Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Madmarcus »

What is the rule on getting stuck in swamps/mud? 1120 is interesting due to the building behind me but I generally avoid taking lighter mechs into mud.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Walking or running into it is a piloting skill roll at -1 (so, 3+ in your case). Failing means you get "stuck" and are done for the turn. Jumping in means you're automatically "stuck" (after the facing change).

"Stuck" units are easier to hit (-2 modifier) and need to make a flat PSR at the end of next movement turn to break away.

Also, FYI, you won't be able to run "through" the Saracen.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by gbasden »

NickAragua wrote:
I think 1423 will actually have blocked LOS to the AC/5 turret - the depth 1 water means you're standing at effective height -1, so you're completely obscured by the level 1 hex in 1323.

Keep in mind that the guy you have to search and rescue may be in any one of the four yellow roof buildings. Also, keep in mind that enemy reinforcements are en route to reinforce the base (unknown eta).
Hmm. OK, how about jumping to 1818 facing northwest and firing all the lasers at the Scorpion Light Tank in 1817 and the LRMs at the MG turret. If the tank survives, punch it, if not, punch its friend in 1718?

It feels like we have to take down a lot more of these things or the S&R infantry is going to get slaughtered doing the searches. Maybe the Maxim attacks the MG turret and unloads those missile batteries at it?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Madmarcus »

NickAragua wrote:Walking or running into it is a piloting skill roll at -1 (so, 3+ in your case). Failing means you get "stuck" and are done for the turn. Jumping in means you're automatically "stuck" (after the facing change).

"Stuck" units are easier to hit (-2 modifier) and need to make a flat PSR at the end of next movement turn to break away.
Hmm, that seems to indicate a minimum of one full turn stuck (psr at the end of the turn). I thought I remembered MegaMek allowing a mek to free itself such that, if it succeeded, it could move again right away. Ok, I can think about being stuck as a chance but I can't be forced to automatically spend two firing phases stuck in front of the AC5 turret.

Jump to 1116 facing south, large laser at the MG turret.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Madmarcus »

gbasden wrote:
It feels like we have to take down a lot more of these things or the S&R infantry is going to get slaughtered doing the searches. Maybe the Maxim attacks the MG turret and unloads those missile batteries at it?
I don't think the Maxim can see the MG turret but I completely agree. I want to get a clear shot at the infantry also but the aren't as big a threat to the S&R teams as the mg.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

gbasden wrote:Hmm. OK, how about jumping to 1818 facing northwest and firing all the lasers at the Scorpion Light Tank in 1817 and the LRMs at the MG turret. If the tank survives, punch it, if not, punch its friend in 1718?
No problems with that move.
Madmarcus wrote:Hmm, that seems to indicate a minimum of one full turn stuck (psr at the end of the turn). I thought I remembered MegaMek allowing a mek to free itself such that, if it succeeded, it could move again right away. Ok, I can think about being stuck as a chance but I can't be forced to automatically spend two firing phases stuck in front of the AC5 turret.
The PSR occurs at the beginning of the turn. So you'd be stuck for the duration of the firing and physical phase, then get a chance to break free before the next movement phase.

The MG is definitely the bigger threat, as it'll put out 6d6 damage (2d6 per turret, potentially annihilating the squad entirely). The infantry will put out ~10 damage. So, neither is particularly good.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

I'm on the MG turret.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Madmarcus »

Isgrimnur wrote:I'm on the MG turret.
Great. I'm still going to hit it unless you think you can take it out in one turn.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

It's got like 80 hit points, so you'll definitely need to concentrate fire if you want to bring it down quickly.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by El Guapo »

If I jump to 1922, can any of the three vehicles to my northwest see me? Seems like the level 7 hill would protect me. If so I'll jump to there and unload on the AC5 turret (assuming that I don't faceplant, I suppose).
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Correct, 1922 will prevent LOS on the three lake vehicles. If I may recommend, walking to 2020 will achieve the same goal (no LOS to the vehicles, LOS to the AC/5 turret) without a 7+ piloting roll.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by El Guapo »

Sounds good
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Gbasden jumps into the hilltop lake and fires all lasers at a Scorpion which wildly sprays its autocannon and MG at him as he approaches (the MG burst hits, for the record). The medium lasers miss, but it doesn't matter because the large laser punctures the right side armor and detonates the fuel tank. The vehicle explodes spectacularly. Gbasden catches some return laser fire from the other Scorpion, but his armor holds. He punches back and strips off some armor off the right side of the offending vehicle, and decides to hold the LRMs - even with the water helping cool the mech off, it'd still put him at +8 heat, which means accuracy penalties.

El Guapo walks up the eastern side of the slope and unloads all weapons at the AC/5 turret, delivering a significant amount of damage. The turret returns fire and scores a single hit on the right torso, but the armor holds. The other shots miss or impact the hill.

Isgrimnur, Madmarcus and the Maxim engage the MG turret, inflicting significant damage on the structure, but the turret remains operational. Isgrimnur's legs are saved from the impact of an LRM salvo by the hill in front of him, while Madmarcus easily avoids a salvo of infantry-fired missiles.

Raw firing and heat data
Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Saracen Medium Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus)
    LRM 10 at Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 10 : 3 missile(s) hit (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table).

        Vindicator VND-1R suffers no damage. (LL behind cover)

Weapons fire for Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Large Laser at Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus); needs 8, rolls 8 : hits (using Right Side table) RS (critical)
        Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus) takes 8 damage to RS (critical).
            Armor destroyed.
             1 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on RS. Roll is 10; Engine destroyed. Immobile.
            Critical hit on RS. Roll is 9; Fuel Tank Hit (Vehicle Explodes).
*** Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus) DESTROYED by fuel explosion! ***

    Medium Laser at Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus); needs 8, rolls 7 : misses

    Medium Laser at Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus); needs 8, rolls 7 : misses

    Medium Laser at Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses

Weapons fire for Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) (Magistracy of Canopus)
    AC/5 at Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Scorpion Light Tank (ML) (Magistracy of Canopus)
    Medium Laser at Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 9 : hits (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) RT
        Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RT.
            19 Armor remaining.

    Medium Laser at Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 8 : hits (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) RT
        Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RT.
            14 Armor remaining.

    Machine Gun at Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 9 : hits (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) LL
        Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 suffers no damage. (LL behind cover)

Weapons fire for Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 4, rolls 10 : hits.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 10 points of damage.
        Damage threshold exceeded. Possible critical hit!
            No critical hit.

    LRM 5 at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 4, rolls 7 : 3 missile(s) hit.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 3 points of damage.

    Medium Laser at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 5 points of damage.

Weapons fire for Griffin GRF-1S (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Large Laser at Hex 1221 of Building #1177845181 (Collapse); needs 3, rolls 7 : hits.

        Hardened Standard Building #1177845181 absorbs 8 points of damage.

    Medium Laser at Hex 1221 of Building #1177845181 (Collapse); needs 5, rolls 6 : hits.

        Hardened Standard Building #1177845181 absorbs 5 points of damage.

    Medium Laser at Hex 1221 of Building #1177845181 (Collapse); needs 5, rolls 12 : hits.

        Hardened Standard Building #1177845181 absorbs 5 points of damage.

    LRM 5 at Hex 1221 of Building #1177845181 (Collapse); needs 3, rolls 5 : 3 missile(s) hit.

        Hardened Standard Building #1177845181 absorbs 3 points of damage.

Weapons fire for AC/5 Turret (Triple) (Magistracy of Canopus)
    AC/5 at Griffin GRF-1S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 4 : misses

    AC/5 at Griffin GRF-1S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 8 : hits (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) RT
        Griffin GRF-1S (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RT.
            11 Armor remaining.

    AC/5 at Griffin GRF-1S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 7 : hits (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) RL
        Griffin GRF-1S suffers no damage. (RL behind cover)

Weapons fire for MG Turret (Triple) (Magistracy of Canopus)
    Machine Gun at Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard) (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 3 : misses

    Machine Gun at Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard) (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

    Machine Gun at Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard) (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Firestarter FS9-K2 (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Large Laser at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 3, rolls 8 : hits.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 8 points of damage.

Weapons fire for Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) #2 (Magistracy of Canopus)
    AC/5 at Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 11 : misses

    Machine Gun at Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 9 : hits (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) LA
        Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to LA.
            18 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Hover Assault Infantry Johnston Industries Rapid Response Force #2 (Magistracy of Canopus)
    LRM Launcher (FarShot) at Firestarter FS9-K2 (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 2 : misses

Weapons fire for Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Standard) (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 5 at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 6, rolls 5 : misses

    LRM 5 at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 6, rolls 11 : 2 missile(s) hit.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 2 points of damage.

    SRM 6 at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 1, rolls 8 : 3 missile(s) hit.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 6 points of damage.

    Machine Gun at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 3, rolls 9 : hits.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 2 points of damage.

    Machine Gun at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 3, rolls 11 : hits.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 2 points of damage.

    Machine Gun at Hex 0917 of Building #1389495637 (Collapse); needs 3, rolls 5 : hits.

        Heavy Standard Building #1389495637 absorbs 2 points of damage.

Physical Attack Phase
Physical Attacks for Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords)
Punch at Scorpion Light Tank (ML) (Magistracy of Canopus); needs 8, rolls 8 :hits.
Scorpion Light Tank (ML) (Magistracy of Canopus) takes 7 damage to RS.
4 Armor remaining.

Heat Phase
Thunderbolt TDR-5SE #2 (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 21 heat, sinks 21 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 17 heat, sinks 16 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Griffin GRF-1S (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 17 heat, sinks 16 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Firestarter FS9-K2 (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 13 heat, sinks 11 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Lucifer LCF-R20 (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 0 heat, sinks 0 heat and is now at 0 heat.
MG Turret has 42 CF remaining, AC/5 turret has 56 CF remaining.

Enlarge Image
Enlarge Image

The enemy Saracen comes out to engage the Maxim, while the rest of the vehicles mill around the hilltop. A hostile Warrior Attack helicopter arrives from the northeast and closes in on Isgrimnur's rear arc. The Warrior is a very fragile piece of equipment, sporting an SRM/4 launcher and an AC/2.

"This is air support, looks like you've got a lance of hovercraft coming your way from the northwest, with crawlers not far behind. ETA on the hovercraft about ten seconds, same as me."
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by El Guapo »

What kind of weapons does the Skulker have? Anything intimidating?

Can I walk back to the spot that I was in before (2119)? If so I'll do that and shoot at the easiest vehicles to hit.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Skulker has a single medium laser.

You can get back to 2119, but it'll cost 7 mp (face right x2, forward, face right are one each then forward down hill into woods +3) which means it's a run, which means it's a piloting roll.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Madmarcus »

Jump to 920 facing NE. Flamer on the infantry. Follow up with a punch if punching infantry is a thing.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

5 MP to get to 713. Let's light that Saracen up.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur wrote:5 MP to get to 713. Let's light that Saracen up.
Two things FYI:
1) Going into the swamp hex will require a piloting check at -1 (3+ for you) to avoid getting "stuck"
2) It puts you within minimum range on the PPC, which means you get an additional +1 on the "to hit" odds, bringing you from a 9+ to a 10+ (base 4, target moved 5 +2, target in light woods +1, you ran +2, minimum range +1).
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote:Skulker has a single medium laser.

You can get back to 2119, but it'll cost 7 mp (face right x2, forward, face right are one each then forward down hill into woods +3) which means it's a run, which means it's a piloting roll.
Feel free to adjust this if there are similar options that make more sense, but what I am thinking is this:

(1) Back up one space to 2120 (which I think should block LOS to most of the vehicles other than the Skulker)
(2) Fire my medium lasers at the Skulker
(3) Fire my LRMs and my large laser at the AC/5 turret.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

Swamp, not heavy woods. Pondering...
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

Rotate to face 0610, back into the water at 0809, engage the chopper, I assume with a torso twist to the right. I believe I can engage the Saracen with the left arm light laser.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote:
NickAragua wrote:Skulker has a single medium laser.

You can get back to 2119, but it'll cost 7 mp (face right x2, forward, face right are one each then forward down hill into woods +3) which means it's a run, which means it's a piloting roll.
Feel free to adjust this if there are similar options that make more sense, but what I am thinking is this:

(1) Back up one space to 2120 (which I think should block LOS to most of the vehicles other than the Skulker)
(2) Fire my medium lasers at the Skulker
(3) Fire my LRMs and my large laser at the AC/5 turret.
No love on the AC/5 turret from 2120 (the top of the hill blocks LOS), but the rest is doable.

Of course, the tactical value of the Skulker is somewhat questionable, given the mission objectives.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur wrote:Rotate to face 0610, back into the water at 0809, engage the chopper, I assume with a torso twist to the right. I believe I can engage the Saracen with the left arm light laser.
Backing into the water is a two level drop (one level, and the water is depth 1), which is not a legal move.

The small laser has a range of three hexes, so no shooting at the Saracen with it (well, you can, if you want to build up extra heat and not hit anything).

Also, I lied about the odds of the swamp piloting check (and your piloting skill), it's actually 5 base + 1 entering swamp.

This actually goes for El Guapo's proposed move, too, but he can turn around and run down the one level.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

Then we will enter the water going forward. Two to turn, three to enter the water, and one more to face north to engage the chopper.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur wrote:Then we will enter the water going forward. Two to turn, three to enter the water, and one more to face north to engage the chopper.
I don't think I explained it well enough - two level drop with a mech going in any direction is not a legal move (well, there is an optional rule in "Tactical Operations" that I'm not using currently). It occurs to me you have jump jets, though so it's a moot point as you can just jump. You're looking at 11+ on the PPC, 10+ on the medium laser. Everything else auto-misses.

Sorry if I'm sounding obnoxious, I just want you guys to be aware of what you're getting into.

Your initial plan of lighting up the Saracen was better, you probably just want to adjust your positioning a little bit.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

I appreciate the help. While it's frustrating, I've never played before, so I'm learning as I go.

The basic rules state that +2 level change going forward is fine (P8), but changing any levels going backwards is verboten.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

I don't want to be under the chopper, so lets jump to 0411 with a facing change toward 0512 and engage the Saracen.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Reading the Total Warfare rules (which is what Megamek is coded for), you're correct about dropping two levels down. Megamek still shows it as illegal for some reason. Not sure why:

Facing change x2 - 2MP
Forward (base 1, down 2 levels +2, entering water +1)

Which adds up to 6, which is your total MP.

Which is great, but then there's a rule that states you can't run in or into water.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur wrote:I don't want to be under the chopper, so lets jump to 0411 with a facing change toward 0512 and engage the Saracen.
Heh, you sure you don't want an AC/2 and some SRMs to the rear arc? :lol:
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by Isgrimnur »

NickAragua wrote:
Isgrimnur wrote:I don't want to be under the chopper, so lets jump to 0411 with a facing change toward 0512 and engage the Saracen.
Heh, you sure you don't want an AC/2 and some SRMs to the rear arc? :lol:
I do not. Thank you for the kind offer, but I must politely decline.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote:
El Guapo wrote:
NickAragua wrote:Skulker has a single medium laser.

You can get back to 2119, but it'll cost 7 mp (face right x2, forward, face right are one each then forward down hill into woods +3) which means it's a run, which means it's a piloting roll.
Feel free to adjust this if there are similar options that make more sense, but what I am thinking is this:

(1) Back up one space to 2120 (which I think should block LOS to most of the vehicles other than the Skulker)
(2) Fire my medium lasers at the Skulker
(3) Fire my LRMs and my large laser at the AC/5 turret.
No love on the AC/5 turret from 2120 (the top of the hill blocks LOS), but the rest is doable.

Of course, the tactical value of the Skulker is somewhat questionable, given the mission objectives.
How tall are the buildings / turrets again? Can I hit the MG turret from there?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by gbasden »

I can't find a layout of my mech - how many of the jumpjets are in the legs? Do I need to walk out of the water, or can I get anywhere with my jets?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

Your mech is pretty well optimized for this situation: heat sinks in legs, jump jets in left and right torso sections. So you can jump to your heart's content.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by El Guapo »

One other question - while machine guns are pretty worthless weapons in general, the MG Turret is a significant tactical problem here because of the potential for any weapon hit on a vehicle to disable it, and because it could mow down friendly infantry effectively, right?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote:One other question - while machine guns are pretty worthless weapons in general, the MG Turret is a significant tactical problem here because of the potential for any weapon hit on a vehicle to disable it, and because it could mow down friendly infantry effectively, right?
Yeah, it can hit the (potential) objective buildings at 1014 and 1017, so any infantry going in there is at significant risk. The bottom of the building 0719 is actually out of LOS for the MG turret, so that building can be searched without the infantry getting machinegunned (although they'll get shot at by the infantry at 1020).

You won't be able to hit the MG turret from 2120, as there's a level 7 hex in the way. It's on the building rooftop at a total of level 3.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by gbasden »

Is it possible to jump into the water at 1417, or because there is a road surface there is it effectively land?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by NickAragua »

You can jump into the water, but your mech is not going to be able to clear the bridge. Since it's CF is lower than your mech's weight, the bridge will collapse, causing your mech to go into the drink and damaging it with debris to add insult to injury.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GM'd Battletech via Megamek

Post by gbasden »

How tall is the building in 1216? I can't read the height. I'm guessing it would block sight to the MG turret from 1716?
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