Smoove_B wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:03 pm
GreenGoo wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:47 pm
Wait, getting naked and performing oral sex on each other does NOT imply anything else? Really?
It really doesn't, no.
So it's not implied. You can't infer anything from behaviour. At what point are you able to infer that licking nipples is ok? Or changing positions? Or sticking your tongue in her ear? Or any of a number of common actions that take plus during sex, but aren't sex.
You guys understand what the word "imply" means, right? Consent is consent. Not consent is not consent. But you're saying that sex can not be inferred, even during sex? How do you think this will work from a practical standpoint? Assuming the goal is less assaults on women, how will this work?
"Your honor, we were on our 3rd date, I asked if she wanted to come up for coffee, she agreed, we kissed and petted on the couch, I asked if she wanted to go to the bed room, she said yes, I underdressed her (she did not give an affirmative consent)"
Is that assault?
"After that, she performed oral sex on me. I moved to reciprocate and she did not give verbal consent"
Is that assault?
"after we performed oral sex on each other, I moved to have intercourse with her, she said nothing, did nothing, when I was done, I rolled off her and she asked me why I raped her"
Is that assault?
How on earth are you going to prove any of that? Why on earth would either the man or the woman WANT this to be assault? Is there no room left for simply being together, enjoying yourselves, and if things start going in a direction you don't like or make you uncomfortable, communicate it?
Human nature and sexual desire will never submit to this level of negotiation, no matter how much we might want it to, or make laws requiring it.
Wednesday Night
blockchain app for consent
Just one of many articles on why consent apps are a bad idea
Coop is welcome to whatever approach he wants, but I can't think of a single partner I had that would respond to "" in a positive way. Of course today is not yesterday, and perhaps how single men and women view sex has changed enough to turn it into a more overt transactional exchange than something more intimate and personal, but holy crap. Humans aren't robots. Women aren't and Men aren't, but somehow men are supposed to take responsibility for both yes and no, leaving the woman to simply enjoy herself until she doesn't? Women want to be grown ups too, right? I mean, there has to be responsibility on BOTH SIDES for any of this to work in a satisfactory way for both people.