Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

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Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

July 2nd, 3032
Outside Comstar HPG facility

Our lance approaches the HPG facility, escorting a Maxim hover transport. The plan is to blast through any Dracs in the way, clearing the path for our transport vehicle. The cloud cover drops the temperature to just below 50 degrees celsius. We get some indeterminate readings signifying about a lance's worth of battlemechs in the area, and the broad spectrum radio jamming is particularly nasty, to the point where our comms systems are having trouble finding an unjammed frequency. Switching to laser comms does the trick though. But communications with base are cut off for sure.

Just as the Maxim revs up its engines for a run to the HPG, the Comstar guys decide to throw a wrinkle in the plan, their transmission cutting through the jamming like a hot knife through butter:

"This is uh... adept ... uh... Johnson. We would like to remind the imminent combatants to uh... avoid firing on the uh... blessed hyper pulse generator. Or uh... trespassing on the generator's sacred grounds."

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This is the battlefield. The OO lance deploys within three hexes of the western edge.

Primary Objective: Destroy or cripple any enemy mechs present.
Secondary Objective: Locate and destroy enemy signal jammers

The area within one hex of the HPG is off limits. Moving through or into one of those hexes may "provoke a hostile response from Comstar".

It's not possible to fire through the HPG as it's height 2. However, if a weapon is fired at a unit, misses, and the firing line goes past the unit and touches the HPG, there's a chance it'll hit the HPG. Comstar will also take a dim view of that.

Obviously, directly firing at or making physical attacks on the HPG will also provoke a response.

Before we begin the festivities, we have two spare mechs. The Stalker and a Champion (stats outlined in a post below). Also an extra Griffin. If anybody wants to swap their regular mech for one of those for the duration of the scenario, feel free to do so.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

Game rules:

Low Gravity:
Mech speeds are adjusted upwards (and this will be reflected in the stat blocks)
However, running faster than the mech's normal run speed or jumping further than the mech's normal jump speed will force a PSR, failing which causes internal damage to the legs (and the associated possible crits).

Target at weapon's
short range: +0
medium range: +2
long range: +4
minimum range: (minimum weapon range - range to target + 1)
e.g. if you're firing a PPC at something 3 hexes away, the to-hit modifier is 3 - 3 + 1

Modifiers for "to-hit" target numbers:
You walked: +1
You ran: +2
You jumped: +3

Target moved:
3-4 spaces: +1
5-6 spaces: +2
7-10 spaces: +3
11-14 spaces: +4
15+ spaces: +5 (there are higher mods, but nobody goes that fast in this scenario)

"Woods" between you and your target (not including your hex):
+1 per light woods
+2 per heavy woods

Entering rubble or rough terrain costs +1 MP and requires a PSR
Entering light woods costs +1MP
Entering heavy woods costs +2MP

if you get a +3 or more modifier from woods on the target, LOS is blocked and you can't shoot at all.
As usual, the opfor loses initiative entirely, so they move then you move.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

The OO lance:

Cpt. Rayhan "Gbasden" Ashimov
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Gunnery Specialization (Energy), Melee Specialist
Awesome AWS-8Q
80 tons
Movement: 3/5 (mech is too slow to benefit from this level of low G)
Heat Sinks: 28
Armor: 240 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC - Left Torso/Right Torso/Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
Small Laser - Head - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
Battle Fist (Left Arm)

PFC An "Isgrimnur" Taalib
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3, Dodge
Vindicator VND-1R
45 tons
Movement: 5/8/5 (originally 4/6/4)
Heat Sinks: 16
Armor: 144 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Small Laser - Left Arm - 1 - 3 - 1/2/3
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/5 - Left Torso - 2 - 5 - 7/14/21 (24 shots)
Medium Laser - Head - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
No Torso Twist

PFC Patrick "El Guapo" Allain
Gunnery/Piloting: 2/3, Dodge, Multi-Tasker
Griffin GRF-1N
55 tons
Movement: 6/9/6 (originally 5/8/5)
Heat Sinks: 12
Armor: 152 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
PPC - Right Arm - 10 - 10 - 6/12/18 (minimum range 3)
LRM/10 - Right Torso - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7) (24 shots)

Pvt. Manny "Stefan Stirzaker" Campos
Gunnery/Piloting: 3/3, Hopping Jack
Hermes II HER-2S
40 tons
Movement: 7/11 (originally 6/9)
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 120 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
AC/5 - Right Torso - 1 - 5 - 6/12/18 (20 shots)
Medium Laser - Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Flamer - Left Arm - 3 - 2 - 1/2/3
No Torso Twist

Available spare mechs:
Champion CHP-2N (modified)
60 tons
Movement: 6/9 (originally 5/8)
Heat Sinks: 11
Armor: 128
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/6 - Left Torso - 3 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9 (15 shots)
Medium Laser - 2x Left Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
AC/10 -Right Torso - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15 (20 shots)
No/minimal arms

Stalker STK-3F
85 tons
Movement: 3/5 (too slow to benefit from the low G)
Heat Sinks: 20 (effective 24)
Armor: 216
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser - 2x Left Arm, 2x Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
LRM/10 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7) (24 shots total)
SRM/6 x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9 (30 shots total)
Large Laser x2 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15

An explanation of the quirks and pilot abilities:
Special Pilot Abilities (SPA):
Gunnery Specialization - gives +1 to fire that type of weapon, -1 to fire the other types (energy, ballistic, missile)
Melee Specialist - +1 damage to physical attacks, -1 to target number to hit with physical attacks
Dodge - may forego physical attacks to make all physical attacks against self eat a +2 to the "to hit" number
Multi-Tasker - Secondary target modifiers reduced by 1
Hopping Jack - "to hit" target roll when jumping is +2 instead of +3

Battle Fist - -1 "to hit" number when punching with that hand
No Torso Twist - may not torso twist at all
No/minimal arms - punching is harder and does less damage
Combat Computer - sinks an extra 4 heat at the end of the round
Last edited by NickAragua on Sun Jun 17, 2018 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

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We've been JAMMED!!!
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

Sure, I'll take the Stalker. What the hell. I'll deploy at 0405, facing northeast.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Archinerd »

Good luck and if you don't get those shows don't bother coming back.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Isgrimnur »

0312, SE.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by gbasden »

0318, NE. I'm assuming the rock formations on the map in 0418 is impassible, but do those offer any cover?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

The rocks are actually "rubble". They cost an extra +1 MP to enter, and force a PSR. They do not offer any cover to active battlemechs. However, it *is* possible for one of the Drac signal jammers to be hidden in one of those hexes.

Also, El Guapo, 0405 is four hexes away from the western edge, not three.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Isgrimnur »

How close do we have to get to detect them?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:07 pm The rocks are actually "rubble". They cost an extra +1 MP to enter, and force a PSR. They do not offer any cover to active battlemechs. However, it *is* possible for one of the Drac signal jammers to be hidden in one of those hexes.

Also, El Guapo, 0405 is four hexes away from the western edge, not three.
I was wondering about that, but decided that the "western edge" was the left-most row of hexes 0101, 0102, etc.), and that therefore 0405 is three hexes away from that edge.

Notwithstanding your incorrect definition of "western edge", I will choose 0306 instead.

So the dracs are going to set up somewhere on the eastern side, I gather?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:02 am
LRM/10 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 4 - 10 (2x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7) (24 shots total)
One question about the Stalker read-out. There's only one LRM/10, right? So the location of "left arm, right arm", reflects that the ammo is scattered between the two arms, right?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

El Guapo wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:13 pm Notwithstanding your incorrect definition of "western edge", I will choose 0306 instead.
So the dracs are going to set up somewhere on the eastern side, I gather?
Correct, under the same restrictions. Except for the signal jammers, you don't know where those are. But, pro tip, they can't hide on open ground, in water, or in the HPG building.
Two LRM/10 launchers, one in each arm.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur wrote: Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:12 pm How close do we have to get to detect them?
My bad, missed this.

When you enter an adjacent hex. They also get a point blank pot shot at you if they're facing the right way.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

0223. Thx
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

The Draconis Combine units resolve to a single heavy lance.

From top to bottom:

Orion ON1-K
75 tons
Movement: 5/8 (originally 4/6)
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 231 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/4 - Left Torso - 3 - 8 (4x2) - 3/6/9
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
AC/10 - Right Torso - 3 - 10 - 5/10/15
LRM/15 - Left Torso - 5 - 15 (3x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)

Grasshopper GHR-5H
70 tons
Movement: 5/8/5 (originally 4/6/4)
Heat Sinks: 22
Armor: 208 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Medium Laser x4 - Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Torso, Right Torso - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Large Laser - Center Torso - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15
LRM/5 - Head - 2 - 5 (1x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)

Crusader CRD-3R
65 tons
Movement: 5/8 (originally 4/6)
Heat Sinks: 10
Armor: 192 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
SRM/6 - Left Leg, Right Leg - 4 - 12 (6x2) - 3/6/9
LRM/15 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 5 - 15 (3x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)
Medium Laser x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 3 - 5 - 3/6/9
Machine Gun x2 - Left Arm, Right Arm - 0 - 2 - 1/2/3

Archer ARC-2K
70 tons
Movement: 5/8 (originally 4/6)
Heat Sinks: 12
Armor: 176 points
Weapons: (Name - Location - Heat - Damage - Range Brackets Short/Medium/Long)
Large Laser - Left Arm, Right Arm - 8 - 8 - 5/10/15
LRM/15 - Left Torso, Right Torso - 5 - 15 (3x5) - 7/14/21 (minimum range 7)

They waste no time in advancing, the Orion and Grasshopper to the north, the Archer and Crusader to the south.

Enlarge Image

FYI, for those of you faster due to low G, your "going too fast" piloting checks are at 3+ on a 2d6.

Optional rule: If you want to set a forest hex on fire, you may do so by firing weapons at it. Energy weapons and flamers work better, and it's easy to hit (-4 to the target number due to being immobile). It'll spawn three "smoke" hexes. The wind is blowing to the northwest. The smoke will start out light and become dense after a turn. The fire may spread. Walking through the fire generates 2 extra heat. Standing in the fire generates 5 heat.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

Sorry if I missed this, but what's the meaning of the darkly shaded hexes? Spooky shadows?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Isgrimnur »

Run to 0815.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

That's me forgetting to take off "highlight hexes out of LOS".

Also, I forgot to mention that every one of the enemy mechs moved 5 hexes for a +2 modifier to the to-hit number.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

Ok, turn right, run to 0607. If I have this right that should put me within LRM range of the Grasshopper, but no one else. Then I'll fire my LRM10s at said Grasshopper, which should be:

Gunnery (2) + I ran (2) + long-range (4) + target moved 5 hexes (2) = 10.

Difficult shot, but what the hell. At the very least it'll be fewer exploding LRMs when one of my arms gets shot up.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

0925 fire ac5 at archer
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by gbasden »

Run to 0718.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

Stefan pushes his mech's engine just that much faster to get into actual maximum range of the AC/5 (you were off by 1 hex). The shot it as at maximum range though, so it goes wide.

The Archer and Crusader fire LRMs at long range as the OO lance closes in. Out of sixty LRMs, only 9 hit, sandpapering some torso armor. Having nothing within range, Gbasden takes a second to fire some PPCs at the nearby woods.

El Guapo exchanges LRMs with the Grasshopper, hitting with ten of his own to flake some armor off the right torso and leg, while the dinky little five LRMs from the enemy mech spray dirt.

Raw firing/heat data:
Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 15 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 9 : 9 missile(s) hit.

        Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RT.
            19 Armor remaining.

        Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 4 damage to LT.
            20 Armor remaining.

    LRM 15 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 4 : misses

Weapons fire for Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 5 at Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine); needs 11, rolls 9 : misses

Weapons fire for Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords)
    AC/5 at Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine); needs 11, rolls 6 : misses

Weapons fire for Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 5 at Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 6 : misses

Weapons fire for Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 15 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 5 : misses

    LRM 15 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 10 at Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 4 : misses

    LRM 10 at Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 10 : 10 missile(s) hit.

        Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine) takes 5 damage to RL.
            21 Armor remaining.

        Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine) takes 5 damage to RT.
            15 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Hex: 1017 (Ignite)needs 0, rolls 3 : hits!
        Needs 5 [7 (PPC) - 2 (conditions)] to ignite, rolls 5
        Fire started in hex 1017.

    PPC at Hex: 1017 (Ignite)needs 0, rolls 4 : hits!
        The hex is already on fire

Heat Phase
Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 22 heat, sinks 22 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 4 heat, sinks 4 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 3 heat, sinks 3 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Subtracting 4 heat due to combat computer...
Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 6 heat, sinks 6 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine) gains 11 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 1 heat.
Orion ON1-K (Draconis Combine) gains 1 heat, sinks 1 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine) gains 4 heat, sinks 4 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine) gains 11 heat, sinks 11 heat and is now at 0 heat.

End Phase
Fire at 1017 was started this round.
Light smoke fills 0917.
Light smoke fills 1016.
Light smoke fills 0918.
Enlarge Image
The enemy mechs advance at a good clip, each team of two staying together.

[mechanical notes]
Every enemy mech has a +2 move modifier due to running.

The light smoke acts exactly like light woods, except that it doesn't cost extra to move through it.
[/mechanical notes]
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

If I run down to 0611 and torso twist to the left, can I fire with my right arm (LRM) at the Grasshopper and/or Orion (is it in my right arm's firing arc)?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

You can torso twist from 0611 and fire with both LRMs.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Isgrimnur »

Jump to 1215 and see if we can blow up the Crusader's ammo bins.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

Word of warning, two of your jump jets are in the legs, so your jump capability will be reduced to 2 next turn.

On the plus side, any shots hitting your legs will hit the water instead.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Isgrimnur »

Sufficient to get me to deep water or the soon-to-be-burning trees.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by gbasden »

I'll run to 1220 and fire on the crusader.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:26 am You can torso twist from 0611 and fire with both LRMs.
Ok, then I'll do that and fire both LRMs at the Grasshopper.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Run to 1622 and fire on archer
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

Isgrimnur effortlessly splashes his Vindicator into the water. Back in the day, for a rookie mechwarrior, that would have been a risky move, but years of experience makes it a cinch. He's so busy admiring his handiwork that his shots all whiff.

Gbasden scores a PPC hit on the Crusader's right arm and shrugs some LRMs off.

Stefan walks his mech up just outside of LRM range of the Archer and Crusader. Still a risky move, moving that slow out in the open, but we'll see if it pays off. He takes a couple of LRMs across the front, but is fine. His autocannon shot rings true against the Archer's center torso, but he takes a nasty large laser hit to the left torso.

El Guapo continues hovering outside main weapons range for the Orion and Grasshopper, exchanging LRMs (all whiff this time).

Raw data:

Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) must make a piloting skill check (entering Depth 1 Water).
Needs 2 [3 (Base piloting skill) - 1 (entering Depth 1 Water)], rolls 10 : succeeds.

Weapon Attack Phase

Weapons fire for Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 15 at Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses

    LRM 15 at Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 10 : 9 missile(s) hit.

        Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to LT.
            9 Armor remaining.

        Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 4 damage to RA.
            7 Armor remaining.

    Medium Laser at Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 8 : misses

Weapons fire for Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine); needs 7, rolls 9 : hits RA
        Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine) takes 10 damage to RA.
            10 Armor remaining.

    PPC at Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine); needs 7, rolls 3 : misses

    PPC at Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine); needs 7, rolls 5 : misses

Weapons fire for Orion ON1-K (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 15 at Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 11, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords)
    PPC at Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 9 : misses

    LRM 5 at Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses

Weapons fire for Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 5 at Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 10, rolls 4 : misses

Weapons fire for Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine)
    LRM 15 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 8 : 9 missile(s) hit.

        Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 5 damage to RT.
            14 Armor remaining.

        Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 4 damage to RL.
            29 Armor remaining.

    LRM 15 at Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses

    Large Laser at Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords); needs 9, rolls 9 : hits LT
Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) takes hit at HD, but it is rerolled with edge.
Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) has 0 edge remaining.
        Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) takes 8 damage to LT.
            1 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords)
    AC/5 at Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine); needs 8, rolls 10 : hits CT
        Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine) takes 5 damage to CT.
            24 Armor remaining.

    Medium Laser at Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 3 : misses

Weapons fire for Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords)
    LRM 10 at Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 8 : misses

    LRM 10 at Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine); needs 10, rolls 9 : misses

Heat Phase
Awesome AWS-8Q (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 32 heat, sinks 28 heat and is now at 4 heat.
Vindicator VND-1R (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 16 heat, sinks 16 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Hermes II HER-2S (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 5 heat, sinks 5 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Subtracting 4 heat due to combat computer...
Stalker STK-3F (1st Octopus Overlords) gains 6 heat, sinks 6 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Crusader CRD-3R (Draconis Combine) gains 14 heat, sinks 10 heat and is now at 5 heat.
Orion ON1-K (Draconis Combine) gains 7 heat, sinks 7 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Grasshopper GHR-5H (Draconis Combine) gains 4 heat, sinks 4 heat and is now at 0 heat.
Archer ARC-2K (Draconis Combine) gains 19 heat, sinks 12 heat and is now at 7 heat.

End Phase
Fire at 1017 is burning brightly.
Light smoke continues to fill 0917.
Light smoke continues to fill 1016.
Light smoke continues to fill 0918.
Enlarge Image

Stefan's left torso armor is bright red, with 1 point left. The Archer and Crusader are looking pretty heated up, with 7 and 5 residual heat respectively. Every enemy mech has a +2 movement modifier, except the Archer with a +1.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Can i get to 2620 or 2720 behind archer to flame and kick archer?
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

You can get to 2520 and below, but no further north or east.

I personally wouldn't recommend 2520, as the Archer can kick you there. The good part for you is that he's pretty heated up, so he's unlikely to fire both lasers.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by El Guapo »

If I walk to 0712, the Grasshopper and Orion can't hit me because of +3 or more from woods in between me and them, right? If so I'll do that and then fire my LRMs and large lasers at the Crusader.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Isgrimnur »

I’m fine where I’m at. And the Crusader can take my fire as well. Rotate me left if need be.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

2522 it is i think. Can i turn so damaged torso is away from the enemy? If not thats ok
Target archer again
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by gbasden »

I'll run to 1620 and fire at the Crusader again.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by NickAragua »

Heat be damned or conservatively? You're at +4 right now. Firing all three PPCs would put you at +8, which brings an unwelcome -1 MP and +1 to the to-hit target number. On the other hand, extra PPC shot at 7+ on a 2d6.
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Re: Let's Play Together: GMed Battletech via Megamek V

Post by gbasden »

Heat be damned, I think. I'd like to get that Centurion out of the fight. Would it make sense to slow to a walk and end up in 1421 facing NE to reduce heat creation and to hit modifiers?
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