GreenGoo wrote: Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:00 pm
What a strange post.
What is your issue here? That a guy smart enough to make a bomb but dumb enough to send it to secret service guarded people, was also dumb enough not to take the fact that all mail gets screened long before it gets anywhere near them?
That protections designed for exactly this scenario worked?
That CNN didn't lose their mailroom?
What's the confusion?
We're in the middle of an investigation. More details will be revealed in time. Save your conspiratorial speculation for Facebook.
I am MORE than capable of an odd post.
So, I was reacting to the media breathlessly calling those things "bombs" and wondering why none of them blew up. I think "blows up"
is probably in the definition of bomb (would to be too rude to look it up and quote it). My confusion was that they were not acting like bombs but like Bomb Shaped Objects (BSOs, I am going to claim royalties on that if Maddow uses it).
Now, of course, they are calling them "suspicious packages" or “potentially destructive devices” in media and FBI reports. It looks more like an attention-getting scheme to me now (who would try to reach George Soros via CNN if they really wanted to harm him?).
(In a strange coincidence I may have danced under the nom de guerre "Suspicious Package" in Miami in the late 80s)
But I was questioning things and speculating - as you point out. This is what my teachers told me that the citizens of a republic do in a public forum. I am ill suited to simply waiting for my betters to tell me just what happened at a later date (call it a character flaw if you will). I think your point is that you can't expect logic from a crazy person (bomber) and I see that. But it sure took a lot of logic to: Look up addresses, research postage rates, weigh BSOs, address labels, create BSOs, pack BSOs, etc.
It would BE easy to try a cui prodest approach and speculate about what kind of malefactor did this. I didn't do that. It would be easy link this to my pet issue of the the week with no evidence. I didn't do that. (You know, it sure did take the brutal Jamal Khashoggi murder off of the CNN top headline list right as the audio recording and the bone saw info was coming to light) OK, so I might have done a little of that just now.