It's like msteelers post above. Every time a reasonable exception is made because the gun owners know the details and why the anti-gun people are trying to make laws that don't make sense.El Guapo wrote: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:04 pm But I'm curious - how is "rhetoric and emotion" stopping a dialogue on this issue? Are gun owners snowflakes?
There is widespread support for gun regulation but there is wider support for possession. 60% want more strict sales laws, but 71% don't want handguns banned. And that's handguns.
The fact that we continue to have discussions about AR-15s on this board is telling. It's like arguing about pit bulls being dangerous or outlawing a BMW 4 because it's involved in the most accidents.
And let's be clear. I'm not a gun owner. I touched a gun one time and was intimidated and gave it back as soon as I could. Then my girlfriend yelled at me because I didn't perform the right safety checks. But we have a pretty detailed history about banning very popular things in this country. It doesn't go very well.