Maybe in a few years we will have an honest conversation about how broken our national culture is. Something good should come out of this idiot's run.Zarathud wrote:This is not winning.
Trump is so tone deaf on leadership that he is a menace. He is a sad commentary on the state of America.
The Former Trump Presidency Thread
Moderators: $iljanus, LawBeefaroni
- Posts: 24795
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
- Posts: 3077
- Joined: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:03 pm
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
You guys are not giving the President credit where its due. He is contributing more significantly to the recovery efforts with this dedication then any previous action up to this point. He will now airlift the trophy to Puerto Rico where some lucky family can use it to collect rainwater for drinking.Defiant wrote:Trump dedicates golf trophy to hurricane victims
"On behalf of all of the people of Texas, and all of the people -- if you look today and see what is happening, how horrible it is but we have it under really great control -- Puerto Rico and the people of Florida who have really suffered over this last short period of time with the hurricanes, I want to just remember them," the president said.
"And we're going to dedicate this trophy to all of those people that went through so much that we love -- a part of our great state, really part of our great nation," he continued.
Brings a tear to my eye, really.
Sims 3 and signature unclear.
- Max Peck
- Posts: 15868
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- Location: Down the Rabbit-Hole
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
This sounds about right...
A Presidential Speech Steeped in Hypocrisy
A Presidential Speech Steeped in Hypocrisy
Pre-presidential Trump was a man of many faults and vices, but one endearing quality: He was no hypocrite. He exaggerated his wealth, his success, his physical fitness, but he never pretended to religion or morality.
Trump’s speech to the nation after the Las Vegas atrocity, however, was steeped in hypocrisy. He is the least outwardly religious president of modern times, the president least steeped in scripture. For him to offer the consolations of God and faith after mass bloodletting is to invite derision. “It is love that defines us,” said President Trump, and if we weren’t heartbroken, we would laugh.
Those who praised the speech, as CNN’s John King did, are reacting on reflex. This is the kind of thing we are used to hearing from Republican politicians; Trump is a Republican politician; therefore this is what he should say.
But whereas Vice President Pence could have pronounced those words with sincerity, or a convincing simulacrum thereof, Donald Trump looked shifty, nervous, and false. Speeches are watched as well as heard, and the viewer saw a president who wished he were somewhere else because he had been compelled to pretend something so radically false to his own nature.
For once, Trump read the speech exactly as written. Perhaps his aides talked him into it. Because Trump is not a good reader, he read the speech wrong. And because it sounded wrong, he looked bad.
Nevertheless, Trump had to say something. He is the president. At times of national mourning, it falls to him to speak on the nation’s behalf. What could he possibly have said instead?
He cannot offer action. Even if he ever were convinced that something had to be done about America’s unique gun violence, his party would not tolerate it, and he could not deliver. Anyway, the first shock of the atrocity is not the right time for policy.
What he can do is acknowledge his own nature and character, and speak as himself, in his own tones and accents, and without the religion in which he gives no evidence of believing and in which he is so poorly at home. “This is a terrible day. We are all saddened and outraged. We’ll learn more. If any criminals are still at large, we’ll hunt them down.” It’s better to say a few things that sound real than a great many that sound false.
So advice to Team Trump: You can’t make him better, and you can’t make him different. Let him be the man he is, just tidied up a little. Cut the God talk. It’s insulting to those who believe, and no comfort to those who grieve. Cut the appeal to national unity; it rings false from a president who just two days ago was accusing homeless hurricane victims of looking for a handout. Trump voters—there are still many of those—liked it that with him, what you saw was what you got. Be real. Be true. Even Donald Trump must have something authentically human within him. Unearth that, and let it speak. He will never be a compassionate man, but even he cannot be so thoroughly empty and remote as he seemed today.
"What? What? What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
- Max Peck
- Posts: 15868
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- Location: Down the Rabbit-Hole
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
The Military Was Ready in Texas and Florida. What Went Wrong in Puerto Rico?
Nearly two weeks after Hurricane Maria’s landfall, the Trump administration’s military aid to Puerto Rico may not be too late if it can save lives and ease the suffering of millions. But it is undisputedly arriving in amounts too little and too slowly, in sharp contrast to recent responses around the world and, most recently, elsewhere in the United States during this hurricane season.
Over the past few years, the military has conducted textbook operations in Pakistan, Japan, Thailand and Haiti—pumping in massive amounts of aid after devastating earthquakes and hurricanes in those countries, no matter how rough or isolated the conditions. Just weeks ago, the military response to Hurricane Harvey in Texas was rapid and powerful. In preparation for Hurricane Irma, the Trump administration again ordered up an extensive military relief operation.
But when Hurricane Maria struck at full strength several days later—precisely as advertised, and similar in scale to Harvey—the U.S. military simply called off the huge resources it had mustered for Hurricane Irma. An inadequately small military contingent was left on its own for nearly two weeks to help with the damage. If there was a plan for disaster relief it was not publicly apparent. And on-scene commander—crucial in crises this large—was not appointed until nearly 10 days after landfall.
No less an authority than the three-star general who reversed the disastrous initial federal response to Hurricane Katrina back in 2005, retired Army Lt. Gen. Russell Honoré, said as much. “We’re replaying a scene from Katrina,” he said on National Public Radio about Maria on Thursday. “We started moving about four days too late.” That seems overly generous.
As in all things in the military there is a manual for responding to humanitarian disasters. The most recent version is JP 3-29, geared primarily for foreign operations, but generally applicable. This 203-page volume from the Joint Staff at the Pentagon spells out—in excruciating detail—what to and what not to do in these circumstances.
It's this kind of detail that created successes under brutal circumstances from Pakistan to Japan to Thailand—and Haiti in 2010, when the USS Carl Vinson arrived just three days after an earthquake and the Air Force airlifted 15,000 Americans within days.
In the case of Maria, at first blush, three things appear to have not been done. The first is adequately preposition forces and assets. The second is the timely appointment of an on-scene commander; the U.S. Northern Command did not appoint combat veteran Brig. Gen. Richard Kim until 10 days after landfall. The third is a detailed plan. Planning is paramount, according to the manual. And if there was one, it certainly was not publicly announced as were military relief efforts for Irma and Harvey—even though Maria’s strength and trajectory were known a full four days before landfall.
The Trump administration has sought, desperately, to shift the blame and claim that this was somehow a surprise—even though a direct hit was forecast days beforehand. Later, Lt. Jeffrey Buchanan, the three-star land forces commander at Northern Command, even claimed that the hurricane’s effect was not foreseeable. Again, suspiciously defensive. If the military didn’t think Maria was serious, then why did it evacuate its own aircraft on the island to Guantanamo Bay?
For the military, Maria may be a singular stain upon a noble and sterling record built not on taking—but saving—lives. The Trump administration is due a serious reckoning. That’s because for millions of fellow Americans in the Caribbean this is serious, if not deadly, business.
"What? What? What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
- Isgrimnur
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Where do I apply for one amount of aid?massive amounts of aid
It's almost as if people are the problem.
- Holman
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- Location: Between the Schuylkill and the Wissahickon
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Trump is in Puerto Rico demanding praise for federal assistance and making it all about him.
He's also apparently pushing a totally debunked right-wing narrative that truckers in PR have been on strike during the disaster, saying "Their drivers have to start driving trucks."
He's also apparently pushing a totally debunked right-wing narrative that truckers in PR have been on strike during the disaster, saying "Their drivers have to start driving trucks."
Much prefer my Nazis Nuremberged.
- Skinypupy
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Was this before or after he contrasted Maria's death toll with "a real catastrophe like Katrina". 

When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
- $iljanus
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Or the dent Puerto Rico is making on the Federal budget. The nerve of those people.Skinypupy wrote:Was this before or after he contrasted Maria's death toll with "a real catastrophe like Katrina".
"Who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?"
-Michelle Obama 2024 Democratic Convention
Wise words of warning from Smoove B: Oh, how you all laughed when I warned you about the semen. Well, who's laughing now?
-Michelle Obama 2024 Democratic Convention
Wise words of warning from Smoove B: Oh, how you all laughed when I warned you about the semen. Well, who's laughing now?
- Ralph-Wiggum
- Posts: 17449
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Trump also said Puerto Rico was screwing up his budget and then later talking about the hundreds of millions in the budget to be spent on planes for the Air Force.
I think tone-def is too generous a term for Trump.
TRUMP: And the runways are pretty open?
UNIDENTIFIED: Yes, sir. We have four major runways that are operational and about 700-plus strategic stories on the island of Puerto Rico to provide the license to them.
TRUMP: Amazing job. So amazing, we are ordering hundreds of millions of dollars of new airplanes for the Air Force. Especially the F-35. You like the F-35?
UNIDENTIFIED: Game-changing [inaudible]. Awesome airplane.
TRUMP: I said how does it do in fights, how do they do in fights with the F-35? They said we do really well, you can’t see it. You literally can’t see it. So it’s hard to fight a plane you can’t see.
Black Lives Matter
- Kraken
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Here's yours.Isgrimnur wrote:Where do I apply for one amount of aid?massive amounts of aid

- Octavious
- Posts: 20053
- Joined: Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:50 pm
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
His IQ can't possibly be over 110. He's a complete and total idiot. Apparently we have developed invisible planes! Wonder Woman is going to be pissed!Ralph-Wiggum wrote:Trump also said Puerto Rico was screwing up his budget and then later talking about the hundreds of millions in the budget to be spent on planes for the Air Force.
I think tone-def is too generous a term for Trump.
TRUMP: And the runways are pretty open?
UNIDENTIFIED: Yes, sir. We have four major runways that are operational and about 700-plus strategic stories on the island of Puerto Rico to provide the license to them.
TRUMP: Amazing job. So amazing, we are ordering hundreds of millions of dollars of new airplanes for the Air Force. Especially the F-35. You like the F-35?
UNIDENTIFIED: Game-changing [inaudible]. Awesome airplane.
TRUMP: I said how does it do in fights, how do they do in fights with the F-35? They said we do really well, you can’t see it. You literally can’t see it. So it’s hard to fight a plane you can’t see.
Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
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- Chaz
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Trump helps with the relief efforts: ... 9326974977 ... 9326974977
I can't imagine, even at my most inebriated, hearing a bouncer offering me an hour with a stripper for only $1,400 and thinking That sounds like a reasonable idea.-Two Sheds
- Brian
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I wouldn't be surprised if he started firing MAGA shirts out of a T-Shirt cannon into the crowd.
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Abraham Lincoln
- Carpet_pissr
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
...from a high story hotel room window.Brian wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if he started firing MAGA shirts out of a T-Shirt cannon into the crowd.
- Holman
- Posts: 30451
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- Location: Between the Schuylkill and the Wissahickon
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
He told Puerto Ricans that the recovery has been incredible and that they didn't need flashlights anymore.
(Fewer than 6% of residents have had power restored.)
(Fewer than 6% of residents have had power restored.)
Much prefer my Nazis Nuremberged.
- Smoove_B
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I knew his handling of any type of national emergency was going to be horrific, and even after dedicating the golf trophy to the Puerto Rico and then tossing relief packages like concert merch to the crowd I thought it couldn't get any worse.
And it always does. That's the theme of this administration.

And it always does. That's the theme of this administration.

Maybe next year, maybe no go
- LawBeefaroni
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
But just think. Every time it gets worse, all that other worst stuff he has done is no longer the worst.Smoove_B wrote:I knew his handling of any type of national emergency was going to be horrific, and even after dedicating the golf trophy to the Puerto Rico and then tossing relief packages like concert merch to the crowd I thought it couldn't get any worse.
And it always does. That's the theme of this administration.
[Needlepoint wall hanging]
[/neeedlepoint wall hanging]God Bless Trump.
Yesterday was better than today
and tomorrow will always be the worst of all!
Last edited by LawBeefaroni on Tue Oct 03, 2017 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General
"“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump.
"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass
"“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump.
"...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass
- RunningMn9
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The Trump Presidency Thread
Every day is worse than the day before. So every day that you see us, it’s the worst day of our lives...
And in banks across the world
Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Jews
And every other race, creed, colour, tint or hue
Get down on their knees and pray
The raccoon and the groundhog neatly
Make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Jews
And every other race, creed, colour, tint or hue
Get down on their knees and pray
The raccoon and the groundhog neatly
Make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
- Moliere
- Posts: 12380
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- Location: Walking through a desert land
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
'I doubt you're a real billionaire': Richard Branson publishes scathing letter from Donald Trump
It seems foolish of Trump to take on another billionaire who obviously has the resources and visibility to fight back.Richard Branson has revealed details of his long-running feud with Donald Trump, publishing a scathing letter he received from the then New York property mogul in 2004.
Mr Trump wrote to the Virgin brand founder after he launched a short-lived programme, The Rebel Billionaire: Branson’s Quest for the Best, with a similar format to The Apprentice.
Excerpts from the letter are reproduced in Mr Branson’s new book, Finding My Virginity.
“At least your dismal ratings can now allow you to concentrate on your airline which, I am sure, needs every ounce of your energy,” Mr Trump wrote.
“It is obviously a terrible business and I can’t imagine, with fuel prices etc, that you can be doing any better in it than anyone else.
“Like television, you should try to get out the airline business too, as soon as possible! Actually, I wonder out loud how you can be anywhere close to a billionaire and be in that business. Perhaps the title of your show, The Rebel Billionaire, is misleading?
“In any event, do not use me to promote your rapidly sinking show – you are a big boy, try doing it yourself!”
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
- hepcat
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I have to admit something: I'm getting a little bit of Trump bashing fatigue. When CNN and other news outlets criticize him for just average, every day dumb, I feel it trivializes those moments when he's dangerously dumb...which, let's face it, is quite often. It minimizes the danger by giving his supporters reasons to believe the media is being petty.
Trump does enough dumb stuff on a dangerous level that they shouldn't be crowing about tossing paper towels at hurricane victims, his (trophy) wife wearing pumps to a tragedy, or the every day occurrence of the man's well established tone deaf responses to...well...everything. *
* I reserve the right to do all of those things as I'm not a journalist.
Trump does enough dumb stuff on a dangerous level that they shouldn't be crowing about tossing paper towels at hurricane victims, his (trophy) wife wearing pumps to a tragedy, or the every day occurrence of the man's well established tone deaf responses to...well...everything. *
* I reserve the right to do all of those things as I'm not a journalist.
Last edited by hepcat on Wed Oct 04, 2017 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Master of his domain.
- Octavious
- Posts: 20053
- Joined: Fri Oct 15, 2004 2:50 pm
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Off to Vegas today. Maybe he can toss bandages into the crowd.
This run was been wayyyyy worse than I even ever imagined. Not only is he making a fool of himself and the country he's also making me really hate a large segment of our population. (Anyone that supports this bullshit.)

Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff.
Shameless plug for my website:
Shameless plug for my website:
- Paingod
- Posts: 13232
- Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:58 am
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
It makes the "Us vs. Them" divide so much easier to distinguish. I now know with certainty that there are a lot of people around me I wouldn't trust with anything I care about.
Black Lives Matter
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
- Remus West
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
It has made me more religious. Every day I keep praying for the actual hand of God to come and choke the life out of him. It can not be anything less than that or else his cult will blame the liberals. Actually, now that I think on it I had better update my prayer to be the actual Right hand of God.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
- hepcat
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- Location: Chicago, IL Home of the triple homicide!
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Pat Robertson is claiming that recent tragedies are all the fault of the disrespect being shown Trump by many in our country. If we're preying for God to rid us of useless assholes, I would like to put his name in the hat.
Master of his domain.
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- Location: Nowhere you want to be.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
The only way that parasite can possibly still be alive is if he sold his soul to the devil.hepcat wrote:Pat Robertson is claiming that recent tragedies are all the fault of the disrespect being shown Trump by many in our country. If we're preying for God to rid us of useless assholes, I would like to put his name in the hat.
Black Lives Matter
- Jaymann
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
If you're preying for God, wouldn't you have to do it yourself?hepcat wrote:Pat Robertson is claiming that recent tragedies are all the fault of the disrespect being shown Trump by many in our country. If we're preying for God to rid us of useless assholes...
Leave no bacon behind.
Leave no bacon behind.
- Kraken
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Well, at least you're in good company:hepcat wrote:I have to admit something: I'm getting a little bit of Trump bashing fatigue. When CNN and other news outlets criticize him for just average, every day dumb, I feel it trivializes those moments when he's dangerously dumb...which, let's face it, is quite often. It minimizes the danger by giving his supporters reasons to believe the media is being petty.
(edit) Dagnabit, scooped in another thread.Tillerson stunned a handful of senior administration officials when he called the president a “moron” after a tense two-hour long meeting in a secure room at the Pentagon called "The Tank," according to three officials who were present or briefed on the incident. The July 20 meeting came a day after a meeting in the White House Situation Room on Afghanistan policy where Trump rattled his national security advisers by suggesting he might fire the top U.S. commander of the war and comparing the decision-making process on troop levels to the renovation of a high-end New York restaurant, according to participants in the meeting.
- Paingod
- Posts: 13232
- Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:58 am
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I smell another season of Dexter coming.Jaymann wrote:If you're preying for God, wouldn't you have to do it yourself?hepcat wrote:Pat Robertson is claiming that recent tragedies are all the fault of the disrespect being shown Trump by many in our country. If we're preying for God to rid us of useless assholes...
Black Lives Matter
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
- hepcat
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- Location: Chicago, IL Home of the triple homicide!
- tgb
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- Location: Tucson, AZ
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
My sister in law posted this on Facebook today and it made me very sad. The "Steve" she mentions is my brother.
I'm so proud of my husband Steve. After a lot of thought on his part, last night he called our provider, Direct TV, and cancelled his NFL package. When asked why he was cancelling he told them because of the disrespect the players are showing to our Country and our Flag. It came as no surprise to the employee at Direct TV, as lots of subscribers are doing the same and Direct TV is refunding anyone who cancels.
It probably sounds silly to say I'm proud of him for this, but he is one of the biggest Football enthusiasts ever. Not anymore....
I spent 90% of the money I made on women, booze, and drugs. The other 10% I just pissed away.
- stessier
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- Location: SC
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. - Vaarsuvius
Global Steam Wishmaslist Tracking
Global Steam Wishmaslist Tracking
Running__ | __2014: 1300.55 miles__ | __2015: 2036.13 miles__ | __2016: 1012.75 miles__ | __2017: 1105.82 miles__ | __2018: 1318.91 miles | __2019: 2000.00 miles |
- Moliere
- Posts: 12380
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- Location: Walking through a desert land
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
There's always a Trump tweet from the past for everything that happens today.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
- El Guapo
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
It would be very amusing if the football fan base suddenly became super progressive because of this.tgb wrote:My sister in law posted this on Facebook today and it made me very sad. The "Steve" she mentions is my brother.
I'm so proud of my husband Steve. After a lot of thought on his part, last night he called our provider, Direct TV, and cancelled his NFL package. When asked why he was cancelling he told them because of the disrespect the players are showing to our Country and our Flag. It came as no surprise to the employee at Direct TV, as lots of subscribers are doing the same and Direct TV is refunding anyone who cancels.
It probably sounds silly to say I'm proud of him for this, but he is one of the biggest Football enthusiasts ever. Not anymore....
Black Lives Matter.
- Holman
- Posts: 30451
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- Location: Between the Schuylkill and the Wissahickon
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Pat Robertson makes me want Hell to be real.hepcat wrote:Pat Robertson is claiming that recent tragedies are all the fault of the disrespect being shown Trump by many in our country.
Much prefer my Nazis Nuremberged.
- Posts: 36984
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- Location: Nowhere you want to be.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
You know, I bet he wouldn't even burn if tossed into a large bonfire. Anyone care to test this theory?Holman wrote:Pat Robertson makes me want Hell to be real.hepcat wrote:Pat Robertson is claiming that recent tragedies are all the fault of the disrespect being shown Trump by many in our country.
Black Lives Matter
- Rip
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I'm sure they will, both of them.El Guapo wrote:It would be very amusing if the football fan base suddenly became super progressive because of this.tgb wrote:My sister in law posted this on Facebook today and it made me very sad. The "Steve" she mentions is my brother.
I'm so proud of my husband Steve. After a lot of thought on his part, last night he called our provider, Direct TV, and cancelled his NFL package. When asked why he was cancelling he told them because of the disrespect the players are showing to our Country and our Flag. It came as no surprise to the employee at Direct TV, as lots of subscribers are doing the same and Direct TV is refunding anyone who cancels.
It probably sounds silly to say I'm proud of him for this, but he is one of the biggest Football enthusiasts ever. Not anymore....
- Max Peck
- Posts: 15868
- Joined: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:09 pm
- Location: Down the Rabbit-Hole
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
You've already memory-holed this?Rip wrote:I'm sure they will, both of them.El Guapo wrote:It would be very amusing if the football fan base suddenly became super progressive because of this.tgb wrote:My sister in law posted this on Facebook today and it made me very sad. The "Steve" she mentions is my brother.
I'm so proud of my husband Steve. After a lot of thought on his part, last night he called our provider, Direct TV, and cancelled his NFL package. When asked why he was cancelling he told them because of the disrespect the players are showing to our Country and our Flag. It came as no surprise to the employee at Direct TV, as lots of subscribers are doing the same and Direct TV is refunding anyone who cancels.
It probably sounds silly to say I'm proud of him for this, but he is one of the biggest Football enthusiasts ever. Not anymore....
"What? What? What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
- LordMortis
- Posts: 72290
- Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:26 pm
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread ... er-10-4-17
A copy of Joel Clemente's resignation letter. Ouch.
A copy of Joel Clemente's resignation letter. Ouch.
Sound like any Oligarch we know? Can one man brought to power by mob rule truly destroy the great experiment?You have disrespected the career staff of the Department by questioning their loyalty and you have played fast and loose with government regulations to score points with your political base at the expense of American health and safety.
- Skinypupy
- Posts: 21485
- Joined: Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:12 am
- Location: Utah
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
I do lots of work with DOI, and it's been disheartening to watch what Zinke is doing with the SES’ers (senior executives) there. He’s taking these rock star leaders who are getting amazing results, are loved and respected by their employees, and who are a huge asset to their bureau (i.e. regional directors, state directors, etc.) and shoving them out into trivial non-leadership roles or positions leading small unimportant teams, simply to muzzle their influence. Then he’s either promoting ‘yes-men’/complete incompetents into those vacant positions, or simply leaving them unfilled.LordMortis wrote: ... er-10-4-17
A copy of Joel Clemente's resignation letter. Ouch.
Sound like any Oligarch we know? Can one man brought to power by mob rule truly destroy the great experiment?You have disrespected the career staff of the Department by questioning their loyalty and you have played fast and loose with government regulations to score points with your political base at the expense of American health and safety.
One of the bureaus is operating with a rotating group of senior leaders doing "acting" assignments. They move to one leadership position for a few weeks, then everyone plays musical chairs to the next spot. There’s no one in place to make any sort of decision, create a strategy, or, frankly, lead. The general consensus in the Department is that they're essentially forcing dysfunction and chaos in order to justify farming everything out to private industry.
What Clement is exposing is just the tip of the iceberg…it’s an absolute shitshow right now. I’m pretty disappointed, as I originally thought Zinke would be one of the (relatively) sane Cabinet appointments.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
- Paingod
- Posts: 13232
- Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:58 am
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
The Gremlins have graduated from tractors and movie theaters to politics and governing.
Black Lives Matter
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.
2021-01-20: The first good night's sleep I had in 4 years.
2025-01-20: The nightmares continue.