noxiousdog wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:59 am
We absolutely think that's Zina Bash.
Ok. I've already banished her from my mind, visually at least. I'm not going to look at it again and I didn't notice the first time.
As for getting us to talk about bullshit, well as has been discussed here, none of this matters. It's theater and we are aware that Kavanaugh is a liar. We're so desperate to *not* watch the system fail miserably that if there was a painter in the background using the wrong colour of eggshell white it would make the news.
At first I was like "geez, poor kid. They're just shoes to him. That shoes are about politics never enters into the mind of a kid that age".
But then I was like
"Wait, the entire reason shoes are about politics is his dad's fault. Tough luck dude. Having a moron for a dad, even if he is prez, is every kid's nightmare. Now he has something in common with Bart".
I'm shocked that there isn't some Trump branded athletic shoe line. I'm also certain that there will be one soon.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:12 pm
I'm shocked that there isn't some Trump branded athletic shoe line. I'm also certain that there will be one soon.
I'm hoping he'll just stick to the ugly-ass bright red 80's ball caps. You can spot an angry Trumpkin a mile away, or in a crowd of people. Extremely useful.
LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:12 pm
I'm shocked that there isn't some Trump branded athletic shoe line. I'm also certain that there will be one soon.
I'm hoping he'll just stick to the ugly-ass bright red 80's ball caps. You can spot an angry Trumpkin a mile away, or in a crowd of people. Extremely useful.
Our problem in Philadelphia is that Phillies caps are the same shade of red with white lettering.
I've learned to scan for the comforting soft curve of a true baseball cap vs. the cheap stiff trucker-crown of a MAGA deplorable.
Holman wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:36 pm
I've learned to scan for the comforting soft curve of a true baseball cap vs. the cheap stiff trucker-crown of a MAGA deplorable.
One quirk of living in Portland - I have never seen a MAGA hat in the wild. I've seen a few pickups with Trump stickers (and it's always pickups) but MAGA folks keep a low profile in Little Beirut.
Holman wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:36 pm
I've learned to scan for the comforting soft curve of a true baseball cap vs. the cheap stiff trucker-crown of a MAGA deplorable.
One quirk of living in Portland - I have never seen a MAGA hat in the wild. I've seen a few pickups with Trump stickers (and it's always pickups) but MAGA folks keep a low profile in Little Beirut.
I rarely see the hats around here, either, and usually suspect a tourist when I do. Trumpers here fly their freak flags on their houses in the form of campaign signs. Right now "DIehl for Senate" is the telltale.
MA won a recent poll as having the strongest disapproval of Trump, at 62%. Since Diehl's campaign theme is "I'm Trump's BFF" he ought to have a 38% ceiling. But Republicans hate Warren, so he might crack 40%.
The Meal wrote: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:46 am
That avocado-toast-eatin' raccoon!
HA! Is that what that is?! Second time this week I have heard the term "avocado toast" First time was being chastised by a salty 9 YO, when I told her I had never heard of it. "WHAT?! Are you serious or joking? You've NEVER. HEARD. OF AVOCADO TOAST?!? I don't believe you." I later found out that the exchange had made such an impact on her that she told her mom in disbelief.
The Meal wrote: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:46 am
That avocado-toast-eatin' raccoon!
HA! Is that what that is?! Second time this week I have heard the term "avocado toast" First time was being chastised by a salty 9 YO, when I told her I had never heard of it. "WHAT?! Are you serious or joking? You've NEVER. HEARD. OF AVOCADO TOAST?!? I don't believe you." I later found out that the exchange had made such an impact on her that she told her mom in disbelief.
I know what it is, but have a hard time figuring out why anyone would actually eat it. Looks disgusting.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
The Meal wrote: Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:46 am
That avocado-toast-eatin' raccoon!
HA! Is that what that is?! Second time this week I have heard the term "avocado toast" First time was being chastised by a salty 9 YO, when I told her I had never heard of it. "WHAT?! Are you serious or joking? You've NEVER. HEARD. OF AVOCADO TOAST?!? I don't believe you." I later found out that the exchange had made such an impact on her that she told her mom in disbelief.
I know what it is, but have a hard time figuring out why anyone would actually eat it. Looks disgusting.
I'm weird on the fruit. I love guacamole IN something (or on it), but I wont' eat it by itself. I tolerate avocado slices in sushi rolls, but would never eat slices of it on a salad for instance, like you see commonly these days. One of my wife's favorite desserts (Portugal thing) is avocado mousse. (thank you, but no.)
Anything I get that comes with avocado, guacamole, or sour cream, those parts get moved to my wife's plate. I don't particularly care for the flavors, where she enjoys them, so it's certainly no sacrifice for me.
Isgrimnur wrote: Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:24 am
Anything I get that comes with avocado, guacamole, or sour cream, those parts get moved to my wife's plate. I don't particularly care for the flavors, where she enjoys them, so it's certainly no sacrifice for me.
For me it's tomatoes and 'shrooms. I tend to mostly skip the sour cream. But I don't pass it off. She's not a big fan either.
Black Lives Matter
Isgrimnur - Facebook makes you hate your friends and family. LinkedIn makes you hate you co-workers. NextDoor makes you hate your neighbors.
I mean we could acknowledge that people like different things, react differently to different flavors and textures perhaps based on some chemical or biological thing or maybe just some personal association from past experience.
Or maybe we should just judge them for liking different things, the fools.
So my Trump lovin' coworker posted this on his facebook page:
Notice how they have to point out Gillum attended a "black college" while his white opponent went to Yale and Harvard. The derision isn't even implied, for Christ's sake. How in the holy hell is that not blatantly friggin' racist?
hepcat wrote: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:26 pm
Why point out it's a black college? What possible reason would you do so in this context and with the comparison being made?
This. Black college could absolutely be said without being racist, depending on the context. In a political attack ad? What possible reason is there to include it other than leading the viewer to make whatever racist conclusions they are gonna make about a "black" college.
I'm eager to find out that Cynthia Nixon attended an all girls' catholic school. Hint, Hint, nudge, nudge. Psst...she's a lesbian. Homosexuals are bad, remember, you bigoted old coot! Vote for the white male conservative.
First off... I don't think those are Nikes.
Second, given that he's on the street with only socks on, I have to wonder if he's throwing away his only footwear.
Last edited by Defiant on Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.