LordMortis wrote: Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:23 am
We can't expect too much just because Rip allows me to personally have someone to make it feel like I'm not screaming at the wall.
While I thank Rip for his service, especially when times were turbulent and we were trying to find a new home, Rip himself will tell you that his involvement in managing the board is practically zero these days, and has been for years. He still maintains his administrative access I believe, but that is only for emergencies when Fishpants is unavailable.
If you want to thank anyone for having someone to talk to this year (or last year, or the hear before that), thank Fishpants. Which of course you have done.
Again, I am NOT diminishing Rip's hard work, I just think if people want to be thankful for what they have today, then they should point that thanks in the right direction.
I really enjoyed my time at Gone Gold as well, but I don't feel the need to thank Rich for "making it feel like I'm not screaming at the wall" today.
edit: Again, please note that I am indeed thankful for all Rip's hard work on our behalf. Today's board is all Fishpants though.