I got my first lockup at 27 hours in. Not a big deal, since the game autosaves on every event, so I just had to restart on the map at a safe location but without losing any progress or inventory.
The bug with the sniper not being able to be killed that I mentioned above is still there, but it's on a non-campaign mission and didn't really affect my game.
I really don't understand the bad reviews. I can understand technical issues, sure, but the gameplay in HTR is great. Oh, sometimes it does get repetitious, but the nice thing is that you aren't required to complete every mission in a zone, so if you find certain aspects of the gameplay repetitious, you can switch off and do something else. This works especially well in the "Hearts & Minds" mechanic. To cause an uprising in a zone, you have to get a 100% rating. However, you can get to 100% without doing all or anywhere near all of the available tasks. So if you prefer stealth, you do sabotage and "find the radio" missions. Want to go in loud? Blow up armored cars and assault strike points and strongholds. And of course you can mix and match.
Currently, at 28 hours in, I'm in the "Restricted Zone". This is an odd name, since all the zones are restricted in some way. But here is where the KPA put all the prisoners (wearing bright orange jumpsuits), so in a way it's like a yellow zone, no open combat. This zone is different because of the elevated catwalks and observation platforms, so the guards, besides being on the ground, can also patrol up high to keep an eye on things. What this does for the player is give a way to access the higher floors of buildings, where the developers added their usual clever puzzles on how to get around using planks between buildings and short jumps. It's a very cool way to add a third dimension to the zone.
And kudos to the developers. Their various puzzles (not really different than those in GTA or Fallout games, except more plentiful and a bit harder) are challenging, but after all these hours playing I've only had to go to the internet for the solution to a single puzzle, and I dope slapped myself because it was an easy solution I could have found if I didn't allow myself to be frustrated. Otherwise it's just a matter of being patient and observant and not being in a rush.
Honestly, I can't see how someone could have enjoyed the game if they finished it in fifteen hours. Or maybe I could see how they didn't enjoy it. The game world is amazing detailed and like the latest Fallout game, rewards the player who wanders around and peeks and pokes into all the little places.
Finally, a big hug to whoever on the development team came up with the idea of the airships in the Red Zones. There's something dreadful and ominous as they slowly cruise around and the player can never be complacent. The airship surveillance moves slowly but heaven help you if you get caught by it's beam out in the open!
For folks familiar with Philly, I'm currently at this location. Assuming it's a real location...