Games Finished 2018!

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Games Finished 2018!

Post by Blackhawk »

It's time again! Tell us what you've played, what you've abandoned, and what you think of it!

Here are the previous Games Finished threads, edited for the first post:

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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Blackhawk »

Time for another go. Perhaps this year I will try and wipe a few shorter games off of my to-do list.

Finished (PC unless specified):
  • Vermintide 2 (several times)
  • Subnautica
  • Rage
  • Legend of Grimrock
  • Middle Earth: Shadow of War
  • Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
  • Strange Brigade (co-op)
  • GTA Online (played the crap out of it - including all heists)
  • Titanfall 2 (campaign)
  • Diablo 3 + DLC
Side Games (multiplayer, coop only etc):
  • Overwatch
  • GTA Online
  • Rainbow Six: Siege
2-1: Subnautica. I played it once during early access, but left it alone for about the last year and a half before release. I loved it - great game.

8-31: Rage - Blech. A solid 3/5, and a totally pointless ending.

10-6: Middle Earth: Shadow of War. Great game, but by the time I got to the end, I wasn't up to the DLC.

10-7: Legend of Grimrock. Lots of fun, but too many obtuse puzzles, and combat got repetitive. I enjoyed it, though, and I'm glad I played.

12-4: Baldur's Gate EE - Still a great game.

12-18: Titanfall 2 campaign - really, really fun, well made game.

12-31: Diablo 3
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Archinerd »

FEB - Sproggiwood - did not beat all levels with all characters. NOt sure if I will either, this game is merely a fun distraction. I beat it more so I could add something to my list. Oh, and the "city building" elements really aren't a thing with this game and is entirely aesthetic.
FEB - The Warlock of Firetop Mountain - beat it with one character. If I'm ever between big games I may re-visit but there seem to be only a handful or different routes through the dungeon. Even though I haven't looked under every stone I feel like I've seen most of the game at this point.
FEB - Mordheim: City of the Damned - okay, so I didn't beat the game but I'm finished getting my fun out of it. The story missions are frustrating and un-fun and the normal missions have become repetitive. I still have 40+ hrs in it though, so I did enjoy it for a time.
MAR - Sid Meier's Ace Patrol - Once through with some British planes. It's a fine game for what it is, and I bought it for next to nothing. I wish there were more WW1 plane games.
MAY - BattleTech - Main campaign. Will consider coming back to play in sandbox if better mods or DLC become available.
JULY- Slay The Spire - Unlocked all characters completely. I'll still be playing this casually for awhile, but I'm considering it "finished" just so I can continue to add things to this list.
SEP - Mad Max - Did not "100% it" and have no intention or desire to grind.
SEP - Blood Bowl 2 - Finished my first ever tournament organized by El Guapo. Came in 5th place over all (out of 6).
OCT - Infested Planet - A couple of casual random campaigns
NOV - Hard West - Campaign and the Scars of Freedom DLC.
NOV - Invisible Inc - Replay, again.
NOV - Wolfenstein: The New Order

Twilight Struggle - I continue to lose more games than I win against El Guapo. I'm having fun though and hopefully I at least offer a better opponent for him than the AI.
Gwent - Started playing this again in Feb. Some serious balance issues remain but I'm only playing semi-casually.

2017 - 12 games finished
2016 - 15 games finished
2015 - 12 games finished
2014 - 4 games finished
2013 - 21 games finished
2012 - 12 games finished
2011 - 27 games finished[/size]
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by coopasonic »

Finished Games
The Last of Us - I was stuck on one fight fairly early in when I started this last year. Yesterday I decided to push through and it was so good I just kept going and finished it. Wow. That was a hell of a ride.
Subnautica - Bought this on a whim, I don't even know why, but loved it.
Monster Hunter: World - Same story, bought on a whim and loving it. Calling it completed as the credits rolled but there is still plenty to do.
Far Cry 5
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - a buggy mess but still a lot of fun
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - still sufficiently strange even without rewind powers and kind of gut wrenching.
Slayaway Camp - puzzle-y game kind of like Hitman Go. Some pretty tough ones in there.
BATTLETECH - there was a little more grinding than I would have liked, but an excellent turn based tactical combat game
ELEX - Piranha Bytes adds a little sci-fi to the formula. Fun, HARD game.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - An excellent finale to the reboot trilogy.
Spider-man - A good spider-man game? Seriously.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Yeah I killed a *lot* of Greeks.
Forza Horizon 4 - It doesn't really end, but I have over 200 cars and $10 million and nothing to really look forward to.
Fallout 76 - an online game doesn't really end but I passed the level soft-cap and saw most of the world and did most of the quests
Mutant year Zero Road to Eden - tactical combat with real time stealth, pretty short, not outstanding

Future Release Tracking
Nothing remains!
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Smoove_B »


Prey (2/2/18)
Sniper 4 (3/14/18)
Rusty Lake Hotel (3/19/18)
Rusty Lake Roots (3/21/18)
Homefront (3/21/18)
Call of Duty: WW2 (3/28/18)
The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition (4/1/18)
Agents of Mayhem (5/3/18)
The Walking Dead: Season 2 (7/22/18)
Hero of the Kingdom (8/12/18)
Hero of the Kingdom 2 (8/16/18)
Planescape: Torment (Enhanced Edition) (9/2/18)
Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink (9/17/18)
Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova (9/18/18)
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden (9/18/18)
The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times (9/20/18)
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood (9/21/18)
Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call (9/28/18)
Far Cry: Primal (10/21/18)
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones (12/1/2018)
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (12/22/2018)

14 games finished in 2017
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Maybe next year, maybe no go
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Hipolito »

  1. Aquaria (Jan 17, PC) Rating: 5/8 (opinion)
  2. Dominique Pamplemousse (Dec. 23, PC) Rating: 5/8. Detective adventure musical with black-and-white graphics and stop-motion clay models. Good story; cute, detuned soundtrack; but ends abruptly.
Rating system: 6-8 Heh; 4-5 Meh; 0-3 Bleh.

  1. Earthbound: I'm in the second town. This game can be funny, goofy, and challenging, but does it deserve its status as a classic JRPG? Too early to say.
  2. Lost Odyssey: I'm on disc 3 of 4. So far it's an average JRPG with an occasionally amazing story.
  3. Luna Silver Star Story Touch: I abandoned this game because I was frustrated by the Vile Crustacean boss battle. A year and a half later, I picked it back up and won the battle after a couple of attempts. So I just might finish this supposed classic JRPG after all.
  4. Out There: Omega Edition: It's like FTL but the enemy is now resource scarcity instead of other ships. I've earned the Green and Blue endings so far and hope to earn the other two. Playing on "Easy" difficulty.
  5. Borderlands: I finished the main story and zombie DLC. Working on the General Noxx DLC.
  6. Immortal Defense: Quirky tower defense game taking place in interdimensional space. The first story campaign was pretty easy, but now I'm struggling to make any progress in the second one.
  1. Sakura Clicker: I really got sucked into this one, but I'm making myself stop at Zone 48-5. There are some interesting efficiencies and mechanics hidden under the simple wrapper, and the girls' cooing and whining are cute, but there's no reason to play the game as extensively as I did.
  2. Selfie: Sisters of the Amniotic Lens: Avante-garde garbage that's ultimately about exchanging messages with other players, and you can't even do that anymore since they took it offline.
  3. Wreckfest: I had a giddy time at first, but there's not enough variety in the game, or enough skill in me to progress far. Quitting the Regional Juniors with 825 points.

    Finished games of yore: 2006 (15); 2007 (14); 2008 (20); 2009 (23); 2010 (13); 2011 (15); 2012 (17); 2013 (25); 2014 (25); 2015 (9); 2016 (8); 2017 (9)
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Jaymann »

Heroes of the Monkey Tavern
Breath of Death VII
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by YellowKing »



1. Assassin's Creed Origins (XB1) - Though I technically "beat" this in 2017 I'm posting it here because I'm still finishing up all the locations. Only have one tomb and one elephant war camp left I believe. I really enjoyed this one. I've clocked 70+ hours, which is on par with what I put into my favorite AC game, AC: Black Flag. I think YMMV depending on what you feel about repetition, because although the game is HUGE, it's a lot of doing the same thing over and over. I don't mind that as long as the combat is fun (which it is), and I really enjoyed progressively getting stronger and stronger. Starting out I felt the combat was nearly impossible. By the end of the game I was waltzing directly into enemy forts just for the fun of it.

2. Cibele (PC) - I decided to go through all my Steam games that I still wanted to try and list them in "time to beat" order. Cibele ended up being the shortest at 1 hour so I gave it a whirl. This one I apparently got in some indie bundle, as it's a little experimental game about a college girl named Nina and her relationship with a guy online through a mutual game. The game is played by basically putting yourself into the role of Nina - clicking on her PC, looking at her photos, reading her blogs, and interacting with this guy through a shared online game (a clunky fascimile of an MMO). Interesting but I was hoping for more of a payoff. Instead it's more of a slice of life story.


Civilization VI (PC)
Batman: The Telltale Series (XB1)
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by ChuckB »

Currently playing:

Civilization VI


MLB The Show 18 (what a great game, this series is getting better and I'm absolutely happy with all changes to the last iteration)
Dishonored 2

Nintendo Switch (new this year:

PS Vita:
[Nothing really at the moment]

Nintendo 3DS XL
[Nothing really at the moment]

On the short list:
Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition - PC (started but never really got into the game)
The Witcher 3 - PS4 (what a great game, need to get back into it)
Pillars of Eternity - PC (played this quite a bit but stopped, want to pick up again)
Dishonored 2 - PS4 (loved the first one and what I played of the second one, stopped playing in the mansion level)
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - PS4 (started the game but then ... stopped again)

What Remains of Edith Finch (PC) - Extremely creative and immensely impressive
Night in the Woods (Switch) - Enjoyed this a lot (great soundtrack!)
Sniper Elite 4 (PC) - this one took me quite a long time, still have the DLCs to play; I think I enjoyed the 3rd one more
Tacoma (PC) - really liked it
Oxenfree (Switch) - strange but not bad
Life is Strange - Before the Storm (PS4) - probably liked the "original" one a bit better but this one is good, too
Bomber Crew (Switch) - finished this already on PC but got sucked into the Switch version again ...
Old Man's Journey (Switch) - liked it, nice and calming "game" with beautiful music
Assassins's Creed Origins (PS4) - finished the main story, put around 75hrs into the game. Really love the world they created, looks fantastic and just fun to play
Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (PS4) - finished the main story, freed London. Still stuff to do. Really enjoyed the game, a bit less polished than Origins but a lot of fun and great scenery (is missing a photo mode, though)
L.A. Noire (PS4) - picked this up long time ago on PS3 and played some, got the remastered PS4 version, played and stopped and finally finished it. It definitely shows its age but I liked it. Great score
Abzu (PS4) - very beautiful experience, really enjoyed this on large TV and PS4 Pro (not sure this works well on the Switch, though)
Last edited by ChuckB on Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:46 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Jolor »

Thanks for setting this up!

Banner Saga
Banner Saga 2
West of Loathing
Divinity Origin Sin 2
ICY: Frostbite Edition
Neighbouring Islands (finished all 3 available chapters; no firm release date for the rest)
Banner Saga 3
Pillars of Eternity 2 + Beast of Winter DLC
Tower of Time
Pathfnder Kingmaker



Next Up
Pillars of Eternity 2 (replay with new character + DLC)

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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by TheMix »

Sure, I'll "play". Of course, until I get a working computer (that isn't my work laptop), I'm unlikely to actually finish anything...

Dungeon Crawl (browser rogue-like)


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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Jolor »

Banner Saga

It took a while for me to "bite" on these games and I only did after a Steam sale on 'Banner 2'; but, moments into 'Banner 2', I recognized that this was my type of game and immediately purchased 'Banner' as well. I'm glad I did. The game is deeper than I had originally thought as I had understood it to be largely an "on rails" adventure game. Through a wonderfully subtle twist on the 'choose your own adventure' mashed with turn-based battles, the game was never predictable and always made sure that each decision had the to be weighed carefully. Well done!

Edit": Banner Saga 3 gets a score of 8 o' 8 tentacles. What a brilliant finale!

7 o' 8 tentacles
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by D.A.Lewis »

Talos Principle

and some HOG game
and gummy drops and SimCity buildit

Next up
Divinity Original sin 2 or Dishonored 2
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Lordnine »


Super Mario Odyssey - 9.5/10 - January
The Executive - 7.5/10 - January
Goragoa - 7.5/10 - January
Opus Magnum - 8.0/10 - March
The Room: Old Sins - 8.5/10 - March
Subnautica - 9.0/10 - April
FAR: Lone Sails - 7.5/10 - June
Rumu - 7.0/10 - July
Yoku's Island Express - 8.5/10 - July
Prey: Mooncrash - 8.0/10 - August
God of War (2018) - 9.0/10 - September
Donut Country - 7.0/10 - September
Horizon: Zero Dawn - 8.5/10 - October
Moss - 8.0/10 - November
Super Hot VR - 7.5/10 - November
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - 6.5/10 - December
Rush of Blood - 4/10 - December
Starcraft 2: Nova Covert Ops - 7.5/10 - December

Previous Years
2017 - 30 games finished
2016 - 27 games finished
2015 - 18 games finished
2014 - 39 games finished
2013 - 46 games finished
2012 - 53 games finished
2011 - 38 games finished
2010 - 21 games finished
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by JetFred »

8/10 Kentucky Route Zero (PC) -Well, Act IV anyway, all there is so far and I didn't start over. Beautiful, dreamlike game kept putting me to sleep.
9/10 Four Last Things (PC) - Cobbled together from classical artwork. Loved it like any Monty Python and Terry Gilliam fan should.
8/10 Fantasy Mosaics 15: Ancient Land (PC) - Picross, multiple colors, very seldom requires guessing.
8/10 Fantasy Mosaics 16: Six Colors in Wonderland (PC) - Another picross, multiple colors, very seldom requires guessing.
8/10 Zenge (PC) - No reason to replay, but a good little puzzle game with style. Never gets terribly difficult.
6/10 Solitune (PC) - Short, original, artsy, approximately worth the 20 minutes it takes to click through it.
6/10 Pythagoria (PC) - 60 geometry problems of varying difficulty with areas of rectangles and triangles. Neat execution, no replay value.
5/10 Sakura Beach (PC) - Even for what you know you get with these games, the story was boring, the art mediocre, and the choices pointless.
9/10 Tametsi (PC) - Best Minesweeper variant I have seen, and I thought Hexcells couldn't be topped. Could not stop until I perfected 133 puzzles.
6/10 The Fan (PC) - Very short, not much game to it. Decent sets for the photos that make up all of the navigation. Found 3 endings.
7/10 Pixel Puzzles Mosaics (PC) - Not a bad tile-based jigsaw puzzle game, but some of the images are just filler.
9/10 Rusty Lake Paradise (PC) - Another great Rusty Lake game, not too short, not too long, sort of unsettling and full of nightmarish visions.
7/10 Far From Noise (PC) - A well-done choose-your-dialogue adventure scene. Not much game, but worth an hour.
7/10 Japanese Women Animated Jigsaws (PC) - I like the moving jigsaw puzzle games by this company, but these images could have been better.
7/10 Delete (PC) - Not bad as far as puzzle games go because it looks good and responds well, but it's never very difficult, so it's pretty short.
7/10 Skyscrapers Puzzle: Airi's tale (PC) - Nice little variant of sudoku that was quite satisfying to solve, with decent game length and difficulty.
9/10 Subsurface Circular (PC) - Unique and well-written. Totally worth the 2-3 hours it takes to read your way through the dialog puzzles.
8/10 Tormentum: Dark Sorrow (PC) - Cool art and straightforward adventure game design makes this a good choice, but it's easy and short.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Blackhawk »

I just finished Subnautica. Great game. If you like open world games where you mix exploration with crafting and building, this is a fantastic choice. You aren't given much direction, but it is a ton of fun. If I had to make a comparison, it would be a tense sci-fi undersea minecraft with beautiful graphics.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Carpet_pissr »

Full Throttle Remastered - pretty disappointed in this one, considering the bugs and whatnot. And as bad and frustrating as the bike fighting sequence was in the original, they somehow managed to make it worse on iOS. I plowed through it, but I wish I hadn't. Soiled the good memories of playing that one the first time around. I will say that in general, I find both old and modern adventure games to be much better on iOS (iPad, specifically, but I have actually played a few on my phone as well), but this was an exception.
Enlarge Image

Kathy Rain - pretty well written mystery adventure, and even though it's relatively new, it was designed to look like an old school adventure in the vein of Monkey Islands, etc. Really enjoyable on iOS, but also available on Steam.
Enlarge Image

Click both to biggenate. Top one shows original Full Throttle vs remastered (they did a hell of a job on that front, at looks absolutely beautiful).
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by hepcat »


Dishonored 2

Working on:


nothing yet

Working on:
Assassins Creed Origins
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
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Games Finished 2018!

Post by Scoop20906 »

Scoop20906's 2018 Games Finished List

In Progress
  • Prey
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • Enlarge Image
  • Marvel's Guardian's of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series - (7/10) Overall, a fun romp through an alternate version of the Guardians of the Galaxy. The stories works fairly well and the focus on family and loss work well with the characters. Each one has lost someone dear to them one way or another and some of the emotional moments worked really well for me. I guess I am a sucker for this type of stuff. And the game looked great as well. Lost of colors and flashy set pieces. I felt the difficulty of the action scenes was a bit to easy and for the most part I was never surprised by the plot. One of the curses of a telltale game is your choices matter in small ways but not in any significant way in the end. Still I do see some replay-ability in this game over other telltale games. The voice acting was great and I think if they did a second series I would pick it up. I just do not see how they could do it any differently then this iteration. Feb. 9, 2018

    Enlarge Image
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - (10/10) There are certain franchises that always deliver an experience and the Uncharted series has been one of the best. I really enjoyed this installment. Plenty of fun actions scenes, great script, and a nice story between Drake and Chloe on how they grapple with growing up and being honest with each other. The game adds to the lore of the Drake brothers and has an interesting epilogue at the end that could be the bookend for Nathan Drake. It was also in sharp comparison to another older adventurer detailed in the game and how she ended up versus how Nathan ended up. I think the series is worth all the hard work the developers put into it and I hardly recommend it to everyone. March 11, 2018

    Enlarge Image
  • Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You - (7/10) I'll admit I am something of a voyeur. Watching people on Twitch or Youtube share their life can be entertaining. I also enjoy crime stories and hunting down clues. This game combines the two where you are an investigator with the ability to reach into people's electronic lives and determine if they are doing something wrong or not. The interesting element of this game is you can look at anything you want but you choose what information you determine that authorities will see. In effect you can decide that some people can get away with a crime or frame people by passing on information out of context. Its actually a pretty neat gaming element however it took me a while to understand what was really going on and I just passed on everything which lead to outcomes in retrospect I did not want. I think this is exactly what the game developers want to happen. As the game goes deeper you start to run into the bigger story going on which I enjoyed. And I think the overall end of the game was quite interesting and allows for a personal choice on the ending. I thought about replaying the game to see what else I could expose but really once you know what is going on and the mystery is solved replayability is limited and more about unlocking achievements. I do recommend this game and I think I might pick up the 2nd season and see where they go with this going forward. April 5, 2018

    Enlarge Image
  • Moonlighter - (7/10) I had a lot of fun with this game and I could start it and make some progress in short 15 to 20 minute chunks. The loot and sell grinding is enjoyable and I also liked building up my shop to handle selling more items. The boss fights were fun but you can beat each boss once and then they are gone. For a game that encourages churn I was hoping to story would allow for replayability and it is even hinted at the end of the game but sadly there really isn't any. Once you beat the final boss you can can keep grinding but mostly for achievements so sadly it makes the game kind of short. Overall, I encourage purchaning the game but maybe wait for a sale. July 1, 2018

    Enlarge Image
  • The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - (6/10) The third installment of the Walking Dead decided to introduce a new cast of characters and relegated Clementine to a side character. I was not pleased with this decision even though I understand it. The new characters were a family who got caught up in the mess and were split up. Their story is well told overall but I spent most of the game wishing I could spend more time with Clem. Overall, I enjoyed the story and the experience but I am looking forward to the next and final season to see how things turn out with clem. July 22, 2018

    Enlarge Image
  • inFAMOUS Second Son - (6/10) I got this game through PSPlus so it was not a choice to purchase this but I had played the first InFamous game (although I never finished it) so I thought it would be fun to give it a whirl. Overall, I liked the game or I liked it enough to finish it. The story is "okay" but nothing great. The characters are pretty interesting but is a very bland and stereotypical way. Still, it worked well enough for me to keep playing it. I will say the one big improvement over the first version was the number of very cool powers and even though they all end up working similarly the variety of effects were pretty neat. In the end, you clear the islands/levels and do the missions and then boom you are done. I wouldn't play this game for the story. I can barely remember the main character's name but overall an easy to finish popcorn game that if you get free or cheap it is worth picking up. August 27, 2018

    Enlarge Image
  • Orwell: Ignorance is Strength - (6/10) A great sequel that improves the already fun formula of the Orwell games but I feel like the game falls down at the end with a lackluster or compelling ending. I guess I just expected more. However, the storyline is much better than the original but the game does not rise to the same level of tension or stakes. I still look forward to another sequel. September 4, 2018
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Cylus Maxii »

- World of Warcraft:Legion - downed the final boss/raid, completed all story missions, maxed reputation, iLevel 950ish. Done til BfA.
- 7 Days to Die (played to max level/skills/items and solid base with no survival challenge really left)
- Pillars of Eternity
- Subnautica

PS4 Pro:
- Assassin's Creed Origins (still may dink with the DLC, but I'm pretty much done)
- Burnout: Paradise HD Remaster (Got up to the A license and ran out of steam).
Playing: (I mean sorta playing. Who am I kidding..?)
- Horizon: Zero Dawn (Base game was gloriously finished but I haven't done the DLC)

- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Portal Knights (played with daughter, made max level and finished all bosses, Unlocked everything. We don't care about the calendar/holiday events)
- Read Dead Redemption HD remaster (did a complete story replay, did not try to get all the collectibles again)
- South Park: The Stick of Truth
- Far Cry 5
- The Crew 2 (my time waster, but its not really hooking me in. Seems pretty shallow and there is no actual driver skill progression. Its too monetized.)
- Left for Dead 2 (really not looking good, I'm very disappointed).
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Scoop20906 »

New update!

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - (10/10) There are certain franchises that always deliver an experience and the Uncharted series has been one of the best. I really enjoyed this installment. Plenty of fun actions scenes, great script, and a nice story between Drake and Chloe on how they grapple with growing up and being honest with each other. The game adds to the lore of the Drake brothers and has an interesting epilogue at the end that could be the bookend for Nathan Drake. It was also in sharp comparison to another older adventurer detailed in the game and how she ended up versus how Nathan ended up. I think the series is worth all the hard work the developers put into it and I hardly recommend it to everyone. March 11, 2018

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Games Finished 2018!

Post by Scoop20906 »

New update!

Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You - (7/10) I'll admit I am something of a voyeur. Watching people on Twitch or Youtube share their life can be entertaining. I also enjoy crime stories and hunting down clues. This game combines the two where you are an investigator with the ability to reach into people's electronic lives and determine if they are doing something wrong or not. The interesting element of this game is you can look at anything you want but you choose what information you determine that authorities will see. In effect you can decide that some people can get away with a crime or frame people by passing on information out of context. Its actually a pretty neat gaming element however it took me a while to understand what was really going on and I just passed on everything which lead to outcomes in retrospect I did not want. I think this is exactly what the game developers want to happen. As the game goes deeper you start to run into the bigger story going on which I enjoyed. And I think the overall end of the game was quite interesting and allows for a personal choice on the ending. I thought about replaying the game to see what else I could expose but really once you know what is going on and the mystery is solved replayability is limited and more about unlocking achievements. I do recommend this game and I think I might pick up the 2nd season and see where they go with this going forward. April 5, 2018

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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by tjg_marantz »

Finished The New Colossus.

I think I'm just going to play with Infinity turned on for supported games. I give myself three tries in an area and then I activate Infinity to get through. It's made things much more enjoyable. Going through Tomb Raider now.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Skinypupy »

I usually track this over at GT, but since that place is mostly dead, figured I should move it here too.

- What Remains of Edith Finch (PC) - Jan 1 - A. A fantastic, creative, and emotionally moving game. An prime example of what excellent storytellers can do in this medium. 2 hours
- Lineage 2 Revolution (iPad) - Jan 18 - B. Max leveled my toon and finished the main story quest. After an initial bad first impression, I got completely hooked. Perfect for casual (sometimes afk) play. 60+ hours, so far.
- Skyrim (Switch) - March 23 - B+. It only took me 4 tries, but I actually “finished” Skyrim! Beat the two main storylines (dragons and civil war). It’s showing it’s age, but is still an absolute blast. I didn’t play as much portable as I was expecting to, but absolutely got my $$ out of it. 42 hours.
- Elder Scrolls Online (PC) - June 2 - A. Beat both the Morrowind and Summerset expansions, the main quest, and max-leveled a toon. Still lots more to do. 100+ hours, so far.

Currently Playing
- God of War 4
- Battle Chasers Nightwar

Played and Quit/Gave up on
- Everybody's Golf - Still play a round on occasion, but have mostly stopped the single player campaign.
- Witcher 3 (PS4) - Got 20 hours in before getting distracted by other stuff. I still really need to see the expansions one of these days.
- Civ VI (iPad and PC) - Love the early game, but don't really like the grind of the end-game. Have yet to actually finish a game, even though I've started probably 20 or so.
- Monster Hunter World (PS4) - I finally understand why the series is so popular. That said, I got bored and/or frustrated with it after around 30 hours. The more complex it got, the less interest I had.
- Zelda Breath of the Wild (Switch) - I'm apparently the only person in the world for whom this game isn't the greatest thing ever. Tried it twice, gotten bored around 10 hours in both times.
- Silence (PC) - Looked great, but the story was so boring and non-sensical that I couldn't be bothered to even make it through the short 5 hours.
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch) - A great game that seriously overstayed it's welcome. If they had wrapped it up around 60 hours, I would have given it an A+. As is, I got to the 85 hour mark, and still had at least another 30 to go. Threw in the towel at that point.
- Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) - Meh. Did little to change my mind about Mario games in general. 3 hours
- FF XV Pocket Edition (iPad) - A neat portable version that walks through just the main storyline of the game. Shame it was absolutely buggy as hell though. Got through Chapter 5 before getting too frustrated with the constant crashes.
- Battle Chef Brigade (Switch) - This looked like it would be something right up my alley. Unfortunately, it just didn't click at all. It's a decent match 3, but the mid-cooking combat really just throws off the rhythm.
- Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (PC) - Felt like a combination of FF Type 0 and Persona, without the charm of either. Just...boring. 3 hours.
- Burnout Paradise (PS4)
- Ni No Kuni 2 (PS4)
- World of Warcraft (PC)
- Dungeons 3 (PC)
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition (PC)
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Isgrimnur »

Far Cry
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Scoop20906 »

Moonlighter - (7/10) I had a lot of fun with this game and I could start it and make some progress in short 15 to 20 minute chunks. The loot and sell grinding is enjoyable and I also liked building up my shop to handle selling more items. The boss fights were fun but you can beat each boss once and then they are gone. For a game that encourages churn I was hoping to story would allow for replayability and it is even hinted at the end of the game but sadly there really isn't any. Once you beat the final boss you can can keep grinding but mostly for achievements so sadly it makes the game kind of short. Overall, I encourage purchaning the game but maybe wait for a sale. July 1, 2018

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Games Finished 2018!

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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - (6/10) The third installment of the Walking Dead decided to introduce a new cast of characters and relegated Clementine to a side character. I was not pleased with this decision even though I understand it. The new characters were a family who got caught up in the mess and were split up. Their story is well told overall but I spent most of the game wishing I could spend more time with Clem. Overall, I enjoyed the story and the experience but I am looking forward to the next and final season to see how things turn out with Clem. July 22, 2018

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Last edited by Scoop20906 on Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Jolor »

Catching up with summaries of games finished ...

West of Loathing - 7 o' 8 tentacles

I never played 'Kingdom of Loathing' so this wasn't a nostalgia-driven purchase for me. But, man, I get the love if the original was half as original, quirky, and fun as this one is. Plus, it delivers a solid adventure/puzzle/quest mix with decent (albeit, easy) combat.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - 7 o' 8 tentacles

I backed this on the strength of the first game. That granted me early access to the pre-release versions - and I'm glad that they toned down the ridiculous difficulty from those early builds. (Example: those crocodiles just outside of the initial town.)
The party management is spot on. The decisions you make, the characters in your party, the questlines you choose to follow, all (give the impression, at least) of impacting the story you unfold. Not only a worthy successor but a game that vastly improves on its predecessors.

ICY: Frostbite Edition - 6 o' 8 tentacles

You may have come across my impressions of this as we discussed the Steam sale. If not:
"Tagged as RPG | Interactive | Survival, it (apparently) is a complete remastering of ICY which was met with mixed reviews. The developers took the feedback to heart and revamped the game.
ICY is a narrative-driven post-apocalyptic survival RPG set in a new Ice Age, where your life and the lives of your followers depend on every decision you make. Create your own character, using a detailed stat system that influences your abilities to hunt, travel, scavenge, communicate and lead, then begin a journey of survival across the White Wasteland.

It is up to you to take on the responsibilities of leadership and guide your newfound nomad family in their fight for survival. Do not take your role lightly, for each decision you make, each word you speak, ripples through the life of your community.

Take heed, for you and your clan are not alone in this frozen world. In addition to the elements and the wildlife you encounter, there will be loners and bands of miscreants to deal with. Decide carefully on whom to trust and how to react or the snow covered landscape will become your icy tomb.
No manual or guides that I could find so you have to figure things out on your own, though the beginning is presented as a tutorial.

The atmosphere is great and the dialogue choices at the very least give the impression of meaningful choices. Battle is turn-based for each party; individuals do not attack. This means that, based on selected weapons and individual capabilities, different attacks and combos are available. Combining those combos (up to 4) determines the action. For example, an arrow attack icon plus a wall icon results in an attack from cover. There are also combos that don't attack but buff/heal. A lack of skill or weapons results in less attacks/buffs per round.

Towns have shops and quest-givers; moving around the map has a chance of encounters. Your RPG stats set your odds of having to fight or sneak away with the loot.

Would definitely recommend at this bargain price. It's enjoyable enough to tear me away from PoE, if only for a couple of nights."

Neighbouring Islands - 5 o' 8 tentacles

Thought that the game was complete but only 3-of-x chapters are currently available. Having said that, the game describes itself as a graphic novel but I would compare it to a choose-your-adventure. You read the dialogue, choose your responses, and only in a few cases (so far) select so wrong as to end the game. However, the paths might be more complex and impactful than I originally assumed. After the first 3 chapters, I've yet to meet the denizens of the first island but have had the "neighbouring islands" described to me by the resident mad-man/saint/saviour. I can see this becoming an episodic that closes on the first island and includes the other islands as DLC but that's just a WAG on my part.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Isgrimnur »


A nice, calming game of hydrocarbon exploration that helped me relax on days that I needed it.

Sniper Elite. Yes, the first one.

I had to restart the Schloss mission because it got saved in a state where the AI ally would drive the truck into the other truck and crash, killing himself and losing the mission.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Scoop20906 »

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inFAMOUS Second Son - (6/10) I got this game through PSPlus so it was not a choice to purchase this but I had played the first InFamous game (although I never finished it) so I thought it would be fun to give it a whirl. Overall, I liked the game or I liked it enough to finish it. The story is "okay" but nothing great. The characters are pretty interesting but is a very bland and stereotypical way. Still, it worked well enough for me to keep playing it. I will say the one big improvement over the first version was the number of very cool powers and even though they all end up working similarly the variety of effects were pretty neat. In the end, you clear the islands/levels and do the missions and then boom you are done. I wouldn't play this game for the story. I can barely remember the main character's name but overall an easy to finish popcorn game that if you get free or cheap it is worth picking up. August 27, 2018

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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Blackhawk »

Just finished Rage.


It wasn't an awful game, but it wasn't a very good game, either. The graphics were ugly (even for their era, and even after every tweak in the book), especially the textures and the terrible way they used light. The guns felt weak. The AI was poor. The crafting was mostly pointless. The suggestion of an open world was two small networks of canyons between the cities/adventure locations, and you could probably cross either one of them in two or three minutes. The story was uninspired. The ending was just plain awful, both the story (it didn't give any resolution) and gameplay. They give you a big new BFG-chaingun, and then... a few enemies that go down in two seconds without it - and nothing else. No boss. No barely holding out. And I've played and finished ~150 shooters in the last 20 years. With that perspective, the controls were off. The mouse, even with the tweaks to turn off acceleration, actually retained a small amount of negative acceleration that made everything feel off. The interface and controls were very clearly designed for a console, and no real effort was made to port them properly. The car physics were bad. The crafting system was pointless in the way it was implemented.

I did have fun with it. There was a game under there that could have been polished out, but it honestly feels like they ran out of money with it 3/4 finished and unpolished. Add an ending, polish it a bit, and clean up the port and it would have been fantastic.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

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I bought it for the consoles when it came out. I got through the first area, started toying with the second one, and gave up.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Isgrimnur »

Isgrimnur wrote: Sat Aug 25, 2018 3:16 pm Sniper Elite. Yes, the first one.

I had to restart the Schloss mission because it got saved in a state where the AI ally would drive the truck into the other truck and crash, killing himself and losing the mission.
Sniper Elite V2. Very much more a shorter, console-targeted game than the first.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Scoop20906 »

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Orwell: Ignorance is Strength - (6/10) A great sequel that improves the already fun formula of the Orwell games but I feel like the game falls down at the end with a lackluster or compelling ending. I guess I just expected more. However, the storyline is much better than the original but the game does not rise to the same level of tension or stakes. I still look forward to another sequel. September 4, 2018

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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Jolor »

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire + Beast of Winter DLC

Really great game. Same party-based, pauseable, real-time battles that we've all loved since BG/IWD. NPC-specific quests are still part of the deal and add to the game; banter is fine as a background. Tighter execution than the first with much of your same party returning. A trade mechanic is something I never explored but may offer the ability to generate extra cash: the main map for each location shows imports/exports leading me to conclude that you could sail back&forth making a profit by doing so ... but I was never intrigued enough to try it.

One can spend $ on ships & upgrades to your heart's content to master the pitched battles of the sea - or close the gap to board the enemy vessel and put your faith in your crew's superior hand-to-hand skills.
You could also spend your money on upgrading weapons/armour, as well as other crafting options like scrolls or potions. Most of my spending cash went to the armour/weapons upgrades. Perhaps because I took a balanced approach, & did not share weapons/armour between active and inactive crew, I never maxed out anything's capability. This is something I did do in POE1 and may do in a replay.

Speaking of which ...

I foolishly deleted all my save games before the final location, only to remember that the coming DLC may, as was with POE1, meant to take place before entering the end-game.

However, final impression is that is superior not only to the original but also to D:OS 2 (though barely).
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Archinerd »

Mad Max - Worth the $5 I paid for it. I understand why the critics hated it and they are probably at least a little right, but c'mon, it's fun to take down those convoys and upgrade the car. Didn't 100% it and have no desire to.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by coopasonic »

Archinerd wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:46 pm Mad Max - Worth the $5 I paid for it. I understand why the critics hated it and they are probably at least a little right, but c'mon, it's fun to take down those convoys and upgrade the car. Didn't 100% it and have no desire to.
The critics hated it? Stupid critics. I guess being a car guy and a Batman Open world fan it was kind of in my niche so maybe I didn't notice.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Archinerd »

Maybe hate is too strong of a word. It's at 69 on Metacritic and I remember the Rock Paper Shotgun review being lukewarm on it.
From what I remember the main complaints are; repetitive, unbalanced, repetitive, uninspired gameplay, repetitive.
All true but I still got 40 some hrs of enjoyment from it.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by hepcat »

I played for quite a bit on Steam and then moved on to the next hotness, but that's not a reflection on the game itself. It's a reflection on my inability to stay focused on any game for that long...unless it's on a console, in which case I have no problem with zoning out on a comfortable couch for hours while I finish it. I actually picked it up on the PS4 when it was a PlayStation Plus giveaway. I'll probably finish it up there after I get tired of crashing planes and helicopters into cult members on ATVs and using RPGs on skunks in Far Cry 5 on the Xbox One X. I was told there was actually a story in Far Cry 5, but I'm more interested in seeing things blow up.
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Re: Games Finished 2018!

Post by Jolor »

Tower of Time 7 o' 8 tentacles

A really fun, party-based RTS / RPG "tower crawler".

Fairly comment elements but with some interesting takes and most are exceptionally well-implemented:
  • Battles can be paused completely with the space bar or slowed down (arrow time?) so you can give your crew instructions. Great for me as I can't twitch like I used to (and I never really could).
  • You (La Hero) doesn't directly participate but instead can choose to influence your champions' decisions at certain points. Your decisions are invariably popular with some of your party and unpopular with others. Having party members who are negative impact party battle stats.
  • Loot (equipment, gold, jewels, and blueprints) are used to upgrade buildings that cap your level or upgrade your equipment.
  • As you win battles, you unlock optional boss battles that you can use to both hone your strategy and get more loot. I used this mostly to get upgrades that weren't available otherwise (afaik), and gold that I spent to level up my characters.
  • Each tower floor is unique and helps to advance the story.
  • Fountains and scrolls abound that you can have a single NPC use (both positive and negative results are possible but can be sussed out)
Some of the fight maps are repetitive but the game tries to keep things fresh by adding portals (tower defence tinge here). Would definitely benefit from have less repetitiveness. If you played the pre-release version, difficulty is ramped up ... but mostly (imo) via increasing monster HP and numbers in swarms. The game also took away being able to place your party anywhere on the battle map to within a limited "circle". I feel that really takes away from the strategy aspect that was there before.
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