Ah crap, I’ll have to cancel the medal I ordered for you.

I agree. Her baggage should have disqualified her from running, even though at least she is very competant. I still really, really wish Biden had run.gbasden wrote: Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:34 pm [quote=Fitzy post_id=2577094 time=<a href="tel:1529241611">1529241611</a> user_id=171]
Lost in the nonsense about classified information and should she be locked up or given a medal, is that she did intentionally violate the requirements to keep the emails for the public record. I am pretty certain this is an administrative violation as opposed to a criminal one, which is probably why the Republicans ignored it, but I still think it shows Hillary Clinton's priorities in regards to her own importance.
Had she been running against anyone except Donald Trump, her choice to ignore the right of the public to have access to that information should have disqualified her. Or, at a minimum, been an important factor in the voters decision.
However, she was running against Donald Trump and the whole thing should have been tossed out the window in order to keep Trump from becoming president. Or, I suppose, the Democrats could have chosen a less controversial candidate.
I suspect she could have been a damn good president if given the chance. I think underneath the reputation she was more qualified than all but a handful of our past presidents. I think she was open to compromise, while being tough enough to stand up to bullies. But I also suspect there was no chance the GOP would have allowed that.
And I still have no idea how corrupt she may have been and how much was overstated and how much was poor choices in reaction to what the GOP did to smear with the reputation of corruption. That’s all I think her email scandle was. A mistaken attempt to avoid having her words twisted and used against her. It was a bad choice given our open records laws. But I empathize with her feeling the need to make that choice.While at the same time the Clintons make it hard to trust them with some of what they’ve done. I have no idea if they are guilty of crap or just look guilty.