There have been rumors for awhile now that Russians have videos of Trump in, uh, unflattering positions...
Sure but that there are credible reports that it is beyond videos and delves into his financials is - unsurprising. I can't wait to hear the spinmeisters on this one.
I'll give it a shot. "CNN is further proving that they have an overwhelming bias against President-elect Trump by reporting on these entirely unfounded allegations."
And every single Trump supporter will immediately eat it up and scream "liberal media BAD!!" Until they are hoarse.
Damn, I was SO close. Trumps lawyer's comment, as per Buzzfeed:
“It’s so ridiculous on so many levels,” he said. “Clearly, the person who created this did so from their imagination or did so hoping that the liberal media would run with this fake story for whatever rationale they might have.”
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
Some of this would, be it any other person, very hard to believe. The alleged levels of cooperation between the Trump campaign and the Russians are astounding, and to me, the most damning item in a report full of them. Like I said, this is just hard to believe that they would have been in bed with the Russian intelligence services with respect to campaign intelligence. But then again, it's Trump, so who's to say. I guess only time will tell, but if the intelligence community determines even half the stuff in this report is true, I see impeachment in the Trumpster's future. Though, I wonder, can he be impeached for stuff he did before he was president?
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
Grifman wrote:I see impeachment in the Trumpster's future. Though, I wonder, can he be impeached for stuff he did before he was president?
Entirely up to the sitting House , if I understand correctly. There are no defined rules, etc. IIRC the wording around impeachment just speak to something 'that undermines the country'...
Drudge is already responding, tweeting out "Are corrupt US intel agencies blackmailing Trump with their own dirt cleverly tagged to 'Russian' operatives?"
Funny how they all loved Comey when he was torpedoing Hillary's campaign. Now he's an anti-Trump conspirator.
The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.
Sources tell CNN that these same allegations about communications between the Trump campaign and the Russians, mentioned in classified briefings for congressional leaders last year, prompted then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid to send a letter to FBI Director Comey in October, in which he wrote, "It has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government -- a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States."
So glad the FBI went public about the second, meaningless investigation into Hillary's emails but kept quiet about this until after the election.
FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday refused to say whether his bureau was investigating any possible ties between Russia and the Donald Trump's presidential campaign, citing policy not to comment on what the FBI might or might not be doing.
Comey testified at the Senate's second hearing in a week addressing allegations of Russian election hacking. In late October he angered Democrats when he announced 11 days before the election that the FBI was looking at more emails as part of its investigation of Hillary Clinton.
"I would never comment on investigations - whether we have one or not - in an open forum like this so I can't answer one way or another," Comey told the Senate's intelligence committee during his first public appearance before Congress since the unusual disclosure about Clinton.
"The irony of your making that statement, I cannot avoid," said Sen. Angus King, a Maine independent.
Nice tip o' the hat by the AP: the Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
I honestly cannot wait to see what he posts on Twitter at 3am tomorrow morning. I also think we've figured out what it was going to take for people to finally be horrified about something Trump related. Even if it's not true, at least there's a measurable level now.
I want more details about the bit where it says that the Russian operation was conducted with "full knowledge and support of Trump" in return for sidelining "Russian intervention in Ukraine" and raising NATO commitments.
Grifman wrote:Some of this would, be it any other person, very hard to believe. The alleged levels of cooperation between the Trump campaign and the Russians are astounding, and to me, the most damning item in a report full of them. Like I said, this is just hard to believe that they would have been in bed with the Russian intelligence services with respect to campaign intelligence. But then again, it's Trump, so who's to say. I guess only time will tell, but if the intelligence community determines even half the stuff in this report is true, I see impeachment in the Trumpster's future. Though, I wonder, can he be impeached for stuff he did before he was president?
Sure - especially when it is treason or suborning treason.
Some people on the alt-right are claiming that 4chan made up the stuff in the report and that somehow it got to the CIA and they decided to add the Russian spy angle to it.
I thought it would come from some corruption scandal in later 2017, but now I feel like we're already waiting for a serious GOP anti-Trump faction to coalesce around the Russia crisis. As soon as the political cost of supporting Trump/Putin against the intelligence agencies exceeds the cost of rejecting them, major players will see what they have to do save the party and themselves.
We'll know it's happening when Pence (who came on board as an outsider to the Trump cabal and has all the plausible deniability he needs) begins openly distancing himself.
Maybe not, though. Maybe as a party they care so little about the nation that they're willing to overlook even this.
They ignore it at the peril that evidence that can't be ignored - or an indictment comes down. If so, then heads will roll in a legendary way. The risks here are unbelievable if any of this pans out.
Can we borrow the straw you used when you were trying to drink up the whole "Bill Clinton was a pedophile because he was seen on a plane with Jeffrey Epstein! thing?
Max Peck wrote:Finally, someone with a fair and balanced viewpoint weighs in.
Does anyone at this point doubt that Wikileaks is a tool of Russia (and now Trump)? They're not just raising questions / doubting; they repeatedly go to bat for Trump and Putin.
That said, because the report details fairly concrete events, it should be pretty easy to either verify or dismiss. It details meetings, travel, stay-overs. These are things that can be checked. If Trump wasn't there when the report says he was...well, we know it's trash. If he was...well, it would still seem unbelievable, but it will be MORE believable.
And of course, in the highly unlikely event that it's even partially's hard to see how the Trump presidency isn't mortally wounded. I mean, he's putting on a good show for our sake, but even not Rip is going to be ok with a US president (or presidential candidate) colluding with the Russians.
/. "She climbed backwards out her
\/ window into Outside Over There."
Little Raven wrote:This....strains credulity. To put it mildly.
That said, because the report details fairly concrete events, it should be pretty easy to either verify or dismiss. It details meetings, travel, stay-overs. These are things that can be checked. If Trump wasn't there when the report says he was...well, we know it's trash. If he was...well, it would still seem unbelievable, but it will be MORE believable.
At the very least we know he was in Russia in 2013:
I'm not saying that doc is the fire, because I agree it looks pretty sketchy. But I don't know how anyone can doubt that there isn't a WHOLE lot of smoke re: Trump ties to Russia. His behavior absolutely makes no sense otherwise. I haven't seen a single credible defense of Trump's behavior towards Russia other than that "he wants good relations." Well duh, every President wants good relations with them. But I can't think of any that have gone to his level of the point he'd rather criticize his own country before he'll say anything negative about Russia. Hell, even his own party thinks there's something nefarious going on.
For a bunch of supporters who were ready to rake Hillary over the coals for even the slightest insinuation of an insinuation, they sure don't seem too concerned about the obvious glaring them in the face day after day.
YellowKing wrote:At this point I don't even care if the story turned out to be false. About time that blowhard had to swallow his own medicine.
You know what bullies hate more than anything? Being bullied.
And what does it say about your character when the news is met not with "that's impossible!" but "Yeah, that sounds about right."
It's really funny hearing Trump spokesperson condemning this as "conspiracy theory" when this has been Trump's bread and butter/modus operandi for so long. Oh, the irony!
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
Rip wrote:What do you know, a new straw to grasp at.
Good luck with that.
Nobody is grasping at straws, we more just enjoying Trump falling victim to something right out of is own playbook. I suspect Ted Cruz's uncle has a big smile on his face right now
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton