The Former Trump Presidency Thread

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by $iljanus »

hepcat wrote:Next presidential speech he'll wheel out a giant, fur covered humanoid on a table. Then he'll tell everyone he bested a Sasquatch in hand to hand combat over the weekend, before having it wheeled out before the press can reach the table.
Or he'll finally release a huge folder with receipts spilling out containing his tax return...strapped to the back of a pacing tiger (gift from Putin of course "Comrade, don't remove special favorite collar of tiger. Will help it sleep better in your Oval Office") with Trump saying "Here's the tax return you vultures keep asking for. If you want it, come and claim it!"

CNN mourns the loss of another White House correspondent, marking the 4th time a journalist made a try for Trump's tax return...
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by hepcat »

malchior wrote: She shouldn't be running from show to show. The networks shouldn't be giving her a platform at all to spread her poison.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by malchior »

hepcat wrote:
malchior wrote: She shouldn't be running from show to show. The networks shouldn't be giving her a platform at all to spread her poison.
Emperor Trumpentine has invested a lot of time and money in Darth Conway. She will make the empire proud.
Good comparison - she really is just a more focused and aptly skilled rambler in service to her master.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Fretmute »

Isgrimnur wrote:Lockheed Martin is in Fort Worth. There's a GM plant in Arlington. There's are at least a couple of Raytheon facilities.

If the balloon goes up, so does DFW.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Remus West »

malchior wrote:
RunningMn9 wrote:Kurth, I watched the same video last night and could not possibly have come to a more opposite conclusion.
Seriously - I give it up to Cooper for not just yelling - 'STOP LYING!'.
I don't. I'd love it if the news people started shouting that every time politicians told blatant lies. Yell it and keep yelling it until the politician either starts crying or slinks away to whatever hole they crawled out of.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by gilraen »

Remus West wrote:
malchior wrote:
RunningMn9 wrote:Kurth, I watched the same video last night and could not possibly have come to a more opposite conclusion.
Seriously - I give it up to Cooper for not just yelling - 'STOP LYING!'.
I don't. I'd love it if the news people started shouting that every time politicians told blatant lies. Yell it and keep yelling it until the politician either starts crying or slinks away to whatever hole they crawled out of.
Cooper is old-school journalism, he always tries to remain calm, professional and detached (with varying degrees of success). Whether or not it's a good thing these days is up for debate, but it is what it is. The day he finally loses it on live TV is the day we're all truly fucked :doh:
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Jeff V »

It really bugs the shit out of me that they don't. From early in the campaign, team Trump decided they can get away with just making shit up and nobody ever seriously calls them on the carpet because of it. Or when someone tries (like Chuck Todd on occasion), they get their spin mastress to change the subject.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Grifman »

Skinypupy wrote:I was in training all day yesterday and didn't get caught up on the circus until late last night. That went well.

A couple Stromtrumpers I know were applauding him for "standing up to" the CNN reporter, so I posed a hypothetical to them. Obama does the exact same thing to a Fox News reporter. Still happy? One's response was "Of course not, that would be completely inappropriate." When pressed about why, he told me, "Everyone knows CNN is dishonest media and can't be trusted. Fox News tells the truth, so there's no reason the President shouldn't answer questions from them."

Le sigh...there truly is no winning with these types.
This is how fascism and authoritarianism begin. The Republican leadership has screamed media bias so long that the right wing doesn't believe the press, not realizing that it's really campaign rhetoric for the most part. Here's the irony, the Republican leadership, for all their screaming of media bias, still read the WP, the NYT, watch CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. That's where they get their news and they still care what these media orgs say. But they've brainwashed their followers into believing not just that the media is biased but that it can't be trusted - at all.

What's the solution to this? Being Trump's lapdog isn't the answer, even though anything negative and critical is seen as bias. I don't know how you can re-educate your average conservative that the media is overall, pretty truthful and accurate in their reporting, and when they mess up, they generally acknowledge it and try to fix it.

This is a real problem if a large proportion don't believe the news. It leaves a vacuum to be filled by "fake news" and propaganda amd spin.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Grifman »

Kurth wrote:I haven't followed this closely, but from what I could tell, Cooper was defending CNN on a technicality, bur Conway was going at him for the substance. CNN made a call to report on the dossier because the fact it was included in Trump and Obama's briefing is an important news event. But if -- as the Trump team maintains and CNN doesn't refute -- it was never actually presented during the briefing but just included in a 2 page appendix that no one discussed, was it really "presented", and is it really important enough to merit reporting? Especially when the dossier is basically an opposition research memo filled with a ton of salacious, sensational and completely unsourced stuff.
I think you are totally wrong here. The issue isn't that this was just in a memo. Yes these rumors have been out there but:

1) A US Senator (John McCain) took them seriously enough to forward the data to the FBI/CIA
2) The allegations have led to not just a memo but an active investigation
3) This has also been shared with the top Senate/House intelligence leadership

You don't think that this makes it serious and newsworthy?
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Defiant »

RunningMn9 wrote:Kurth, I watched the same video last night and could not possibly have come to a more opposite conclusion.

From what I saw, Conway was repeatedly trying to equate CNN reporting with the Buzzfeed release, first by directly equating them, and later on by stating that CNN linked to them, but, AFAIU, what she was claiming was completely false.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Defiant »

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Smoove_B »

Grifman wrote:This is how fascism and authoritarianism begin.
It's not just the news issue or how Trump was threatening news agencies yesterday (while questioning their legitimacy). It's not just the prop theater of whatever that show was yesterday with all his fake folders. The man that is about to become the President of the United States gave a news conference yesterday where he told everyone he could (if he wanted) continue to run his business and it was legally fine for him to do so because he's the President and legally he cannot have a conflict of interest. He again repeated he could absolutely continue to run his business empire (and he'd do a great job) and be President, but that he's not going to and we should all be thankful for that. Forget the tax returns, forget whatever the Russian spies have or the legitimacy of the the dossier. That statement alone should give everyone pause - he's clearly a megalomaniac and he hasn't even moved into the White House yet. I'm more convinced than ever that this whole thing is a move to enrich himself, his family and whatever connections he feels are worthy. What happened yesterday is beyond embarrassing for the United States. It's beyond frightening for the news media. It should be a wake up call that we're in big trouble.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by El Guapo »

Really seems like Buzzfeed screwed the pooch by publishing the unverified file. Seems like every major media outlet has had it since this summer, and no one's been able to significantly verify what's in it (despite significant incentives to break the story), so it seems highly likely that most of it is false (or at least, is unprovable). But publishing it allows the Trump team to conflate the serious CNN story with the Buzzfeed file and brand it all "fake news."
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LordMortis »

Smoove_B wrote: What happened yesterday is beyond embarrassing for the United States. It's beyond frightening for the news media. It should be a wake up call that we're in big trouble.
I don't think that wake up call will come until Trump properties are defaced or attacked and the nation treats an affront to Trump holdings as an affront to the US. Graft won't do it. Authoritarianism won't do it. Plutocracy won't do it. But I think the day he make the US and Trump Holdings synonymous all hell will break loose.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by pr0ner »

No one should ever be surprised when Shep Smith says something like this.

He and Chris Wallace may be the only two legit reporters left at Fox News.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Blackhawk »

I don't think that the report was so much false as it was never meant to be factual claims. The British ex-agent was hired to dig up leads. He provided leads. He provided a report on those leads. Leads are rumors with oomph, places to start investigating, not facts.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by ImLawBoy »

Guys, he's still a private citizen, so this is all fine (unlike crooked Hillary, whose myriad scams and schemes came while she was in office). I'm sure he'll be fine once he takes the oath, and he won't use public office to enrich himself and his cronies. He's above all of that, since he's so independently wealthy. He simply can't be bought!

(I think that covers most of the stuff we heard prior to the election.)
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Kurth »

Well, looks like I'm definitely in the minority here on this one. I'll rewatch and see if I have a different reaction.
El Guapo wrote:Really seems like Buzzfeed screwed the pooch by publishing the unverified file. Seems like every major media outlet has had it since this summer, and no one's been able to significantly verify what's in it (despite significant incentives to break the story), so it seems highly likely that most of it is false (or at least, is unprovable). But publishing it allows the Trump team to conflate the serious CNN story with the Buzzfeed file and brand it all "fake news."
But this is really the heart of what is bothering me - if Buzzfeed was so wrong to publish the unverified file because it was . . . unverified . . ., then why does CNN get a free pass for reporting on it but not actually publishing the contents? If there is no reason to believe what's in the dossier is credible, why make a big headline out of it? And if the "news" event is solely hat the dossier has now been "presented" to Trump and Obama, that seems to be significantly undermined by the fact that no one actually told them about it and it was never discussed during the briefing.

I don't disagree that Cooper was technically right that CNN wasn't reporting fake news, but there is a bad smell to it. Again, looks like the media pursuing splashy headlines in the endless pursuit of clicks.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Paingod »

ImLawBoy wrote:I'm sure he'll be fine once he takes the oath, and he won't use public office to enrich himself and his cronies. He's above all of that, since he's so independently wealthy. He simply can't be bought!
I'm with you there. I can't imagine a scenario where he works overtly in the next four years to enact policies that may result in double-digit growth of his own assets when he 're-acquires' them upon leaving office.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by hepcat »

Kurth wrote:- if Buzzfeed was so wrong to publish the unverified file because it was . . . unverified . . ., then why does CNN get a free pass for reporting on it but not actually publishing the contents? If there is no reason to believe what's in the dossier is credible, why make a big headline out of it?
Remember how many headlines were generated when Trump and others went after Obama with the totally unfounded "Birther" movement?

Trump isn't being treated unfairly by CNN, he's just not being treated the way he wants to be treated. This is why he's such a dangerous person to have in a position of power.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Defiant »

So, doing a little bit of research, even though Cooper said others were reporting that it was not verbally reported and that was not inconsistent with what CNN had reported of a 2 page summary (and I don't think Conway argued this point - she was still repeatedly trying to tie CNN with the 35 page report), it seems Cooper got that wrong:
While multiple officials say the summary was included in the material prepared for the briefers, the senior official told NBC News that the briefing was oral and no actual documents were left with the Trump team in New York. During the briefing, the president-elect was not briefed on the contents of the summary .

So according to this report, Trump got it orally and didn't keep a physical copy, but there was still a two page summary.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Grifman »

Kurth wrote:But this is really the heart of what is bothering me - if Buzzfeed was so wrong to publish the unverified file because it was . . . unverified . . ., then why does CNN get a free pass for reporting on it but not actually publishing the contents? If there is no reason to believe what's in the dossier is credible, why make a big headline out of it? And if the "news" event is solely hat the dossier has now been "presented" to Trump and Obama, that seems to be significantly undermined by the fact that no one actually told them about it and it was never discussed during the briefing.
It's as if you don't even read what I wrote so I'll say it again:

1) A US Senator (John McCain) took them seriously enough to forward the data to the FBI/CIA
2) The allegations have led to not just a memo but an active investigation
3) This has also been shared with the top Senate/House intelligence leadership

I'll bold my question to you again:

You don't think that this makes it serious and newsworthy?

As for credibility, no one knows. That's why there is an investigation by US intelligence agencies.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Grifman »

I'll also add CNN did not report on the details because they are unverified and they could not verify it. But they did report that the information was presented to Trump/Obama among others. That is legitimate news, not the unverifiable details.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by malchior »

And it exposed something important. That one they aren't denying it so they were likely provided the materials. And two that it implies that intelligence agencies are investigating those claims. How is that *not* news.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Blackhawk »

It is the difference between "Government officials have been briefed on possible allegations" vs. "Here is list of the possible allegations." The first statement is completely true, while the second is just repeating rumors.

I saw the original CNN broadcast of this. They were very careful to state that they couldn't actually confirm if any of the allegations were true. They put that aspect of it in the proper light, and just focused on the fact that the claims existed and that they were being taken seriously enough to warrant investigation. All of which is true.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by RunningMn9 »

Kurth wrote:But this is really the heart of what is bothering me - if Buzzfeed was so wrong to publish the unverified file because it was . . . unverified . . ., then why does CNN get a free pass for reporting on it but not actually publishing the contents?
Because the CNN report wasn't about the contents of the unverified file. The CNN report was that the Prezodent and the Prezodent-Elect were briefed on the existence of the unverified file. Which is true. And not fake.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LawBeefaroni »

LordMortis wrote:
Smoove_B wrote: What happened yesterday is beyond embarrassing for the United States. It's beyond frightening for the news media. It should be a wake up call that we're in big trouble.
I don't think that wake up call will come until Trump properties are defaced or attacked and the nation treats an affront to Trump holdings as an affront to the US. Graft won't do it. Authoritarianism won't do it. Plutocracy won't do it. But I think the day he make the US and Trump Holdings synonymous all hell will break loose.
Ever the optimist.
Protecting individual wealth and property, especially that of wealthy individuals and corporations, is the bedrock of our armed forces. You can bet that we'll go to war if someone blows up Trump lobby. And you can be pretty sure that any action will get a lot of public support.

He's already eschewing the established benefits of office in favor of Trump branded versions. It certainly serves to blur the lines between the US Government property and Trump holdings.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by gilraen »

LawBeefaroni wrote: if someone blows up Trump lobby.
I think it's not a matter of "if", but "when". Probably not in NYC but any of his other hotels around the world are all prime targets. The U.S. will never be allowed to have their soldiers in every one of those cities protecting the buildings.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Holman »

LawBeefaroni wrote: He's already eschewing the established benefits of office in favor of Trump branded versions. It certainly serves to blur the lines between the US Government property and Trump holdings.
It's a minor thing compared to the rest, but Trump's insistence on doing the job from Trump Tower pisses me the hell off.

The White House isn't just a perk, and it's not just an address; it's metonymy for the presidency itself. It outlasts the Chief Executive and grounds the continuity of the office across individuals. For Trump to declare that he prefers to govern from his lavish personal palace is as offensive as it is disturbing.

I hope New Yorkers start treating Trump Tower with the explicit New York contempt this move deserves.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Smoove_B »

~24 hours later and welcome to the new normal:
Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) called for CNN reporter Jim Acosta to be “fired & prohibited” from future press conferences for what he described as Acosta’s "disrespectful” behavior toward Donald Trump on Wednesday.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Isgrimnur »

He's Ron Paul's successor to the district covering some of the Houston suburbs.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LordMortis »

Smoove_B wrote:~24 hours later and welcome to the new normal:
Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) called for CNN reporter Jim Acosta to be “fired & prohibited” from future press conferences for what he described as Acosta’s "disrespectful” behavior toward Donald Trump on Wednesday.
The disrespect of being handed a mic and letting him keep it so a public example (presumably pre planned) could be made of him? I will say, as much as I am in Acosta's corner, it was mistake for him to take the bait and shows bad judgement on his part. It sort of makes him a willing thraw.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Isgrimnur »

The House has always been a hive of scum and villainy. Running off at the mouth of one of them isn't worth sweating.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Alefroth »

LordMortis wrote:
Smoove_B wrote:~24 hours later and welcome to the new normal:
Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) called for CNN reporter Jim Acosta to be “fired & prohibited” from future press conferences for what he described as Acosta’s "disrespectful” behavior toward Donald Trump on Wednesday.
The disrespect of being handed a mic and letting him keep it so a public example (presumably pre planned) could be made of him? I will say, as much as I am in Acosta's corner, it was mistake for him to take the bait and shows bad judgement on his part. It sort of makes him a willing thraw.
I'm not sure what you are saying here. Should a reporter be expecting to be baited at a press conference?
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Alefroth »

RunningMn9 wrote:Kurth, I watched the same video last night and could not possibly have come to a more opposite conclusion.
Yeah, that was one of the best examples of someone not taking her shit, that I've seen.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by LordMortis »

Alefroth wrote:
LordMortis wrote:
Smoove_B wrote:~24 hours later and welcome to the new normal:
Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) called for CNN reporter Jim Acosta to be “fired & prohibited” from future press conferences for what he described as Acosta’s "disrespectful” behavior toward Donald Trump on Wednesday.
The disrespect of being handed a mic and letting him keep it so a public example (presumably pre planned) could be made of him? I will say, as much as I am in Acosta's corner, it was mistake for him to take the bait and shows bad judgement on his part. It sort of makes him a willing thraw.
I'm not sure what you are saying here. Should a reporter be expecting to be baited at a press conference?
I'd think a someone covering Trump would realize quickly when they are baited, even if it's shameful that this is what our our POTUS elect is doing.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by hepcat »

gilraen wrote:
LawBeefaroni wrote: if someone blows up Trump lobby.
I think it's not a matter of "if", but "when". Probably not in NYC but any of his other hotels around the world are all prime targets.
Well, not the secret ones in Russia.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Max Peck »

While I haven't listened to the podcast, I hope that whoever wrote this Reuters headline gets a little something extra in their next pay packet. :)

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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Kraken »

Paingod wrote:
ImLawBoy wrote:I'm sure he'll be fine once he takes the oath, and he won't use public office to enrich himself and his cronies. He's above all of that, since he's so independently wealthy. He simply can't be bought!
I'm with you there. I can't imagine a scenario where he works overtly in the next four years to enact policies that may result in double-digit growth of his own assets when he 're-acquires' them upon leaving office.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread

Post by Holman »

Kraken wrote:
Paingod wrote:
ImLawBoy wrote:I'm sure he'll be fine once he takes the oath, and he won't use public office to enrich himself and his cronies. He's above all of that, since he's so independently wealthy. He simply can't be bought!
I'm with you there. I can't imagine a scenario where he works overtly in the next four years to enact policies that may result in double-digit growth of his own assets when he 're-acquires' them upon leaving office.
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