I don’t think this is the case. At least not from what I can tell in FL. Schools get 1-2 dedicated SRO’s. The one for Marjory Stoneman Douglas had been there since 2009. They are full officers of the law. The main difference between an SRO and an SBLE is who is their boss. SRO’s are employees of local law enforcement agencies.LawBeefaroni wrote:I don't mean resource officers. And definitely not SBLEs.I mean a dedicated officer for each school who's only job is to protect students from threats. Often resource officers have multiple schools on their patrol. And they're there to deal with a little bit of everything. That won't work.msteelers wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:34 pm Schools in Florida already have armed cops. There seems to be some confusion over whether the cop in this latest shooting was actually on campus. I’ve heard sound bytes of the sheriff saying he was, but he never encountered the shooter. Some news reports online question that though.
Still, I grew up in Orlando and we had cops on campus every day. It might have been a response to Columbine, which happened at the end of my freshman year in high school. I don’t remember cops on campus during middle and elementary school.
From what I can tell, FL schools already have what you are asking for. We can discuss whether one SRO is enough for a 45-acre school, but the basic idea that a dedicated officer is there to protect students from threats is already happening.