so I'm not sure I would get enough use out of Aya Blackpaw. I was considering Kazakus as it could fit into at least two of my decks (Reno mage and Reno Warlock), but I'm not sure how much use those decks will get one Reno Jackson is out of standard (in a few months?). I suppose another option is N'zoth, which could finally make me put together a deathrattle deck.

I guess my main issue is that I don't really concentrate on playing one deck. I have four or five that I like to mess around with, which always makes it hard to decide on what to craft...
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Lorini »

Patches works well with both Warrior and Rogue, so there is that :)
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by El Guapo »

Just had an amusing moment in ranked play. I was playing Mage, they were playing Paladin. He dropped Milhouse Manastorm (4/4 for 2, opponents spells cost 0 next turn). Unfortunately for him I had Archmage Antonidas in hand (every time you cast a spell you get a free Fireball). So, I cast Antonidas, then hit him with a 0 cost fireball, which gave me another 0 cost fireball, which gave me another 0 cost fireball...

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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

That's awesome.

I had a great ending to an Arena match this weekend. It's my opponent's turn with nothing on the board for either of us. His hero (shaman?) has 3 health left, I have 1 health. He plays a mad-bomber (3/2 who does 3 random damage to all characters). All he needs is one of the three bombs to hit me to win. All three bombs hit his own hero. 8-)
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Re: Hearthstone

Post by Sudy »

Been a while since I've gone 0-3 in the arena with Warlock.
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