Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

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Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

January 9, 3032

The recovery job for the dropship turns out to be simple. A quick ride at a comfortable 1G acceleration on a rented Leopard to the next planet over. According to Barry the dropship pilot's description and our research, Alpha lance can handle anything Lou's guys throw at us. We've got Gbasden in his (basically rebuilt from scratch) Awesome, Isgrimnur in the Vindicator, El Guapo in the Rifleman and Stefan in his shiny new Dervish. Lt. Scrub comes along as well in her Warhammer. We cram Isgrimnur and Stefan's mechs into one bay while Barry and his pals hang out in the aerospace bays.

The "next planet over" is a mars-like world with extensive "green crystal formations". Which happen to look like trees on satellite scan. "Our" dropship is parked just outside a minor maintenance facility, and we sneak in during a dust storm and kick Lou's guys out. As Barry and his crew work on reactivating the dropship, the dust storm ends and sensors show a reinforced mech lance, two lances of hovercraft and a lance of tanks moving in from the southeast. Alpha lance takes up positions and waits.

Enlarge Image
This is the battlefield.

The dropship is friendly. It is currently powered down, but the crew is working on getting systems up and running and will keep the OO lance updated on their progress. Mission objectives:

1. Destroy 50% of the enemy force to force a retreat.
2. Protect the dropship for at least 12 turns, then get everyone on board.

Secondary objectives:
1. Prevent damage to dropship. It can take some damage, but if systems get damaged prior to takeoff that's no good.
2. Prevent any infantry from boarding the dropship. At best, the crew will have to take the time to repel them, and they may seize the dropship altogether.

A few notes:

Not a one of those buildings is over 40 CF. Step on it and it'll collapse. You can still go inside the building, but at the usual risk of basement.
The water is frozen, with a CF of 40. Step on it and it'll collapse, putting whatever is on it into the drink.
The OO lance may deploy anywhere on the map, including inside buildings.

Stat blocks and rule reminders to follow.
Last edited by NickAragua on Sun Apr 15, 2018 11:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

A word on some rules:

Target at weapon's
short range: +0
medium range: +2
long range: +4
minimum range: (minimum weapon range - range to target + 1)
e.g. if you're firing a PPC at something 3 hexes away, the to-hit modifier is 3 - 3 + 1

Modifiers for "to-hit" target numbers:
You walked: +1
You ran: +2
You jumped: +3

Target moved:
3-4 spaces: +1
5-6 spaces: +2
7-10 spaces: +3
11-14 spaces: +4
15+ spaces: +5 (there are higher mods, but nobody goes that fast in this scenario)

"Woods" between you and your target (not including your hex):
+1 per light "woods"
+2 per heavy "woods"

if you get a +3 or more modifier from woods on the target, LOS is blocked and you can't shoot at all.

Standing directly behind a height 1 building grants you "partial cover", which is a +1 to the target number and also shots that hit your legs hit the building instead. You can also "hull down" behind a building for another +1 to the target number, but then you have to roll to get up.
Running on roads and pavement:
If you are leaving a road hex after turning and using running MP (doesn't matter if at start or end of the move), you have to make a PSR to avoid skidding. Skidding means you slide in some direction and possibly fall over.
As usual, the opfor loses initiative entirely, so they move then you move. Except for a randomly selected enemy each turn if you lose initiative. Then he becomes an "ace" and moves after the OO team.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

The OO lance:

Cpt. Rayhan "Gbasden" Ashimov
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3 Gunnery Specialization (Energy)
Awesome AWS-8Q
80 tons
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 28
Armor: 240 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC - Left Torso/Right Torso/Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Small Laser - Head - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
Battle Fist (Left Arm)

PFC An "Isgrimnur" Taalib
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3, Dodge
Vindicator VND-1R
45 tons
Movement: 4/6/4
Heat Sinks: 16
Armor: 144 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Small Laser - Left Arm - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/5 - Left Torso - 2 - 5 - 7/14/21
Medium Laser - Head - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
No Torso Twist

PFC Patrick "El Guapo" Allain
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3, Dodge
Rifleman RFL-3C
60 tons
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 208 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/10 x2 - Left Arm, Right ARm - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15
Medium Laser x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
AA targeting
Hyper-extending Actuators

Pvt. Manny "Stefan Stirzaker" Campos
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/4, Hopping Jack
Trebuchet TBT-5J
50 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 15
Armor: 128 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/15 - Right Torso - 5 - 15 - 7/14/21
Medium Laser - Left Arm, 2x Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9

Lt. Zanthe "Scrub" Pappathanassiou
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3
Warhammer WHM-6D
70 tons
Movement: 4/6
Heat Sinks: 20
Armor: 217 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Small Laser - Left, Right Torso - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Left, Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Medium Laser - Left, Right Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9

An explanation of the quirks and pilot abilities:
Special Pilot Abilities (SPA):
Gunnery Specialization - gives +1 to fire that type of weapon, -1 to fire the other types (energy, ballistic, missile)
Dodge - may forego physical attacks to make all physical attacks against self eat a +2 to the "to hit" number
Hopping Jack - "to hit" target roll when jumping is +2 instead of +3

Battle Fist - -1 "to hit" number when punching with that hand
Hyper-Extending Actuators - may "flip arms" to fire at targets in the rear arc with arm-mounted weapons
AA targeting - -2 "to hit" number against aircraft
Stable - +1 to piloting rolls related to keeping the mech upright
No Torso Twist - may not torso twist at all
Last edited by NickAragua on Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »


Hunter Light Support Tank (Standard)
Movement: 5/8 (Tracked)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
LRM/10 - Front - 0 - 10 - 7/14/21 (minimum range 6)
Medium Laser - Front x2- 0 - 5 - 3/6/9
Machine Gun - 2x Left Side, Right Side - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
Flamer - Rear - 0 - 2 - 1/2/3

Galleon Light Tank GAL-100
Movement: 6/9 (Tracked)
Armor: 56
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - Turret - 0 - 5 - 3/6/9
Small Laser x2 - Left, Right Side - 0 - 3 - 1/2/3

Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) (x2, 1 with minor right side damage)
Movement: 4/6 (tracked)
Armor: 64
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Machine Gun - Turret - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3
AC/5 - Turret - 0 - 5 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)

Wasp x2
20 tons
Movement: 6/9/6
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 48 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/2 - Left Leg - 2 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9

Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Standard)
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 104
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - Turret - 0 - 5 - 3/6/9
SRM/6 x3 - Turret - 0 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9

Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) x2
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 32
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/20 - Front - 0 - 20 - 3/6/9

Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) x2
Movement: 8/12 (hover)
Armor: 96
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/2 x2 - Turret - 0 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9
AC/5 - Turret - 0 - 5 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)

Griffin GRF-1N
55 tons
Movement: 5/8/5
Heat Sinks: 12
Armor: 152 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/10 - Right Torso - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)

Stinger STG-3R
20 tons
Movement: 6/9/6
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 48 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Machine Gun - Left Arm, Right Arm - 0 - 1 - 1/2/3

Harasser Missile Platform
Movement: 10/15 Hover
Armor: 24 points
SRM/6 x2 - Turret - 0 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9

Hover APC (SRM)
Movement: 10/15 Hover
Armor: 24 points
SRM/2 - Front - 0 - 4 (2x2) - 3/6/9
Carries 2x infantry squads

Javelin JV10-N
30 tons
Movement: 6/9/6
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 64 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/6 x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 3 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
Last edited by NickAragua on Thu Apr 19, 2018 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Isgrimnur »

2513 facing NE, please.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

I'll go with 1921, facing SE.

edit: changed my starting hex.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

In general I figure that the best strategy is to use the buildings to the east/southeast of the dropship as cover, and focus fire to the south and southeast as the crowd approaches.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

If I go 2719 facing east, with the trees they should give me protection from the fire, but can I still fire my LRMs without penalty?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

They'll mostly block LOS for everyone, but if you want to fire LRMs indirectly, someone will have to spot for you (the general rule is you use the spotter's range and movement modifier rather than yours and also take a -1 indirect fire penalty). If you want to use indirect fire, I'll be happy to run the rules down for you in more detail.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by gbasden »

I'll take 2124 facing SE.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

That's fine, will try it and see how it goes, I think I'll only be there one round anyhow :)
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

The enemy force advances. A couple of units run over the ice - a few cracks form but they're light-weight enough that the ice doesn't collapse. The hovercraft rev up and charge forward for their attack runs while the mechs advance mostly down the middle, except for two flankers.

Joke's on them, though, Lt. Scrub's Warhammer is flanking them already.

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The dropship is the big circular thing taking up 1012 and the hexes around it.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Isgrimnur »

I’m going to hold position and wait for an opening
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Jump to 3219 and fire Lasers at 3418, get rid of that AC/20. Kick at 3319 if possible
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by gbasden »

I'll shoot at the Galleon in 2628
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

Does that Hunter tank in 2830 have an LRM10 (as the map seems to indicate) or an LRM20 (as the opfor list seems to indicate)?

Also, what is the to-hit modifier for short/medium/long range? I want to say 0/+2/+4?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

Right, the Hunter has a single LRM/10 and two medium lasers, all front mounted, and also 2x machine guns on each side plus the requisite "speed booster" rear facing flamer.

Range modifiers are +0/+2/+4, and also some weapons (such as PPCs and LRMs) have a minimum range (none of the Rifleman's weapons do though). I'll update the relevant posts.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

I'm going to move to 2021. Looks like it's 10 spaces from there to the Galleon in 2628, so I'll fire my AC10s at it, which should have a target number of:

Gunnery (3) + medium range (2) + I walked (1) + target movement modifier (3) = 9

Is that right? Also, is (3) my current gunnery, after my recent level up?

Let me know if I'm missing anything. If I am, feel free to change it to something more sensible in order to keep the game moving.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

Stefan jumps out to engage the Saladins and supporting hovercraft. As he completes his jump he feels a little exposed and lands short, only hitting his target with one laser, causing minor damage to one of the turbo fans. His target retaliates with an AC/20 burst, peeling off all the armor off the right torso and wrecking the LRM/15 launcher. The nearby Pegasus follows up with a double SRM salvo, blasting the right torso off entirely and sending the arm spinning. Stefan barely manages to keep his mech from falling to the ground entirely and takes a knee.

Lt. Scrub lines up the approaching Jenner and nails it in the right torso with a PPC, easily breaking through the armor and zapping off a jump jet.
While Isgrimnur waits, the dropship crew take a couple of seconds to feed him telemetry data, and he lets off a couple of LRMs at the approaching Jenner, scoring a hit on the left arm and damaging the shoulder actuator.

El Guapo and Gbasden whiff what should have been easy shots on the Galleon, missing all but one AC/10 burst, which peels most of the armor off the front of the hovertank. El Guapo takes a couple of LRMs from the Hunter, but it's not nearly as bad as an LRM/20 salvo would have been.

Raw firing, heat data:
Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 7, rolls 6 : misses

    PPC at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 7, rolls 6 : misses

    PPC at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 7, rolls 4 : misses

Weapons fire for Griffin GRF-1N (Lou's Reposession Force)
    PPC at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 5 : misses

    LRM 10 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 4 : misses

Weapons fire for Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords)
    AC/10 at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

    AC/10 at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 10 : hits FR
        Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 10 damage to FR.
            1 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force)
    Medium Laser at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force)
    Medium Laser at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses

    Medium Laser at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 6 : misses

Weapons fire for Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Medium Laser at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 10 : hits (using Left Side table) FR
        Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to FR.
            12 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 7; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Minor damage, +1 to driving skill rolls.

    Medium Laser at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses

    Medium Laser at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Javelin JVN-10N (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 6 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 8 : misses

    SRM 6 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/5 at Warhammer WHM-6D (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 6 : misses

        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 3 : possible fire.
        Needs 11 [9 (AC/5) + 2 (accidental)] to ignite, rolls 8

Weapons fire for Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/5 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Warhammer WHM-6D (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 9 : hits RT
        Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 10 damage to RT.
            Armor destroyed.
             6 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on RT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Jump Jet.

    PPC at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 5 : misses

Weapons fire for Hunter Light Support Tank (LRM10) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    LRM 10 at Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 9 : 4 missile(s) hit (using Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table).

        Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 4 damage to LT.
        Needs 7+ to destroy Searchlight, rolls 10.
        Searchlight destroyed!
            11 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 2 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 4 : misses

    SRM 2 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses

    AC/5 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 12, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/20 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 10 : hits RT
        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 20 damage to RT.
            Armor destroyed.
             7 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on RT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on LRM 15.

Weapons fire for Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 5 at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 10, rolls 10 : 5 missile(s) hit.

        Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to LA.
            Armor destroyed.
             5 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on LA. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Shoulder.

Weapons fire for Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    Medium Laser at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 10 : hits RL
        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RL.
            10 Armor remaining.

    SRM 6 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 12 : 5 missile(s) hit.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to LL.
            13 Armor remaining.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RL.
            8 Armor remaining.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to LT.
            13 Armor remaining.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RT.
             5 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on RT. Roll is 7; no effect.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RT.
             3 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on RT. Roll is 4; no effect.

    SRM 6 at Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 10 : 4 missile(s) hit.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RL.
            6 Armor remaining.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RT.
             1 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on RT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on LRM 15.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RL.
            4 Armor remaining.

        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RT.
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.
        1 damage transfers to CT.
            Critical hit on RT. Roll is 5; no effect.
        Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 1 damage to CT.
            21 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Harasser Missile Platform (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 6 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses

    SRM 6 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 7 : misses

Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) must make 1 piloting skill roll(s) (40+ damage).
The base target is 4 [4 (Base piloting skill)].
    Roll #1, (4 (Base piloting skill) + 2 (40+ damage)); needs 6, rolls 5 : falls.
Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) goes back to the hull down position instead of falling to the ground.

Physical Attack Phase

Heat Phase
Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 30 heat, sinks 28 heat and is now at 2 heat.
Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 7 heat, sinks 7 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 14 heat, sinks 14 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Warhammer WHM-6D (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 22 heat, sinks 20 heat and is now at 2 heat.
Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 0 heat, sinks 0 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A #2 (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Stinger STG-3R (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Griffin GRF-1N (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 16 heat, sinks 12 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 8 heat, sinks 8 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Javelin JVN-10N (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 10 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Enlarge Image

The enemy hovercraft zip right by Alpha lance's positions, swarming around the depot toward the dropship, while the mech lance advances down the center. The Saladin that Stefan targeted loses control a bit and has to slow down to avoid plowing into a tree. The rest of its buddies consider Stefan crippled and ignore him as they plow forward.

"Alpha Five to dropship. You've got hovercraft closing fast around the north and south end of the depot. Don't think we can stop them." Lt. Scrub informs the dropship. "Don't suppose you boys can fire up some of those guns?"

"It'll take time away from starting the engines, but we can do it."

[mechanical notes:]
El Guapo, your gunnery is actually at 2. I hacked the save game already but forgot to update the stat block. The Galleon was your best shot. I actually thought it was overkill, but turns out Alpha lance's luck came out crap.

Stefan: Getting up from a "Hull down" requires 2 MP. Also, you cannot use jump jets this turn. Finally, since you're 'crippled', you'll be ignored by enemy units unless you fire on them.

Choice time: the dropship can power up its guns, but every turn it fires means the departure time is delayed by a turn. It's equipped with a broad array of PPCs, LRMs and lasers and the crew will use their own discretion in terms of target choice. Deciding whether to fire dropship guns will be done by majority vote.
[/mechanical notes]
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Isgrimnur »

Rotate me to a North facing:
Small Laser - Left Arm - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/5 - Left Torso - 2 - 5 - 7/14/21
Medium Laser - Head - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
PPC and LRMs into the back of the Jenner.

Lasers into the bug at 2512.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Here I thought I was being bold and clever and getting a good shot in early :( :(

I'll stand up and limp to 2918 and i'll work out next turn what to do.

I think we need the firing of the drop ship. Thoughts others?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Isgrimnur »

Agreed. Reduction in enemy capacity is going to outweigh takeoff speed, especially if we have to get on board.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

Yeah, definite yes on powering up the dropship's weapons.

I'll back up to 1919, and fire on the APC in 1922. I guess fire everything - how many AC10 shots do I have?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

18 left.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by gbasden »

Yes, weapons hot on the dropship.

I'll turn around, fire on the APC and melee the Saladin.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:29 pm18 left.
That's 18 total, not 18 per AC/10, right? So 9 rounds of firing if I fire both every round?

Is firing both at the APC (along with the medium lasers) overkill? I think not, since it has 24 armor, and it's important to keep infantry out of the dropship if possible - does that make sense?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

You can fire a total of 18 AC/10 shots. So yeah, 9 rounds of firing both or 18 rounds of firing just one.

The APC has 24 armor overall, but it's spread out across four locations. So, we're actually looking at about 6 armor per side, meaning a single AC/10 shot breaches it (and I believe, evaporates the internal structure). But, of course, not every shot hits.

Historically speaking, I've only had your Riflemen run out of ammo once so far in similar-sized engagements.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

Ok, so, just noticed that gbasden is firing three PPCs at the APC. So, probably excessive for me to unload on it too.

Given that, instead I will back up to 1920 and fire the AC/10s at the Galleon in 1724 instead. That should be: 2 (gunnery) + 3 (target movement) +1 (walking) = 6. I guess also fire the medium lasers as well (which should be target 8 since that's medium range).

For future reference, what is the to hit penalty for firing at a secondary target in the same round?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

+1 to shoot at a secondary target
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

Should have shot the APC.

Gbasden, with an eye for avoiding rear shots, turns around and fires at the APC. Just as he's about to press the trigger, a burst from the Saladin's AC/20 to the center torso knocks off his aim and the stupid little hovercraft stops just short, while all three PPCs whiff. Later on, the techs idly wonder what exactly caused that monitor in front of the pilot seat to crack. He snaps off a small laser shot on the Saladin as retaliation, stunning the crew, then smashes half the tank into the ground with a foot, rendering it immobile.

El Guapo takes a hit to the dome from the Hunter's LRMs, which throws his aim off so he only gets half of his weapons on the Galleon, ripping most armor off the right side and the rear. Luckily, the Union's weapons power up, and a trio of lasers converges on the Galleon as well, skewering it.

Isgrimnur targets the trailing Scimitar instead, as it's moving less erratically and is an easier shot. The damage to the Jenner's left shoulder renders it uwilling to fire half its lasers, so it only flips one arm backwards to shoot. Isgrimnur's PPC and LRMs go wide of the Jenner, but his lasers pop the Scimitar's hover skirt, settling it down for the count. The Union, though, lands a PPC and a bunch of LRMs on the left torso and arm, destroying actuators and jump jets. He follows up with a boot to the other Scimitar, knocking off a fan and causing it to swerve and drag itself along the ground before the other fans sputter out.

As Stefan gets up, he looks at the damage indicators and notes that, since the right arm is on the ground about 90 meters back, two of the medium lasers are out as well. So, down to one medium laser. Other than the right torso being completely gone, everything else is reading green.

Lt. Scrub in the Warhammer takes advantage of the Saladin having to slow down to blow it away with PPCs. Her mech's heat levels spike, but she's fine as long as the targeting reticle doesn't start to "float".

The dropship takes a little damage, but nothing breaches armor.

Raw firing, heat data:

Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Wasp WSP-1A #2 (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 2 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 6 : misses

    Medium Laser at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 4 : misses

Weapons fire for Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

    PPC at Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 7 : misses

    PPC at Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

    Small Laser at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 10 : hits (using Left Side table) LS (critical)
        Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 3 damage to LS (critical).
            2 Armor remaining.
            Critical hit on LS. Roll is 8; Crew stunned for 1 turns.

Weapons fire for Griffin GRF-1N (Lou's Reposession Force)
    LRM 10 at Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 11 : 6 missile(s) hit (using Right Side table).

        Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to AFT.
            99 Armor remaining.

        Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 1 damage to NOS.
            179 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses

    LRM 5 at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses

    Medium Laser at Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 10 : hits (using Left Side table) RR
        Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to RR.
            13 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 12; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Major damage, vehicle immobile.

    Small Laser at Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

Weapons fire for Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force)
    Medium Laser at Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits CT
        Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to CT.
            17 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Armored Personnel Carrier (Hover SRM) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 2 at Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force)
    Medium Laser at Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses

    Medium Laser at Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

Weapons fire for Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords)
    AC/10 at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 6, rolls 4 : misses

    AC/10 at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 6, rolls 9 : hits (using Right Side table) RR
        Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 10 damage to RR.
            1 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 6; (w/ +2 bonus)
             Minor damage, +1 to driving skill rolls.

    Medium Laser at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 8 : hits (using Right Side table) RS
        Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to RS.
            5 Armor remaining.

    Medium Laser at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

Weapons fire for Javelin JVN-10N (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 6 at Hex: 3511 (Ignite)needs 9, rolls 7 : misses

    SRM 6 at Hex: 3511 (Ignite)needs 9, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/5 at Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits (using Right Side table) NOS
        Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to NOS.
            174 Armor remaining.

    SRM 2 at Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 7 : 1 missile(s) hit.

        Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to LL.
            16 Armor remaining.

    SRM 2 at Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 10 : 1 missile(s) hit.

        Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 2 damage to RT.
            14 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Scorpion Light Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/5 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 8 : hits (using Rear Partial cover (horizontal 50%) table) LL
        Awesome AWS-8Q suffers no damage. (LL behind cover)
            Light Standard Building #885173372 blocks the shot and takes 5 points of damage.
                8 CF remaining.

Weapons fire for Hunter Light Support Tank (LRM10) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    LRM 10 at Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 9 : 8 missile(s) hit.

        Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to LA.
            10 Armor remaining.

        Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 3 damage to HD.
            6 Armor remaining.

        Pilot of Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) "Private 1st Class Patrick Allain" takes 1 damage (1 total hits).
        Pilot of Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) "Private 1st Class Patrick Allain" needs a 3 to stay conscious. Rolls 11 : successful!

    Medium Laser at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 3 : misses

    Medium Laser at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 7, rolls 7 : hits (using Left Side table) LT
        Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to LT.
            19 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/5 at Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 6, rolls 11 : hits (using Right Side table) RS
        Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RS.
            175 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Warhammer WHM-6D (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 5, rolls 9 : hits (using Right Side table) RS
        Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 10 damage to RS.
            Armor destroyed.
*** Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force) DESTROYED by damage! ***
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 13; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Major damage, vehicle immobile.
            Critical hit on RS. Roll is 7; Crew stunned for 1 turns.

    PPC at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 5, rolls 7 : hits (using Right Side table) RS
        Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 10 damage to RS.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 13; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Major damage, vehicle immobile.

    Medium Laser at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 7, rolls 9 : hits (using Right Side table) RS
        Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to RS.

Weapons fire for Harasser Missile Platform (Standard) (Lou's Reposession Force)
    SRM 6 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 2 : misses

    SRM 6 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses

Weapons fire for Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force)
    AC/20 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits CT
        Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 20 damage to CT.
            10 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits LT (critical)
        Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 10 damage to LT (critical).
            Armor destroyed.
             6 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on LT. Roll is 4; no effect.
            Critical hit on LT. Roll is 4; no effect.

    AC/5 at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 7 : misses

    AC/5 at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses

    LRM 20 at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 8 : 12 missile(s) hit.

        Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to CT.
            5 Armor remaining.

        Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 5 damage to LT.
             1 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on LT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Jump Jet.
            CRITICAL HIT on Jump Jet.

        Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 2 damage to LA.
             3 Internal Structure remaining.
            Critical hit on LA. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Upper Arm.

    LRM 20 at Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 8, rolls 5 : misses

    Large Laser at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 9 : hits (using Right Side table) RS
        Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 8 damage to RS.
            Armor destroyed.
*** Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force) DESTROYED by damage! ***
            Critical hit on RS. Roll is 7; Small Laser malfunctions.

    Large Laser at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses

    Large Laser at Galleon Light Tank GAL-100 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 9, rolls 4 : misses

Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) must make 1 piloting skill roll(s) (20+ damage).
The base target is 3 [3 (Base piloting skill)].
    Roll #1, (3 (Base piloting skill) + 1 (20+ damage)); needs 4, rolls 7 : succeeds.

Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) must make 1 piloting skill roll(s) (20+ damage).
The base target is 5 [5 (Base piloting skill)].
    Roll #1, (5 (Base piloting skill) + 1 (20+ damage)); needs 6, rolls 6 : succeeds.

Physical Attack Phase

Physical attacks for Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Kick (Left leg) at Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits (using Left Side table) FR
        Saladin Assault Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 16 damage to FR.
            1 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 15; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Major damage, vehicle immobile.

Physical attacks for Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords)
    Kick (Left leg) at Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits (using Left Side table) LS
        Scimitar Medium Hover Tank (Standard) #2 (Lou's Reposession Force) takes 9 damage to LS.
            9 Armor remaining.
            Chance for motive system damage. Roll is 16; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Major damage, vehicle immobile.

Heat Phase
Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 32 heat, sinks 28 heat and is now at 6 heat.
Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 17 heat, sinks 16 heat and is now at 1 heat.
Rifleman RFL-3C (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 13 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 3 heat.
Trebuchet TBT-5J (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 3 heat, sinks 3 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Warhammer WHM-6D (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 23 heat, sinks 20 heat and is now at 5 heat.
Union (2708) (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 48 heat, sinks 48 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 2 heat, sinks 2 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Wasp WSP-1A #2 (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 7 heat, sinks 7 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Stinger STG-3R (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 1 heat, sinks 1 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Griffin GRF-1N (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 6 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Jenner JR7-D (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 8 heat, sinks 8 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Javelin JVN-10N (Lou's Reposession Force) gains 10 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Enlarge Image

The Jenner, having taken critical damage, turns around and zips off. With almost no armor to speak of in the torso and severe internal damage, it putters away to the northeast.

The hover APC zips by our mechs and halts briefly just outside the dropship to let out a squad of infantry.

"Enemy infantry attempting to board! All crew prepare to repel!" You hear over the comms. Sounds like the guns won't be firing this turn.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Isgrimnur »

I don't see a Javelin in the OpFor.

Do I need to worry about the Scimitars, or are they going to sit things out?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

My bad. Added to the list. It's a 6/9/6 30-tonner with two SRM/6 launchers in the torso sections.

The Scimitars have their hatches popped open and you can see crew members scrambling out, although the turrets are still tracking you (but not firing).
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Isgrimnur »

Jump to 2210 with a S facing.
Small Laser - Left Arm - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/5 - Left Torso - 2 - 5 - 7/14/21
Medium Laser - Head - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
PPC to the Pegasus at 1607. Lasers at the Javelin. And if it has a snowball's chance in hell of working, LRMs at the APC at 1014.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

Whoops! Man that APC is fast. How much of a problem is that infantry? Like, what roughly speaking are the odds that the crew can fight them off?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

I'll walk to 1819. Fire AC10s at the Harrasser in 0818, which should be: 2 + 4 (target movement) +1 walking = 7. Wait, two 'forest' hexes in between makes that a 9, right? Probably still worth it.

What's the deal with firing at infantry with, say, AC10s and medium lasers? It seems like it's generally wildly ineffective, like killing one dude on a hit, right?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

Because there apparently are rules for boarding actions ("Tactical Operations", page 205), I don't have to "wing it".

From the looks of it, repelling one squad can be done at slightly better than even odds. Odds of repelling the second squad as well (the APC carries two) are much worse.

Firing autocannons at infantry divides the damage by 10, but then you multiply it by 2 because they're "in the open". So, two damage per shot. Killing 4/7 guys in that squad would drastically increase the odds of the dropship crew successfully fighting them off.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

So I take it that the APC will unload a second squad after this turn? If I incinerate the APC, does the squad die with it?

Anyway, I'll move to 1919 and fire at the APC / Squad with everything as seems best.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by NickAragua »

Correct. The short answer to "does the infantry in the transport get blown up if the transport gets blown up" is "unlikely, but possible". You may get a crit that hits the "cargo compartment", which will kill some of the squad, a "fuel tank explosion" or an "ammo explosion" which will kill all of them.

Also, next turn, the squad that's out right now will technically board the dropship, but, due to game engine limitations, will still show up on the map.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

So I've got two choices, move to 2813 and use the Medium laser remaining on the Pegasus Scout, I "should" be safe from any fire as nothing has LOS on me.

Or I leave the field.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek IV

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:45 am Correct. The short answer to "does the infantry in the transport get blown up if the transport gets blown up" is "unlikely, but possible". You may get a crit that hits the "cargo compartment", which will kill some of the squad, a "fuel tank explosion" or an "ammo explosion" which will kill all of them.

Also, next turn, the squad that's out right now will technically board the dropship, but, due to game engine limitations, will still show up on the map.
What are the odds of a crit on a vehicle? And on a crit, what are the odds of hitting the cargo component, fuel tank, or ammo compartment?

Anyway, I'll unload everything on the infantry squad.
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