Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Combustible Lemur »

Kraken wrote:
pr0ner wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:01 pm
LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:30 pm A guy I know whose sole issue is taxes held his nose and voted for Trump. He doesn't work but fishes, eats, and drinks all day while driving around vintage muscle cars. His wife makes a lot of money that allows this lifestyle.

He's still going to get hit by the proposed tax reform but he stubbornly refuses to admit that he was had. He blames Obama and Bush with some seriously flawed thinking.
I'd love to know how he spins the details to blame Obama and Bush if you're willing to share.
I'm always fascinated by leaps of logic like that. Today some random person commented in some random facebook thread that Obama was the worst president by far in his 68 years of life, and that includes Carter. Let's see...Bush inherited a country at peace with a budget surplus and left it with two wars and the Great Recession and record deficits. Obama slowly cleaned most of that mess up and left the thriving economy that Trump is taking credit for now; after eight scandal-free years the current administration is buried in slime after just nine months. Yet even though his presidency is bookended by two disastrous administrations, somehow Obama's the great Satan. It takes some serious mental gymnastics to reach such a fact-free conclusion.
Let not forget Nixon literally declaring a metaphorical/physical war on his own minority people leading to the largest prison state on the world.
"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by El Guapo »

Combustible Lemur wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:32 am
Kraken wrote:
pr0ner wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:01 pm
LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:30 pm A guy I know whose sole issue is taxes held his nose and voted for Trump. He doesn't work but fishes, eats, and drinks all day while driving around vintage muscle cars. His wife makes a lot of money that allows this lifestyle.

He's still going to get hit by the proposed tax reform but he stubbornly refuses to admit that he was had. He blames Obama and Bush with some seriously flawed thinking.
I'd love to know how he spins the details to blame Obama and Bush if you're willing to share.
I'm always fascinated by leaps of logic like that. Today some random person commented in some random facebook thread that Obama was the worst president by far in his 68 years of life, and that includes Carter. Let's see...Bush inherited a country at peace with a budget surplus and left it with two wars and the Great Recession and record deficits. Obama slowly cleaned most of that mess up and left the thriving economy that Trump is taking credit for now; after eight scandal-free years the current administration is buried in slime after just nine months. Yet even though his presidency is bookended by two disastrous administrations, somehow Obama's the great Satan. It takes some serious mental gymnastics to reach such a fact-free conclusion.
Let not forget Nixon literally declaring a metaphorical/physical war on his own minority people leading to the largest prison state on the world.
"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

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Honestly I kind of doubt that the quote is legit. Per the article, it's supposedly something that Ehrlichman said 22 (I guess now 23) years ago that a journalist who interviewed him somehow forgot and then supposedly remembered them very precisely last year. And the quote is a little too on the nose. Not that it would be a shock for the Nixon White House to have launched the war on drugs for political / race-stoking reasons...but I'm a little dubious about the quote.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Octavious »

Ya I think it's entirely possible he sinks his tax plan by being the master negotiator that he is. :lol: Corker doesn't care anymore and no amount of public shaming is going to shut him down. Same with McCain, he doesn't give a flying f and has no reason to bend to this asshat. Should be interesting at least to watch them try and dismantle the middle class. :violin:
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by malchior »

Wow Corker seems to have broken the already minuscule Trump-bot inhibitor chip.
...the entire World WAS laughing and taking advantage of us. People like liddle' Bob Corker have set the U.S. way back. Now we move forward!
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Captain Caveman »

This interview with Corker is extraordinary. I can see why Trump is triggered.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by hepcat »

I'm pretty sure Trump isn't being funny and really does think "little" is spelled with two d's.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by LawBeefaroni »

pr0ner wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:01 pm
LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:30 pm A guy I know whose sole issue is taxes held his nose and voted for Trump. He doesn't work but fishes, eats, and drinks all day while driving around vintage muscle cars. His wife makes a lot of money that allows this lifestyle.

He's still going to get hit by the proposed tax reform but he stubbornly refuses to admit that he was had. He blames Obama and Bush with some seriously flawed thinking.
I'd love to know how he spins the details to blame Obama and Bush if you're willing to share.
Well, he imagines that any increases are the result of Obama's policies and the failure of Bush to make several tax cuts permanent. Like a runaway tax train that Trump can only slow down a little bit. I've given up reasoning with him, we just talk about fishing and sports now.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by El Guapo »

My guess is at this point that there's an 80% chance that they wind up passing Bush Tax Cuts II, 10% chance that they pass nothing (or close to nothing), and a 10% chance that they pass something sweeping and horrible.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Max Peck »

hepcat wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:35 am I'm pretty sure Trump isn't being funny and really does think "little" is spelled with two d's.
Maybe, but I'd guess he's trying to infantilize Corker, in which case he really should have gone with widdle instead of liddle (and Bobbie instead of Bob). Poor craftsmanship, even for Trump.

And what's with the trailing apostrophe?
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by malchior »

Tax plan is still being thrown in blender. It only illustrates these assholes are utter clowns - dangerous as fuck clowns - but clowns all the same.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady on Wednesday suggested a tax bill he is preparing to introduce could force changes to 401(k) plans and other retirement accounts, potentially bucking a promise from President Trump that those accounts would be left alone.
But almost all of the key details of the tax bill remain a mystery.
For example, he said he hasn’t decided what income levels would merit certain tax rates.

He said he hasn’t decided how many tax deductions to eliminate to partially offset the lower rates.

He said he hasn’t decided whether to impose a top tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.

He said he hasn’t decided whether the tax cuts would be retroactive to income earned in 2017.

He wouldn’t say how the tax bill would impact the type of taxes paid by hedge fund managers, even though Trump has promised to eliminate their special preferences.
He also said he couldn’t guarantee that every American would see their taxes go down because of the changes, but he could “guarantee that every American will be better off because of a simpler tax code that lowers those rates and improves their paychecks.”

There is some hope (however dim)
A number of lawmakers from New York and New Jersey are concerned that the tax plan could eliminate the ability of people in their state to deduct state and local taxes from their federal taxable income.
I imagine that CA, VA, IL, and other state's GOP reps will join a rebellion if they want to stay employed next year.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by malchior »

The House "Freedom Caucus" is full of shit, a bunch of lying, hypocritical assholes.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by pr0ner »

So the Republicans want to do tax reform in the same mode as they did health care reform - by brute force, as quickly as possible, with no Democratic Party help.

Oy, this is going to go so well. As much as I don't like paying taxes, I hope this effort fails spectacularly.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Grifman »

I have been around long enough to realize the deficits only matter to Republicans in two circumstances:

1) When Democrats are in power
2) When talking about expenses

But when it comes to taxes, deficits don't matter. You can increase deficits if you can cut taxes.

Republicans have talked again and again about how increases in Medicare and Medicaid are "unsustainable" (and they need to be cut) yet tax cuts are not. What utter hypocrisy.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Octavious »

Don't forget that military is okay to have unlimited spending increases with no arguments about it allowed.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Moliere »

Octavious wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2017 12:51 pm Don't forget that military is okay to have unlimited spending increases with no arguments about it allowed.
There's a reason the defense contractors have put factories and offices in as many congressional districts as possible. As mayor even Bernie was all about the jobs instead of whether it was good to be building more guns in his town.

To oppose Republican spending means you hate America. To oppose Democrat spending means you're racist. Sucks to be libertarian.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Smoove_B »

Let's check in with human pile of garbage Paul Ryan:
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) says he’s too focused on tax reform to be distracted by President Donald Trump’s former campaign officials getting indicated for money laundering and conspiring against the United States.

“I really don’t have anything to add [about the indictments], other than nothing is going to derail what we’re doing in Congress because we’re working on solving people’s problems,” Ryan said in a Monday radio interview on WTAQ’s “The Jerry Bader Show,” based in Wisconsin.

“People deserve tax breaks,” he said. “Nothing derails us from focusing on that. That’s basically where a lot of our time and attention is focused on right now.”
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Good doggie!
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Defiant »

Exclusive: @SenatorCollins lays out her demands on a tax bill

—No estate tax repeal
—No rate cuts for millionaires

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 30, 2017
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Alefroth »

Hey everyone, tax reform is okay! SHS explains it so everyone gets it.

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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Blackhawk »

Defiant wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:41 pm
(What happened to the tweet button?)
It is no longer needed. In fact, the tags are no longer needed. Just paste the URL into your post and the forum will automagically turn it into a tweet. It works the same with YouTube videos and (I believe but haven't tested) images.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Defiant »

Blackhawk wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:54 pm

It is no longer needed. In fact, the tags are no longer needed. Just paste the URL into your post and the forum will automagically turn it into a tweet.
No, it doesn't. All I get is a "Loading Tweet" link. But I guess I'll bring it up it the appropriate forum.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by El Guapo »

Defiant wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:00 pm
Blackhawk wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:54 pm

It is no longer needed. In fact, the tags are no longer needed. Just paste the URL into your post and the forum will automagically turn it into a tweet.
No, it doesn't. All I get is a "Loading Tweet" link. But I guess I'll bring it up it the appropriate forum.
FWIW it's working in your previous post.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Max Peck »

Defiant wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:00 pm
Blackhawk wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:54 pm

It is no longer needed. In fact, the tags are no longer needed. Just paste the URL into your post and the forum will automagically turn it into a tweet.
No, it doesn't. All I get is a "Loading Tweet" link. But I guess I'll bring it up it the appropriate forum.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by El Guapo »

Defiant wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:41 pm
Exclusive: @SenatorCollins lays out her demands on a tax bill

—No estate tax repeal
—No rate cuts for millionaires

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 30, 2017
(What happened to the tweet button?)
That's good news. So she's a pretty definite no on any GOP tax bill, as long as she sticks to her guns (and I think that's more likely than not, given that she never wavered on health care and she's from a mostly blue state).

Bigger question is whether Corker sticks to his "no bill that increases the deficit" statement. I think it's less likely that Corker sticks to that, but if he does, the GOP is already out of extra votes on pretty much any tax bill.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by GreenGoo »

Max Peck wrote: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:29 pm If you're running a script blocker, it appears that you need to enable scripts from for the fun new features to work.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by El Guapo »

Tax plan release delayed, while they work out "a few issues".

By the way, is there anyone onboard who knows how to fly a plane?
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Octavious »

'Captain Dumbass today' "Wouldn't it be great to Repeal the very unfair and unpopular Individual Mandate in ObamaCare and use those savings for further Tax Cuts..."

So if you cut something that brings in money that frees up money to cut more money? Holy fuck please just take me out back and shoot me. Every day is more depressing than the last. I need to find an even more angry version of my avatar. :P
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by hepcat »

It would be better if he actually did something about the Chinese manufacturers who make Ivanka's clothing and shoe line, as well as most of the Trump branded items on the market. But we all know he's a two faced liar with zero integrity.
"Okay Chloe, we're going to pretend you're a contractor working for Trump construction and the Trumps are paying you in candy. Now, come payday, we refuse to give you anything. When you complain that you had a contract with us for said candy, we will lie and tell everyone you did crappy work and then we'll take you to court. Eventually, you'll realize that a bucket of candy isn't worth giving up everything to fight us and you'll just go home empty handed. That's the Trump way, darling. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson in how to be a horrible human being."

Edit: Okay, this guy wins with this retort to Mini Mangerine's above tweet:
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Smoove_B »

Maybe next year, maybe no go
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by hepcat »

Our HR person just stopped by my desk to complain rather passionately about a proposed reduction in 401k contribution limits and other issues he sees as problematic should Trump get his way.

...he voted for Trump.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Zarathud »

It's better by one additional negative.

He's going to cut the cuts that have been cut. Delivering the biggest nothingburger ever!
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by Max Peck »

Smoove_B wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:13 pm I...just...I can't:

President Donald Trump has told senior congressional leadership that he wants to name the forthcoming tax reform bill the “The Cut Cut Cut Act”

We are careening towards Brawndo and Ow! My Balls!
"The Cut Cut Cut Act" puts me in mind of a different movie:
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by LordMortis »

hepcat wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:49 pm It would be better if he actually did something about the Chinese manufacturers who make Ivanka's clothing and shoe line, as well as most of the Trump branded items on the market. But we all know he's a two faced liar with zero integrity.
"Okay Chloe, we're going to pretend you're a contractor working for Trump construction and the Trumps are paying you in candy. Now, come payday, we refuse to give you anything. When you complain that you had a contract with us for said candy, we will lie and tell everyone you did crappy work and then we'll take you to court. Eventually, you'll realize that a bucket of candy isn't worth giving up everything to fight us and you'll just go home empty handed. That's the Trump way, darling. I hope you've learned a valuable lesson in how to be a horrible human being."

Edit: Okay, this guy wins with this retort to Mini Mangerine's above tweet:
I thought he was teaching her how blue states give candy to subsidize red states after red states spend literally all of their time and effort complaining that blue states eat to much sugar and are making blue state constituents fat and lazy while honest red state workers produce go broke producing confections. It's all so very confusing after Sarah Huckabees reporters in a bar lecture.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by tjg_marantz »

hepcat wrote:Our HR person just stopped by my desk to complain rather passionately about a proposed reduction in 401k contribution limits and other issues he sees as problematic should Trump get his way.

...he voted for Trump.
Tell him to go fuck himself? Or would that be uncouth?
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by tjg_marantz »

Maybe the Cut Cut Cut Plan?
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by El Guapo » ... 8226412545

This bill is going to be *horrendous* whenever they finally succeed at reaching a final draft.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by malchior »

The latest has been that it will have all sorts of timing gimmicks to get it through reconciliation. Upside for them then is that it will likely lead to fiscal crises they can use to cut social programs. Set sail for the seas of social unrest!
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by YellowKing »

If you had asked me 8 years ago how long it would take a Republican President, a Republican-majority Senate, and a Republican-majority House to propose and pass a tax cut bill, I'd have said "Ehhh..maybe 2 weeks if they drag their feet?"

I swear this complete fucktard of a GOP Congress can't even do the ONE thing they're actually good at.
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Re: Trump's Full Court Press on Tax Reform

Post by tjg_marantz »

YellowKing wrote:If you had asked me 8 years ago how long it would take a Republican President, a Republican-majority Senate, and a Republican-majority House to propose and pass a tax cut bill, I'd have said "Ehhh..maybe 2 weeks if they drag their feet?"

I swear this complete fucktard of a GOP Congress can't even do the ONE thing they're actually good at.
So there's hope. Good.
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