stimpy wrote:Alefroth wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:59 pm
stimpy wrote: Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:55 pm
Because the (D) has done such a bang up job in the past of watching out for us all, regardless of which side or class we fall into......
What's the answer, then?
That's the rub. I have lost faith in our system as a whole. I had hope that the shitstorm that Trump is causing would shock the system back into shape, but the more time goes by, the more it seems that's unlikely. To me, he's just bringing to light what a vast majority of politicians were and are....crooks who could care less about "us". Color it however you want. The majority of them have been there too long and suck and the good ones are the minority and get drowned out.
Then fucking get off your ass and run for office, or volunteer, or donate more money to targeted local candidates.
Jesus christ. That's exactly how we got into this mess. Republican operatives and corporate interests have spent the last four decades meticulously and tirelessly hammering local and state elections to get gerrmandered districts and judge shops, to sabatoge public education, to drop taxes, break unions, and ignore infrastructure, to hinder ecological protections. That shit didn't happen by accident OR fiat. it was dedication and patience.
Obama won by localized fundraising, the possible/ probablable blue wave is from MASSIVE new voter participation, new candidates of a diverse and dedicated population are racing to stymie the Trumpian and Republican dominance. Particularly this year, establishment hacks are dropping like flies. One side is pushing women, POC, progressive men, a representative array of people with localized agendas and a serious passion. The other side is running pedophiles and Nazis. (kind of unfair, but not untrue)
I haven't done much personally, but I give to candidates of my choice, I write my congress despite their extremism to the other side, have called in the past. VOTE every election. I'd like to beleive I'd be doing more, but this past year has been a MOTHERFUCKER.
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