While I appreciate this sentiment, the unfortunate reality is that writ large, POC "in general" are left and subject to lesser conditions and intrinsic biases that the broad base of middle to upper class white people are not. Are there millions of people who are inverse to this generality? Yeah, but in a country of three hundred million 149 million people is still a minority.Daehawk wrote:No Scoop no no. This is the problem. We dont move on from the past. We can acknowledge it and yes it was wrong. But apologize? No. Ive never owned a slave, Ive never known a slave. My family never owned a slave. And no one around has ever been a slave. I dont owe anyone an apology. Apologizing for something no one has done simply perpetuates the hate and hurt feelings on both sides. One side will feel owed for something they dont deserve and the other will feel they paid something for what they never had or did.If the left could admit to that and honestly say we are sorry, take ownership for our part in it (yes, part. we all today reap the benefits of generations of human slavery and cruelty just by living here) then I feel like it would be great first step to moving into a solution.
What we need is to simply stop hate right now and move on with our future together in a world of kindness and understanding. It seems everyone in the world is racist to some extent today. Id like to drop it all and just live life. We dont get long on the stupid planet. We all need to treat each other equal and fair. No that doesn't happen but it should have a long time ago.Keeping hurt feelings and passing them down generation after generation is not solving anything.
I dont like being involved in race stuff...reading this for the fun Trump stuff...but the apology BS is one thing that has always pissed me off.
On the flip side, I feel like those activists and or instigators on the left that refuse to separate the massive class based priviledge and conditions from racial discrimination are doing brand harm to the cause of fixing inequity.
So while you in your situation may not owe anyone an apology because despite your race, you live less privileged than many POC, On the national scale there are a shit load of white Americans that are happy to vote for the war on drugs putting millions more POC in prison, while their little johny or Suzy gets a ticket. Maximum time! But not my baby. Respect the cops! Until it inconveniences me. Pull your bootstraps! While I use the step ladder .
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Edit: I think two good comparisons are Appalachia, and the opioid epidic. Are former coal minors just lazy? Did the danger of drug war just start with opioids.