The nightly crew continue to struggle to obtain chicken dinners. Despite lots of 3rds, 4ths and 5ths, with even the occasional 2nd, we just have not been able to take that final step. At least not when I've been playing.
There is no question that we have been constantly improving, winning fights that we used to lose, and securing our drop sites from any interlopers on a semi-regular basis.
Frey hit a dude at about 500-600m with a Winchester, and I've made some progress on recoil control, although the AKM continues to elude me despite my affection for it.
The others, Cort, Doom and Red have always performed well in combat and that continues to be the case. I've forgotten someone but that's because I'm old, not because they're forgettable.
Oddly, our frustrations seem to have increased despite improvements in our play. I suspect it's just an increase in expectations that is hurting morale. I know I've put enormous effort into getting better, but until I can shoot straight, I'm just not seeing the results I hope for.
We recently defended our drop zone, wiping out a 4 man team without losing a single member of our own. No one, including me seemed to realize what a huge deal that was. In this game even when you win an engagement it's very hard not to lose 1 or 2 teammates. Focus fire will burn anyone to the ground in seconds no matter how good their gear.
Contrarily, we were ambushed and lost a couple of teammates and it seemed to have a far greater impact on our morale than it should have. Even the best players die 75+% of the time. Realistic expectations would help with this.
When I play solo I try to mentally prepare myself for the inevitable early gun fight (I run towards gunfire now, instead of away). My goal is to do my best, hit him at least once and be ready to die. Anything better than that is just gravy, mentally.
I'm quite surprised that we don't have any recent dinners yet. I'm a better player and the team is a better team than we ever were before, when the rare dinner came our way.