My wife had a meltdown two nights ago. She felt like I was treating her like she was too fragile by only putting on boring documentaries and then ignoring them, so to prove the point she decided to go watch
Ash vs. Evil Dead.
Of course, within 45 seconds of firing that up, she's watching an aged Bruce Campbell dry-hump some partially nude actress and she lost it. A day-long fight ensued with me being the villain for supporting the filthy film industries that victimize women. Haven't I learned
ANYTHING from #MeToo? Don't I know what these actresses go through?
All I could say was that I feel badly for any woman that's victimized and harassed, but she can't automatically assume that anyone who bares their ass for a camera is an unwilling participant in a Hollywood scandal. That assumption takes power away from other women who are making their own choices freely.
It's been something like 36 hours, and she's still trying to recover.
Still riding the pendulum.
I don't know how to process that in terms of this whole thing. I mean - are all women victims in cinema, and everyone's taking advantage of them - or is this an okay thing and she's off the deep end? How do you separate films like the ones where Salma Hayek was essentially forced into sexualized scenes from the ones where it's just part of the movie? Knowing what Salma went through makes me never want to see that movie, ever. But if I didn't know that, it would never factor into my decision.