Outside Comstar HPG facility
Our lance approaches the HPG facility, escorting a Maxim hover transport. The plan is to blast through any Dracs in the way, clearing the path for our transport vehicle. The cloud cover drops the temperature to just below 50 degrees celsius. We get some indeterminate readings signifying about a lance's worth of battlemechs in the area, and the broad spectrum radio jamming is particularly nasty, to the point where our comms systems are having trouble finding an unjammed frequency. Switching to laser comms does the trick though. But communications with base are cut off for sure.
Just as the Maxim revs up its engines for a run to the HPG, the Comstar guys decide to throw a wrinkle in the plan, their transmission cutting through the jamming like a hot knife through butter:
"This is uh... adept ... uh... Johnson. We would like to remind the imminent combatants to uh... avoid firing on the uh... blessed hyper pulse generator. Or uh... trespassing on the generator's sacred grounds."

This is the battlefield. The OO lance deploys within three hexes of the western edge.
Primary Objective: Destroy or cripple any enemy mechs present.
Secondary Objective: Locate and destroy enemy signal jammers
The area within one hex of the HPG is off limits. Moving through or into one of those hexes may "provoke a hostile response from Comstar".
It's not possible to fire through the HPG as it's height 2. However, if a weapon is fired at a unit, misses, and the firing line goes past the unit and touches the HPG, there's a chance it'll hit the HPG. Comstar will also take a dim view of that.
Obviously, directly firing at or making physical attacks on the HPG will also provoke a response.
Before we begin the festivities, we have two spare mechs. The Stalker and a Champion (stats outlined in a post below). Also an extra Griffin. If anybody wants to swap their regular mech for one of those for the duration of the scenario, feel free to do so.