Kurth wrote:Judge Kavanaugh has lived an exemplary life for the past 36 years
I assume you’re not including the whole lying under oath thing? Or is that also ok?
I actually could be persuaded at a very macro level, that if Mr X commits a relatively serious crime (another can o’ worms there) when he was 15, and since that time maybe he learned from that bad experience, and has turned into a near angel, doing good at every turn. I do believe in and support the concept of redemption.
But even if you lean that way, you really can’t (shouldn’t IMO) overlook the horrible demeanor of this person as we saw him, sneering, blaming, crying, yelling, belligerent, deceiving. Not to mention the beer comments.
If, as everyone says, this was a job interview and not a trial, with his weird focus on talking about beer, I bet not even Taco Bell would hire someone like that so fixated on the topic.
Taco Bell manager: Soooo Brett, what kind of hours are you...
TBM: say what now?
BK: I like beer. I also love lamp.
TBM: oooookay. Moving along, have you worked in...
BK: have you ever played quarters, or any of the 17 commonly known variations of quarters?
TBM: well, not a big drinker myself, but ..
BK: do you like drinking beer? I like it. I likeitalot!!
TBM: ok, thanks for coming...
BK: wanna hear a beer haiku?