"To wield Grond, the mighty hammer of the Federal Government, is to be intoxicated with power beyond what you and I can reckon (though I figure we can ball park it pretty good with computers and maths). Need to tunnel through a mountain? Grond. Kill a mighty ogre? Grond. Hangnail? Grond. Spider? Grond (actually, that's a legit use, moreso than the rest)." - Peacedog
Neilson represented the plaintiffs in Hollingsworth v. Perry,133 S. Ct. 2652 (2013), defending Proposition 8, which would have banned same-sex marriage in California.
- After the district court, in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, 704 F. Supp. 2d 921 (N.D. Cal. 2010), ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, Nielson filed a Motion to Vacate the judgment. Nielson’s motion argued that the judge, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, a Reagan appointee, “had a duty to disclose not only the facts concerning his [same-sex] relationship, but also his marriage intentions.”
- Nielson’s motion reflected the rhetoric of certain right-wing groups. The American Family Association said that it was “extremely problematic that Judge Walker is a practicing homosexual himself. He should have recused himself from this case, because his judgment is clearly compromised by his own sexual proclivity.” Conservative activist Tony Perkins specifically said that Judge Walker’s decision was compromised by the fact he is “openly homosexual.”
- Nielson argued, in attempting to vacate the judgment, that only if Judge Walker had “unequivocally disavowed any interest in marrying his partner could the parties and the public be confident that he did not have a direct personal interest in the outcome[.]”
The best people. Just the best.
Does that mean straight people shouldn't listen to all the non-LGBT cases?
Neilson represented the plaintiffs in Hollingsworth v. Perry,133 S. Ct. 2652 (2013), defending Proposition 8, which would have banned same-sex marriage in California.
- After the district court, in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, 704 F. Supp. 2d 921 (N.D. Cal. 2010), ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, Nielson filed a Motion to Vacate the judgment. Nielson’s motion argued that the judge, Chief Judge Vaughn Walker, a Reagan appointee, “had a duty to disclose not only the facts concerning his [same-sex] relationship, but also his marriage intentions.”
- Nielson’s motion reflected the rhetoric of certain right-wing groups. The American Family Association said that it was “extremely problematic that Judge Walker is a practicing homosexual himself. He should have recused himself from this case, because his judgment is clearly compromised by his own sexual proclivity.” Conservative activist Tony Perkins specifically said that Judge Walker’s decision was compromised by the fact he is “openly homosexual.”
- Nielson argued, in attempting to vacate the judgment, that only if Judge Walker had “unequivocally disavowed any interest in marrying his partner could the parties and the public be confident that he did not have a direct personal interest in the outcome[.]”
The best people. Just the best.
Does that mean straight people shouldn't listen to all the non-LGBT cases?
Well, not ALL non-LGBT cases, but it would suggest that straight judges shouldn't issue rulings in cases involving the boundaries of marriage between straight people.
It's all pretty stunning, but I think the topper is writing out "like."
Truly, the most stable genius is the one who has to say he is a stable genius.
I can't imagine, even at my most inebriated, hearing a bouncer offering me an hour with a stripper for only $1,400 and thinking That sounds like a reasonable idea.-Two Sheds
This is a great story. Lots of Trump's morning tweets (and tweets in general) can be chalked up to things he watched on Fox (especially Fox and Friends) a few minutes prior.
pr0ner wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:45 amThis is a great story. Lots of Trump's morning tweets (and tweets in general) can be chalked up to things he watched on Fox (especially Fox and Friends) a few minutes prior.
"A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on." -Terry Pratchett, The Truth "The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it." -Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
It's easy to overlook that, with all the criticism of Trump's intellect, no one with any credibility or reputation has ever come forward to defend him, even off the record. There's no "Trump is actually smart" counter-narrative among Republican politicians. You have to go to Fox & Friends or Sean Hannity for that, and there it's just transparent flattery.
This book just quotes the top aides on what has been tacitly admitted all year.
I was actually going to post that but got lazy. I mean, it's just such a nonstop task to point out when the potus is wrong about something, even his own life.
My experience in life has shown me that if you're constantly on the defensive, the problem is probably you and not "the rest of the world." In fact, it was the first crack in my Republican position. I was always bothered by the disconnect between what I felt was right and what the perceived majority said was right. While the NC GOP was the stake through the heart of my political positions, I think those positions had been gradually weakening for months if not years.
While playing the victim of conspiracy and the unenlightened masses can make you feel good at some level, reality is usually a lot more mundane. Trump's a terrible person. This was known long before he got into politics. There isn't some vast army out there to discredit him. He's just a terrible person, and we have evidence of that from decades of first-hand reports and his own actions.
We don't need a book to tell us this is an incompetent administration. We see it every day, firsthand.
Last year I wanted a shirt that read "You're the Puppet!", simply because it's a great line and a great comeback, this year I want a shirt that simply reads, "I'm a stable genius".
"Don't touch my stuff when I'm dead...it's booytrapped!" - Bender Bending Rodriguez
Tao wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:48 pm
Last year I wanted a shirt that read "You're the Puppet!", simply because it's a great line and a great comeback, this year I want a shirt that simply reads, "I'm a stable genius".
"You're the puppet" isn't anywhere near as entertaining without the moronic, befuddled "No puppet! No puppet!" before it , though.
;tldr Stephen Miller goes on and on to stroke Dear Leader's ego on CNN. Jake Tapper eventually gets tired of it and cuts off the interview. It is the proper reaction to Trump's flunkies aside from the superior option of not booking them in the first place.
I’m going to guess - sight unseen - that Jake Tapper did not in fact get destroyed in an interview with that weasel.
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And in banks across the world
Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Jews
And every other race, creed, colour, tint or hue
Get down on their knees and pray
The raccoon and the groundhog neatly
Make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
RunningMn9 wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:29 pm
I’m going to guess - sight unseen - that Jake Tapper did not in fact get destroyed in an interview with that weasel.
In the mind of Ttumpsters, ending the interview because Miller is flat-out lying and avoiding questions = “running away”.
That’s why this is all a worthless exercise. No one’s mind will ever be changed as a result of anything said in that interview. It emboldens the Trumpkins “the media is against us” narrative, while the rest of us just roll our eyes at Miller’s constant stream of ass-kissing and bullshit and applaud Tapper for ending it as a result.
End result is that both sides dig in even harder.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
And in banks across the world
Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Jews
And every other race, creed, colour, tint or hue
Get down on their knees and pray
The raccoon and the groundhog neatly
Make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range
Skinypupy wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:38 pm
That’s why this is all a worthless exercise. No one’s mind will ever be changed as a result of anything said in that interview. It emboldens the Trumpkins “the media is against us” narrative, while the rest of us just roll our eyes at Miller’s constant stream of ass-kissing and bullshit and applaud Tapper for ending it as a result.
End result is that both sides dig in even harder.
Yup. They are wrapped in an alternate reality that can bear no breaches, factual or otherwise (and the linked interview falls into the "otherwise" bucket). I decided that the Trumpelos are unreachable when I realized that they won't even acknowledge their master's many golf outings. When he proclaims himself a really stable genius they nod approvingly while the rest of us think "What an idiot." It's hard to see any basis for dialog.
I had hoped it wouldn't come down to reeducation camps, but here we are.
On a more serious note, education is probably the only hope, and that's a medium- to long-term solution. As an old white man it pains me to point out that Trump's core is old white men, who will do us the favor of dying off over the next decade or two. Young people lean liberal, and most of them are too smart to fall for Trump-level flimflam. If we are going to make it over this hump in history, education's going to get us there.
The bad news is that they're working on making sure that the only ones with access to decent education are the wealthy white folks who can afford to pay for it.
I can't imagine, even at my most inebriated, hearing a bouncer offering me an hour with a stripper for only $1,400 and thinking That sounds like a reasonable idea.-Two Sheds
Chaz wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:08 pm
The bad news is that they're working on making sure that the only ones with access to decent education are the wealthy white folks who can afford to pay for it.
Either that, or Jesus-cation.
Or both.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!
The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!
You had all weekend to do this assignment.
Must've been playing golf.
If I were a publisher, I would totally be hoping to win one of these badges of honor. But you know that WaPo, the NYT, and CNN are going to sweep. Rigged system!
Chaz wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 5:08 pm
The bad news is that they're working on making sure that the only ones with access to decent education are the wealthy white folks who can afford to pay for it.
Either that, or Jesus-cation.
Or both.
Willful ignorance is self-reinforcing and apparently ascendant...but reality has a stubborn way of seeping in.
The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!
Willful ignorance is self-reinforcing and apparently ascendant...but reality has a stubborn way of seeping in.
The real problem is not a lack of education or information, it's tribalism.
There is not a wide gap between moderate conservatives and moderate liberals, but the issues rarely get examined in detail because they are too busy hating each other.
Drumpf has been closer to a liberal his entire life, yet when he slapped a Republican label on himself suddenly he's the right's saviour. It's ludicrous.
The Christian right's embracing of this absolutely ungodly man is the clearest indicator yet that platforms are irrelevant, only which team you're on matters.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake. http://steamcommunity.com/id/daehawk
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.
Willful ignorance is self-reinforcing and apparently ascendant...but reality has a stubborn way of seeping in.
The real problem is not a lack of education or information, it's tribalism.
There is not a wide gap between moderate conservatives and moderate liberals, but the issues rarely get examined in detail because they are too busy hating each other.
Drumpf has been closer to a liberal his entire life, yet when he slapped a Republican label on himself suddenly he's the right's saviour. It's ludicrous.
The Christian right's embracing of this absolutely ungodly man is the clearest indicator yet that platforms are irrelevant, only which team you're on matters.
How do you educate out of that?
OK, forget about education.
You'd need a larger, mutually inclusive tribe. A common enemy would do it, or maybe a sports team. Remember when Russia was our common enemy and we all rooted for Murica?