Skinypupy wrote:I was in training all day yesterday and didn't get caught up on the circus until late last night. That went well.
A couple Stromtrumpers I know were applauding him for "standing up to" the CNN reporter, so I posed a hypothetical to them. Obama does the exact same thing to a Fox News reporter. Still happy? One's response was "Of course not, that would be completely inappropriate." When pressed about why, he told me, "Everyone knows CNN is dishonest media and can't be trusted. Fox News tells the truth, so there's no reason the President shouldn't answer questions from them."
Le sigh...there truly is no winning with these types.
This is how fascism and authoritarianism begin. The Republican leadership has screamed media bias so long that the right wing doesn't believe the press, not realizing that it's really campaign rhetoric for the most part. Here's the irony, the Republican leadership, for all their screaming of media bias, still read the WP, the NYT, watch CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. That's where they get their news and they still care what these media orgs say. But they've brainwashed their followers into believing not just that the media is biased but that it can't be trusted - at all.
What's the solution to this? Being Trump's lapdog isn't the answer, even though anything negative and critical is seen as bias. I don't know how you can re-educate your average conservative that the media is overall, pretty truthful and accurate in their reporting, and when they mess up, they generally acknowledge it and try to fix it.
This is a real problem if a large proportion don't believe the news. It leaves a vacuum to be filled by "fake news" and propaganda amd spin.