GreenGoo wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:32 pmMacGowan already came forward claiming both Damon and Affleck are complicit in Harvey's behaviour because they knew about it and didn't do enough to get him to stop.
Everyone in Hollywood is complicit. Entire theater halls filled with Hollywood people chuckled nervously as they mocked him sexually harassing people. Everyone in America that tuned in was in on 'the joke' at some level. It seems excessive to point randomly at someone in that crowd and scream "He knew! HE KNEW!"
I probably don't know the whole story, though. Damon probably fed Weinstein starlets through a trapdoor or something. If he didn't do that, though - didn't do something like sending girls to Weinstein for "interviews" - then he's not much more involved than anyone else within 100 yards of that asshole.
I'm sure psychologists have terms for crowd mentalities that let terrible things happen because everyone's uncomfortable and everyone assumes someone else will do something. I don't exempt men in Hollywood from being subject to this effect anymore than I exempt the women who also stood by.
Monsters exist because they grow circumstance around themselves and spread a corruption over time. This didn't just happen overnight. It grew. I would wager that a small indiscretion, unchallenged, grew into more and more and more - and ranks of people found themselves enmeshed in a situation where they didn't say something
last time, so saying something
this time is even harder.
I'm not excusing it, and I think everyone at some point in their life has witnessed something and later thought "I really should have spoken up when I knew that was wrong" - but that shit is
hard. I watched someone litter in a grocery store and found it challenging to say "Hey, I don't think that goes there" and when the guy sheepishly retrieved his trash, I felt okay about doing it. Littering. I'd probably have a brain melt if I was put in a situation where I had to challenge a powerful executive that could break my career.
I'm rambling. I do -not- want to be seen as endorsing complicity, I'm trying to say that we observe it all the time and it seems to be a human condition we don't have a cure for yet. I have trouble throwing someone under the bus for being a frail human. If he was more involved than that, then I'm wrong. With all of the terrible things everywhere every day, I'm unable to keep up with who's a villain now.
/slams the shovel down into the 12' hole he just dug himself into.